The One Who Came


128K 4.8K 482

Alpha Ivan Black is tired of waiting for his mate. He has spent 8 long years in the midst of loneliness which... Еще

Chapters in order
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 55

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After the unsettling press conference, the Council members, joined by Karter and Ivan, gathered to discuss their next steps. Plates of appetizers and drinks were served as stacks of documents and files adorned the table.

Zev Hollander, a Council member, broached the topic on everyone's minds. "Now that we know the intentions and the person behind the attacks, what should we do?" Tension hung heavy in the air as the reality of their world plunging into chaos became apparent. Karter finished his ice-cold glass of water and leaned in to speak softly.

"Why did he claim to have personal experience dealing with the Council? Have we received any complaints or reports from anyone named Cruxius or Uriel? They seemed to have a close connection." Raine furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

"I can't recall anything related to this man. While we have received numerous rogue attack complaints over the years, we've been actively addressing them," he replied, taking a sip of his iced tea.

"Could it be from before your time in power?" Rita chimed in, making a plausible suggestion that resonated with everyone.

Raine motioned to Sana, who stood by his side. "Find someone who's reliable and available to search our archives for information about this man named Cruxius and Uriel. If you can't find anything, bring every major rogue attack complaint we've received in the last 20 years."

"We must prepare for war." Ivan declared, catching everyone off guard.

"What ar-" Rita began, but was swiftly interrupted.

"I'm sure we can't ignore the fact that he might act on his threats. He's challenged not just us, but every pack worldwide. As he mentioned, we need to prepare our best because he will do the same. There's no doubt about his intentions, and if you think we can somehow convince him to abandon plans he's been preparing for years, you need to reconsider. However, if the Council ultimately decides to 'negotiate' with this man... our pack won't be part of it. We've already suffered too much to simply smooth things over with him; my conscience won't allow it." Ivan's words left everyone in shock. They hadn't expected such a frank and bold statement, especially in front of the Council.

'I'm sorry for not discussing it with you first, Karter. But I won't back down on this. It's crucial for our pack's well-being and our future.' Ivan communicated through their mind link, gently squeezing Karter's hand under the table.

'No, you're absolutely right. We need to take a resolute approach and convey our intentions.' Karter responded with a smile, reciprocating the reassuring squeeze.

"I will consider your perspective, Alpha Ivan. I'm certain many other packs share your sentiment as well. We'll make a decision tomorrow. For now, please return and get some rest. I'm sure you'd like to contact your pack. We have calls to make as well." Raine said, and one by one, everyone followed him out of the room.


After returning from the meeting, Ivan was engulfed in a whirlwind of phone calls and discussions about the press conference.

"Alpha, it's insane out there. All the news channels are playing that clip on repeat, and people are starting to buy into that guy's narrative. It's pure chaos." Alex reported, his voice was competing with the continuous ringing of phones in the background.

"We're being flooded with calls from neighboring packs, and they're all asking the same question: What's our plan?" Ivan sighed, fatigued, as he rubbed his tired eyes. Leading one of the most influential packs meant everyone was eagerly awaiting their response, particularly now that Karter's extraordinary abilities were revealed to the world.

"I get it. The Council is trying to make a decision and issue a statement as soon as possible. We'll be back home by tomorrow night, but in the meantime, focus on managing the situation. Assure anyone who calls that we won't be siding with Cruxius and his twisted logic. We'll have a clear answer within two days." Ivan explained as he analyzed the documents Raine had sent over only an hour ago. These documents contained valuable insights into the world's most influential packs, shedding light on the council meeting tomorrow.

"Understood." Alex fell silent for a moment, and Ivan could hear the muffled voices of pack members on the other end. "Alright, Luna William wanted to remind everyone to travel safely and not to rush back just because of the conference. He stressed the importance of prioritizing your lives. And Mrs. Starr suggested visiting her house once you're back." Alex's patience seemed to wear thin due to the growing crowd in his office, and he hung up before Ivan could respond.

Ivan shook his head in frustration at the chaos back home and set the phone aside. Karter, who had been sound asleep for two hours, completely still from exhaustion, began to stir. Ivan sat down beside his mate and reached out to gently run his fingers through Karter's disheveled hair. Nicholas sensed a sudden surge of discomfort emanating from Karter, which wasn't unusual, as it often happened in the case of unsettling dreams. However, what truly concerned Nicholas was when Karter suddenly sat up with an expression of fear, as if he had just emerged from a harrowing experience. Ivan tensed when he saw the dreadful expression on his mate's face. With anticipation, he waited for Karter to speak. 

"I know... what he said in my dreams..." Karter mumbled, his voice shaky, as he began rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. "I-I don't kn-" His words got choked up by his sobs, and his body started shaking.

Ivan immediately moved to sit closer and pulled him onto his lap. The Omega buried his face in Ivan's shoulder and let out heart-wrenching sobs. Ivan gently rubbed his back, his heart racing as he watched his mate's emotional turmoil.

"Shhh, it's okay. What happened, baby? Tell me. I'm right here with you," Ivan whispered soothingly, continuing to hold Karter tight. He cursed Cruxius once more for causing his mate such anguish and found it unbearable to witness Karter in this state.

"He-he called..." Karter's sobs interrupted his speech, but he vividly recalled the moment he had fallen asleep right after the meeting.


He was standing in the same darkness he felt whenever he touched someone to see a vision. But he wasn't looking for a vision this time, so why was he in this place again? Karter's thoughts came to a halt when he realized the possibility, and he gasped. 'Did it have something to do-'

"We finally meet at last. It's been long overdue, don't you think?" The man from his visions, who declared war on the people just hours ago, appeared behind him. Cruxius was sitting in a chair behind a desk, which had another chair in front of it. 

'Where did that come from? No...where did he come from?' 

Karter carefully approached the chair opposite the man when he was prompted to sit down. The man's large and bulging arms were folded to his chest, and his foot rested on his knee. Clad in black, shapeless clothing, he truly looked like a villain from a horror movie.

"Who are you? What do you wan?" Karter asked but was interrupted when the man rolled his eyes. 

"Oh, please, not that again. Let's skip the tedious introductions and discussions of my abilities. Your thoughts are an open book." He smirked at the unasked question Karter was thinking about. Karter pressed his lips together at the blatant display of indifference this man was exhibiting. Karter frowned and glared up at him. Again, for some reason, he felt like this man would not harm him. Well, not yet, anyway. Cruxius looked at the glare and burst out laughing. He genuinely looked happy, and Karter couldn't help but feel incredulous.

"Wow, your reactions are still the same as I remember." Karter's eyes widened, and his mind was racing with the possibility of ever meeting this man. The Omega clenched his hands tighter and tried his best not to show any hesitation. Was it possible he manipulated his memories? 

"I don't know you. We have never met before." Karter stated in his best confident voice, but there was this nagging in the back of his head that wouldn't go away. He couldn't believe he felt some kind of familiar fondness for this man. He felt disgusted with himself. The man smiled after seeing his face and placed his hands on the table. 

"You don't remember me yet, but you will soon enough. I'm in no hurry, as you can see." Karter blinked as two tea cups and a pot full of tea conjured from thin air. The man looked poised, pouring tea for himself and Karter. He offered Karter the cup, but the Omega made no move for it. Karter considered what instructions Ivan might have given him at this moment and kept his gaze fixed on Cruxius. The man shrugged and took a sip, smiling at the floral fragrance rising from the cup.

A sudden wave of nostalgia hit Karter in the stomach, and he felt queasy. All of a sudden, a powerful urge to scream and cry overwhelmed him, and he couldn't fathom why. What was it about this man that brought forth such intense emotions? Exhaustion and frustration gripped him as he grappled with a profound sense of confusion about his own identity and purpose. He yearned to surrender, to plead with someone to shed light on the mysteries he couldn't decipher. Despite the tears welling up in his bloodshot eyes, he fought to keep them at bay, but the compulsion to seek answers was too strong to resist.

"Please.....tell me." Karter whispered, his façade of confidence crumbling. His hands trembled, and his heart raced.

"You want to know who I am, and... why do you feel as if you know me?"


"Come to my side, Karter. Despite my better judgment, I have personally come to ask you about your decision." The man smiled and put his cup down.

"What side? What do you even want?!" Karter yelled and slammed his hands on the table, now done with this back-and-forth of not getting anywhere. His frustration boiled over, and he couldn't bear the ambiguity any longer.

"I believe you've always had a keen mind, Karter, and I'm sure you've noticed my intentions. What I want is to remove those rogues from our world. I've come to realize that our world can be a better place without them. And as the one responsible for preserving the well-being of this world, I've made my choice. Now, it's up to you. You can choose to stand by my side, or you can decide to oppose me. The decision is entirely and always yours." He spoke calmly, his gaze fixed on Karter as if trying to make sure he understood every word.

Karter was at a loss for words. He couldn't think of anything to say as he watched this man, with his imposing but soothing aura, relaxing Karter. His mind was in turmoil as he considered the enormity of the decision before him.

"I don't...want that. If rouges are your target, why did you kill those innocent people who had nothing to do with this?"

"It was collateral damage, my dear. You must understand."

"No." Karter cut him off sharply. "I will not side with anyone who is so at ease killing innocent people, my people, for his gain. I may not know everything, but I know that no matter the reason, I will never be selfish enough to disregard life, innocent or not." He declared and saw the man nodding his head. 

"I knew it." Cruxius stood suddenly, his eyes closed and his face showing.... disappointment and sadness? "I just wanted to put my doubts to rest. I will see you soon."

The man disappeared and reappeared at Karter's side. He gently held Karter's face, planting a tender kiss on the side of his head. Sudden warmth spread in his chest, and tears welled up in Karter's eyes as the man rested his head against his.

"This is the last time I see you as my brother, K. The next time we meet, I, Cruxius, will be your enemy."

"So long, brother."

And there he was again, left with nothing but a whisper of a painful past he didn't remember.


Ivan was seething as Karter recited his encounter with his brother. It made sense now that he was so powerful and beyond everyone's imagination. Cruxius, as Karter told him, had been more intimidating and powerful than anyone he had ever seen. To think that he would personally ask Karter to join him was astounding, but it showed that he still cared for his brother. He did, at least. Now he was sure there was no deterring him from his plans, as he had cast Karter aside for his motive.

"I can't believe it. I would have never imagined that he was your brother; you two are so different. I'm sorry, Kar. You must know that you are nothing like him. Don't doubt yourself because of his decisions." Ivan was horrified to learn that someone as ruthless as Cruxius could be related to his sweet and gentle mate. He knew Karter would now be vulnerable to thoughts of self-doubt and hatred toward himself. He had to do something about it.

Karter watched Ivan stood and allowed him to help him up as well. 

"What do you think about letting Percy take over for you for a little while and rest? Nic wants to see him too." Ivan explained and dropped his gaze to his frightened mate. 

"He would like that." Karter said in a low whispery voice.

Just as he finished talking, the color of Karter's eyes became a little lighter, and that is how Ivan knew Percy came forward. Ivan let Nicholas take control as well, which made both his hearing and sight slightly muffled. 

"Mi amor." Nic's voice was detectably lower.

"Hey you." Percy cheekily said as he raised his tip-toes to drape his arms around Nic's neck. 

The Alpha gave his mate a chaste kiss.

"You okay?" Nic said with a hint of worry in his voice. 

"I'm trying to be but... all of this is quite scary." Percy placed his cheek on Nic's chest as Nic squeezed Percy's waist tightly. "Lucky for me, this time, Karter's worrying for both of us. Usually, it's me busting his ears with complaints and whines." Percy looked up at Nic with his chin pressed to Nic's hard chest. 

"I think they will be fine." Nic murmured and leaned down to gently press his lips to Percy's. He dug his fingers into Percy's hips and hoisted him up so he could easily wrap his legs around Nic.

"You should be careful with that, honey. You didn't get clear from the doctor." Percy hoarsely said after he pulled away, and presented his neck to his mate. 

"You hardly weigh 3 pounds." Nic growled, and Percy sensed the tightness in his voice at the mention of his health. 

"You know you are gonna get better right?" Percy lightly pushed Nic away to look him in the eyes. 

"I know that." Nic replied in a genuine tone but with a hint of concern. "It's just Ivan struggling with this. We are both proud but he's way more protective of his family and pack." Nic landed his forehead on Percy's collarbone and breathed him in. "When all of this is over," Percy's perked up at his mischievous tone.

"When it's over?" Percy drawled as his fingers ran through Nic's dark hair.

 "I'll take you far away, far from all of the problems, and not let you leave my sight." Nic licked the column of Percy's neck, which made the Omega whimper beautifully.

"What else?" Percy asked breathlessly. 

"I'll lock you up in a room, chain you to the bed. I'll come and go whenever I want to use your little body. You'll always be leaking of me, my scent will reek off you for weeks but you'll always beg me for more." Percy's body was shaking with arousal by the end.

"You are very presumptuous, Oh Alpha of mine. Beg you for more? I wouldn't be so sure." Percy's bratty side won over as he poked the pent-up wolf.

In a flash, Nic turned around with Percy still wrapped around him. He threw Percy on the bed and manhandled his body so his front was pressed against the bed. 

Percy whined when Nic harshly propped up his hips, so he was presenting himself with his ass in the air. A gasp left Percy's lips when Nic's heavy hand landed on his nape, putting him down firmly against the soft fabric. Nic's other hand stripped him from the waist down in record time, nearly tearing his clothes all the while Percy struggled to breathe. Suddenly, the hand that was ridding of his clothes came down on his skin with a loud crack

A second later, Percy felt a sting on his left asscheek and burning flames in his face. His hands clutched the sheets tightly as defiant words refused to leave his lips.

"You are a filthy brat, my love." Nic's husky voice sounded as his fingers caressed the reddened skin. "Begging me to tame you, isn't that right?" Nic's soft words were contrary to his harsh fingers, which squeezed his burning ass. 

"Oh you couldn't be more wrong." Percy's words were challenging, but his shaky voice gave him away; they both knew it. 

The Omega only had the heads up for a second before Nic's hands cracked down on the same spot again. Much harder. 

Percy jolted forward with a gasp, but Nic's hand on his nape tightened its hold. He bit his lips to mask the smile on his face.

"You love it, don't you?" Nic covered Percy's body with his own and brought his mouth to his ear. "The pain I give you and your defiance towards it." Percy shivered at the whispered words. "But that's fine, we'll manage to wring it out of you." Oh, Percy didn't want anything but that.

The couple could feel the worries leaving their bodies as their scents mingled in the air. 

Nic smoothed a hand over Percy's back and slowly trailed it over his ass. He used his thumb to pry his cheeks open and press lightly over his moist hole. "You are a slut for pain, should have known that." He spoke so softly that Percy was sure he was talking to himself.

Percy felt his shirt slip, revealing his tiny waist which Nic had the pleasure of wrapping with his huge hands. One of his hands traveled up his spine and grabbed his shoulder tightly. Percy panted in response to these sensitive touches and had no idea when Nic raised his other hand. The Omega gasped and tried to flinch away when Nic spanked his ass again but the firm hand on his shoulder held him in place.

Nicholas continued delivering stinging slaps to both of his cheeks making Percy whimper under his breath. A particular slap between his cheeks had Percy press his hand over his mouth to keep his wanton moans.

"No." Nic growled, his own chest rising fast. "Don't you dare hold them back." He delivered four particular harsh slaps after uttered those words.

Percy sobbed, tears flowing uncontrollably and soaking into the fabric under his face. His fingers clutched his hair as he tried not to burst. His small cock was a deep red and unbelievably sensitive.

"Please." Percy hiccuped as Nic trailed his slaps to his thighs, painting them an angry red.

"You want me to stop, baby? When you are so close to finishing?" Nicholas asked in a mocking tone. "Your pathetic little cock is about to burst just from spanking. That's all you need, don't you? A little pain to make you act like a whore." Nic spat out in his deep voice. His fingers ran over the slick that was coating his thighs and spilled over the bedsheet. "You're so wet, I bet I can thrust my cock inside with no trouble." Nic plunged two of his fingers inside Percy's hole suddenly.

Percy jerked forward, letting out a shout of surprise. "Fuck!"

Nic thrust the fingers relentlessly and nailed at Percy's prostate with familiarity. The Alpha groaned at Percy's clenching hole, eating his fingers up lewdly.

He took off his fingers suddenly, making Percy howl in displeasure. "No! Please!" He sobbed and turned his head desperately to look at his mate. "Please. Make me come, please." He hiccupped.

Nicholas Black felt like he was going to come in his pants like a teenage pup at the sight in front of him. His mate was pressed on the matters with his ass raised in the air. His face was blotchy, tears coating his red cheeks and drool running down his chin. His eyes were glossy and his eyelashes coated wet.

"Fuck, you are a dream, baby." Nicholas bit out as he brought Percy's ass back to grind his clothes crotch over it harshly. "You want my cock?" He leaned forward to lick the tear off Percy's face. "You want me to fuck you stupid? Until you can't think of anything beside my cock in your warm hole?" He bit Percy's ear making the other shiver.

"Yes, yes, please." Percy sobbed as he pleaded.

"Fuck," Nicholas muttered under his breath as he undid his pants and took his cock out. He thumbed over his cockhead, smearing the precum over his length, not that he needed that with Percy's hole providing more than enough lubricant. Nicholas took a few seconds to stroke his dick, reveling in the simple pleasure. He opened his eyes - he didn't even notice when he closed them - to Percy's heated stare on his dick. 

"Enjoying the view? Nic mumbled, still stroking himself lazily. Percy's eye moved to his face abruptly, his face heated up. All of the brattiness from earlier wouldn't be able to explain the embarrassed expression on his face after being caught. 

"Please." Percy simply mumbled as he lowered himself further, one of his hands going behind to grip his ass cheek to spread himself. 

Nicholas cursed under his breath as he watched a glob of slick coming out of his hole and run down his already wet thighs. 

Nicholas bullies his legs to spread before he's plunging inside in one harsh stroke. Percy howls in both pain and pleasure. Nic doesn't give me much time to adjust as he's thrusting at a fast pace. Nicholas' hips slap against Percy's sore ass, making the tears come way faster. Nic's hands grip his waist tightly, moving Percy roughly, using his body to pleasure himself. Percy is a crying mess, but the pleasure is rolling off his scent, stroking the Alpha's ego. The Omega is chanting his name relentlessly as his mate is nailing his bruised prostate, bringing him closer to the edge at every thrust. 

Nicholas feels himself reaching his peak, making him hunch over to take Percy's cock in his hand. The Omega thrashes around at the barest touch and bursts in Nic's hand. Only when Percy is pliant under his rough ministrations, does he let himself go. He coats Percy's inside with his essence, wanting deep inside that his seed would stick. His conscious brains know it's unlikely since they take precautions, but the thought of his mate swollen with his pup had him growling loudly. 


"You're a Sadist." 

"Like you can talk, you Masochist." 


Hello, girlies!!

Sorry it took so long to post these, but hey, you get double updates, so..... (no violence necessary, please). Let me know what you think of these, and I'll see you when I see you. 


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