Church girl

By wannasuckmydick

52.7K 2.9K 6.1K

Innocent church girl fell in love with a player More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 7

1.8K 113 301
By wannasuckmydick


"Come on smiley you can't be late" my brother said still trying to get me up and I groaned loudly whining after.

"leave me aloneee" I whined pushing his hand off me. "Come on I gotta drop you off"

"i don't wanna go" I muttered keeping my eyes shut.

"You have to. Get up before dad comes" he said causing me to huff.

I rolled out the bed and lazily went to put my clothes on since I showered at night. "Aye who this is you on the phone with ?" Jay asked.

"my friend nika" I said lowly while getting my uniform out.

"That ain't no lil boy right ?" He asked looking over and I shook my head rubbing my eye.

"Alright. I'll be in the car waiting" he said walking out. I got up brushing my teeth and washing my face then put my uniform on and threw on a sweat suit to cover it before grabbing my bag with everything I might need and my phone and charger.

When I walked out I went into the kitchen where my dad was putting breakfast on a plate.

"Goodmorning smiley" he said looking over.

"Morning" I said with a smile giving him a hug like I do most mornings when I'm not upset.

"How did you sleep ?" He asked when I pulled back

"I slept very well" I said rubbing my eyes then I looked around squinting.

"Where's my mommy ?" I asked since she usually gives me a protein shake before all my meets.

"She's sleep beyonce" he said making me frown. "But I need my shake" I said about to go get her.

"No smiley you're about to be late" my dad said grabbing me.

"But- But if I don't get my shake then I may lose the race" I said starting to slightly panic.

"No you won't" he said finishing the plate up and I felt tears coming in my eyes.

"I haven't even told my mom morning or given her a hug" I said frowning deeply.

"You'll be ok beyonce. She'll be here when you get home" he said wiping my tears then picked the plate up.

"Here, I made you some breakfast. Have a good meet and I'll see you later" he said holding the plate out to me.

I kept my frown "I need something on it" I said looking around for a cover.

"If I don't get something it'll waste all over the place and JJ will be upset" I said walking around the kitchen starting to get more upset that I couldn't find anything.

"Here honey" my daddy said starting to put foil over it causing a smile to come on my face.

"Thank you daddy. Have a good day" I said taking the plate before walking away.

I went outside going to my brother car and noticed one of his friends Ben in there so I got in the backseat.

When I got in the car Joseph was playing his music very loud making me flinch putting my hands over my ears.

"JJ please turn it down" I said squeezing my eyes shut.

"Oh shit I'm sorry" he said turning the music down like I asked. "thank you" I said with a small sigh

"What's up smiley" his friend looked back and I gave him a smile.

"Morning Ben" I said waving at him.

"You ready to get first place in that running shit ?" He asked causing my smile to grow as I nodded.

"Yes I'm ready. Can you please not cuss though ?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Yea I got you. My bad" he said dapping me up before turning in his seat.

"You know she don't like that shit nigga" jay said to him and I frowned.


"My bad smiley that shit just slipped out" he said causing my frown to deepen.

"You just cussed again mane" Ben said shaking his head. "Dang, I'm sorry smiley." Jay said glancing back at me.

"it's ok" I said softly looking out the window.

"You ready to run ?" He asked driving off. "Yea but I didn't get my shake from mommy so I might not do well" I said with a slight pout.

"Ma had a argument with dad smiley, she needed some rest" he said and I gasped.

"Oh no, did you give her hugs JJ ?" I asked since I usually give her a hug after her and my dad have an disagreement.

"Yea I gave her hugs. Don't worry about that ok" he said looking back at me and I nodded turning to look out the window.

When we got to the school they both wished me luck and I got out the car heading inside.

"Heyy smiley" all my teammates said waving at me.

"Morning guys" I smiled waving at them also. I went over to where kelly and Michelle was and my smile grew.

"Morning kelly, morning Michelle" I said giving them both hugs before sitting down.

"Goodmorning smiley, you ready for the race ?" Michelle asked.

"Yes I'm very excited. I am a little worried because I didn't get my shake from my mom this morning so I could possible lose" I said with a slight frown.

"You won't lose bey, don't say that" kelly said.

"But it's my good luck shake, I need it to race" I argued back.

"I'm sure you'll do just fine without it" Michelle said rubbing my arm.

"And if you do lose I don't wanna see no tears. It's just a race" kelly said.

"I'm not a baby. You can't tell me not to cry" I said slightly frowning.

They both gave me a look and I hufffed "I'll try to keep my emotions in, I can't promise anything though"

"As long as you try"


"Smiley it's ok" Kelly said rubbing my back and I shook my head continuing to cry.

"I- I lost !"

"Baby you didn't even lose, you came in fourth" Michelle said trying to cheer me up but that made me cry harder.

I'm use to getting first or second. I'm not supposed to lose.

"Here get some water" my coach said trying to give me a cup and I angrily hit it out her hand.

"I don't want it !"

"Smiley apologize" Michelle glared at me while Kelly picked the cup up.

I sniffed wiping my eyes "I'm sorry coach I'm just very upset" I hiccuped drying my face.

"It's ok smiley, I understand" she said and I sniffed again reaching for a hug.

She gave me a hug and we hugged for a little before I pulled back still hiccuping "Stop crying smiley. I'm proud of you" she said with a smile.

"You ran a good race. You kept your endurance up and didn't slow down, the other girls were just a little faster. That's all, they beat you by a few seconds" she told me and I nodded.

"Come on let's go get your metal" she said grabbing my hand and I allowed myself to be taken over to the station still breathing heavily since I just finished the race.

I got the metal put on me and my teammates asked if I wanted to take a picture with it but I just shook my head and waited for kelly and Michelle to get their metals before going with them.

Our team took home a trophy also and I had to get in the picture for that but I wasn't smiling at all. I just wanted to go home.

We walked back to the busses and I put my hoodie on while we walked over there. When we got on I felt my phone vibrate so I picked it up seeing I had a text from nika.

-Goodmorning smiley

-it isn't morning anymore

-You right, good afternoon

-Good afternoon

-how was the meet ?

-I don't really want to talk about it

-what happened ?

-I lost

-Aw, that's ok. As long as
You tried your best

-You'll do better next time

-Yea I guess

-Don't be sad baby

I read her message and couldn't help but to smile at her calling me baby while I typed a response

-I can't help it

-I'll be ok

-I'll make you feel better when I see
you later

-how are you going to do that ?

-I'm taking you to Chuck E. Cheese
remember ?

-I thought you said it's for
little kids

-it is. But I gotta make my baby
feel better so I'll suck it up

I had a huge smile on my face no longer upset about losing the race and Kelly peeked over at my phone.

"awww" she said lowly with a smile.

"She still ain't shit. Y'all cute though" she added after. "Don't cuss kelly" I frowned.

She just waved me off going back to what she was doing. I laid my head down on her shoulder and brought my arms into my hoodie feeling my eyes get heavy.

"Don't fall asleep smiley because you're gonna be upset when we to the school and you have to wake up" Kelly said.

"no i won't" I mumbled.

"Smiley change your shoes" Michelle said looking over. "Here give me you feet" she held her hand out and I turned towards her putting my foot in her lap.

She took my running shoes off and slid my slides on before allowing me to go back how I was.

"thank you" I said softly putting my head back on kelly shoulder.

I ended up falling asleep until I felt myself being shook and I frowned deeply. "Moveeee" I whined pushing the hand off me.

"It's time to go smiley come on" I heard and sighed softly opening my eyes.

I got up and grabbed all my things before slightly limping off the bus. I seen my auntie car and smiled running directly over there.

"Bye smiley I'll see you Monday !" My coach called out waving at me.

"Bye bye ! Have a very nice day !" I smiled waving back at her.

"Smiley you just gone leave without saying bye to us ?!" Michelle said walking over.

"I apologize I'm just sleepy. Bye guys I love you" I said meeting her halfway and hugging her.

"We love you too" Kelly said with a smile as I gave her a hug next.

"Text me when you make it home" Michelle said and I nodded walking to my aunts car getting in the front seat.

"Hi auntie nippy" I smiled hugging her.

"Hello smiley, how was the race ?" She looked over with a smile before driving off.

"I got fourth and it really upset me. I cried again, I'm sorry" I said knowing she wants me to work on my crying.

"It's ok baby. And like I told you before it's always going to somebody that's better than you. That doesn't mean you're not good it just means they're better, you're better than a lot of people and I'm sure they don't cry everytime you beat them" she said.

"Yea but that's because they're use to me beating them auntie, I'm not use to losing" I said still frowning.

"That just means train harder smiley. You missed summer work outs because of your dad so you're not on top of it like last year" she said causing me to sigh.

"It's an easy fix, just train more that's all. See if you still lived with me I would take you on my morning runs with me" she said.

"I can stay on the weekends and we do it" I said with hope "I would really like to improve"

"I'll talk to your parents and we'll get us a schedule, I want you living back with me anyway. Your parents don't understand your autism like I do because they didn't raise you, I did." She said with a attitude in her voice.

"Calm down auntie, mommy and daddy don't treat me bad" I said rubbing her shoulder.

"Your dad treats everybody bad so I know that's a lie" she scoffed.

"He just gets upset sometimes. It's ok, we all do" I said taking up for him. I don't like for anybody to think bad about anyone in my family.

She glanced over giving me a small smile "You're too perfect for this world, you know that ?"

"Nobody's perfect auntie. Especially not me, I have a lot of issues" I slightly frowned.

"No smiley. You're perfect" she said grabbing my hand. "Too perfect for this world" she repeated.

I smiled rubbing my skin on hers and she allowed me to keep holding her hand until we got to her house.

"Now who is this friend you tryna go with ?" She asked as we got out the car.

"Her name is nika, she's very kind to me" I said smiling at the thought of her.

My aunt gave me a look "Does nika happen to act like Robyn baby ?" She question.

"They both like females aunty but Robyn doesn't cuss a lot like nika" I said as we walked up.

"So nika likes girls ?" She questioned and I nodded "Yes. It's not nice to judge though so please don't say anything mean like daddy does"

"Smiley I'm the last person to judge a gay person, believe me" she said and I nodded.

"How does she act with you ?"

"She's very kind to me" I smiled. "And she call me pretty and my smile beautiful" I said blushing at the thought.

"Ouu girl, look like smiley baby got her a crush" she teased poking me as we walked up the long driveway.

"Not on a girl" I shook my head. "Daddy said I'll go to hell, it's abomination. I wouldn't want God upset with me"

"I'm sure God is more than happy with you beyonce. He has no reason to be upset with you, stop always listening to your ignorant father" she waved me off.

"Now does nika know about your autism ?" She asked stopping at the door and I frowned deeply.

"That's not any of her business" I said crossing my arms.

"You don't think she should know ?" She questioned


"Smiley I know you're insecure about your autism but if she knew she could understand you more. A lot of people would understand you more if they knew" she said.

" I don't mind them not understanding me. Last time I was called  a sped student" I said frowning.

"There's nothing wrong with speds" she said.

"I never said that there is anything wrong with them auntie but I wouldn't want to be considered one. I don't have any special education classes I take the hard classes and pass them just like everyone else. I'm just a little weird" I said

"You're not weird baby"

"Nika calls me weird" I said with a shrug.

"She just doesn't understand you. She also doesn't know you have autism" she said giving me a look and I sighed.

"She knows about my anxiety and already started treating me different"

"Bey you only have anxiety because of your autism. It's nothing wrong with it" she said bringing her hand up to rub my cheek but I moved my face.

"I would like to go inside please" I said pointing to the door.

"Smiley don't be upset with me" she said dropping her hand.

"I'm not upset"

"You sure ? I don't like when you give me the silent treatment" she said "I know. I'm not gonna hurt your feelings" I said making her smile.

"I wold like to meet nika. Is she willing to come over here ?" She tilted her head while opening the door.

"I could ask her" I shrugged.

"Call her and ask" She said and I nodded walking inside.

"I'm very sleepy auntie" I said giving her a hint that I want to go to sleep.

She chuckled "Would you like to shower and go to sleep smiley ?"

"Yes please, I also want to call nika while I fall asleep" I said with a smile.

"Smiley I don't wanna be all in your business now, you don't have to ask permission for everything. That's how you're always snitching on yourself" she pointed at me.

I scrunched my face in confusion "Am I not supposed to be on the phone with nika ?"

"Who's nika ?" Liyah said with a grin coming in.

"Nika is my friend, she's very kind" I said "Aww smiley got her a frienddd" she cheesed coming over to poke me.

"Why can't you be on the phone with her ?" She asked. "I don't know" I shrugged.

"Smiley you can call your friend after your shower" auntie said making me smile.

"Mommy why are you still treating her like a child, she doesn't like that" liyah said walking over there.

"Oh no it's fine" I said since I sometimes need guidance. It's just only certain people I like it from.

"Liyah I know beyonce just like I know you and krissy. She needs to be told what to do at times, it's nothing wrong with it" auntie said

I didn't want to be apart of the altercation so I discreetly left out of the room and went up the stairs.

I stopped by krissy room peeking in to see she was still asleep so I closed the door and kept walking to my room.

When I entered I went straight to the showers and bathed the sweat off my body scrubbing my skin some. I washed my face again before getting out the showers and drying off.

I put some comfortable clothes on before getting in the bed. I turned on my phone seeing I had another text from nika.

-I don't like when you ignore me

-I don't do it on purpose

-I know. It's ok

-When do you want me to come
get you ?

-After I take a nap

-Ok. Text me when you wake up

-I would like you to call me


She didn't text back and I looked at the phone for a little biting on my nails.

A minute later I was getting a FaceTime call from her and smiled answering it.

"Hi nika" I said with a huge smile.

"Hey baby, you feeling better ?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes, I got a medal you wanna see it"

"Yea let me see" she said and I got up walking away to get the medal. When I came back I seen it looked like she was talking to somebody but I couldn't hear anything so I knew she was on mute.

I waited until she came off then smiled "Look nika" I said showing her the metal.

"See baby you still won. Why was you so upset ?" She said but I wasn't worried about that.

"Why did you go on mute nika ?" I asked her.

"I was talking to my aunt. She mad at me and shit" she said making me cringe

"Please don't cuss" I said softly

"I'm sorry" she said and I nodded "Are you still sleepy ?" She asked me.

"Yes, I would like for you to stay on the phone with me" I said rubbing my eyes.

"You know I don't mind" she said making me smile as I laid down.

"Night night"

"It's not night smiley"

"Just say it" I huffed while she laughed.

"Night night"


"Really Onika. You gone have me sit in here while you talk to another bitch on the phone" Kayla said with a attitude

"Man that's smiley, it ain't even nothing like that" i waved her off.

"I don't believe you" she said with a mug looking away from me. "See, this what I be talking about when I say you don't trust me" I rolled my eyes.

"You always saying I'm cheating on you. Do you really think that if I was cheating I would be on the phone with you in here ?! Like come on, I'm not stupid" I said and she huffed.

"Well when did you and smiley start talking and stuff?" She asked lowly.

"We met at church. She's a preachers kid, you know damn well she ain't gay" I said while she pouted.

"I'm sorry I just don't like that" she said with a frown. 

"It's alright baby" I said leaning over kissing her. She smiled kissing me back and I laid her down on the bed starting to undress her.

Before we could do something I heard the sound of the front door open and popped up.

"Onikaa !!"

"Oh shit that's my aunt" I quickly moved now afraid. "Hurry up and put your clothes on. Get up" I rushed her.

"i thought you said she worked all day ?!" Kayla whisper yelled.

"i thought she did" I said back while hurrying out the room before my aunt went in there.

"Yes auntie ?" I asked walking up to her.

"What lil girl you got in my house ?" She asked looking over at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ain't no girl up in here" I shook my head.

"Onika get that lil hoe out my house" she said walking past me.

I sighed and went to my room "you gotta go" I told Kayla.

She nodded getting up "I'll see you later" she said coming over wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"I love you" she said softly looking into my eyes.

"Love you too"  I said giving her a fake smile and a kiss after.

She walked out the room rushing out the door because she know my aunt is crazy.

"Onika I done told you about having them hoes up in my damn house !!" She yelled at me. 

"I'm sorry auntie. She was only here for a little" I said.

"Mhm" I heard her hum.

"Can I still go out with my friend ? Please ?" I asked her "Who is this friend ?" She asked coming over to my door.

"Do soso know her ? Because I can just ask her" she said and I smacked my lips "She be telling you my business ?"

"Who is the friend onika"

"Her name is smiley" I said watching as a surprised look came on her face.

"Smiley the preachers daughter ?" She asked.

"Yea" I nodded.

"Yes" she smiled patting my shoulders. "You go and get to know that girl, be real nice to her too" she pointed at me.

"I already am nice to her. She says I'm 'very kind'" I quoted her with a smile.

"You like her ?" My aunt tilted her head with a smile.

I looked down at the ground smiling "ion know man" I shrugged "She just different. I be doing stuff with her I ain't never did"

"Like what ?" My aunt asked squinting her eyes.

"Not no nasty stuff auntie" I said and she scoffed.

"Yea I know that, you said stuff you ain't neva did. Ya lil nasty ass always sticking yo thing in somebody, I told Kay it's gone fall right on off"

"No it's not ! I wear a condom with everybody. I never went raw, I'm basically a virgin" I argued.

"You basically a damn lie" she said back. "You aint no virgin, it still count so don't go out there telling no lil girl that. Definitely don't go tell smiley that"

"I ain't thinking about doing all that with her" I lied looking away from her.

"What's yo intentions with smiley ?" She asked.

"Ion know. She fine" I shrugged. "I like fine females"

"So you just tryna bump and dump ?" She asked me.

I sat there for a few seconds really thinking about it. "Nah I don't think I wanna do that"

"I care about smiley, i like her company and shit. I told you she got me doing stuff I ain't never did" I muttered.

"Things like what ?" She asked.

"Like I ain't never stayed on the phone forreal. She got me calling her and staying on the phone for hours, she even call me just to go to sleep and I stay on the phone. I be on the phone with this girl all day and if we not on the phone we texting. I usually don't like holding a conversation with females but I like talking to her" I said looking over at my phone with a smile.

"I also just act different with her. I don't know she's just different so I act different" I shrugged.

"I think you like her"

I rolled my eyes "It's nothing like that. I just like her company" I said.

"Nicki it's ok to like somebody. If you like her company then you like her, you better do something about it too"

I just sighed "First I need to see if she like me"

She looked at me and smirked "Alright. Clean this room before you leave" she said walking out.

I smiled standing up and began to clean.


"She just wants to meet you I guess. Are you ok with it ?" Smiley said over the phone while I went through my messages muting all the girls and hiding all things in my gallery i don't want her seeing.

"It's yo momma ?" I asked and she huffed. "Nika you aren't listening to me" she said sounding frustrated.

"I'm sorry baby" I apologized putting all my attention in her.

"its my auntie nika i said it several times" she said softly and that's how I knew I was upsetting her because her tone changed.

"Ok pretty, I'm on the way" I said starting my car.

"Tell the gate people your name when you pull up and they'll let you in" she said making my face scrunch.

Gate people ? Where the hell she live ?

"Ok smiley. Are you done getting ready ?" I asked her. "No not yet" she said making me chuckle.

"Well go finish baby and I'll see you when I get there" I told her.

"Ok. And nika guess what" she said as I was about to hang up.

"What baby ?" I asked driving off.

"I got my new glasses. Would you like to see them when you get here ?" She said making me chuckle.

"I'm gonna see them either way smiley"

"Yea but would you like to ?"

"I would love to" I said "Ok ! Bye bye !" She smiled before hanging up.

While I was driving I stopped and got me some snacks because I have the munchies then drove the rest of the way.

I don't know why this girl auntie live so damn far.

When I pulled up I seen a big ass house and my eyes went wide. Ain't no way this smiley auntie house.

I drove up to the gate and let the window down. "It's nika" I said to the man.

He looked me up and down before signaling for the gate to be opened. I drove up and sat in the car calling beyonce.

"Hello" she said answering the phone with her new glasses on and I smiled at the sight of her.

"I'm outside this big ass house baby, am I at the right place ?" I said.

"Can you please not cuss"

"Am I at the right house or no beyonce ?" I asked ignoring what she just said.

"Yes, just go knock on the door and my auntie will let  you in" she said. I nodded before getting out the car stretching some.

I walked all the way over to the door and knocked on it before waiting. After a minute beyonce sister opened the door.

"Unt un. I know you ain't the girl beyonce hanging out with" she said looking me up and down.

"Damn what's wrong with me ?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

She smacked her lips "Now you know just like I know that you a hoe. Don't act confused."

"Man I ain't no hoe" I smacked my lips.

After that she squinted her eyes "Didn't we talk before ?" She asked.

"Nah you said you don't like girls remember ?" I tilted my head. "Ok but you tried, still a hoe."

"Man that shit don't count" I waved her off.

"Beyonce doesn't like cussing. My mother doesn't either" she said and I took note that her mom don't like it.

"You bet not hurt my sister. And I'm not playing" she said letting me in.

"I don't want to hurt her" I responded.

"Mhm" she hummed.

A couple seconds  later I heard fast footsteps then beyonce was zooming in. "Hi nika !" She said jumping on me making me stumble.

"Hi baby" I smiled wrapping my arms around her.

"I missed you a lot" she said shyly as she pulled back. "I missed you too pretty, I been waiting to see you all day" I said wiping crust off her eye.

"I apologize but we can't go to Chuck E. Cheese anymore. Auntie says she wants to get to know you more before she allows me to just go places with you" she told me.

I was kind of upset that we couldn't but just shook it off "It's fine. She mind if I chill here ?"

"No I do not mind" I heard a lady response making me look over gasping and freezing in place when I did.

This is fucking Whitney Houston

"U-Umm,h-hey hello" I nervously said to its a smile wiping my sweaty hands on my pants.

"Hello, I'm Whitney it's nice to meet you" she said holding her hand out to shake my hand.

"I'm Onika" I said quickly giving her my hand and she shook it with a smile.

"Onika, I would like to speak with you" she said gesturing for me to walk with her.

I followed her walking away and she looked back "No smiley. Stay with liyah" she said pointing over there.

"I would like to be apart of the conversation also" smiley frowned crossing her arms.

"Just me and nika. She'll spend the rest of the time with you after" she said and smiley sighed walking away.

She took me away from everybody then turned to me looking me up and down.

"Why are you spending your time with smiley ?"

"What ?" I asked not expecting that question "I didn't stutter onika. What do you want with my niece ?"

"I just like her company" I said.

"So you just want her company ?" She raised a eyebrow.

"No it's not like that" I shook my head "I don't know know how to explain it" I said after.

"Mm, well you just expect me to allow my fragile niece to go out with you and you don't even know how you feel about her ?" She asked.

"No I understand why we can't go" I said.

"Mmhmm.. Listen if you like my niece then you need to make sure you treat her right. I don't play about my baby" she said in a lower and more stern tone.

"You don't have to worry about that. I love seeing smiley happy" I told her. 

"Good. Because if you hurt her I'm going to whoop that ass" she said giving me a smile after.

"And I ain't talking belt to ass I'm talking fist to face" she said still smiling which kind of threw me off.

How she smiling while threatening me ?

"Auntie I would like to please talk to nika now. She's my guest not yours" I heard beyonce say causing me to chuckle some.

"Go ahead before she gets all mad" she said waving me off.

I nodded walking away and went over to beyonce. "Look do you see" she pointed at her glasses with a smile.

"Yes I see. They are very pretty for a very pretty girl" I smiled fixing them so they weren't crooked.

"thank you" she said softly while blushing.

I heard somebody clear they throat and we both looked over at aaliyah.

"Smiley, why don't you introduce ya sister to your new friend" she said walking closer.

She leaned in saying something in her ear and beyonce giggled some pulling back "Yea" she said nodding.

"Oooohhhh, Okayyy" Aaliyah responded then looked over glaring at me.

"I'm watching you" she said pointing at me.

"come on let's go to my room" beyonce said grabbing my hand. I followed her up the stairs through the long halls until we came to a door.

When we entered I looked around seeing she had a section full of metas and trophies and I was impressed as hell.

"What you get all those in ?" I asked pointing over to them.

"Well I've played a lot of sports in my lifetime so I won a lot of awards. I swim very fast so I have all my swim awards right there, all my basketball trophies are right there, soccer, golf, tennis, I don't really have many in those as you see" she said pointing to them.

"Softball I still play sometimes but it's not my best so I only have one, gymnastics I still do and I'm very good so I have those. and I am very fast so I have a lot of track metals and trophies" she said showing me everything.

"You do gymnastics so you like flexible and shit right ?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Yes I'm quite flexible" she said coming closer.

"Let me see something" I said starting to smile. "Ok" she said walking backwards.

"What do you wanna see ?" She asked.

"Do some flexible stuff" I said and she went in thought.

"Ok" she said with a smile after some seconds and I perked up with a smirk.

She started to do it then knocks came on the door making me smack my lips swinging at the air.

"Who is it ?!" Beyonce asked while she walked over to the door.

"Mommy said you guys can go ahead and go out" I heard as she opened it.

Beyonce gasped "Really ?! You talked to her ?" She asked with a smile.

"Yea but she want you back by twelve" Aaliyah said making me smile.

"Ok ! Come on nika we can go do something fun" beyonce said reaching over for my hand.

I took her hand and we walked out going all the way down the stairs "Be back before twelve smiley" her aunt said as we headed to the door.

"I will" beyonce said back "Come here so I can give you some money" her aunt said and beyonce let go of my hand walking away.

I waited there for little until she came back "ok I'm ready" she said with a smile and we walked out.

We went all the way to my car getting in then I left "So where you tryna go to ? You still wanna go to Chuck E. Cheese ?" I asked her.

"Yes I would like to go there" she nodded

I nodded turning the radio up some then reached over for her hand. She smiled grabbing my hand and started playing with my rings.

"You hungry ?" I asked her.

"Yes but they have food at Chuck E. Cheese nika" she said making my face scrunch "You want that nasty shit ?"

She sighed pushing her glasses up on her face then looking away from me beginning to toy with her ear.

"I'm sorry pretty, I'll work on my language" I said noticing I was upsetting her.

"thank you" she said quietly.

"Ok now look at me " I said gently grabbing her chin and turning her head to look at me.

"You forgive me ?" I asked and she nodded "yes"

I glanced away from the road at her and grabbed her hand "hold my hand" I told her softly.

She grabbed my hand and started back playing with my rings. I smiled a little putting all my attention back on the road.

When we finally got to the Chuck E. Cheese beyonce had fallen asleep and I gently shook her awake.

"Come on beyonce, we here" I told her. She sat up and took her glasses off rubbing her eyes.

"Come on its time to have fun" I said getting out the car and she got out after without her glasses on and closed the door.

She put her glasses on while walking up to me and I fixed them so they weren't crooked anymore. "Now you don't look like a nerd smiley" I told her.

"I don't mind looking like a nerd" she shrugged.

"I know, come on weirdo" I chuckled grabbing her hand. We walked inside the building and got stamped before I went to get all the tokens.

"Nika this is so we don't get taken from eachother" beyonce said onside of me talking about the stamp while I grabbed the tokens.

"Yea I know smiley, now you can't escape me" I said giving her the tokens.

"That's fine, come over here let's play the basketball battle" she said dragging me over to a game already.

I went over there and she put the tokens in both slots pressing all the information for both of them also.

"Get your ball and you have to step back when your shoot ok ?" She told me. "If you don't step back it's because you suck" she said after making me laugh.

"Ok baby" I agreed.

"Ok start" she said pressing the start on both of them. I watched her grab her ball them quickly step back shooting the shot making it then went up grabbing another one doing the same thing all over again.

"Damn" I said knowing I can't do that.

I went up grabbing the ball and stepped back shooting it. I made it then did it again only to miss it.

We kept going until the timer went out and she won making her smile jumping.

"I won nika ! You lost because you suck" she said pointing at me and all I could do was laugh.

She really mean on the low.

"Let's go play something else" I said walking away.

"Let's get on the motorcycles and race" I said pointing over there.

She ran over there while I trailed behind. By time I it over there all I needed to do was press start.

"Hurry up" she said waving me over.

I walked over getting on the motorcycle "You picked my ride for me ?" I asked her.

"Yes but I made it your favorite color so you like it, I'm sorry" she said.

"Don't say sorry it's ok. What color did you make it ?" I asked. "It's your favorite color pink" she said making me smile.

"How you know that's my favorite color ?" I asked her.

"You always have something pink on, and your backpack is pink, and your phone case, and the inside decorations on your car"

"Oh I guess you pay attention" I said and she nodded "I pay attention because I like you"

I smiled brightly not knowing why hearing this made me so happy. She probably don't even mean it like that.

"I like you too smiley" I told her and she smiled turning away from me.

"Press start nika"

We both pressed start and the race counted off before starting. I zoomed all the way to the front battling with this one other motorcycle to get in front of it.

I looked over seeing smiley was at the end and laughed some while I was about to win. I stayed in front until the race was over and smiled.

"Yesssirr ! I won, and you suck" I said pointing at her.

"You suck at basketball so I don't even care" she shrugged. "Basketball the only thing you can beat me in" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"It's not good to lie nika"

"How much you wanna bet ?" I asked her.

"Twenty dollars" she said back.

"Bet"' I held out my hand and she shook it. For the rest of the time we played everything in competition to see who was better. I would mess with her while she played to get her to mess up but it didn't really work.

In the end she ended up winning most things and I had to give her twenty dollars.

"It's ok next time just don't be cocky because I'm good at everything" she said while I gave it to her and I laughed some.

"You right I learned my lesson" I said walking closer to her. "i enjoyed playing the games with you tonight" she told me lowly.

"i enjoyed playing games with you too... let me take you out to eat" I said.

"You don't want the pizza they have here ?" She asked pointing over to it.

"No I wanna take you out to eat" I said. "Ok but we won't have time to stay long because I have to be home before twelve"

"Well I'll just stop somewhere and we can eat and drive" I said. "Ok" she said smiling.

"Before we leave can I get something with my tickets?" She asked me.

"Go ahead, here use mine too" I said giving her mine and she smiled hugging me quickly before going to cash them in.

I waited by the exit until she was done and she came over with two rug rats teddy bears one chunky and one Susie.

"I had enough for two and I wanted you to have something too" she said giving me Susie.

"Aww thank you baby" I said giving her a hug. I trailed my hands down her back fighting the urge to touch her butt.

"Come on it's getting late" I said pulling back and we left out going to the car.

She said she wanted some chicken so I took her to get some then began to head back to her aunt house.

While driving we got caught in some heavy traffic and it began to rain "it's good we didn't go to a restaurant. You would've missed your curfew" I said seeing the traffic wasn't moving.

"At least I get to stay with you longer" she said with a smiled looking over at me. "I like being with you"

"I like being with you too" I said interlocking my fingers with her.

I looked down at our hand then looked over wanting badly to kiss her. "you're very attractive" she told me quietly.

I smiled "You're very beautiful"

She smiled looking away and I kept looking at her. "Have you ever been in a relationship smiley ?" I asked her.

"Well I tried but it didn't really work. Have you ?" She asked me and I chuckled "Nah, I don't really do relationships"

"Why don't you do relationships ?" She asked tilting her head. "I just don't got time for all that" I said shrugging.

"Are they complicated ?" She asked me. "They hella complicated" I said.

"My sister said it's only complicated when you don't like the person" she said. I stayed quiet laughing a little.

"Have you ever found somebody that you actually like ?" She asked me.

I kept looking at the road for a little while then looked st her "i think so" I said softly.

"Well you should tell her how you feel and maybe you'll start to do relationships" she said with a shrug.

"What if the girl don't like me?" I asked looking over at her.

"I don't see why she wouldn't like you..... i like you" she whispered the second part.

I stared at her for some seconds trying to figure out if I heard her say that right and when she noticed I was staring she looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that ?" She asked scrunching her face.

"Do you do relationships ?" I asked her.

"I've never been in one really" she shrugged. "Would you get in one ?" I asked.

"depends on how i feel about the person" she said.

I nodded looking at her still "why do you keep staring at me ?" She asked.

"Can I kiss you ?"

She looked at me surprised "You want to kiss me ?" She asked and I nodded.

"Why ?" She asked.

"because i like you" I responded softly.

She looked at me and nodded slowly while leaning in. I started leaning in also and put my lips on hers.

I gently grabbed her chin taking over the kiss allowing her to get the hang of it. When she did I slowly added in tongue and she pulled back a little looking at me. I glanced up at her then slowly leaned back in putting my lips on hers and she kissed back this time allowing me to enter my tongue. We kissed until she was comfortable with it and knew what she was doing. I leaned over more deepening the kiss gently running my hand up and down her neck while my tongue explored her mouth.

The sound of car honks brought us apart and I looked over seeing it was a open space infront of us for us to go.

I drove off while beyonce looked down blushing. I placed my hand on her leg for the rest of the ride and she had her hand on top of mine.

When we got to her aunts house she looked over at me with a smile. "I enjoyed being with you, I had fun"

"I had fun too. I'll can you when I get home alright" I said and she nodded.

"Drive safe ok"'she said while opening the door.

"Ok, bye baby" I waved at her.

"Bye bye" she smiled closing the door before walking away.

I stayed to make sure she got in the house the drove away with a smile on my face from the events that just happened.

I like smiley

How was y'all day ?

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