The Serpent Lord's Consort

By Vyaska

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Harry Potter disappears shortly before his final year of Hogwarts; before he was supposed to go and hunt down... More

I: The Day of Change
II: Belated Celebration
III: Making Short-Term Plans
IV: Of Rituals, Rescues, and Potential Risks
V: Recuperation
VI: Moving Forward
VII: A Light within the Darkness
VIII: Like A Phoenix, Rise From Ashes
IX: The Beginning of the Merge
X: A New Life Begins
XI: The Aria of the Ocean
XII: The Power of a Bond
XIV: Soul-Mending
XV: The World Will Be Ours

XIII: The Power of a Bond II

611 28 3
By Vyaska

Two weeks. Two weeks had gone by and Harry was still missing...Tom was a complete wreck as he waited for Maya and her Auror friends to find something. Tom was mixed in feelings; he wanted to tear out of this place and to go and to hunt for his mate too, but in his unstable mental clarity; it was ill-advised. He was a visitor to the country, and if he did something terrible to anyone there despite what happened to him and Harry...he was going to be in trouble with their laws and hurt Harry more for it.

It made him feel vulnerable and helpless.

Harry was his whole world now; his sole reason for existing. Harry was his soulmate and bonded partner for the rest of their lives; long and supposedly eternal lives. Harry was the fierce flames and fire that coiled to warm him and to melt his ice to the world and others besides him. Tom was the protective frigid and bitter ice that forced Harry's fire back and to recoil when he knew danger was near; to protect them.

But...he curled his fingers as he eyed the room; he hadn't sensed the intruders. He hadn't even sensed a bit of magic...

Tom sat in their bedroom bathed and dressed already for the day, trying to remain somewhat himself for Harry; however, his eyes were despondent and devoid of life as he eyed the vanity and Harry's sparkling jewelry just lied there and glittered as the sun reflected off of his bottles of perfume. As he saw the neatly placed brushes and hair-care products, the lotion and other skin products.

The make-up he had Tom get for him lying there and reminding Tom of all the things that he loved about Harry. No matter the fact that Harry was male; he adored Harry no matter what he wore and dressed in, no matter that he wanted to decorate himself in jewelry, perfume, or make-up; Harry was his mate and he loved every part of him and his personality.

His eyes saddened as they turned to the bed; and he gently rubbed his hand to the pillow where Harry had lied on the first night, and his fingers trembled in ache...his scent; that intoxicating scent of Harry's lingered there still. Tears shined to the edges of his scarlet eyes; flashes of how happy he was to have Harry beside him.

Of all the moments they had shared together; both good and bad in the past and the present, and reminding Tom that Harry had chosen him. That he would fight to return to him...or, he hoped that Harry would.

Tom's eyes closed sharply to the pain in his chest; Harry would not abandon him, he wouldn't...

Dusk carefully wandered in and nuzzled his leg; blue eyes looking at him and whining softly to Tom. The elder man sighed and smiled a bit as he stood and went down with the fox to the laundry room; where they put a food and water bowl for him. Tom filled the food bowl and refreshed the water dish.

Then noticed the new meals sent over by Sophia as he re-entered the kitchen; he smiled a bit for that, seeing as Maya noticed soon after Harry was gone that Tom had barely eaten and was starting to show signs of the beginning to thinning. She had poked and prodded until he admitted that Harry was the one who normally fed them. That he had no aptitude with cooking or being in the kitchen.

Harry had wanted to teach him some; but the war ending was more important at the time. So, he had not been able to start that. Not really. Maya had been concerned to this and knew eating out too much was unhealthy. That both Harry and Tom did like to take care of their bodies and eating properly was a big part of that. So, she had gathered the rest of the neighbors and very cautiously spoke to them of what had happened; they'd all been furious for it on Tom and Harry's behalf.

Sophia was especially irate; she didn't care one whit that Tom was the former British Dark Lord or that he had done horrible things. Dark magic was still magic; and with how Britain had been, she had agreed that Tom's use of it was probably necessary. Andre had been stunned; he had never before seen his wife so angry like this.

She had literally decided to close the cafe for the foreseeable future, and she made sure Tom had food to eat. So Harry wouldn't be worried for his health when he was rescued and returned home to Tom.

Andre, her husband, had then agreed to her decision wholeheartedly and supported it. Family mattered; no matter how estranged to it you were. Stephanie and Naomi; bless those girls Maya had thought to herself, they came over at least twice a week to keep Tom socializing and from totally barricading himself to the bedroom.

Knowing that he wouldn't even look to them for anything more than that. No matter how upset he was with the situation; he would never betray Harry like that. Not with them or any other male that he came into contact with.

He truly loved Harry.

They helped to clean the house and help do laundry; since it was discovered there were no house elves there to help them, and Tom admitted that Harry was more of a busy-body...he liked to do the cooking, cleaning, and all of those chores.

Sophia, Maya, Stephanie and Naomi had all glared at Tom for that; thinking that he was inadvertently taking Harry's like of doing these chores for granted. Naomi's fingers had curled to it. Her sister laid a hand to her to help her calm. Maya then told Tom that he may wish to learn how to help with these chores. If Harry ever became pregnant; the exhaustiveness to it all while being could harm him.

Tom then deadened in his eyes as Maya instantly realized her mistake; she had forgotten that Harry had once been pregnant and miscarried. She stood and went to sit uneasily beside him; apologized to him as tears fell and he turned away from her.

Maya then took the rest to the kitchen and warded it; explained to them that Harry had once been pregnant, but he had miscarried. It was not the chores or Tom's lack of help to them; Harry's body then was sickly. He was trying to heal and the pregnancy had been a surprise; one his body wasn't ready for.

Harry had refused to get rid of the child and Tom had agreed that he didn't want to either. Then at three months; Harry lost the child.

The rest of the women were quiet and subdued; trying to imagine how painful that experience was, seeing as none of them had ever been pregnant. Maya, Stephanie, and Naomi; none of them had ever been married or put themselves in a situation with a relationship that had risked pregnancy as an outcome. They had all; always been responsible and careful about their pleasures.

Sophia who was married; she had not had children because she was infertile and unable to carry. Andre's family had not wanted him to marry her, but he loved Sophia and refused to marry anyone else. His parents finally gave in; knowing that blood-adoptions were still available to them.

After that, the women all agreed to be more careful and to make sure they kept an eye on Tom; to make sure he was alright.


Harry blearily woke and started to the cold he felt; he eyed his body and noted it was nude. Then saw the differences; he didn't look at all human now. He had half-transformed to his incubus to protect himself unconsciously. His body was more like a statue of a gargoyle made of pure black marble; except the marble was scaled and when light hit, red, green, and deep purple or blue shined with tints of smoky gray.

His hands and his feet had their claws out; much larger and very much more dangerously sharp claws that looked like blades than the ones he had allowed before with his mate. Though Harry idly suspected with a smirk; that Tom would be staring, internally begging from his eyes, and even beginning to leak just to have Harry like this with him.

Harry had been waiting for the right moment to reveal the form to Tom and let him play this way with him. He had considered it; when Tom had trapped him in that damnable machine...but he had thought he probably wouldn't have been able to go through with it, so he hadn't.

Thick black and fine looking leathery wings were out now; Harry grimaced to that, glad to to have been asleep when they erupted out of him. Otherwise the pain would have been unbearable. The wings were large, magic-resistant as his scales were, and highly durable to physical damage; Harry betted he would be able to fly with them if he could manage to escape.

He had a long and scaled tail that was barbed until it made a lethal point at the end with smaller barbs for hooking onto things and attaching to them; Harry eyed it and wondered if he could manipulate it to be able to pick the locks on his chains to his wrists and ankles.

Then started and used his tongue to poke and noted his teeth were all sharper, and stared when when he pushed his tongue out and saw that it was forked-shaped. Harry smirked internally as his body quivered in delight; oh, his mate was going to love that...

He then used his tail to reach and prod; yep he thought with silent satisfaction, he had his horns now too. Smaller than a dominant's would be; just as the wings would be, yet pronounced and somewhat twisted horns that protruded from his head and from underneath his hair. Harry very carefully and quietly leaned his head to his one hand and felt; his ears were thin, pointed, and serrated like a Drow elf, but also; scaled over and Harry felt a pulsing power near the underside to his ears where they connected to his head.

Harry smirked as his fangs appeared a bit; his cock was clearly amused by the situation; despite how seriously in trouble he was right now. He was engorged and very nearly dripping without even having been touched inappropriately.

"Markal, the submissive Incubus is awake." A male voice called suddenly and Harry instantly went to alert as his green eyes narrowed with magic power rising and he guided his body as much as he could to a stance to protect it.

Footsteps were heard then an unlocking charm as a man stepped through; Harry supposed he was nice enough looking, if he were interested. But he was nowhere near the impression of a Dark God that Tom was...

Harry hissed and growled low in his throat; warning him now to stay away. Magic rose and coiled to protect him as this 'Markal' stared and then smirked a bit.

"You are every bit as powerful as rumors claim, aren't you Harry Potter. Now more so due to the creature you harbor. You are going to make a fine sale for me." He purred as Harry roared and thrashed

Green eyes smoldered with anger, "When I get loose; I am going to kill you." He hissed nastily, "All of you." He promised

He smirked, "If my mate doesn't find me first and obliterate your existences from daring to take me from him."

Markal rose a brow, "The Dark Lord is in no condition to be fighting anyone. He's been rendered emotionally unstable by this kidnapping. He barely leaves your room and only stares at your belongings. He cuddles with a black fox as he silently pets it and cries. Your neighbors have been bringing food and doing chores for you to help him.

He's gone soft." Markal snarled, "You made him turn from his goals and ambitions."

Harry suddenly stopped thrashing as his eyes dimmed to hear how Tom was reacting to this; it was surprising, yet not really. Tom was the Dark Lord; Harry knew he had that capacity to still be it, but Harry was his bonded.

Markal snorted derisively, "You'll be sold soon to someone who owns a very lucrative business; one where your...needs will be satiated and your abilities put to good use. Though I suppose that you won't be completely satiated; seeing as Tom won't be the one to fuck you anymore."

Markal then walked to the cell door, "He'll never find you again. I will enjoy watching him break and die inside after he betrayed us. Left those of us outside Britain who have served his cause loyally to fend for ourselves without care of thought."

"Rico, see that our guest is tended to; I don't want the buyer to be foaming to see how eager he is." Markal smirked and left.

Rico grinned and lustily stared at Harry; his eyes wandering over the Incubus as Harry snarled and dared him to touch him. Harry had managed to undo his ankles and none of them noticed. Rico sneered at him as he walked and Harry saw the outline of his pants beginning to bulge. Harry then flared his eyes and his magic snapped harshly as Rico paused; he was wary of the intense magic Potter owned.

But soon, the desire to touch him overrode the fear of the magic. Harry suddenly formed a plan and smirked; this would be good for him to feel. Harry allowed Rico close and warily watched him as the man began to slowly rub his fingers to him. Harry pretended to try and not react; slowly letting himself show small amounts of interest.

His body screamed inside; his creature was furious for this, but it understood what Harry was doing to get them out of there. So it played along.

"So much for a mate..." Rico chuckled as he watched Harry pant as he touched and thumbed his arousal for the Incubus, "The Dark Lord must not know how to please you; you'd be better off without him and someone who can."

Harry grit his teeth to that; they had just insulted his mate. He was incensed by it, but he was forcing himself not to lash out in order to play this right.

Harry then smirked and leered at Rico, "The Dark Lord would have had me keening, moaning, mewling and leaking by now."

Harry preened then and smirked, "Not to mention..." He commented idly, "His cock is like three times bigger than yours when erect. You won't be able to satiate me; even if my body responds to this."

Rico got rather angry to that; then knelt lower as Harry waited. The time was ripe. He waited as Rico licked and teased his cock, but when he went to suck on it; Harry immediately curled his legs to his neck and bound him there hard enough to choke. Watching his face turn blue as he smiled serenely and then dropped the dead man and paused as a clap sounded; Markal stood there and grinned nastily.

Proving he had known Harry had freed half his body already.

"That was excellent." He spoke, "It appears that your fighting skills are retained to your creature too. Rico was going to free you and try to run with you; he wouldn't have made it far. You'd have gotten loose and run for it."

Harry snarled; the man had used him to get rid of someone else that was going to try and use him for himself.

Markal then walked to him and magicked the chains back as he silently adjusted them; seeing as he did not wish Harry to know exactly how to undo them. All as Harry fought and struggled, but eventually he was forced to admit defeat due to tiredness when the chains cinched.

Markal gleamed as Harry hung there and spread so gloriously before him. He reached and touched the arousal of the Incubus; taking time to watch as Harry looked pained to the mere touches; even as his body betrayed him and hardened. As it erected to the touch and as it began to drip his pre-cum to Markal.

Harry started as fear permeated him when Markal rubbed his backside and gently leaned his fingers to caress the edges of his entrance; yet did not force the fingers in.

"Be good Harry." He whispered with a dark tone, "Or I will be forced to punish you. You'd not like that; seeing as I would be burying myself inside you to do that."

Harry hissed and snarled as he then roared at Markal; the primal and very demonic roar showing as his eyes glowed eerily and Harry blasted him back with his magic as he used his body to push him off of him.

"Touch me like that..." He hissed in warning, "And I will find a way to kill you."

Harry then dropped and ignored Markal; only watching as the man stood, straightened his fancy clothes, and sneered before walking off. Telling the guards to watch him and not let him get free.


Tom was lounging on the beach outside of the house and his mind was far away; even as his new neighbors were there and playing a game of volleyball; though difficult with so few of them. Tom's red eyes were sad; wishing Harry was here to enjoy this.

He then suddenly sat up straight; his eyes hopeful and saw as they paused and Maya rushed to him.

"Tom?" She asked

Tom motioned for quiet as he closed his eyes and they went silent; knowing that he sensed something, or perhaps Harry had woken and was contacting him,

Tom's emotions bubbled over as he felt him awake now.

"Harry." He spoke softly and smiled to hear his voice; as his cracked a bit to hear it.

"Mate." Tom felt as Harry smiled back a little, "I am glad to hear your voice, but not happy to hear how broken it is from this. We knew this could happen to me, Tom. There are many on either side of this former war; whether they were in Britain or outside of it, that does not like this new treaty. You need to get yourself together and help to find me.

I am already half-transformed to protect myself; but I don't know how long I will be able to manage to hold the form before it disappears and I am reverted to my human shape and weakened for it.

The people who took me, mate; they're upset at you for leaving them abandoned in their countries after serving you. To fend for themselves as you backed out and live comfily with me now. They're going to sell me off to someone as an exotic prized prostitute and sex toy, mate. You can't let them do this!"

Tom's red eyes suddenly burned with fury, anger, and his dark aura burst and lashed out as he hissed nastily.

"They already tried to touch me, mate. I am chained for now while they're waiting for the buyer to come to collect me. I must confess to you; I allowed one of them to touch because I had planned to use him to escape. I killed one of them as example and to prove a point.

The other who touched me hadn't seemed surprised by it and expected it; was glad that I had my fighting skills, seeing as the dead man was going to free me and try to abscond with me. Markal; that is his name, and he leads this operation. He clapped when I killed Rico; then walked over and tightened the chains to prevent me from acting. He...he touched my cock and rubbed it; he made me leak, and all as he rubbed upon my ass and his fingers ghosted my entrance, mate.

It's invasive and I feel sick for the touches; I feel pain for them.

He...threatened to fuck me in punishment if I didn't cooperate and behave. I had no choice but to settle down and appear as if I was cooperating then. I am...afraid right now, Tom; very scared of these people and what they'll do to me if the buying falls through.

Thankfully, they do not seem to know about the mental connection yet. Otherwise they would have drugged me back to sleep. I fear that more than anything; seeing as they could do anything to me like that."

Tom's severely dark and cold aura was beginning to scare the rest; they huddled together and waited as they watched. To see what would happen.

"Where are you, treasure? We need a clue to help us find you?" Tom asked him

"I don't know; only that I appear to be somewhere old and has cells. Underground more than likely due to the cold that Markal knew my creature would not like."

"Can you send me what the room looks like; Maya might know how to find you or the others?" Tom asked

He waited as Harry briefly sent several different angles of the the room he was being kept in. Tom hissed nastily some more; those rooms were not anywhere his treasure should be at all.

"I am tired, mate. Drained from fighting too much before." Harry yawned and spoke with fear, "But I cannot seem to stay awake now. Hurry Tom; please, just...hurry."

"Harry!" Tom stood and growled out; but the connection had gone black and silent.

He turned, "Maya, Harry was taken and is about to be sold off as a sex toy. These men and women served me abroad and are not happy that I agreed to the treaty and left them all hanging in their own countries. They've already touched him some; though not with anything penetrative as I learned. However one of them threatened it if he did not settle and behave; Harry is scared right now."

Tom's magic had faded and dissipated to knowing Harry was alone and scared.

Tom shook himself, "Harry killed one of them to try to protect himself and dissuade the others; they touched him inappropriately and he used it as warning to the rest. He said he's in an old cell somewhere; likely underground."

Maya and her two auror friends there with them watched as they breathed harshly to see the old cells that were left-over from a old war between the magicals here and another neighboring country.

"We know where those cells are." One who was named Savion said firmly, "We have to be careful in how we get him out. Those cells are dangerous, Master Riddle. Especially since they chained him in there."

Riddle's eyes narrowed, "How dangerous?" He hissed

The auror fidgeted, "Very; if one knows how to use them, and I suspect they do or they would not have used the place at all. They were once part of an old prison that was used to hold prisoners that were convicted of the most heinous of crimes. But it was built for war-time; it's a massive fortress ruin that once was a place of bloody torture and unmerciful interrogation specifically.

"If these people know how to use its features; then Harry is in a lot of danger. And not just from that either; the area is notoriously said to have spirits there. Angry and vengeful ones from the innocents that have died there during wars."

Tom breathed harshly as his eyes closed before he inclined, "I am not worried of the spirits, not as much as the other features; Harry is the Lord Peverell. He, as the heir of the Lord to the Dead, he communes with spirits of all manners and he commands the them at times if needed; spirits of all manners can be commanded by him without Harry even needing necromancy or forceful dark arts to ever control them.

They also at times; they seek him for things. To help them or other spirits. I have learned to live with this aspect of him. I don't always like it or want to agree to let him help; I worry about him, but I also know that my treasure will always do as he wants and I won't be able to stop him if he's determined enough."

Tom smirked then as they eyed him with discerning and somewhat uncomfortable looks, "Oh yes, my mate very much knows those branches of magic. He was eager to learn them and whatever else took his fancy; I don't deprive Harry of anything he wants, but I ensured he did learn the Dark arts and well; to further enhance his abilities and to be able to protect himself, and as for necromancy; Lord Death made Harry learn. And he was not kind about it either; seeing as he forced Harry to learn it not long after his miscarriage."

Tom's eyes seemed to harden with his emotions, "Harry didn't respond well to the actions, but he eventually used the training to take his mind off of the event."

Tom then smirked, "And..." He purred to the scenery more than his guests, "Watching Harry work with such magic is very arousing. Between his new body and the way his magic feels when he uses it; especially for dark magic..."

Tom's eyes closed as he shuddered, "It's one of my favorite sensations to experience." He smirked as his eyes opened and he eyed them

Tom then sobered somewhat, "Harry rarely ever uses those gifts; but he may try it if he gets scared enough to get desperate."

Tom then spoke, "Tell me of the magic to the prison; I want to know if I may be able to dismantle parts to alleviate the dangers Harry is in."

Maya eyed her friends as they seemed to consider this, but they grimaced.

"It may not be possible." The second one spoke, "That prison is older than even Azkaban or Nurengard Prison; where Grindelwald is held. It has ancient magic to it that most of us in the Uruguayan law-department dare not to tamper with; even as we patrol the area occasionally to ensure citizens stay out. I am very surprised that they even considered the place as their base; but more surprised that we haven't seen them there

They probably have wards set to alert them of strangers and hide inside of the place until we pass."


Harry knew when he woke next; the hour was late and the sky was likely dark. He moaned softly to feel the of the cold air; it was unpleasant to him and made him pained with aches for how long he had hung there now. But, he noted the lack of guards; either sleeping without replacements, or just dumb enough not to put others there.

Harry's eyes shined as they watered; he couldn't even see the moon or the stars. There was no window for natural light of any kind in these cells. Harry started as a spectral figure faded in and then eyed him; noting his predicament.

"You are very weak now from the cold, young lord." It spoke, "Your mate and his helpers are on the way, but I need to get you out of here now. Markal intends to sell you soon."

It walked to the chains and eyed him, "In life, I was a Drow who served the royals as a spy and infiltrator. I no longer know to whom I am or am referred as. But, getting these spells off the chains will be easy to do and I will ensure they will not alert Markal either."

His white glowing eyes looked to Harry, "Warn your mate, young master. You are not going to be able to leave now on your own. I must help you out of here."

Harry inclined as he did feel horribly tired still while he closed his eyes; feeling as Tom paused and accepted his connection. Harry warned them to stay outside; he had help now from a spirit, but the spirit would need to bring him past the prison to them, as he was too tired from the cold and a lack of food, water, and satiation.

Tom confirmed they would wait for them; at the area just outside the entry to the prison fortress. Harry then faded out slowly; as if drained and unable to hold the connection. It worried him immensely.

Harry eyed the spirit, "How many of these people are there?" He asked them tiredly

The spirit considered as it felt for the life-energies as they worked, "Besides Markal; there are only about six others. I am surprised they left you unguarded; but I think Markal knew how badly you reacted to cold as an Incubus.

"A favor, spirit." Harry spoke soft and calmed before his eyes hardened, "Put them to sleep and let the helpers arrest them. But..." His eyes shined vindictively, "Take Markal and place him to my special holding place. I want to ensure he learns never to ever dare to touch me or anyone else like that again. That he will not think to sell us off without repercussions." Harry lilted tiredly as a small smirk showed and his eyes closed, "Provided he survives me..." Harry muttered

The Drow spirit halted his work, "I can do that after I free you, but it will take time. Time in which Markal may move; are you ready for that risk?"

Harry's eyes remained shut but his answer was firm, "Yes." He hissed

"You will wait here." He told Harry and then softly conjured a blanket for him as the spirit wrapped him in it.

Harry shuddered and clutched it now desperately as he leaned to the wall. He cast extra warming charms and just let himself try to rest some. Harry felt as the spirit left the cell and went about his task. Harry prayed he succeeded; his body needed Tom badly right now; he hurt really bad from not having fed in nearly two and half weeks now.

Harry breathed more easily as the spirit came back to him another hour later and smirked; Harry quirked his lips and inclined to show he understood. Then let it lift him up and begin to carry him out; Harry practically slumping to sleep in its arms.


Tom was worried; they had been waiting for over an hour now, and he was concerned. The place was indeed massive; huge really, and he prayed they were able to escape. Tom was just about ready to storm in when Maya pointed, "There. There they are." She spoke

Tom gazed to where she pointed and faltered some; the spirit was carrying Harry in his arms and his mate was limp there. He didn't move or budge; but at least he seemed to be breathing and alive.

He waited till the spirit had walked over and was covered by the trees; then gently took him from the spectral person.

"Harry." His voice cracked as he held him close

Tom's eyes misted as he saw the state Harry was in; he was dirty from the imprisonment. Caked in all manner of grime. Then he felt so cold; so horribly cold to the touch. His mate shuddered with tremors of pain; from lack of food, water, his touch to help satiate his creature, and the cold he endured along with whatever remnants remained from being forced to be touched by those men.

Harry then blearily woke and sniffed as he turned his eyes up and smiled a bit, "Mate." He spoke softly, "I knew mate would come for me; that he would not abandon me to them." He nuzzled Tom and he sank to the blankets and went back to sleep

Tom's eyes then burst and held him tightly, "Never. I would never let them take you; but I know now to be more active should anything like this happen again.

I cannot fall apart like I did." He whispered

The spirit eyed them, "Most of the men inside are currently asleep in an enchantment by me as Harry wanted them arrested. However, Markal;" It paused as Tom growled and eyed them again, "Harry had me detain him for himself to take his revenge upon. I suggest that you allow this as it is his right; since Markal threatened a soul-bond break. But, no one else can know. When reported about; make it look like Markal ran or other such things."

It turned to leave and Tom spoke, "Wait."

It eyed him and Tom smiled, "Thank you for helping him; I don't know if Lord Death sent you or if you were a spirit who lingers here, but thank you all the same."

It eyed the man and then spoke, "I do not linger here and I was not sent here either; I roam and wander eternally. I sensed this child of Death and wanted to see why he was here. I decided to help when I realized he was captured. My place of residence and my time of living has faded from history and the world altogether. I have no name nor a title I recall; but your gratitude is heard, Dark Lord Voldemort."

Tom watched it walk off and fade into the blackness of the night. Tom then breathed as he walked, "I need to get him back to the house. His condition is not good. And I advise not coming over at all tomorrow."

Maya nodded as she smirked while her aurors did the same; though Tom did not like how their eyes lingered on Harry's form, of what was seen. Maya then noticed and hissed at them angrily as she sent them to collect the sleeping criminals before the spells wore off.

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