Little Mewschief

Par TheCrescentRider

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After Mew, the Mythical but playful Pokemon, finds a dimensional tear in the Pokemon World, it attempts to se... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

2K 52 21
Par TheCrescentRider

Hey Guys, Crescent Rider here and I am back with another chapter! As usual, let's get down with the following discussion.

Firstly, the answer of the sixth 'Whose that Pokemon' is Xerneas the 'Life Pokemon'. The reason why 'Forest' is part of the hint is because of its Cocoon Form resembling a tree and its ability to create vast forests. It is the Pokemon that symbolizes Life.

As for what I've mentioned in the last chapter, the meme I'm referencing is Hisoka's iconic Bungee Gum line. You could never get used to the times he's said it whenever he uses it against his opponents.

Second, I've been checking out the websites that are related to the Pokemon Universe for research since I'm working with a semi-omnipotent Pokemon and I discovered two things: first is the existence of the Pokemon Multiverse, one that has Mega Evolutions and one that doesn't. The second is that the Pokemon Trading Card Game is somehow canon.

With these two things, there are a lot more questions that I'd like to share when it comes to Mew's power. But I'll put those questions aside as I want your opinion on this matter.

And lastly, when I finish the first season of One Punch Man of this story. I will be making a long list that revolves around the Pokemon that Mew transforms into. So expect it to be very long at the very end of the first season.

That is all, and enjoy the chapter!

City - M

Residing somewhere in City-M lies the Strongest Man in the World and the 6th Ranking Hero of Class-S, King.

In the year before his official recruitment to Class-S, it was said that he had defeated countless powerful monsters under the Association's Radar. So much so that they eagerly searched for him and gave him a certification for Class-S on the spot.

Over time, King had been respected among his peers as the strongest hero and many looked up whenever disaster strikes against humanity.

Looking at the heroic feats he's achieved and battles he faced, they would say that Dragon-Threat Level Monsters would dare to think twice before attempting to assault King at their own leisure and the scars he received.

Unbeknownst to all of them though...




All feats and battle is false as King is an average civilian who always finds himself at the wrong place and wrong time. And whenever he looked the other way or closed his eyes, he'd find himself standing before the monster that had been defeated by someone else.

This resulted in a huge misunderstanding between him and the public as they claimed that he defeated the monster while others had failed to do so.

So far, no one has learned the truth due to King's incapability and fear of admitting his mistake before the Association and many who look up to him may turn against him in the worst way possible. Hence, he tries his best to not stand out too much and keeps his usual activities private until the day he can resign his position properly without trouble.

You may all wonder why I'm revealing the truth about King so early.

That's because Mew already knows as seen below!

Public Park

Once again, King is somehow approached by a monster who dares to challenge him in broad daylight. Though the monster has yet to make a move on him, it does propose a challenge a fight to the death as well as allow him with one free shot.

King's signature move, King Engine, was in play and his gaze was fixated on the monster's eyes. There weren't any bystanders nearby, but there was one particular viewer hiding within the leaves of the tree.

Mew, who had just arrived in this city, was observing this supposed battle but found it odd that King hadn't done anything, unlike the other heroes it had seen in the past.

What's more, Mew notices that King's signature move, King Engine, is just his heart beating rapidly and loudly out of negative emotions such as fear of dying by this monster's hand.

It's rather normal for humans to fear monsters twice their size. But from appearance alone, King looked like he wasn't fazed by the monster's intimidating presence, and the latter just sweats as it questioned its choices on whether it was wise to fight King or not.

In fact, the monster was afraid that he'd die swiftly once King landed his first free shot. But regardless of whether it'll die here or not, it was determined to keep that promise as its pride of battle is on the line.

As for King's thoughts, he was frantically panicking over the fact that once he threw the first attack. The monster will realize his weak upbringing which will result in his demise at the hands of this monster.

He had hoped that the monster would just turn tail and run without issue. But what kept it from leaving was its pride as a monster and King becomes growingly concerned with his life.

Mew would use its psychic powers to further peer through King's mind and uncover his past. That's when it learned that King was just a civilian like everyone else in this world. Then one day, King receives his scars over his left eye from a rampaging pink octopus monster and pleads for help.

As it observes this memory further, Mew discovered that King had somehow met Saitama as it recognized his voice from the get-go. When King's vision was clear in the memory, Mew noticed a much younger, hairier, and injured Saitama prior to the day he became bald and overwhelmingly strong.

After Mew saw this memory, it dwelled further into his past and learned so much about King. A man whose deemed the Strongest Hero was only a man who was always in the wrong place and wrong time.

But despite all his claimed feats and achievements, King never once boasted his rank or reputation to the public as he preferred isolation over fame and glory.

The reason why he uses his rank and reputation is to scare the monsters before they disturb him, and then he spends the rest of the day in his apartment playing his video games before sleeping in for the night.

When he thinks about his games, he recalls that there was one he had been waiting for quite some time. Then he regrets not being able to play it before its scheduled release, which only made his heart beat faster than ever.

As for the monster, it had reached its breaking point and decided to strike King down first rather than let him have the first blow. Before it even lands the first blow on King, the monster was soon restrained and King's eyes widened as the knuckles were a few inches away from his face.

What comes next is King finding his arm moving by its own will, forming a fist, and throwing a punch of his own. Even though his fist didn't connect, there was a delayed effect in which the monster's chest started to form what looked like a large fist and then it was knocked right off its feet and slid across the ground.

Once King was able to move his body again, the only thing he did was lower his arm as he dumbfoundedly started at the monster he had beaten before his eyes. He was aware that he didn't possess the strength nor the power to stop much less hurt the monster with a single attack.

Before he could process this moment any further, he soon disappeared from the park along with Mew from its hiding spot...

King's Apartment...

Based upon Mew's findings in King's memories, the two appeared in the center of the room. The latter was dumbstruck as he looked around and recognized his room.

When he turned around, he flinched as he saw Mew floating before him. He just stares at it while Mew stares back. It inches in on him as well, and this causes King's heart to be rapidly and loudly.

Mew notices this and then uses a particular ability that soothes King's mind as well as his heart as such a rapid heartbeat is considered bad for humans.

King was utterly shocked upon feeling his mind calm and his heart slowed. It wasn't something that happens when he's near monsters, therefore he assumed that Mew had no ill intention towards him.

While he's in the middle of processing his thoughts around this matter. Mew wandered around his room and spotted King's gaming console as well as scattered games he had on the floor. One game cover in particular, caught Mew's eye; A Game called Doki Doki Sisters.

As soon as King noticed Mew, he widened his eyes as he saw it staring at the Doki Doki Sisters Case. Without hesitation, he'd go to sweep it out of the floor and seemingly hide it inside the pocket of his hoodie.

What comes after a few minutes is King's thoughts on the matter, 'Okay, calm down. No need to panic. Sure, you've got some weird monster in your room and saw your 'Doki Doki Sisters' game. But there's no reason to panic and all, it's not like it understands how the game works...'

Unfortunately for him, Mew learns the game's features and story by peering through King's memories and learns that it's a date-simulator game and it comes with various endings depending on the player's choice.

But it wasn't the game's features and story that caught Mew's attention, but the game's characters as they all come in different designs, appearances, and colors. One particular character resembled something that Mew almost recognized from its own world and uses Transform out of pure curiosity rather than interest.

When King gathers his thoughts together, he turns to Mew. Only to see it in a different transformation than its original form. There was a long period of silence between him and Mew.

Once that was over, King expresses one particular reaction in mind, 'E-EEEEEHHHHHHHHH!'

Even though Mew transformed into a different monster, King almost mistook its transformation for a game character of the Doki Doki Sisters. From the hair to the body, it may as well as a creature that represents the dandere character of the game, 'W-W-W-What is going with this thing! Why in the world did it change? How did it even change in the first place, it's not possible!'

Mew reverts its transform, then switches it with a creature that represents a deredere character, 'Again!!'

Another creature that represents a hiyakasudere character, 'Stop!!!'

And another creature that not only represents a kiridere but also a female character from one of the fighting games he's played in the past, 'Enough already!!!!'

A Few Minutes Later...

After a montage of creatures, Mew was flying and giggling in its original form while King was lying face down on the floor defeated after being overwhelmed by Mew's constant change of appearance.

At this point, he'll be experiencing weird dreams in his sleep tonight as well as questioning his entire life in gaming.

What interrupted the moment was when King's phone it started buzzing in his pocket. He'd pull it out of his pocket and check what it was. It turns out that the Heroes Association was calling him, sits in a leg-crossed position, and answers the call, "Hello?"

"King, we apologize for disturbing you at such a time. But we wish to inform you of a certain matter," An Executive explained, "Recently, there have been sightings of a small yet powerful creature appearing in several cities and we have reason to believe that its next appearance is somewhere in City - M,"

'Small creature... Wait a minute,' King slightly paled, then he glanced at Mew, 'Are they talking about this thing here...'

"It isn't accurate as we triangulated its recent sightings across multiple cities as best we could, and we hoped that you could cooperate with us in solving this matter," The Executive stated,

"Uh..." King mouthed while Mew senses something off in the city,

Mew would open the sliding door without drawing King's attention and used its wide-range psychic abilities to locate the source of this trouble. That's when it saw a flying monster with ill intent toward the citizens below ground.

"We're all well aware that you have other matters that you intend to do besides this one. But this search is of utmost importance, for the sake of the Association or perhaps the entire world," The Executive explained,

King gulped upon hearing this request, he was brimming with so much anxiety that his heart started to beat rather loudly. If he were to reveal that the creature they're looking for is here in his room, they'll come right for him and utterly disturb him from his normal life.

He could just decline their request, but when they find out that he had seen Mew before declining their request, then the Association will pressure him with several questions and that'll interrupt his daily routine of being a shut-in or worse.

Thus, he has no other choice but to accept this request. But before he could say a word, he felt a warm breeze in the room and turned to see his balcony door open and Mew is nowhere on site.

When he goes to the balcony, he spots a monster flying above the city and squints his eyes. That's when he saw one of Mew's forms jumping right above the monster and landing a strong dropkick which knocked the monster right off the sky.

As soon as a dust cloud was formed, Mew seemingly left by reverting back to its original form and soaring through the sky.

With its departure to City - M, King had improvised a plausible solution to the executive's request, "No need... I just saw it,"

"Wait, it's already there! Where have you seen it? What did it do!" The Executive questioned,

"Can I submit a report instead?" King asked, "I want it to be accurate,"

"O-Of course, King! Every bit helps in our investigation," The Executive responded,

Once King hangs up the call, he goes to make a full report rather than explain it all through the phone. After he submitted his report, he would spend the rest of the day lazing around or playing games until nightfall.

But as he played his game, he often pondered about the creatures it transformed into. With such resembling figures, expressions, and possible personalities. It somehow inspired an idea for an indie romance game with Mew's forms as references for the game's characters...

City - A

In the main headquarters of the Heroes Association, a quick meeting had occurred after King submitted a full report on his encounter with Mew. Even though it was short compared to the other Heroes, some of the details were noteworthy as King listed a few details of Mew's power.

The one that drew their attention the most was Mew's ability to control the mental states of individuals through psychic powers. They deemed this power to be so great that the infamous 'King Engine' was calmed by a creature that did not fear the Strongest Hero in the World.

Such a report baffled the executives and staff of the Association so much that it urged them to enlist more Heroes to aid in the search. As long as the sightings and encounters are authentic to report, they will mark the locations and accurately triangulate the location where it rests.

When the report reached the ears of Class-S Heroes, there were a few notable reactions.

Tanktop Master had informed his faction, the Tank Topper Army, to double their efforts in the search.

Flashly Flash relentlessly continues his search on certain environments inhabited by animals.

Drive Knight agrees with the search but keeps his progress secret for personal reasons.

Zombieman admitted that searching for this creature will be most difficult but will often try whenever he has the time to do so.

Even Metal Knight, who often focuses on developing advanced weapons and technology, finds himself invested in searching for this creature by using state-of-the-art surveillance technology to catch sightings of Mew. However, he rarely sends his reports since he primarily focuses on technological advancement than anything.

But the most noteworthy of all reactions was Tatsumaki, who expresses utter annoyance by Mew's elusive nature. Despite using her psychic powers to their fullest extent, she was unable to trace its psychic signature despite it being a psychic creature.

It's as if this creature has the ability to turn itself invisible from advanced technology to strong psychic powers. However, Tatsumaki doesn't express any hatred towards the creature, just pure annoyance as the search was proven to be quite difficult to handle.

As for the Class-S Heroes that have managed to encounter this creature, they remain aware of the search and report their findings should they meet it again. The most recent was Metal Bat, who submitted details he collected from his sister.

"To think that it slipped before King could do anything," Bespectacled Worker remarked, as he stood behind his fellow co-worker, "It is truly a challenge that no one could pull off,"

"Indeed," Bearded Worker remarked, "But there is something we did learn from its actions. Whenever it's in a different city, it often transforms into powerful creatures and defeats monsters from Tiger Level Threats to Demon Level Threats. All while keeping civilians safe from harm,"

"It may as well be safe to say that this creature protects humans rather than attack them," Z Branch Operator remarked,

"If only we knew more of this creature," Bespectacled Worker said before all three of them continued their job in the Association. For there's more pressing matters than Mew's appearance in City - M

City - Z

As Mew makes its way back to Saitama's apartment, it stops to notice something off in one of the abandoned areas. When it descends to a rooftop, it is eyeing two particular buildings that were symmetrically destroyed, and there are four heroes present as they're stunned by what they're staring before their very eyes.

Rather than approach these four heroes, Mew teleports behind them, and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Holy crap, what is this. What kind of monster could cause such violence? I'd hate to face off against this thing,"

"Hey, what this?" A Hero bends down and picks up what appears to be a seaweed, "Is it part of the monster that Spring Mustachio fought?"

"There may have been a territorial dispute. There's definitely 'something' here,"

"That might be true, or..."

"Or what?"

"Maybe it's that creature, the one everyone's talking about,"

"I doubt it, if the creature were here," The Hero who picked the seaweed stood up upstraight as he turned to the three, "It wouldn't do something this destructive,"

"I guess your right,"

"Should we get out of here? We might run into this monster since it may be roaming around this area,"

All four heroes agreed to this decision and made their way out of the abandoned area of City-Z. Unbeknownst to them, Mew was floating a few inches behind them and stared at the destruction.

When one of the heroes mentioned territorial disputes between monsters, Mew decided to use its psychic powers to locate any living creature on the surface and managed to find it somewhere far from the heroes' location.

Mew then flew towards the source, but its departure didn't go unnoticed as one of the Heroes turned around and he felt the slight breeze.

"What is it?"

That hero was silent for a time, then he turned away after dismissing the matter, "It's probably nothing,"

Mew continues to fly towards the source and not only did it sense its presence but only its emotions as it felt anguish over something.

Upon arrival, it finds a monster with a half-piece of seaweed on its head. When Mew approached it, its own shadow loomed over the monster. When noticed, the monster turned its head towards Mew and looked rather confused as they stared at each other.

With Mew's psychic, it learns of its encounter with Saitama, who defeated it with a controlled but powerful punch. Once it was no longer a threat, it just ran rather than fight him.

Mew showed sympathy for this monster. In fact, it decided to use its power to resuscitate the seaweed on its head. Moments later, it was now long once more and the same was said for the other seaweed that's grown small on sections of its head.

This monster soon felt the length of its seaweed hair and examined the long and grown one of the bunch. When it looked up to Mew, it saw it giggling before inching in with a gentle smile on its face.

It doesn't know what Mew wants or needs from it. But what it does know is that it's not here to cause any harm, and that was a reassuring feeling...

Saitama's Apartment

Saitama and Genos were in the middle of a conversation where the latter stated that he cleaned the holes near the apartment, which the former thanked.

Genos then revealed that Saitama's rank had gone up after he apprehended Speed-o-Sound Sonic for endangering lives by causing so much destruction with his explosive shurikens. Saitama then asked if Genos made any progress in his rank.

The cyborg says that he didn't, and Saitama comments that his disciple still has a lot of ways to go. What changed the topic was when Genos mentioned that he's ranked #6 in popularity, which caused Saitama to spew his tea, pound his hands against the table, and hastily ask why.

Genos just reads the opinions he received from his supposed fans, and Saitama remarked on how calm he was despite reading such comments. However, Genos doesn't mind the comments he receives as they revolve around his photo, not his combat ability, which makes it irrelevant to him.

Saitama bluntly understands on the cyborg's dense personality, while the latter continues to read the other opinions he received from his fans until his master tells him to stop.

Once nightfall comes around, Saitama and Genos finish dinner and the latter is in the middle of cleaning the dishes. After he finished cleaning and drying the entire sink, he noticed something peculiar and began with a question, "Sensei, that creature hasn't returned yet,"

"Really? Now that I think about it, it hasn't come back since this evening," Saitama remarked,

"Shall I go out there and search for it?" Genos inquired,

"No need," Saitama replied, "I mean, it does act like a cat at times. So I'm pretty sure it'll come back tomorrow or the day after that,"

"Are you certain? What if it was captured?" Genos said, "It may be endangered if we let it be out there,"

"Genos, you recall that time when we left that lab or whatever for the supermarket, right?" Saitama questioned,

"I remember that moment quite clearly, why?" Genos replied, then gasped when he realized something important at that moment.

When they were running through the forests, they saw Mew ahead of them despite being left behind in the House of Evolution's Underground Laboratory. He then recalled that Mew possesses a power that allows it and them to teleport from the forest to the city square with a few minutes to spare.

Not to mention that Mew possesses immense psychic powers that withstood one of his attacks when he sparred with his master at that one time.

With this info in mind, Genos closed his eyes and accepted Saitama's judgment, "I understand. In that case, I will stop asking irrelevant questions,"

Saitama, on the other hand, just lied on his bed, picked his nose, and glanced at his balcony door where he first met Mew. He then averts his glance away from the balcony, and had one particular thought in mind, 'I think it'll be fine out there...'

That is it for this chapter guys! As for the next, and I must admit. I never would have thought that most of this Chapter would revolve around King alone. But hey, I wanted to make it interesting. Especially when it came to Mew learning a lot about the Gaming World from King's memories. (As for the Pokemon that Mew showcased before him, I'll let your imagination go wild on that one)

Second, I've decided that Kombu Infinity will have some sort of significance in this story. I won't say it now, I'll try to work it all out as I go by. And I promise that I'll make it interesting. But feel free to give your opinion on it.

Third, I may not be able to post any updates in this or in any one of my stories soon. Because I'm going out on a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan. I might even find something that fancies me there.

Lastly, it's time for the seventh 'Whose that Pokemon'!

Here are the hints: Red and Fire

That is all I have to say, and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Continuer la Lecture

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