The unscripted scenario

By Eleanora16

96.6K 3.7K 270

Amaia has joined Jam Republic's team to take part in Street woman Fighter 2, a dance serie involving some of... More

The call
Meeting the Team
First day of filming
No Respect Dancer Battles
The Rookies
Making friends with the ennemy
Different strategies - Part 1
Different strategies - Part 2
True Leaders
Sisterhood - Part 1
Sisterhood - Part 2
Pool Party - Part 1
Pool Party - 2
Do you get déjà vu ?
Reality Check
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 1
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 2
Dancing around
Closing the distance
Heart over Brain
Home stretch
Final Countdown
Home run
Lights Out
Morning Bliss
Loud and Clear

Alone at Last

2.8K 122 16
By Eleanora16

hello guyyysss I'm back !!! Sorry for the wait, I am publishing 2 chapters rn, and hopefully a third one soon. Also I think I will rename all the chapters, I hate them hahaha, if you have any suggestions or name you think would be great fits, please do comment ! 


Amaia was utterly exhausted when they landed back in Seoul. The girls shuffled back into their hotel, dragging their luggage behind them.

"Here, let me help," offered Latrice to Kirsten, trying to alleviate the burden on Kirsten's sprained thumb.

Kirsten waved off their concerns. "It's fine, girls, this strap is a lifesaver."

Ling insisted, "Sure, but let's not make it worse for you."

Amaia, feeling the fatigue weighing her down, crashed onto her bed earlier than usual. However, before drifting off, she couldn't resist sending a text to Bada.

Back at the hotel. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Bada replied promptly, Have a good beauty sleep

The next morning, Amaia's enthusiasm had disappeared, and she was plagued by second thoughts. She turned to Audrey with a worried expression. "Audrey, what if it all goes horribly wrong, and she realizes she's wasting her time?"

Audrey was done with her friend. "Girl, if anything, you're the one who can make her think she's wasting her time. She's making the effort, so just enjoy it for once and be the judge of how comfortable you feel."

Amaia pondered this and then asked, "Okay, how should I dress, then?"

Audrey grinned. "Something easy! Just be comfortable."

Amaia opted for a dark skirt in which she tucked an a long-sleeve white flannel and added a sleeveless vest with some discrete embroidery. She added a touch of makeup, some mascara, and blush.

"Amaia, you look gorgeous. Just go already," Audrey encouraged.

As she was about to head out, Amaia's phone pinged with a message. I'm in front of the lobby :)

Amaia rushed down the stairs to the main entrance, taking a moment to ensure she looked fine. She walked out casually to meet Bada.


Bada was waiting anxiously, hoping that Amaia wouldn't have a last-minute change of heart. When she saw her figure approaching, she couldn't help but feel relief wash over her. She managed to utter, "How are you?" before pulling Amaia into a warm hug.

"You look gorgeous," Bada complimented, chuckling. "I don't know if it's the New Zealand air or I needed new glasses earlier."

Amaia smirked playfully. "Maybe, or maybe I just wanted to put in a bit of effort."

Bada smiled warmly. "Oh, you shouldn't have had to. I'm already grateful enough that you wanted to spend time with me so soon after coming back from your trip."

Curiosity bubbled up in Amaia. "So, where are you taking me?" She noticed Bada carrying a tote bag.

Bada grinned mysteriously. "It's a surprise. Let's just hop on this bus."

Amaia's eyes sparkled, following her lead and entering a bus "It's so enjoyable wandering around without trying to decipher any road names or sentences, just enjoying with a tour guide."

Bada chuckled feigning disappointment. "Ah, I see, you wanted a tour of the city."

Amaia laughed. "Arghh, busted!"

Suddenly, the bus came to an abrupt halt, causing Amaia to lose her balance and stumble toward Bada, who caught her. Bada gave her a sly look and teased, "If you wanted another hug, all you had to do was ask." Amaia blushed deeply, but Bada didn't let her go entirely, leaving her hand on Amaia's waist. She couldn't help but be amazed by how instantly the connection they had was back between them, somewhere between caring and teasing, and Bada was reminded once more of how much she had missed the girl.

She kept her hand to guide her out of the bus onto the park's entrance where she had planned to have some breakfast. The spot she had in mind was a quiet clearing that offered a breathtaking view of Seoul's rolling hills. Amaia's shoulders relaxed, and she looked around in awe.

"Bada, this is amazing! Thank you so much," Amaia said, her gratitude shining in her eyes.

Bada grinned, her heart feeling lighter than ever. "Well, I remembered you saying you sometimes feel a bit claustrophobic, so I thought I'd show you another side of Seoul."

Amaia was momentarily lost for words, her appreciation evident

"And, of course, I came prepared," Bada added with smile. She spread out a colorful blanket on the grass and began unpacking fresh fruits, pastries, and a thermos of hot coffee.

Amaia felt like she was dreaming. Bada had done this for her ? She looked at the girl who somehow seem anxious despite pulling out the best date Amaia ever went on.

Amaia settled down on the blanket, gently patting the spot next to her for Bada to join her. Bada hesitated for a moment before taking a seat. Amaia leaned on her shoulder "Bada, this is incredible. You've gone all out. I love it really, I'm impressed."

A wave of relief washed over Bada, and she responded with a small smile. "I've been thinking all week on what I could do, it's not much but I thought you'd like it"

"It's perfect really" Amaia said.

As the conversation started to flow, Amaia went into all the mishaps that had happened to her crew back in New Zealand "This mission was tough on us, and I did feel a bit homesick, moving around everywhere like this. Kirsten Latrice and Ling knew the place by heart and were home. Audrey had her boyfriend on the phone every night. I felt a bit out of place".

Bada smiled warmly at Amaia. "Well, at least you're back here now," she said, gently caressing Amaia's cheek. Bada couldn't help but feel a warm flutter in her chest as she looked into Amaia's eyes. "I've missed you," she admitted, her voice soft and sincere. "The moment I left after our bubble tea last week, I was already missing you."

Amaia mirrored her smile. "Well look what a week of distance can do to someone ?" she chuckled before putting on a serious face 'I'm kidding, but I've missed you too."

To ease a bit the tension, Bada started to prepare a plate of food for Amaia, handfeeding her some strawberries.

"Humm this is my favorite fruit ever" moaned Amaia. If Bada gulped for a second, she did not let it show, sipping on her coffee.

"What do you have plan for the weekend" Amaia's voice interrupted Bada's thoughts, who were taking a rather interesting turn.

"I have to teach a class late in the afternoon actually!"

"Oh my god really ? That's so cool !" Amaia said enthusiastic "I'd love to take one of your classes someday"

Bada's demeanor shifted slightly, and she hesitated for a moment. "I'd love that as well ! It's just that... I'm not entirely comfortable with the whole fame thing and people following me yet, especially during the show. "

"Of course! I'd go incognito then don't worry" Amaia said understanding.

"Perfect then, I'll have to fake not knowing you though"

"I'm sure you'll manage' Amaia said. Bada rolled her eyes. "Look I can begin already" Amaia said stealing Bada's cap and pushing it below her brows. Bada took it back, laughing "Why does it look better on you though that's not fair!"

Amid their banter, Amaia redirected the conversation. "How has the choreography for the mission been going?"

"Pretty well. I did go out of my comfort zone. Thank god for Tatter because I ran out of inspo after a while, I had not done a lyrical choreography in a while"

"As if you couldn't do anything other than perfect". Bada bowed at the praise but didn't look entirely convinced.

"I don't know, you'll have to see! Hopefully it does not disappoint" she genuinely sounded so unsure of herself that Amaia was taken by surprise. Surely the girl couldn't be so hard on herself no ? It did feel similar to their first interaction, and Amaia realized that behind Bada's overwhelming confidence on stage was actually much more self-doubting that she had guessed. Which sounded ridiculous as the girl was literally everyone's goals. Amaia decided to show her in the best way she knew.

"Bada, look at me." said Amaia, cupping the other girl's face in her hands. "You have a great musical ear," she began to say, moving to touch the contour of her ears. "You have an eye for detail, you know how to visualize the best compositions," Amaia continued, touching Bada's eyelids as she closed her eyes, "you have the best expressions on stage to captivate the audience," Amaia then traced the contours of her face." And you always know what to say to your team to get the best out of them," she concluded, brushing the top of her lips. Bada opened her eyes. Amaia tucked a lock of hair back behind her ears, "I'm pretty sure you can be proud of your hard work."

Bada looked shaken and leaned over to kiss Amaia's forehead "and you're simply the best".

Amaia's cheeks flushed with a delightful warmth. Bada, however, wasn't about to let this moment pass without seizing her opportunity. After all, she had been the one to plan the date.

"Don't blush," she said, in a genuine voice. "I'm dead serious and maybe you should hear it too." Bada continued: "You're one of the most talented dancers I know. You always find the exact words I need to hear and we have known each other for not even a month. Yet you have done so since the first time we spoke. You're outspoken and never back down from a challenge. You're humble; don't think I haven't noticed that you always deflect praise. You work hard. You're loyal and so, so genuine." Bada traced her fingers along Amaia's face, replicating the affectionate gestures of earlier. "It took me days to find the courage to give you back the sincerity you showed me from the very first minutes". Her lips drew closer to Amaia's, eyes searching for her consent. Amaia leaned in, closing the distance between them, sighing in relief when their lips finally met.

After a few moments, Amaia's eyes gently fluttered open, and she pulled back ever so slightly. But before she could fully retreat, Bada's grip on her waist pulled her even closer. Amaia couldn't help but smile, her lips finding Bada's once more, her hand tenderly resting on the older girl's cheek.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time," Bada finally confessed when she finally broke away. Amaia smiled: "I didn't dare hope, but I certainly have no complaints," she punctuated with a kiss on her lips. But Bada was not quite finished, and immediately cupped the Spanish girl's face in her hands to deepen the kiss, leaving them both breathless.

"I'm not going anywhere, there's plenty of time" Amaia said, smiling at the other's eagerness, but unable to stop herself from shivering. Bada only shook her head, unable to hide her smile.

"Well I can have you now all to myself" she said, pecking her lips once more "So I should make the most of it before you realize you've had enough".

"Not a chance" replied Amaia, "if that wasn't clear enough, I'm just as attached to you", she said, settling herself between the other's legs. Bada suddenly blushed, which was not in her nature. Amaia raised an inquisitive eyebrow.


"In Korea, it's not very common to... show so much affection in public" Bada admitted, her heart racing from Amaia's proximity.

Amaia laughed affectionately. "Haha, I always forget that our Spanish habits can seem a little... intense" she finished, staring at Bada longingly. Bada gulped audibly. She really was gone for the girl.

As Bada dropped her back to her hotel before kissing her goodbye, Amaia had to pinch herself for the tenth time this day, her heart soaring. She could not believe how lucky she got. Not only did her crush seemed reciprocated, but it turned out to lead to the best date she ever had. Audrey met her in the lobby, and as soon as she saw her, her smile split in a grin "OUHHH I KNOW THAT LOOK."

Amaia's beam was the only answer Audrey needed. "YOU KISSED, DIDN'T YOU?"

Amaia nodded, and Audrey let out a squeal, wrapping her arms around her friend in a fierce hug. "LET'S GOOOO, LOOK AT YOU!"

"Audrey, please," Amaia chuckled, trying to catch her breath, "I'm still wrapping my head around it."

Audrey playfully pointed a finger at Amaia's chest. "Let me help you with that. You," she said, emphasizing the word, "pulled one of the hottest, most talented dancers you could find in all of Seoul because you're THAT girl."

Amaia and Audrey erupted into laughter, the sound echoing through the hotel as they went back to tell the rest of the team.


Woopwooopp what do we think ? Hope you guys enjoyed the fluff finally !

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