Little Mewschief

By TheCrescentRider

33.4K 943 361

After Mew, the Mythical but playful Pokemon, finds a dimensional tear in the Pokemon World, it attempts to se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

1.9K 60 28
By TheCrescentRider

Hey Guys! Crescent Rider here and I am back with another chapter! Before that, I'll start with the usual discussion.

Firstly, the Answer to the Fifth 'Whose That Pokemon' is Darkrai 'Pitch-Black Pokemon'. And I will admit this, Darkrai is my Favorite Dark-Type Pokemon. The Design, the Moves, and most importantly, the Movie where Darkrai bravely fought the Lords of Space and Time, Palkia and Dialga, to protect an entire town.

Darkrai carries around this 'It may look like a Villain, but is generally misunderstood as Evil' kind of vibe.

The second part of this discussion will be special. You see when I think of Class S pitting against Mew and all that, I often wonder how each will fare against other Pokemon. Which is why I made this list of Match-ups below!

Blast vs. Hoopa (Unbound)
Tatsumaki vs. Rayquaza
Silverfang vs.  Urshifu (Rapid Strike Style)
Atomic Samurai vs. Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Metal Knight vs. Regigigas
Pig God vs. Snorlax
Darkshine Superalloy vs. Buzzwole
Flashy Flash vs. Deoyxs
Tanktop Master vs. Machoke

Bonus Matchup
Speed-o-Sound Sonic vs. Greninja

That's all of the Matches I could think of, and let me know what you all think about them.

Lastly, I checked the timeline of OPM and I've decided to tell you all that this chapter mostly contains original content.

That is all and enjoy the chapter!


As Mew continues to wander the world, it senses a human nearby. When it goes to investigate this person, it soon learns that the human in question was a lone Photographer, whose in the middle of adjusting the lens of his camera.

Before Mew had left Saitama's apartment, the latter's disciple explicitly told it and Saitama that the Heroes Association had publicized Mew's existence to the entire world, and all matter of sightings, whether their photographs or footage, would be well rewarded to the individual.

Saitama seems tempted by the reward but doesn't go for it since it goes against his words. Genos remains devoted to his vow and doesn't photograph Mew's presence in Saitama's apartment.

For Mew, it doesn't take the news seriously. Instead, it makes use of its telepathy to determine the intentions of the people and invisibility to become an elusive Pokemon to avoid people with self-interest motives.

As for this photographer, his intentions in being here aren't about finding Mew. But to take pictures as a nature photographer. Based on Mew's understanding of the occupation, via the man's memories, nature photographers don't often make a lot of money as the average Class Hero and it comes with various risks such as Natural Disasters, Predator Attacks, and even DIrect Confrontation of Occasional Monsters lurking in the forest in secret.

To add more risk to their life, they are often alone and can't afford the services of bodyguards, let alone a hero to accompany them. Even if they do manage to hire someone to protect them, they're required to stay far from the photographer or they'll lose the shot.

Occupation aside, Mew peers through the man's memories further and learns that the reason he chose to be a nature photographer isn't about fame or money. Instead, he's all about capturing the beauty within Mother Nature and for the sake of his mother's health.

His reason for becoming a nature photographer isn't his incapability to pass the Hero Test. But his awareness of this line of work and fighting monsters isn't something he and his mother want to do in life.

As Mew observes this photographer quite closely, it learns more of the wildlife that lives in this world and they aren't the same creatures as those in its home world. Here, they are nothing more than normal animals...

The current shot this photographer is after is a small herd of wild deer. He was quite versed in traversing his way through the forest and over some rivers. Mew follows him from behind but doesn't face the same problems as the photographer since it can fly.

After minutes of travel, the photographer was a bit tired and went to take a break. Mew would hide behind the leaves of the tree and observe the photographer.

What the photographer packed was a thermos filled with homemade soup. As he poured a cup, he gently cooled it down with a few blows and slurped it down. As he finished half of the cup, the smell soon found its way to Mew.

In response to this aroma, Mew was intrigued by the scent alone and waited for the photographer to finish his cup. When he did, he closed the thermos, placed it on the ground, and the lid is placed on top of it as he grabbed a small container filled with water.

Whilst he's preoccupied with his water, Mew carefully uses its psychic power to gather the remainder of the soup from the lid and makes its way towards it without drawing the photographer's attention.

Once it reached Mew, it opened its mouth and ate the ball of soup. It looked pleased with the taste and hummed with approval. After it swallows the ball of soup, the photographer finishes his break, covers his water container and thermos, and continues his search for a herd of deer.

Mew would continue to follow him, but it soon sensed a malicious presence within the forest and it's not far from the photographer's position...

A Few Minutes Later

As the photographer goes deeper into the forest, he soon hears a rustle in the bushes, readies his camera, and bends down on one knee as prepares himself for a shot.

Mew remains on standby as it feels the presence of a monster nearby. As the rustling drew closer, it soon revealed the head of an adult deer. But before the photographer took the shot, he soon learned that the head was in the jaws of an enlarged and monstrous bear.

The photographer paled as he lowered his camera and donned a frightened look on his face. If that bear had spotted him, it may as well be the end for him.

For Mew, it was concerned as it felt the photographer's fear towards the bear. But it remains hidden until the bear finds him hiding in the bushes.

After the monstrous bear chomps the deer's head, it proceeds to sniff its surroundings while the Photograph tries to control his composure and silently leaves the area. What gave him away was his foot stepping on an unlucky stick and making an audible crack that passed through the bear's ears.

The monstrous bear turns to him, stands on its own two feet, and lets out a ferocious roar which causes the photographer to stutter, then makes a run for it. The Bear gives chase and the Photographer is forced to lighten the weight by dropping the bag that contained his thermos and water container.

Mew follows the two but uses its psychic powers to carry the photographer's bag since it plans to return it after the chase is over. The only thing that he hasn't dropped is his camera as it was something he refused to drop due to its origins.

As the chase continues, the photographer's luck seemingly runs out as the front of his foot is caught by a root and sends him falling to the ground. All while still protecting the camera he carries around.

The Monstrous Bear had caught up to him and the photographer could only gaze at the bear hungrily towering itself before him. It stands on its hind legs and attempts to slice through the photographer's body with its large claws.

Before the photographer is hit by these claws, a pink bubble is made around him and its elastic properties soften the bear's paws down to its claws. Which brings a bit of shock between the photographer and the bear.

As soon as the bear pulls its paw back, Mew sits on top of the bubble and the Photographer gazes upward as he sees Mew before his very eyes. Soon enough, their eyes meet momentarily then it sets its gaze on the bear in front of them.

The Monstrous Bear lets out an intimidating roar towards Mew, but the latter seems unaffected as it pops the bubble and then transforms before the Photographer's very eyes. Now it looked a lot like a bear, except this one was vastly different than the monstrous bear.

After a brief period of silence, the Monstrous Bear roared once more and attempted to smack Mew with its paw. The result was Mew blocking the attack with its left arm and then using its claws to land a direct hit against the bear's chest.

While it bellowed in pain, Mew followed up with several more blows to the Monstrous Bear that couldn't endure every blow that was given to it. Once reeling from the pain, it was Mew's turn to let out a roar and the response from the bear was acceptance of its situation and left without a moment's hesitation.

Mew soon reverts to its original form and turns to the photographer, who is baffled by the events he has witnessed. Moments later, it floats towards him and the two engage in a staring contest.

It whirls around the photographer's head and then sets its sights on the camera. When the Photographer glances down at his camera, he snaps out of his trance and checks the camera's condition.

After a few minutes of checking, he determined that the camera was still working and undamaged. Which gives relief to the photographer, he then looks up to Mew and still maintains his relieved expression.

This sight causes Mew to giggle and such laughter is quite contagious as the photographer chuckled. He then raises his camera and manages to capture Mew with a single snap of his camera.

Mew doesn't mind this due to their awareness of the photographer's intentions and does some more good by returning the bag he had dropped during his chase.

"My bag!" The Photographer exclaimed and examined the contents. When everything is in order, he looks up to Mew with a smile, "Thank you,"

"Mew!' Mew responded and flew circles around,

Moments later, Mew transforms before the photographer and dons what appears to be a large deer-like creature he had never before seen in his whole life. The photographer's response is to stand upright, adjust his position and angle, and snap one photo before examining the shot.

He was awestruck by the photo and Mew seemingly glances at the camera. After that, Mew spent more time with the photographer for the rest of the morning...

When it's past the afternoon, the photographer packs up his camera and plans on heading back. But not before giving a few parting words to Mew, "Thank you very much! For saving me, and for providing such magnificent photos!" 

"Mew!" Mew replied, flew around the air, then soared towards the sky until the clouds covered it entirely.

The Photographer just smiled at his encounter with Mew and made his way back to the city with the photos he had taken and the story he planned to share...

The Next Day...

As Mew watches the news with Saitama, Genos is in the kitchen washing the dirty plates, tableware, and even a large bowl that has been used to cook lately. While there wasn't any crisis to be had in any cities, there was one particular segment of the news that brought up the following headline.

'Sightings of the Elusive Cat Creature were captured by a Nature Photographer,'

The following dialogue consists of a summary of the photographer's background, whom Mew once met in a forest yesterday, and what comes after is the photos that were caught by the photographer's camera.

Not only was Mew shown in the photo, but they also showed several pictures in which the photographer claimed that this small creature is capable of transforming into large and unfathomable creatures beyond anything he's seen and learned in his entire career as a photographer.

The photographer was also given an interview for a full detailed scoop of his encounter with Mew and gave the whole truth before the reporter. He even stated that it doesn't appear to be evil as some people might say as he revealed that if it hadn't been for Mew, he would have died at the claws of a ferocious and monstrous bear.

After the interview, the reporter also revealed that the photographer's photos had landed him a staff position in the Heroes Association for his skills and potential for photography. In other words, he's gained a lot of recognition in submitting photos of Mew's sightings.

Mew just smiled at the photographer's success, while Saitama didn't appear to be interested even though Mew was involved in the report. What did get his attention was the large reward money that was given to the photographer just for taking a single picture of Mew, which was over '250 Million Yen' due to Mew's foreign origin.

Despite Saitama's somewhat neutral expression, most of his thoughts on the matter had wandered out of his mind. All that remained was his thoughts on the reward money.

'250 Million... 2-250 Million,' Saitama processed, 'T-That can't be right, can it? 2-250 Million,'

While Saitama was fixated on his thoughts alone, Mew just stared at him while Genos walked in and noticed his master's mood, "Is something wrong, Sensei? Did something bad happen,"

Genos then turns to the TV and spots the photographer as well as the reward money that the latter earned for capturing a single photo of Mew. After processing the potential cause for his master's problem, he thought of one possible scenario and flipped his phone open, "I shall contact the Association and request for the photographer's presence. If you wish to be on the news, then this man will aid you in it,"

"No, that's not it," Saitama blandly replied,

"What?" Genos expressed,

"I swore that I wouldn't reveal our connection as it goes against everything I stand as a hero," Saitama blandly explained, "Even with such a high reward..."

Though Saitama admitted this to his disciple, it is a different story for Mew as it can be seen that he was utterly displeased by the fact that the reward wasn't claimed by him since he'd been living with Mew this entire time.

Genos misinterpreted his master's words and hid his phone away, "I see, So you are displeased that this man has claimed the reward before you. In that case, I will go to the Association and meet this man face to face,"

"How about not," Saitama said,

Mew just watched the two men converse with one another and just giggled at their usual shenanigans after Genos had subsequently moved in with his master. It then continues to watch the news further as the photographer revealed that thanks to the Heroes Association, the condition of his mother was vastly improving.

And he stated that he owe his gratitude to the Association's and the benevolent creature he had encountered...


In a high-rise apartment, Amai Mask is seen watching the news about the photographer and then he shuts the television off after the report has subsequently ended.

He would cast the remote aside, and sit back against his couch as he pondered about the utter rubbish he has seen on television.

Not to mention the fact that the Association boldly publicized Mew's existence to the entire planet just so they could get a better chance at studying the creature rather than kill it on sight.

He even considered the photographer's words of gratitude rubbish because he thanked Mew more than the Association itself, part of the job offer he received for submitting a photo of Mew's sightings.

It seemingly goes against his philosophy as the heroes of the Association must be human and beautifully symbolize justice above all. Never a monster, no matter how large or small that monster is.

 If Mew were to find its way to the Association, then it would compromise everything it stands for. Even though it's his personal opinion, he couldn't afford to have such a scenario happen...

Which is why he sent a short message that solely regards his participation in the search. Even though the range of his search will only reach City-R and other cities whenever he's in interviews, movie shootings, and live stage, he stated that he'll do what he can to find Mew.

But beneath his words, he swore to eliminate Mew before it even has the slightest chance of escape. For the sake of humanity and justice, he will cleanse this creature from the face of the earth. In addition, he would use the other photos that the photographer caught in an attempt to antagonize Mew and break its benevolent reputation piece by piece...


In the home of the Association's Top Second of Class S Heroes and strongest Esper, Tatsumaki. She had watched the news with a bored look on her face until she discovered the report regarding Mew's sighting.

It caught her attention as she listened to every detail the photographer had to say. She also gazes at the photos displayed and puts Mew's appearance in mind.

Originally, she wanted to just find this creature and test it to see if it was as powerful as the people said it be. But whenever she's sent to cities fighting monsters, Tatsumaki often runs into dead-ends as she can't detect Mew's presence anywhere with her psychic power.

Mew's elusive nature caused Tatsumaki to feel actual frustration compared to the times she had to handle several monsters alone and the uselessness of the heroes below her.

However, she doesn't resent it for being elusive...

For the course of Tatsumaki's career as a hero, never has she run into the trouble of finding monsters no matter how large or small it appears to be. But when it's Mew, Tatsumaki was intrigued by this supposed challenge.

This is why she willingly participated in the search and hoped to find Mew first so that she could challenge it before bringing it back to the Association for studying purposes. But if Mew were to fall easily against her, then she would have wasted her time in participating in the search.

In another location

One of the Association's Class S Hero, the Fastest Hero whose slashes are instantaneous, Flashy Flash had received the task regarding Mew's sighting and his opinion in the matter is quite neutral considering that he claimed that nothing will escape his sight.

But throughout the days of fighting monsters as well as dangerous criminals, Mew has yet to show up before him and his initial assumption is either it's too afraid to approach him or it's well aware of his abilities.

However, both assumptions turned out to be false as the recent sighting of Mew by an average photographer is something he considered a blow to his ego. He's well aware that the other Class-S Heroes have seen Mew in action themselves, but an average photographer is somewhat insulting since it has yet to show up before him first.

This prompted him to put some effort into his side of the search. It was said that the Association wanted Mew alive instead of dead for future studies. What they didn't say is that condition it is.

If Flashy Flash has to severely incapacitate Mew to prevent it from escaping, then he'll do so without hesitation.

Heroes Association

While most heroes contribute to their part of the search, the same is said for their staff members as some attempted to pinpoint its recent locations on the entire world map and triangulate its possible routes. 

Unfortunately, Mew's recent sightings are considered random even when they include photos that revolve around Mew transforming into different creatures in different cities.

Not even Metal Knight's state-of-the-art technology and cooperation could accurately pinpoint Mew's current whereabouts. Despite these odds against them, they are somewhat determined to find Mew and study its origins with a much closer look.

But as they recount the previous locations it was in, and triangulate them all together. Their assumption of Mew's next appearance would be in a particular city, where one of the Association's Greatest Heroes is residing there...




City - M...

That is it for this chapter, everyone. As for the next chapter, I've got one particular question in mind.

If any of you recall the monster, Kombu Infinity. Then you all know that it only appeared once in the series and it never came back after due to her run-in with Saitama.

That's where this particular question comes into mind, do you think I should make her significant to the story, or do any of you prefer that she remains the same as in the Anime and Manga?

The reason why I asked this question is because Kombu Infinity reminded me of a certain Pokemon, except the hair is Kombu Seaweed and not Vines. Also, in my other OPM Crossover Story, I changed Kombu Infinity's story there.

I won't have a say in the matter since this seemingly matters to you guys. If none of you will reply to my question, then I'll settle for something that suits me.

Second, If I do a headcount on all Class -S Heroes who has and who hasn't saw Mew. Here's a list of Class-S Heroes. (In Original Form, Not Transformed Pokemon)

Who has seen: Atomic Samurai, Child Emperor, Metal Knight, Watch Dogman, and Genos

Who hasn't seen: Tatsumaki, Silver Fang, King, Zombieman, Drive Knight, Pig God, Superalloy Darkshine, Flashy Flash, Metal Bat, Tank Top Master, and Puri Puri Prisoner

I won't include the top, just because, and I also won't include the other heroes because they're just too many of them. As for Saitama, that one's already obvious...

Third, if any of you read the lines carefully. You might notice a sentence that may possibly remind you of an old meme from an old but classic anime. I'll reveal the answer in the next chapter.

And finally, it's time for the sixth 'Whose that Pokemon'.

Here are the hints: Large and Forest

That is all I have to say, and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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