Project TFS: Bioshark

By RingoRoadagain101

225 1 6

Following the success of Henki's original Project TFS, Ringo decides to milk it (with Henki's approval of cou... More

All Eyes On Me
An Arabic Werewolf In General City
The Doctor, The Witch And The Space Pirate King (Part 1)
The Doctor, The Witch And The Space Pirate King (Part 2)
Welcome To The Forest
Message Received
No Regrets
The Bioshark (Part 1)
The Bioshark (Part 2)
Life's A Gamble
Light Work

4 Seconds

4 0 0
By RingoRoadagain101

Hub's bottom half stood still as his heart, now down near his pelvic area, was barely beating.
"That was a warning shot." Fady told Dweller, who has started to regenerate "I kept your heart intact so you wouldn't die, because I have great respect for you. The next shot WILL kill you, so don't try to counterattack, you'll just embarrass yourself. Just let me take your MEE6 and it'll all be over." He then started to advance towards Hub's half dead corpse.

Bone and Gus were exchanging blows, one was ferociously scratching and biting while the other was countering his attacks with his katana and slashing back at him. Despite getting some good hits in, Gustavo couldn't pierce through Bone's invincible skeleton, only managing to tarnish his exterior fur coat. But the longer they fought, the more Bone seemed to adapt to Gus' attacks. All it took was one swoop from Gus' sword for him to catch it with his canines, pulling him closer and engraving his claws into the boy's chest tightly. Gus, despite the immense pain, persevered through and pulled out his Glock, shooting Bone in the eye, sending him back as he howled in agony. "How many of you are in my way...It doesn't matter. None of you are stopping me." Gus proclaimed coldly, gripping his bleeding chest wound as he grinned with glee, to which Bone's whimpering turned into a cackle, mocking his adversary.

Elika: "What are we waiting for?! Let's go help him!"

Cyberia: "Sorry ma'am, but you're in no shape to fight. And I am not fit to deal with such creatures either."

Elika: "I thought you were an officer of the law! You're supposed to-"

Cyberia: "I'm supposed to protect you. That's what Foonish told me to do. But now, whoever this is supposed to be almost shot you. It's clear as day that is not the same person, and so I will keep my distance from him."

Elika: "If we don't help him, he'll die!"

Cyberia: "We don't have a choice. I can't risk you dying either."

Elika: "Then I'm calling for backup. I hope Foon manages to hold his own until Hub-sir arrives..."

Hub's MEE6 suddenly beeped because of Elika's message, as bits of his body were covering the screen
"Alright... I''re Fady...You're as fast as light...and your destructive power is far too great..." blurted Dweller, who had just reformed his mouth "But please... please don't do what you're about to do..."

"You're far too paranoid, but it's understandable. Anyone would be after what you've gone through. Believe me, I'm doing her a favor." Fady said, ripping the device off from Hub's tentacle hand. As he was about to open the MEE6 he felt a sharp pain in his chest and head, then all of a sudden started bleeding profusely from both places, coughing up what seemed to be a piece of his guts, then dropping the MEE6 on the floor as he got on one knee.

"Second Seal...You touched my hand, and so I passed on the damage I took from me unto you. You should be thankful I was halfway through my regeneration, or else you would've died instantly." Growled Dweller, slowly getting up "I've read your personal file back when I was still an early enlisted agent. I know that you can't always be at light speed, it drains your lifespan every time you are. But you really shouldn't have underestimated me, 'legend'." The agent quickly pulled out his gun from its holster, firing off four shots at Fady. Just as it seemed over for him, in less than instant he got up, got behind Hub and fired off a light beam from his finger gun "You're finished!".
"Fourth Seal: Greed. It's been a while since I used this one." Hub dodged the beam, and as Fady's eyes widened from shock he got a right hook to the face from the agent, sending him back.

Fady: "But...this is light speed!How...How did you-?!"

Hub: "My fourth Seal once broken allows me to copy anyone's fighting style and prowess for four seconds just by eye contact." he reloaded his gun "And four seconds in light speed, is enough to kick your ass."

Gus was furiously throwing every attack he had at Bone, but despite having his vision impaired the wolf had already read his every move, maneuvering around his slashes and delivering his own blows to his arms and legs consistently.

Cyberia: "That backup better be on its way because Foonish doesn't seem to be holding up well at all..."

Elika: "Hub-sir isn't responding, I can't call in Orb-sir, he's in the middle of something. If he doesn't come then I'm afraid we're gonna have to butt in."

Cyberia: "I know it's my duty as the Magnification faction's number 1 agent, but I'm not used to this type of ruckus. Last night it was a scary cat lady now this...Hannibal didn't tell me getting the Accelerator would be this hard..."

Elika: "Hannibal?! He said he told the TFS Tasks Force to get here before anyone else because he had faith in us!"

Cyberia: "That's... exactly what he said about the Magnification faction..."

"Funny, he told us the exact same thing about our faction." A new voice emerged from the casino's door, the figure obscured by darkness. Bone turned around to see who it was, as both him and Gus saw a light coming towards them. Gustavo got out of its way, then ran towards the hole Bone dug and jumped in it, whereas the wolf wasn't so lucky and got caught up in the beam of concentrated heat. It was a ray of fire.
"Great, more freaks." It was OmegaFire, battered and beaten, with chunks missing out of him. He was still holding one of the dying vampires by the neck, and with the other hand he blasted Bone.
When the smoke settled he thought he'd gotten rid of him, but the beast emerged from there running on all fours, as his fur was blackened and on fire. Omega finished the vampire off then fired another blast without hesitation, this time Bone wasn't even slowed down and kept going. And so he fired another, and another, and another, until the werewolf's outer skin was burned off completely, as he was howling in pain. Before Fire could blast him again, he noticed that both of his arms had already overheated, and so he readied himself for a physical fight, knowing he'd lose, fully accepting his fate. And as Bone was about to reach him, he suddenly disappeared. When Fire looked down, he saw what appeared to be a small ball. Elika had thrown one of her PokeBalls at the wolf, entrapping him in it. "How's that for a weak wounded woman, officer?" she turned to Cyberia, smirking.
OmegaFire slowly approached the hole where Gus was, readying his arm cannon, only to find that he was operating on his own wounds. "Ah! You startled me!" he said in a heavy Indian accent "Don't just stand there, find me a medkit, I'm dying here!"

OmegaFire: "This guy your friend, shortcake?"

Elika: "I can't go one minute without getting catcalled..." she muttered "Yes! He's our friend, don't hurt him!"

Cyberia: "The real question is, why isn't he hurting you?"

"I'm a doctor, I don't hurt people, I save them!" he yelled out, still trying to patch up his wounds

OmegaFire: "Doctor...?"

"Yes, my name is Doctor Oon! And I'm DYING!"

Moe's men came rushing back in, sweating bullets, a few of them injured and some of them missing "We have a situation sir! S-Some kind of infection has spread through the place a-and turned many of the players into m-monsters, we couldn't find the accelerator either!" stuttered one of them.
Moe was furious, more so than usual as an effect of Lelouch's mind control, when he suddenly snapped his fingers as a light bulb lit up in his head "I remember! I put a tracker on the accelerator in case it ever got stolen, let's go!"
Lelouch uncrossed his arms and got up as he let out a sigh "It seems I have to take this into my own hands."
Orb couldn't contain himself anymore, exploding at the moustached gentleman: "What the hell did you do to win him over?! You must've cheated didn't you! Don't think I'm just gonna let you get away!"
As Lelouch wiped his hands with his personal handkerchief, he looked at Orb right through his face screen, then scoffed in disappointment "Right, you're like OmegaFire...very well. Moe, you know what to do."
With a snap of Moe's fingers, half of his men pointed their tools at the android, the other half following him and the Kick agent to retrieve the item. Uuber was just about to get out of his seat to follow the as well, but was pushed back in by one of the men "Sit down. Nobody's leaving until everything's sorted out." Uuber chuckled, lifting his hat up slightly to get a better look at his environment. "You ready?" He murmured, snickering, before taking a swig at the glass of tap water he had on the table.
In a millisecond, Uuber took what seemed to be a dozen jabs at the man's chest, stealing his weapon from him on impact then knocking him away with a strike of his palm. The other guards turned to him as he was about to shoot them, but Orb took this chance and used his BLOONS on them before they could fire, neutralizing them. A few more remained however, with the detective shooting two behind Orb, he didn't realize however, that a remaining one was aiming his blaster at him. Orb caught wind of this at the last second but couldn't do anything, he thought Uuber was done for. Suddenly, the guard's blaster was shredded to pieces in a second, before he could even run away, Uuber shot him dead right in his forehead "Bullseye." He whispered, then turning to Orb "I assume you're a TFS agent as I am. Detective Uuber."

Orb: "Agent Orb. You almost bit it back there, his gun must've malfunctioned or something. So, what, did FM send you too?"

Uuber: "The orders given to me are from way up. It doesn't concern you."

Orb: "Oh..well it's nice to meet you. I usually know every TFS recruit but you seem to be both experienced and close to our higher up, so I'm surprised how you manage to slip by me Uubs."

Uuber: "Yeah, I'm a bit of a lone wolf. And the fact that you called me "Uubs" proves exactly why I am that way."

Orb: "Alright, sheesh...come on, let's go after them."

As Hub and Fady were trading blows at unimaginable speed, they both knew that there could have been one end to this battle, Dweller's eventual defeat, as they are both highly trained professionals and match each other's skill sets perfectly, with even Neverending Sorrow adapting to light speed. Not to mention that they are both capable of regeneration. However, this would not be the case, all because of Fady's heavy injury that has taken a toll on his body and effected his ability to regenerate. The two were constantly getting shot at by one another, with Fady being extra careful not to completely destroy Hub's MEE6. However, in his steadiness, he was careless with himself. His attention was diluted and so he was too late to dodge a hefty punch from Hub, which he issued by extending his tentacles' reach, this disoriented the Nitronian allowing himself to get fatally shot, right in his left cranium. Now he was standing there, motionless, barely regenerating with blood drooping down the gaping hole in his head with his eye missing.

Hub: "I didn't want to escalate this any further than it already has. If you make any more moves the next shot will kill you. I'll be going now, so leave us alone."

Fady: "I've....been..."

Hub: "Huh?"

Fady: "I've been...keeping an eye on her...and you...right from when your mission started..." he grumbled, his rejuvenation process starting to take effect "She never actually went...on a real mission before, you know that? Ever since she was a kid...all of her previous adventures were inside of a simulation machine called 'The Dreamscaper', still not shown to the public...That's how protective FM was of her. So to simply turn around and put her to a task of such magnitude and must have been a direct order from Shark...Why do you think that is?"

Hub: "Hell if I know...but believe me, I'll have FM answer to this."

Fady: "I appreciate the gesture, but here I thought you figured it out by now, but you really don't know what this is supposed to be...don't you...?"

Hub: "A highly important mission is what it is. But the details are what's setting me off."

Fady: "Important, that's for certain. But..."

FM was strolling around in his office, his hands behind hid back and his eyes sunken deep into his skull, when Zill walked in on him.

Zill: "What's wrong sir? Did the Ange case get to you that much?"

FM: "To hell with her... I've been thinking about agent Dweller and them..."

Zill: " second guess was gonna be that you grew empathy for the pirates you've sent to their deaths, but I suppose you don't have a place in your metallic heart for pirates."

FM: "Now's not the time, Zill. I haven't been feeling well ever since I let Pika go on that mission..."

Zill: "There's nothing you could've done, it was a direct order from Shark." He then opened the windows

FM: "Do you...figure this could have something to do with the king's vendetta with Nitronians?"

Zill: "Why do you think that is?"

FM: "Because she's been sent to a...!"

Fady: "...Suicide mission! That's what this is! Think about it, agent. Look at who's in your team; the hero and biggest witness to the second greatest failed mission in the Faction's history, the survivor to Shark's silent genocide of the Nitronian people, a Frankenstein's monster than can reawaken his memories at any moment, and whatever the hell that boy "Foonish" is. You're all nothing but loose ends that need to be dealt with, in secret, and what better way to be murdered in a near-impossible mission?"

Hub: "I...I don't...What was that you said about a genocide?"

Fady: "My people were a once thriving civilization, full of brilliant scientists and powerful individuals, yet most of them lived secluded on one planet. I was an exception, as I was picked up by the TFS and raised there. Most of them were just like the girl, Pika, in terms of power. But only one in a million were like me, lightbringers, a genetic fluke you could say. This has always been a thorn in Shark's side, as he didn't want people with my sort of power to be roaming around in the galaxy, free of his reign. With time, two Nitronian scientists were very close to figure out how to expand that percentage of lightbringers, and modify our genes forever. Those two scientists were-"

Hub: "Pika's parents...the ones killed by the Boom pirates..."

Fady: "Shark coerced them to do it, probably with monetary payment, so they could take the blame. Right after that, he sent FM to hunt them down and they could seem like the heroes they're not. And well, you've read the report so you know the rest..."

Hub: "I understand your frustrations, but I still can't-" he paused, as he couldn't feel his left arm. He looked, finding his entire life half missing. He looked at Lady and found his finger gun was already drawn out.

Fady: "I don't care about keeping your MEE6 intact anymore. I'll go tell her myself." His head had fully healed.

Hub, with a leg and an arm, pulled out his revolver but it was blasted away along with his hand in an instant, and so he crab-walked towards it in a hurry. The Nitronian didn't let this occur, as he kept blasting him with Dweller hopping away and dodging his demise by a hair's length, until he finally reached his gun, at which point Fady shot his dangling heart, seemingly ending it.
"First Seal: Limbo. Your attack was ineffective." Hub made a QuickDraw in half an instant, blasting away both of his adversary's arms. Fady was quick to move, running as fast as he could whilst regenerating. Dweller put mass in his legs, having healed, then jumped to get a better view to scope, and as he got him in his sights
Fady had already regenerated a single finger, with which he blasted Hub out of the sky. Desperate, Hub attached his tentacles to one of the floating meteorites surrounding him. Fady shot again, destroying the meteorite as Hub hopped from one to the other, the two kept this up until the ex agent aimed at Him in-between the floating rocks, catching him off guard. "Third Seal: Gluttony." His stomach had opened up and absorbed the shot. And now from the final meteorite, he pulled out his gun and jumped with all his force, heading into Fady's location as he spun like a drill, gun-first, shooting at him with Fady deflecting the bullets as best he can, but he was getting hit, over and over and over, this was it, Hub was closing in, as soon as Hub lands he'd be dead, there's no fighting it, THIS IS IT!
Hub didn't realize it at first, but he was already in pieces, his heart already beating in Fady's hand.

Hub: "W...hat's.." he gargled

Fady: "Your four seconds are up, miraculously too. For me, not for you. If you would have used your other seals you would have beaten me, but I understand that you don't want to lose your humanity. You're not like the monsters you're working for. Well, this is goodbye."

Hub: " want...just don't....let her know..."

Fady: "You care about this stupid mission that much?"

Hub: "I...don't...I care....about her.... wellbeing....I!"

Fady looked at his heart, contemplating whether he should do it or not, when Hub's cracked MEE6 beeped. He snatched it, and read the incoming message from Elika "Hub-sir, I hope you're doing well out there! But we have a bit of a situation. We're on the run from a hoard of bloodthirsty ghouls. We're headed to the ship, please be there!"

Fady: "You four really seem to care about each other..." He turned to Hub's severed head "I won't tell her. But she will find out, eventually. I know you have it in your heart not to delete the files from your MEE6. Promise me that you'll take of her. That she won't die. And that after the mission's over, you'll show her everything. Promise me, agent."

Hub: "I...I promise..."

Fady: "I won't be going with you. I too am heading to go after Medley's location. He the only scientist than can complete the work of Pika's parents. With his help I can revive my people, and make them all as strong as me. I understand how hypocritical that may seem, but this is equally important to me, if not more so."

Hub: "No...I understand..."

Fady: "I'll be seeing you then."

Hub: "Wait-...Wait a second...I just want one more favor from you.......make it two..."

Just before any of this happened, Omega had split off from Elika, Dr. Oon and Cyberia to join Lelouch, suffering from vampires on his way back, but what he found when he reached him however, was his partner fighting Orb and Uuber with the help of Moe's men. Lelouch went against Uuber, pulling out his saber, while Orb was fighting the guards on his own. "Are you all insane?! Do you not see that this place is infested with monsters?!" Yelled out OmegaFire, to which nobody seemed to care.
Uuber was highly skilled, dodging every one of Lelouch's saber jabs and slashes, but his movements had no life to them, it was as if someone was moving him like a puppet. Then suddenly, the two locked eyes, to Lelouch the match was over "Kill the android, now." he ordered, to which Uuber laughed and said "Don't be in a rush now." before getting back into fighting, taking the Kick agent off guard.
Orb, after getting beaten down locked his sights on Moe himself, activating his jet boots, and flying into him headfirst, knocking him into a wall. After this slam, Moe was bleeding profusely from his mouth and nose, but it seems that he had woken up from Lelouch's mind control.

Orb: "Listen chubs, this is your only chance to do some good. Hand me over the tracker, and I'll help you get out of here."

Moe: "S-...Screw you robocop!"

Orb, without hesitation, knocked Moe's two front teeth out with a punch, then quickly rummaged through his clothes and found the device nearly instantly "If you would have cooperated you wouldn't be in this situation, but since you wanted to suck a ball sack, I'll leave you be."
As Orb left the casino's owner barely awake, Lelouch struck Uuber with his blade but was surprisingly blocked by.... nothing? The sword was stick in midair, as if an invisible force blocked it. And as Uuber was about to point his gun at the man's head he felt a surge of heat coming his way, OmegaFire had blasted him but he dodged last second. "Another time." growled the detective, disappearing into the darkness.
At that very moment, the casino was swarmed by vampires, Orb navigating through them, he followed the dot on the tracker which lead him to the roof, where he flew. As for the two Kick agents, they were overwhelmed "I told you you stop fighting when you had the chance, moron!" Yelled out Fire, to which hid partner responded with silence as he hacked his way through the undead, finally finding a window "Follow my lead, Omega!" He broke the glass with one strike, and as he jumped off he stuck his blade in the metal wall as it tore it open to lower his fall, as for OmegaFire, he used his flames as a propeller to slow him down so he wouldn't have an impact on the ground when he realized Lelouch was gone, the monsters falling out of the window following them brainlessly.
Moe woke up, realizing his men were all getting eaten, he prayed for a way out of this mess before he too would die. As Elika and the rest reached Monkey Egg, they too were surrounded by ghouls, unable to even lift off. But in less than an instant, all of the vampires either died, or were heavily injured. Moe, who was covering his head, opened his eyes to see that he was safe, he smiled, then started giggling, then chuckling, then laughing, maniacally "I lived! This is sole proof that I am INVINCIBLE! NO GOVERNMENT CAN TOPPLE MY BUSINESS! NO GOD CAN-" and before he could even finish his words, a large dark figure appeared before him in a millisecond, blocking all the flickering neon lights. "First favor was killing off all the monsters. Second favor, was bringing me here. Thank you Fady, at least you helped me out before you left." It was Hub. Moe's smile faded away, his eyes relaxed.

Hub: "How many people do you think you've hurt with your "business"? Judging just by the pile of bodies we saw, that was just from this week."

Moe: "It doesn't matter. I'm legitimate, and so is this casino. If it's built on blood, know that your higher-ups were well aware, and indulged in my earnings! I didn't pay my protection for an agent to-"

Hub: "Ex agent. I'm an outlaw, and a loose end. I might die any day now, and I welcome it. Do you?"

Moe: "Oh..." He pulled out his last cigar, putting it between his bluish lips, accepting his fate "Then I assume that no matter what, you were gonna kill me anyway..."

Hub: "You're lucky that you've even lived this long, slime."

Moe pulled out his lighter: "Well at the very least be curtious and let me smoke my last cigar, freakaz-" and with the first flicker of the lighter, Hub shot him in the head, killing him.
Now, the whole team received a message from Orb, telling them all to head to the roof. And so, Elika drove the ship up to there, and Hub climbed up as fast as he could, Orb reaching it before everyone.
Terminus was scrambling to get his ship going "What the hell?! Why isn't it working?! And where in GOD'S GREEN EARTH IS THAT DOG?!?"
"That might be because I hacked into it, genius." Said Orb, who had opened the ship's backdoor and entered it "I assume you're the one who started this...vampire infection, judging by your bat-like appearance. Another one of Medley's pets-"
"I AM NOT A PET! I AM MORE HUMAN THAN ANY OF YOU!" Screamed Terminus, jumping unto Or and slamming him against the walls, digging his claws into his arms in the process. While struggling, Orb noticed that the accelerator was already working and plugged to the ship, but had no selected destination yet, when suddenly Monkey Egg came to the scene, and Hub showed up, already aiming his gun at Terminus "Don't shoot!" Yelled out Orb, but it was too late, as he shot and missed, the ricochet hitting the control panel and activating the accelerator, the ship disappeared with Orb and Terminus in it, leaving behind no trace.
"Hub-sir, what happened?!" Told him Elika through her MEE6 "I have another Foonish identity crisis on my hands and this guy named Cyberia, where's Orb-sir?!" Hub leaned in, it seems that something did drop from the ship, the accelerator's tracker. It's beeping, and not too far away from their location. He responded to her "Pika, we need you to be our captain for now. We're going after Orb.".

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