Molten Iresis (FurnaceRedAU)

By NotSoSugar

17.4K 817 890

What if Wukong's vision was dramatically affected by the furnace's smoke? To the point where everything he se... More

1- How It All Happens To Begin
2- Adjusting to Life
3- A Child..?
4- Training With A Secret
5- Old Friends Come Around
6- Interrupted Celebrations
7- Unspoken plans
8- Small Trip
9- Now A Plan
10- The Air Freezes Blue
11- Road Trips
12-Dragon's Warning As Ice Follows Us
14- A Moon And Two Rings
15- Summon It
16- Battles Lost, Wars Won
17-The Ebony Takes Over
18- Finding Our Friends
19- Anger Surges
Tearing Down Power, Peace Comes Once More

13- Hate Marked By Love

595 36 39
By NotSoSugar

The Demon Bull Family Fortress was huge.

Wukong squinted at the huge blur of reds and blacks, sniffing the sulfur-rich air. MK cleared his throat beside his mentor, "We're going to go in, and we're going play nice. Okay..?" Wukong huffed, his fur bristling, "Sure."

Mei huffed as well, "Maybe." MK squawked, "Wha-- We need to play nice, guys! C'mon, please?" Just for a little while?" Wukong unconsciously placed a hand against the ring worn around his neck, feeling the small thrum of power within it.



Red Son stared in shock as the team entered semi-forcefully.

"What are you doing here?!" The fire demon glanced around nervously, "The least you can do is keep your hands to yourselves." MK saluted the redhead, "Yes, sir! No touching being done here!" Wukong's face was set into a frown as his blank eyes scanned over the large home.

They were all seated at the dining table as Red Son hummed, "What are you here for?"

Tang adjusted his glasses, "Your father has something we need in order to get rid of the Lady Bone Demon. We're here to talk to your parents." Loud footsteps suddenly neared them, causing them and the furniture to jump into the air.

"...I was not aware we had guests."

Wukong tilted his head up, facing the bull's general direction, "Demon Bull King. We need something from you." The bull sat, leaning back against his seat and attempting to look the monkey in the eye, "And what, do tell, would that be?" Princess Iron Fan appeared by her husband's side, staring at the monkey as well.

"Your ring of the Samadhi Fire."

The bull stood, "Absolutely not! You know how disastrous that flame was!" Wukong snarled, standing as well, "Oh? That's why we need it! Otherwise there won't be a world! We will be done for if--" PIF huffed, "We said no, simian. You may not have our ring of Samadhi."

The air was buzzing with tension, making the atmosphere terribly stuffy as everyone else tried to stay down.

Wukong smirked suddenly, "You owe me a favor." DBK bristled, "I owe no such thing." The monkey hummed, "Of course you do! I never killed you or your family. But you have!" DBK stared silently, forming his words carefully, "...That... That was not done on purpose."

Wukong slammed his hands against the table, seething, "NONSENSE. We told you to turn away! We warned you of Heaven's plans to kill you themselves! Macaque's blood is on your hands."


MK awkwardly nudged his mentor, giving him a questioning look. Wukong was trembling, doing his best not to straight-up throw the table.

"...I can't give you my ring. I'm sorry."

Wukong huffed a laugh, his voice shaking with shielded hurt and anger, "That...That is a load of shit." He pushed back his seat, storming away.


Macaque trembled, staring at his shadow portal.

He needed to check in on the group, and on Wukong. He needed to apologize and reassure his king that he was alright. But he couldn't.

They were in the home of his killer, someone who was once an old friend.

A brother.

Macaque just... couldn't go in. So he'd have to wait out their visit. He felt useless, shivering from both the cold in his veins and the memories leading to his death. They'd been victorious, but both he and Wukong had lost each other.

And Wukong had thought he'd abandoned him.

No, he wouldn't enter the Demon Bull King's home. He could wait, and keep an eye on the team through the portal.


Perhaps the Demon Bull King truly was sorry, because he allowed them to stay the night.

Wukong ushered the team into a circle, "Sneak onto the airship at midnight. I'm stealing the ring, as soon as I'm on board we go. I don't care if they wake up as we go, but we have to leave."

The group nodded, agreeing that stealing might as well be their only option.

MK gave Wukong a look, "Only steal the ring, okay? Don't do anything to DBK." The king grumbled, his tail flickering angrily, "Sure. Whatever." They all settled down to sleep, and Wukong sighed, "I remember camping with my group on the journey. No lights, so we could easily see the stars."

He shook his head, "Damned city lights." No one bothered to point out he wouldn't be able to see the stars anyway, and that he'd definitely never seen a starry night sky while on his journey.

Mei snickered, "Old man."

Wukong pouted, "It's Old Sun to you, lizard!"


Wukong snuck along the wall, disguised as a butterfly.

He flew down slowly, carefully unhooking the nose ring from the bull's nose. His eyes glowed eerily, identifying the magic within the golden hoop. The monkey flew off with the ring before transforming back, landing swiftly with the ring in his hands.


Wukong stood still, tilting his head, "...You weren't asleep?" The bull shifted, a purple splotch moving slightly, "I am a light sleeper. I thought you knew that." The ginger glanced away, turning his head away, "...I try to forget you."

"Wukong, I am sorry. I am mad you trapped me, yes, but I never meant to cause the death of one of my brothers." Wukong clenched his fists shakily, "I thought he'd left me. I thought he finally saw how useless I truly was and left me. I didn't find out until recently that he was dead!"

The sage turned, facing the bull, "You took him from me. Even if it wasn't on purpose, you--"

A large hand pressed against his small body, squeezing him against an even larger chest. Wukong inhaled sharply as a strong heartbeat echoed from where his ear was pressed down. Droplets landed in his curls, and he smelled the distinct scent of salt. The body wrapped around him trembled, and Wukong quickly realized who had grabbed him, and who was crying.

"I am sorry. I am so, so sorry."

Wukong huffed, lip wobbling, "I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts. You were my big brother, our big brother. We loved you, and...I don't know what to think any more. I am so, so mad at you." DBK hummed, "I know. I'm sorry. I regret that battle, it took me from my family. And it tore me from you. The both of you."

Wukong squirmed, pushing himself up, "Lady Bone Demon-- She has him. Macaque made a deal to get out of the Diyuu, and now she has him in her grasp. If you wanna make things right, let me leave with the ring. Let me save him, and the world."

The bull sighed, "Very well, then. Just answer this honestly; Have you had trouble with your eyes this whole time?"

Wukong flushed, sputtering, "Uh-- Well, yeah. Since before the, uh, Brotherhood." DBK groaned, "How did we miss that? You never hid it, we simply thought you were strange!" Wukong squawked, batting his hand against the bull, "Rude! I can at least see colors! You giant plum!"

DBK laughed, placing the smaller king down.

"Go, save the world. But please do return, we have much to talk about." The bull suddenly hesitated, "And... I would like to one day speak properly with Macaque."


The ship took off without a hitch.

Well, sort of.

"Uh, I also ran into Red Son and told him he created the Samadhi Fire." Macaque smacked the other monkey, "And then you left?!" Wukong whined, "He should talk to his parents about any questions, not me!"

Mai cleared her throat, "But wait, you and DBK talked some stuff out? And there was no bloodshed?" Wukong rubbed his nose, "Uh, no. He hugged me and cried. Big baby."

Macaque went oddly still, gripping onto Wukong's arm.

"...He's sorry? Is he really--" Wukong hugged Macaque, patting his back, "Yeah. He is." Tang hummed, opening a book(?), "So, we have two rings now. Where's the third?" The ebony warrior leaned back and examined the map, "...Oh damn." Wukong now wishes for the umpteenth time he can see the warrior's expression.

MK gasped, "What? What is it?!"

The shadow user pointed at the third ring's location, "It's on the moon!" Pigsy squealed, "With Chang'e?!" Wukong hummed, "MK, let's make a rocket ship!" Tang laughed nervously, "Or Macaque's shadows could work?"

Wukong snapped his fingers, "That too." The king suddenly waved a hand, counting to himself, "...We can't transport a lot of people. Macaque's making a very far portal, after all. So, who's coming?"

Pigsy and MK immediately volunteered.

Mei laughed, "The rest of us will help Sandy out with the airship. Have fun and bring me a moon rock, guys!" Wukong snickered, "I'll grab whatever feels like one, then."

Macaque grunted, "We need to be quick, I have no idea when she might activate her powers in me."

There were no arguments as the portal opened.

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