The Secret Job- JIKOOK


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Mafia/Stepbrother Jungkook runs a Mafia with this friends behind his family's back besides his Brother, Jeon... More

New day
Just lovely....
His special someone
Night out
A Walk In The Park
6 Years
Baby shower
The Boys Are Back Together
Dance Day One
Love can happen (Day two)
You just had to say it
Have To Stay
They Are Brothers, They Are Fine
Can't Be Away From Each Other
Give Me A Good Ride
New House And New Tattoos
Baby Shopping
Wild One
Welcome To The Family
Don't fight
Hawsa's Wedding
Behind Backs

About To Pop

454 39 7

Two Days Later! June 12th

"Wait wait what you kick her into the pool?" Jin asked, laughing as Jimin, Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon were hanging out at Jin and Namjoon's house

"YES! There was a pool there and I happily kicked her into it. TWO TIMES!!" Jimin says, holding up two fingers and the two laughed. "I threw the boyfriend's friend into the pool as well just for the fun of it." Jimin says and Jin was proud as Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head at the excited Jimin.

"Ahh! I wish I was there to cheer my sweet boy on! That would have been amazing to watch!" Jin says, clapping his hands as he really wish that he was there as Jimin giggled.

"What was Jungkook doing during this fight?" Namjoon ask.

"Letting me fight. Him, Taehyung and Jackson were close by so they could have stepped in if they had to. I was good. I was handling myself perfectly fine." Jimin says with a smile as he leans back into his seat.

"Oh I know you were because I have seen you fight yugyeom. You can easily break his arm if you ever wanted to." Jin says then took a sip of his tea as Jimin and Namjoon chuckled.

"Break who's arm?" Jungkook asked, walking onto the backyard porch with a cup in his hand.

"Oh we would just talking about the lovely fight I had. That's all." Jimin says as Jungkook sat down next to him and Jungkook chuckled at the mention of Jimin's fight.

"Oh. Yeah that was fun to watch. My favorite part is when he elbowed the boyfriend's friend in the nose and his nose started bleeding." " Jungkook says as he reached over to put his hand on Jimin's thigh as Jimin smiled and Jin chuckled as Namjoon shocked his head with a smile on his face.

"Now I know not to get punched or kick or now elbow by you." Namjoon says, looking at Jimin as everyone chuckled. "Did he start yelling in French?" Namjoon ask, looking back at Jungkook.

"Oh definitely." Jungkook says as Jimin face trun red as Namjoon and Jin started laughing and Jungkook looked at Jimin with a smile on his face.

"That's when we know that you are really piss off." Jin says, laughing then took a sip of his food.

"Yeah it's because people don't know what I am really saying." Jimin says with a "HA!" way and everyone start laughing at the face he made.

"He did good?" Namjoon asked, looking at Jungkook and Jungkook nodded his head, looking back at Namjoon.

"Yeah, he handled himself pretty well. Yoongi taught you well." Jungkook says as he smiled at Jimin and rubs Jimin's thigh with his thumb.

"I know. And people say you have to protect me." Jimin says in a very confident as everyone chuckled at the proud smile he had on his face.

"Well I am always going to do that no matter what." Jungkook says then kissed Jimin cheek as Jimin smiled.

"I swear if you ever get kidnapped, they will get annoyed with you and let you go because of how god damn sassy you are." Jin says and Jimin laughed.

"He gets it from you!" Namjoon says, looking at Jin, only to get smacked on the shoulder by Jin as Namjoon chuckled at Jin's reaction.

"Ohhh! Jungkook let me get kidnapped! Let's test it!" Jimin says, getting all excited as he grabbed Jungkook's arm and started shaking it, making Jungkook's hand fall off of his thigh.

"Hell no!" Jungkook says in a "what the hell you talking about!?!" way, making everyone laugh at his reaction.

"Was the fight worth the black and blue bruise hand?" Namjoon ask and Jimin looked at his right hand that has bruises on the knuckles.

"YEP! It felt so damn good to punch someone besides Yugyeom!" Jimin says then started clapping his hands as everyone laughed at his reaction until Jin left out a hiss, holding his stomach.

"Jin hyung?" Jungkook ask as Jimin and Namjoon quickly sat up, looking at Jin.

"I'm.. I'm okay. Just false contractions." Jin said and started taking deep breaths.

"Are you sure? You are due next week." Namjoon said and Jin nodded his head.

"Yes I am sure." Jin says then left out a sign.

"Jin hyung, you know male pregnancies are known to give birth a week before their due date." Jimin says and Jin shhh him as he waved his hand around.

"Quiet. I am fine." Jin says and Jimin left out a sign.

"Okay okay." Jimin says, putting his hands up in defense and leaning back into his seat again.

"I'm hungry. Let's get dinner started." Jin says and got up, walking inside.

"I think that baby is ready to get out." Jungkook says with Jimin agreeing with him.

"Yeah me too. Namjoon, you know if he starts to have contractions every 5 minutes and they last a minute, you have to get him to a hospital." Jimin says, looking at Namjoon and Namjoon nodded his head.

"Yeah I read it in the books. I told him this morning we should go to the hospital just to get it checked out. But nope. He didn't want to." Namjoon says as he ran his fingers through his hair then left out a sign.

"He is so stubborn." Jimin said.

"Like someone else I know." Jungkook says, looking at Jimin with a smile and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." Jimin says and Jungkook and Namjoon chuckled as Jimin got up and went inside the house to help Jin with dinner.

"Hey I know I put you out of work right now but I need your thoughts on this." Jungkook says, sitting up in his chair, leaning closer to Namjoon and looking at Namjoon.

"Okay. What you need?" Namjoon ask.

"When I picked Jimin up from the party and before the fight happened. I smelled alcohol on his breath. I asked Jackson, Taehyung and their friend Nayeon if he was drinking but they all said that he wasn't. They were with him the whole time." Jungkook explained as Namjoon listened, nodding his head.

"Did you ask Jimin?"

"Yeah. And he said he wasn't drinking. He promised me that he wasn't drinking. He said he might have picked up the wrong cup and didn't realize it had alcohol in it." Jungkook said and Namjoon gave him a confused look.

"He didn't taste it?" Namjoon ask and Jungkook nod his head.

"Yeah that's what he said. Jimin knows when I can tell he is lying and he wasn't lying Namjoon. He was telling the truth about him not drinking, I know very well Namjoon, I know he is telling the truth." Jungkook said and Namjoon agreed with him too. "Plus we have this rule that he can only drink when he is with me until he is at the illegal age."

"And I believe him. I believe that he would keep that rule with you too. Jimin is a good kid. Yeah a little crazy but that's normal in this family but still...still a good kid. If he is saying that to you then he is definitely telling the truth. Maybe there was someone there." Namjoon said and Jungkook shook his head as he has been trying not to think about that.

"Not that kid YoungKim. I already warn him."

"Then maybe someone else. Like a kid on the night mafia side. They slip into the party and put something in Jimin's drink to make him drunk."

"I fucking hope not. Because that means they know what he looks like. Only YoungKim on the wolf Mafia side knows that." Jungkook says as he started to get a little nervous.

"Then get Hawsa to get her girls to look more into it and see what they can find out about Jimin." Namjoon says and Jungkook nod hia head and took a deep breath.

"I fucking hope they don't know what he looks like because then I am going to tell him the real truth about me." Jungkook says, running his fingers through his hair as he pointed to himself.

"Jungkook I think Jimin will be cool about it. That boy loves all of us to death and he doesn't know what we actually do. He will be okay." Namjoon says, reaching over and patting Jungkook's back. "Shit, little shit is crazy enough to be excited about seeing a gun probably." Namjoon says and Jungkook couldn't help but to smiled.

"I hope he will be okay with it. I love him too much to lose him." Jungkook says, looking down as Namjoon could tell that Jungkook was stressed out about telling Jimin the truth.

"Jungkook. I know that. When you two aren't around each other all you two talk about is each other. You guys are perfect together." Namjoon says, reaching over and patting Jungkook's shoulder as Jungkook looked at him with a smile.

Jungkook and Namjoon went inside to see Jimin helping Jin with dinner so Jungkook decided to help as well. As the two was making dinner, Jin kept having pains in his stomach every like 10 or 13 minutes and was scaring everyone as the minutes were getting closer and closer.

But... Jin said he was fine.. so they let him be.

Everyone knows in the group that baby is ready to get the fuck out of there and meet everyone. But Jin is trying to go what his doctor is saying but the baby is not liking what the doctor is saying and is really close to coming out as Jin is due next week. Namjoon didn't want to stress Jin so he tried to keep his mouth shut but his family was being risky with Jin having contractions now every 10 to 13 minutes. But anyways once dinner was done, they all sat down at the table and ate as everyone was keeping an eye on Jin to make sure he was okay.

"Jin... Honey.. can we go to the hospital?" Namjoon ask as he reached over the table to hold Jin's hand but Jin shook his head.

"No. If I am in labor now they will just send me back home. I am okay." Jin says and Namjoon left out a sign.

"Okay that is true. If Jin is starting early labor they will just send him back." Jimin says, looking at Namjoon.

"Yes that is true but it's just false contractions. That's all." Jin says with a smile but his smile quickly changed to a painful look. "Ow ow ow ow."

"Okay! I am going to pack the hospital bag!" Namjoon says but Jin grabbed him and pulled him back into his chair as Jimin and Jungkook jumped a little at the pregnant Jin's strength.

"Sit and eat and shut up." Jin says and Jungkook and Jimin held back their laugher and quickly starting to eat their food to not get yelled at like Namjoon did, knowing it's better not to piss off the pregnant Jin.

After dinner, Jimin did the dishes for Jin and Namjoon then him and Jungkook left, heading back home. They were both worried about Jin hyung as they both know that contractions can be really painful without any medicine. They both felt bad for Jin as they don't like to see their Jin hyung in pain and also bad for Namjoon because Namjoon was just trying to help but Jin's mood swings were not helping with the situation. When they got home, they sat down on the couch in the living room with Jimin relaxing into Jungkook's side as Jungkook had his arm around Jimin with his hand on Jimin's ass. Yugyeom walked into the living room to see the couple, cuddle up to each other but then noticed Jungkook's hand.

"Does your hand always have to be there?" Yugyeom ask as he sat down in the rocking chair next to the couch that the couple were laying on.

"Yes." Jungkook says with a smile.

"Jimin, you agree?" Yugyeom ask, looking at Jimin.

"I honestly don't even feel it anymore. I have gotten so use to it." Jimin says, laughing a little as Yugyeom left out a sign, shaking his head.

"Only 5 weeks since you two started dating and you are already use to him touching your ass. Wow." Yugyeom says, kinda in disbelief as Jimin laughed.

"I feel it 24/7 there, yy. I definitely have gotten used to it." Jimin says as Yugyeom chuckled, shaking his head as Jungkook just smirked at his brother and Yugyeom rolled his eyes at his brother's reaction.

"What happens if mom and dad walk in? You remember the last time dad saw Jimin in your bed." Yugyeom says, looking and pointing at Jungkook and Jungkook rolled his eyes at the memory.

"Ehh. Don't really give a fuck." Jungkook said and Jimin smiled as Yugyeom chuckled. "Also Dad was just being dramatic." Jungkook says and rolled his eyes this time.

"And it was all because I had a nightmare." Jimin says then left out a sign, shaking his head.


"Goodnight!" Jimin says to Yugyeom, about to leave the living room.

"Night. See ya in the morning." Yugyeom says with a smile.

Jimin left the living room and started heading to the front of house to go to the stairs when the front door started to open. Jimin froze a little but once the door open to show it was just Jungkook, he calm down. Jungkook closed the door and kicked off his shoes as he left out a sign and ran his fingers through his then short hair but then noticed Jimin as he turned his head.

"Hey." Jungkook says with a smile.

"Hi. I was just heading to bed." Jimin says, walking up the first two steps.

"Oh. You got school tomorrow right?"


"I will take you tomorrow then." Jungkook says as he locked the front door and smiled at Jimin.

"You don't have to. I know you are busy at work." Jimin says but Jungkook shook his head.

"It's fine I can take you. It's on my way to work anyway." Jungkook says as he walked a little closer to Jimin.

"Okay fine. I will see you in the morning than, Jungkookie." Jimin says and Jungkook gave him a nod as Jimin started walking up the stairs. "Night!"

"Night! See you in the morning!" Jungkook says as he watched Jimin go up the stairs then join Yugyeom in the living room.

Jimin got in his bed and got all nice and comfy then slowly fell asleep. Until he was in a dark room with no windows or light just darkness everywhere. Jimin started to get nervous and started to call out for Jungkook, Yugyeom and even Yoongi at the time but no one was there to help him. Until he heard a deep creepy voice behind him, calling him out making him scream and turn around to see red eyes looking at him and that's when he woke up.

He jumped sitting up in bed and started to breath heavy as he quickly looked around the room to make sure no one was around. He left out a sign as he realized it was just a nightmare so he laid back down as he tried to calm down and try to not think about the nightmare. But after 40 minutes of trying to forget and tossing and turning in bed, he couldn't do it anymore and it was 4:40 am and he had school at 7 in the morning.

"If you ever have a nightmare or can't sleep then come in my room." Jimin heard Jungkook's words in his head and left out a sign as he sat up in bed. "He said he wouldn't get mad if I did." Jimin thought to himself, looking over at his bedroom door.

Jimin got out of bed then walked over to his door and put his hand on the doorknob. He stop for a second to really think about it but he can't sleep and he knows he will probably be up all night if he doesn't have someone sleeping by him to calm him down. Jimin opened the door and stick his head to quickly looked left and right down the hallways then left his room, closing the door. He quickly and quietly walked to Jungkook's room and carefully opened the door then walked in. He froze a little as he looked at the bed to see Jungkook sleeping on his side, facing away from the door and he was shirtless.

"Please don't be mad Jungkookie." Jimin thought to himself as he walked over to Jungkook, taking a deep breath and looked down at him sleeping. "Jungkook. Hey Jungkook." Jimin says, poking Jungkook on his naked shoulder.

"Huh? Ummm.. what?" Jungkook asked, waking up right away as he is a light sleeper and looking behind him to see who it was. "Jimin? You okay?" Jungkook asked, rolling on his back to sit up in bed and looking at Jimin with worry.

"Umm I had a.. umm... nightmare and I-I... I can't... Can't fa-fall back to sleep." Jimin says as he played with the bottom of his shirt out of nervousness.

"Oh... Come on. Lay down with me." Jungkook says, moving to the side to make room.

Jimin clammed down a little bit as he realized that Jungkook wasn't going to be mad or yell at him for waking up at this time of night. Jimin got in bed, getting under the covers with Jungkook as Jungkook laid back down, laying on his side facing Jimin. Jimin laid down, on his back but then looked at Jungkook who was already looking at the younger person.

"You okay?"

"Yeah.. it was just a little scary." Jimin says then left out a sign, looking up at the roof.

"Well I am happy you came here and didn't be scared the whole night. I got you now and I won't let anything get you. Your okay. Is there anything I can do?" Jungkook ask, making sure Jimin was actually okay and he wasn't lying.

"Ummm can you rub my back... It helps... My dad used to do it." Jimin say and Jungkook got a little smile on his face and nod his head.

"Of course. You want me to hold you too?" Jungkook ask and Jimin nodded his head.

Without saying anything, Jungkook rolled onto his back and Jimin cuddled up to him, laying his head down on Jungkook's chest as Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin. Jungkook started to rub his back as Jimin got a little smile on his face as his whole body relax under Jungkook's touch. Jimin was cold but Jungkook was really warm so Jungkook's body heat started to warm up Jimin.

"Damn why are you so cold?" Jungkook ask with a little smile as he looked down at Jimin and Jimin smiled as well.

"I am always cold when I sleep. Even in the summer." Jimin says, looking up at Jungkook.

"I got you now so I will keep you warm. I won't let anything hurt you too. Go back to sleep now." Jungkook says and Jimin nodded his head then closed his eyes as he was nice and cuddled up against Jungkook's side.

"Thank you Jungkookie. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Angel." Jungkook says with a smile then watched Jimin slowly fall back to sleep.

The next morning when the two woke up, Jimin woke up only to feel an arm around his waist. He looked behind him to see a sleeping Jungkook, holding onto Jimin as Jimin was using Jungkook's other arm as a pillow. Jimin felt his face start to turn red as he realized how close Jungkook was to him as Jungkook's chest was touching his back. Jimin looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:50 am.

"Shit! Jungkook! I have school!" Jimin says and Jungkook woke up right away, hearing Jimin's voice.

"Ehh? School? What time is it?"

"7:50! I'm late!"

"Ehh. Your not going."

"What? Jungkook I have too!"

"No you don't. You sick. Easy as that." Jungkook says as he laid his head back down on the pillow, holding Jimin down.

"Jungkook, I have to go or mom is going to be mad." Jimin says, trying to get out of bed but Jungkook's arm around his waist stopped him. "Let me go." Jimin says, looking at Jungkook.

"No. Just go back to sleep. I will handle your mom and whatever the fuck she has to say as well as my dad. Remember last night when I said I will protect you?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded his head. "I will and I promise you that. Now lay back down and get some sleep. I know you don't get a lot, I can tell by your eyes."

Jimin left out a sign and then lay back down, laying down on his side, facing away from Jungkook. Jungkook left out a whine then pulled Jimin closer to his chest, making their body pressed up against each other as Jimin's face got even more red at the feeling of another body touching him. Jimin felt Jungkook's breath go down his back, giving Jimin goosebumps all over his body. Jimin closed his eyes as he used Jungkook's arm as a pillow again then slowly fell back to sleep in the comfort of Jungkook. Around 11 am is when Jungkook got woken up by yelling coming downstairs and he opened his eyes to see Jimin sleeping still, hiding his face in Jungkook's chest. Jungkook looked at the door as he heard footsteps walking around in the hallway then came to his door.

"Jungkook! Where is Jimin? He never showed up at school and the school has been nonstop cal-" Jungkook's dad stopped as he saw the two laying in bed together with Jungkook's arm over Jimin's head in a protective way. "Is.. is he laying... With you?" Jungkook's dad ask he walked closer to Jungkook's bed.

"So what if he is? He missed one day of school. Just fuck off already and go back to work." Jungkook says as Jimin woke up, rubbing his eyes, looking VERY CUTE LIKE A LITTLE CAT as he did, then opened his eyes to see what was happening as he heard talking.


"Shh. It's okay. Your okay." Jungkook asked, looking at Jimin.

"He is with you!" Jungkook's dad yelled at them as he rip the blankets off of the two, scaring Jimin even more making him sit up out of fright and Jungkook quickly got up, facing his dad as he put an arm in front of Jimin, only for Jimin to grab onto Jungkook's arm. "Why is he with you? He shouldn't be in bed with a 17 year old! Someone 3 years older than him! He should be at school!"

"Shut up! Your scaring him! He had a nightmare last night and came to me because he was scared!" Jungkook says as Yugyeom heard the yelling so he came in to see what was happening.

"What is going on?" Yugyeom ask, looking at the two then saw a scared Jimin, holding onto Jungkook's arm. "Jimin?"

"Did you know about this? About Jimin missing school because he was in bed with Jungkook?!"

"What? No. And so what if he is?" Yugyeom ask, looking at his head.

"Brothers shouldn't be in bed together! Especially when one has school." Jungkook's dad yells, looking at Jimin as Yugyeom rolled his eyes.

"So what! Jimin miss one day of school and it's the end of the fucking world. Shut up." Yugyeom says, shaking his head at his dramatic father. "Jimin feel protected with him and your are just scaring the shit out of him." Yugyeom says, crossing his arms over his chest.


"Jungkook?" Jimin asked and Jungkook looked at him. "I don't feel good." Jimin says as his stomach was actually really badly hurting.

"Okay. Go to the bathroom. I have some medicine in there. Yugyeom." Jungkook says and Yugyeom nod his head then walked over to the bed.

Yugyeom helped Jimin out of bed, putting a hand on his lower back and walking him to the bathroom, leaving the door open a little. Jungkook got out of bed and looked at his dad with a piss off look.

"Like I fucking said. Jimin had a nightmare and came to me because he was scared. You yelling is not helping anything. He missed one day of school out of the 215 days he is supposed to go. Now fucking leave before I make you." Jungkook says, getting in his dad's face and his dad back down.

"I don't ever want to see him in bed with you again!" Was the last thing that his dad said before leaving the room, slamming the door.

"JUNGKOOK!! JIMIN IS THROWING UP!" Yugyeom yelled from the bathroom.



"Why were you sick again?" Yugyeom ask, looking at Jimin.

"I got food poisoning."

"Ohh yeah that's right from that one restaurant. Yeah I am happy that we don't go there anymore." Yugyeom says as the couple agreed with him as that was the last time they went to that restaurant after Jimin got food poisoning.

"Well little does my father know, I am in your bed every night!" Jungkook says, pulling Jimin closer then kissed Jimin as Jimin giggled.

"I want to go to Jin's house..." Yugyeom said, making the couple laughed at his reaction. "Is Jin okay? Namjoon said he was having false contractions."

"No I am pretty sure he was having like actual contractions. Like every 10 minutes he was having contractions." Jimin says, shocking Yugyeom.

"So that baby... Is coming like tomorrow?" Yugyeom ask, kinda confused.

"If he is actually in labor then yes. Shit even tonight." Jimin said and the two brothers were in shock.

"Holy shit! You didn't tell me that!" Jungkook says, quickly sitting up and making Jimin fall off of him and Jimin couldn't help but to laughed as he looked up at Jungkook as he was stuck in between the couch and Jungkook.

"Sorry." Jimin says, giggling.

"Wait wait.... so the baby might be here by this morning?!" Yugyeom asked and Jimin left out a nervous chuckle, nodding his head.

"Oh fuck! We got all the baby stuff for here right?!" Jungkook asked, looking down at Jimin, who was still stuck in the crack of the couch.

"Yes! Jin will probably bring his own stuff as well. Will you two calmed down?!" Jimin ask as he got himself unstuck in the couch as the two brothers were freaking out as Kosmos just gave the brothers a weird look just like her owner was too.

"Holy SHIT WE MIGHT HAVE A NEW BROTHER OR SISTER COMING!" Yugyeom says, getting up only to fake pass out onto the couples laps.

"Get off!" The two say as they push Yugyeom off of them onto the floor, making Yugyeom screamed as he fell backwards, hitting his elbow on the coffee table.

"Ow! Fuck my elbow!" Yugyeom says, rubbing his elbow as Kosmos came over to check up on her uncle as the couple chuckle, looking down at Yugyeom.

After awhile around 11:25 pm, Yugyeom went to bed then the couple went to bed as well with Kosmos falling asleep on Jimin's shoulder. Jungkook smiled as he walked out of the bathroom, only in his underwear as he looked at the two on the bed. He looked at Jimin, making eye contact as he smiled then got under the covers with Jimin, who was laying on his back.

"I would roll over so I was facing you but she is so comfy." Jimin says as Jungkook chuckled but than he shook his head.

"No let her sleep. She had a hard day, running in the backyard." Jungkook says as the two chuckle and Jungkook laid on his side facing Jimin and quickly turned off the lights, making the room dark beside the outside light, shining through the windows.

"She is a little baby still." Jimin says then gave Kosmos a kiss.

"She is." Jungkook says then wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist and lay his head down on his pillow. "Do you really think Jin Hyung is going to have that baby tonight?"

"I'm not sure, Jungkookiss. It's a 50/50 really. It depends on if the baby is really 'ready ready' to get out or not." Jimin says as he only turned his head to look at Jungkook as they looked at each other in their eyes.

"He is ready to pop. That baby is ready to get the fuck out of their and meet her best friend!" Jungkook whined as Jimin chuckled, shaking his head.

"Best friend as in you?"

"Yes! I want to meet my new best friend!" Jungkook says still whining as Jimin smiled.

"You will soon. Like you said, Jin is ready to pop." Jimin says and Jungkook smiled.

"Let's try to sleep to make the night go by fast. Goodnight angel." Jungkook says and kiss Jimin as Jimin giggled into the kiss.

"Goodnight, Bunny." Jimin says than closed his eyes as Jungkook cuddle up to Jimin, putting his head on Jimin's shoulder.


I know it's Christmas without BTS but at least next year, we will have Jin and Hoseok with us!! 😀👍🏻

This is what I got for Christmas!



emma_simp I didn't pull Jimin like I always do! I actually got Jin witch is like the perfect thing for this chapter 🤣

I also got a BTS puzzle and a bt21 bucket hat as well

But I hope everyone had a good Christmas for those who celebrated it and kemma_simp this chapter is your Christmas gift from me ya little shit! Love you!!!😛💜

I j-hope you like this chapter like always!!


I have had to much sugar today....I have had to many cookies and chocolate...🤪🤪

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