The Other Side // Z.M.

By AllCanChange

590 16 0

"How are you feeling today, Alexis ?" "Better." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 29

8 0 0
By AllCanChange

Zayn is getting out today. He is fucking getting out. After only a little bit more than a month.

He is my hero.

Let me do you a small wrap-up of everything that happened lately. I've been spending all my time in Bradford, my Mom is mad as fuck, I've spent many days in the Malik's house - helping around and hanging out with Waliyha -, spent some time with Mark and I went to see Zayn a couple of times.

Talking about Zayn... I don't know what we are. I tried to ask Louis for his opinion, but he was so wasted that it doesn't count. While he was in the center, we became closer. I can't even tell you how we managed to do that, it's just... Simple gestures. Holding hands, kissing on the cheek. Those kind of things. It's stressing me out a bit to know he'll be out today, I don't know how we are going to evolve.

I was sitting on the couch next to Waliyha, when her mother came from upstairs.

"Okay, I'm leaving girls. Alexis, I was wondering..." Mrs Malik started. "Would you like to come with me ?"

"Of course she wants to !" Waliyha exclaimed with a laugh, while I was standing still, surprised of the proposition. She pushed my ass to get me to stand up. "Zayn will love to see you there." And she winked at me. Before really getting what was happening, I was sitting next to Zayn's mother in the car and we were heading towards Wolverhampton.


It took so fucking long before we finally arrived. I couldn't stop moving, I was way too stressed and everything. When the engines finally shut down, I rushed out of the car and ran up to Zayn. He was standing at the top of the stairs, I almost fell a couple times before getting to him. I jumped in his arms and he wrapped them around my waist. "Told you I was coming to get you..." I whispered in his ear and he laughed. Oh God, his laugh was so incredible, it was burning my heart. Heart that was beating so fast after he kissed my cheek. I was surely turning red.

I stayed in his arms for a while, before finally stepping away. I needed to control myself a little bit more. The moment I stepped away was the moment Zayn saw his mother. He ran up to her and I need to say that even my cold heart crushed at the sight of them. He was holding her so tight and she was crying in the crook of his neck.

I looked away while they were having their moment, seeing Dr. Jefferson to my right. He smiled at me and I did the same.

"I'm glad you have each other." He told me and I looked to the ground. Damn it, I was becoming a real girl. All shy and blushing. Shit.

Zayn came back to us after a moment and shook Dr. Jefferson's hand. "Thank you." he simply said and, by the tone of his voice, everyone could know that he was sincere.

"In the car kiddos !" Zayn's mother said and he laughed. I walked down a few steps before waiting for him to join me. And, as soon as he was by my side, I intertwined our fingers. I was just feeling like it.

I sat on the backseat, thinking that Zayn would like to be next to his mother. But he went next to me. A smile made its way up to my lips and I laid my head on his shoulder.

While getting back to Bradford, I was half-sleeping. The night had been short, I was overthinking way too much. Thinking, again and again. Zayn was humming softly the songs from the radio, it wasn't helping me to stay awake. I think I really fell asleep at some point, because the ride seemed pretty short.

When the car stopped in the driveway, Waliyha was already outside on the phone. And, when she saw her brother, the smile she had on her face made it seemed like it was the best day of her life. She hung up and both brother and sister ran to each other. She jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. Their mother was looking at them with tears in her eyes. She gave me a smile before going inside. Where we all ended up after a while.

Waliyha leaded us to the living room and, by the look she gave me - raising an eyebrow and pulling her tongue out to me - I knew that I was more than welcome to stay. In fact, she would have probably dragged me back inside if I would have left.

Zayn sat on the couch, I did the same. We were close, so fucking close... Our hands were connected, it was perfect. Waliyha had her head on his lap while we were watching TV. Their mother joined us and we all ate here. From time to time, I found myself staring at Zayn with the corner of my eyes. He was smiling, and laughing. I couldn't help but to feel happy too.


"Hey, what's happening in here kiddos ?"

I quickly opened my eyes, almost having an heart attack. But there was nothing to freak out about. Just Doniya entering the house and Zayn running toward her. Waliyha wiped her eyes, probably still trying to figure out how the fuck we found ourselves to sleep on the couch.

I was so tired that, while they were having their little brother-sister time, I fell back asleep. How did it happened ? I don't fucking know. Well, I didn't slept for long. But, when I woke up, I found the three Malik staring right at me, the two girls smiling like crazy. And Zayn... Zayn just looked so perfect and the way he was looking at me made my heart stop.

Zayn's sisters walked out of the room, I'm sure Waliyha put Doniya on her side for matching us together. So we were alone in the living room and he walked up to the couch. Oh God, he was looking like a fucking angel.

"Hi..." I quietly said, before laying back down and putting my head on his lap, face facing his chest.

"Hi... You had a great night ?" He asked me and I nodded. Holy shit, I didn't had a night good like that since the time I went to see him in the center. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the only place I was able to get to. His stomach. He laughed and I just hided my face further away. I stayed like this for a while, until I heard steps coming into the room. I turned around to see Mrs Malik with a plate full of food. We both thanked her before starting to eat. It seriously was awesomely good. That woman was quite chef. I stared at Zayn as he was eating and I couldn't help but smile. God, he was so beautiful and so strong.


It's only by the end of the afternoon that I realized that, once again, we had done totally nothing with our lives. And that I fucking needed to take a shower. But I didn't wanted to invade the house more than I already was. As I was having those thoughts, Waliyha moved a bit next to me before asking something.

"Mom, have you told Zayn ?"

"Told me what ?" He asked, turning to be facing his mother. She was smiling, like she was so proud of herself. Hey, I was proud of myself too. She told me what it was and I kept my mouth shut about it. Well, I almost told Zayn once or twice, but I'm sure he has no clue about what it is.

"We're going on vacation. I'm taking you and the girls in Ireland."

"You didn't have to do that..." His voice was shaking with emotions and I could see Doniya bitting her lips not to cry.

"I wanted to Zayn."

He got up from the couch and went to hug his mother really tight. I couldn't help but think that I would have loved to have a family like theirs. Yeah, they were having troubles, losses and all the bad stuff, but they love each other. That was something I never experienced.

They were making me dream with their strength and their love.


I walked out of Zayn's bathroom after being in there for almost half an hour. We were alone in the living room when I told him that I should maybe leave. He asked me why and I said that I needed a shower. He laughed and dragged me upstairs. He told me to use his, that he didn't minded and that I could even borrow him some clothes if I wanted to.

Oh God, if he only knew how much I wanted to...

It was pretty late, I was stepping out of the bathroom wearing Zayn's sweatpants and t-shirt. He was laying on his bed, arms crossed behind his head.

"Come here..." He said and he surely didn't had to say it twice. I jumped on the bed, making him laugh. I laid by his side and I stared at his face while he was slowly falling asleep.

When I was sure he was long gone, I approached my head from his, leaning in to softly place a kiss on his lips.


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