My One Piece (Book I)

By Lord_Roronoa

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Monkey D Luffy... A Cheerful, Carefree Young Man from East Blue wearing a Straw Hat set sail on a Small Boat... More

Author Note (I).
Chapter-1 The Execution.
Chapter-2 The King Of The Pirates
Chapter-3 The Pirate Hunter.
Chapter-4 To The Marine Base.
Chapter-5 Punishment for 7 days.
Chapter-6 My First Mate..?
Chapter-7 A Thief, A Pirate Hunter & A Prisoner.
Chapter-8 The Clown.
Chapter-9 A Mysterious Woman
Chapter-10 Orange Town.
Chapter-11 The Buggy Pirates - I.
Chapter-12 The Buggy Pirates - II.
Chapter-13 Captain vs Captain / Swordsman vs Swordsman.
Chapter-14 A Sling Shooter.
Chapter-15 The Merry
Chapter-16 The Black Cat Pirates.
Chapter-17 The Going Merry.
Chapter-18 Dracula Mihawk Hawkeye.
Chapter-19 The All Blue.
Chapter-20 A Promise.
Chapter-21 Battle OF The Swordsman.
Chapter-22 Between Life and Death.
Chapter-23 Arlong Pirates.
Chapter-24 Arlong vs Luffy.
Chapter-25 Going After Our Navigator.
Chapter-27 Luffy, Help Me..!
Chapter-28 The Two Wings vs Two Gills.
Chapter-29 Fight or Die Trying.
Chapter-30 Arlong Park Fall.
Chapter-31 The New Beginning.
Auther-Note (II).
Chapter-32 The Loguetown.
Chapter-33 Zoro vs Baroque Works.
Chapter-34 Zoro vs Luffy.
Chapter-35 Is She Good Or Bad..?
Chapter-36 I'm Sorry, Zoro..!
Chapter-37 Wax Statue.
Chapter-38 Nami's gonna die.
Chapter-39 Return Of The Evil King.
Chapter-40 He is My Big Brother...
Chapter-41 You Must Survive, Vivi..!
Chapter-42 Let Me Join You.
Chapter-43 Zoro and Robin..?
Chapter-44 Partners..?
Chapter-45 Nearly Dead.
Chapter-46 It's Getting Worse
Chapter-47 Worried about a Friend.
Chapter-48 Sanji vs Zoro.
Chapter-49 The Spirits.
Chapter-50 The Shadows.
Chapter-51 Sacrifice for My Captain.
Chapter-52 Death and Alive.
Chapter-53 Zoro (And/VS) Nami.
Chapter-54 A Massacre.
Chapter - 55 The Awakening...
Chapter-56 The End..?

Chapter-26 Nami's true face.

79 4 0
By Lord_Roronoa


The island is terrorized by Fishman, turned that place into their base...
Fishman drinking sake, eating food, playing games and partying their heart.
Among the Fishman,
There was a group playing cards.
4 fishman against 1 Orange Haired Nami.

Nami tricked them and won the game with all queens as she took all their money. It appears nobody particularly seems to be fond of Nami but they tolerate her because of Arlong.

"Nami..! Arlong wants a word..." Kuroobi says walking from behind,

"Sorry boys..!
I'll be back for the rest of your Barriers later." Nami says with a smirk taking the money and walked away,

On her way,
Nami saw a headless body of a clown tied up nearby and smirked at it knowing who's that body belongs to.
Nami get to a room and felt nostalgic in a bad way remembering the old days, being chained up on that room as a kid.
Suddenly the door burst open snd Arlong walks in...

"There's a lot of memories in this room but you, Nami..!
You should be proud.." Arlong says witha smirk,

"Why do i have to be proud..?" Nami ask with an unamused look,

"Oh you sell yourself too short, Nami.
Thanks to you, we know every Marine Base and Pirate Stronghold from here to the Goa Kingdom.." Arlong says with a proud look,

"But none of it's mine.." Nami says with arms crossed,

"True, But you are still a valuable member of our Crew, Nami..!" Arlong says with a sneaky smile,

"Yeah, we make a great team.." Nami says with an unamused look in a Sarcastic way,

"You were gone so long,
Part of me thought you'd never come back." Arlong says with a smirk,

"Ofcourse I came back..
We have a deal, don't we..?" Nami ask with an eyebrow rise,

"Yes, I'm a fishman of my word.." Arlong says with a smirk,

"You better be..
Because i got the money.." Nami says with a glare kinda shocking Arlong,

"A 100 Million Berries..?
Nami..! Have you been holding out on me..?" Arlong ask with a smirk,

"I stole that money from Pirates and thiefs fare and square...
I didn't take a single berry from your money... Now are you ready to honor our agreement..?" Nami ask with a stubborn look,

"Bring the money to me by sunrise,
And I'll consider the matter closed.
Now our other agreement..!" Arlong ask with a serious look,

Nami sighed in defeat and hand over The Map to The Grand Line to Arlong.
Arlong smiled and laughed seeing The Map.

"Well Done, Nami..!
Welcome back...
I have a small job for you in the meantime...
One of the villages is late with their tribute payment." Arlong says with a cheeky smile,

"Which one..?" Nami ask with an uninterested curiosity,

"Coco-Yashi Village.." Arlong says with an evil smile,

"I'm not exactly Welcome there..
Can't you send Kuroobi or Chu..?" Nami says remembering how she betrayed her village.

"This job... Requires a human touch." Arlong says with a laugh walking away,

Arlong walked out with an annoyed look and meet with kuroobi.

"Call Nezumi here..
We're gonna pay him in advance and full..." Arlong says with an evil laugh to which Kuroobi laughed aswell.

At Baratie,
The Dining is closed for renovations,
Repairing the damages done by Arlong Pirates.
Suddenly Garp, Bogard, Koby and Helmappo entered the Baratie surprising the staffs.
They asked Garp to wait for the moment until they can get touch with Zeff.

"It's a nice place.." Koby says whispering to Helmappo,

"My dad used to eat here all the time.
Not that he ever took me, but..." Helmappo says with a shrug,

Koby and Helmappo looked at Bogard glaring at them as they awkwardly turned away.
Zeff walked in completely surprising Garp.

"Marine..? And Vice Admiral Garp..!
Never in million years i thought i'd see faces from the old days here.
Little late to the party I'm afraid, Garp.." Zeff says with a surprised smirk,

"I always wondered what happened to the Infamous Red Leg Zeff..." Garp says with a surprised smile,

"Sir, do you know this man..?" Koby ask with a confused look,

"Red Leg Zeff..!
Captain of the Dreaded Cook Pirates.
One of the few Pirates in the old days, manage to sail inside the grand line and not die... His reputation speaks volume." Garp says walking up to stand infront of Zeff,

"Well, those days are far behind me...
I'm retired. I'm a cheff now.
And the only thing under my command is this restaurant." Zeff says with a proud look,

"We're not here for you, Red Leg..!
We need some information about a Young Pirate who was here recently.
Name of Monkey.D.Luffy..?" Garp says with a stiff tone,

"I can't help you, Vice Admiral..!" Zeff says refusing to co operate,

"Can't..? Or won't..?" Bogard ask with a suspicious look,

"These days,
I'm lucky if i remember my regulars..
But how about a meal in the house..?
I got a dozen T-bone steaks and a busted cooler.
It'd be such a shame to let all the delicious marbling go to waste." Zeff says offering meal for Garp,

"We're not here for meal..
We're here for inform..." Bogard says but interrupted by Garp,

"That Steak..!" Garp says with a curious smile,

"Medium rare..?" Zeff ask with a smirk,

"More rare than Medium.." Garp says with a smirk,

At Coco-Yashi Village,
Luffy, Sanji and Ussop happen to walk through an empty street...
Zoro was gone for a recon in a small boat before Luffy and others got there.
The 3 guys saw a house upside down and they figured only a fishman have the strength to turn a house upside down.

A little far from the street,
People of Coco-Yashi Village all gathered collecting money.

"Everyone..! Please...
We don't have much time..
We're short again this month." The Mayor of the village says with a worried tone,

People put more coins into the bag but it's still not gonna be enough.

"Do we have time to get some more..?" People ask the Mayor,

"No..!" Nami says walking from behind surprising everyone but not in a good way.

The whole village throw hate words and disgusted glares at Nami for what she did to the village.
To them, Nami turned her back on them to go join The Arlong Pirates since she always bragged about hate being poor.

Luffy and the others saw Nami walking among the crowd.
Luffy was about to run to her but Ussop stopped him.
Sanji seem glad Nami is okay and safe.

"You're short again..." Nami says counting the money The Mayor Genzo gave her,

"This is all we have, Nami..!
Arlong has bled us dry." Genzo says with a sad look,

"Then find more blood." Nami says with a hate glare,

Luffy and the others were stunned and disappointed at how Nami acted towards her own people.

Nami shook her head in disappointment and walked away but noticed A Guy in Straw Hat, A Guy in Black Coat and A Guy with long nose.
She walked up to them in disbelief,

What the hell are you doing here..?" Nami ask with a glare,

"What are we doing here..?
You're our friend, Nami..!
We came here to get you." Luffy says adjusting his hat,

"Friends, huh..?
What a pest..! Don't make me laugh.
You're a pathetic little wanna be Pirate calling himself Captain..
You're stupid enough to come here thinking i will join your crew even after i told you like a 100 times,

Arlong probably should've known by now that you guys are here..
Soon, he'll kill you all if you stay in this village." Nami says with no emotion at all just with a plain smirk,

"Her heartless face is so gorgeous..." Sanji says with hearts in his eyes,

"Don't you idiots get it...
The only reason i got close to you and teamed up with you is so that i can rob you of that map.
Now that i have the map and the treasure,
I have no needs for you.
So get the hell outta my town.
Go on.. Go find a Navigator dumb enough to join your stupid crew to sail the grand line and find The One Piece or whatever crap.." Nami says with a heartless tone,

"Nami..!" Luffy says looking at Nami with a sad and confused look,

Luffy closed his eyes and stand there without moving confusing everyone.
And them he dropped on the ground shocking even Nami herself.

"LUFFY..!" Sanji and Ussop screamed in fear,

"Luffy..!" Nami says looked at Luffy falling on the ground with a shocked sad look,

"I'm getting sleepy.." Luffy says falling sleep,

YOU'RE SLEEPING AT A TIME LIKE THIS..?" Sanji says screaming and kicking Luffy,

Luffy just grunt in a short pain of Sanji's kicks and then continued his sleeping.

I'm tired of all the fights and travels..
Besides, what's happening in this village is not my concern..
I'm not gonna butt in for no reason.
But I'm not leaving either...
Good night." Luffy says and fall into a deep sleep, confusing Sanji and Ussop,

"Fine... WHATEVER..!
JUST GO AHEAD AND DIE.." Nami says yelling and ran away.

At the Arlong Park,
A couple of Fishman found Zoro and captured him as their Prisoner...
Zoro being still badly injured,
He can't fight properly and he only have 1 Sword so that doesn't help him aswell. Zoro is in bad shape, blood started leaking from his poorly stitched wound.

"Let me ask you again, Swordsman..!
Who are you and why are you here in this island..?" Arlong says laughing to which the other Fishman started laughing aswell,

"I told you i'm looking for the girl you have, Fish Bastard..!" Zoro says with a glare and grunt of pain,

"For someone who's as injured and weak as you... You're either stupid or you got a lot of guts in there...
We Fishman are simply the next part of the evolutionary circle in this world.
We are incredibly resilient and can breath both on land and under the water.

That makes us Fishman, 10x Stronger than you puny pathetic humans..
I don't know if it will make any sense to your puny brain rolling around in your head...
Yahahahahaha" Arlong mock Zoro laughing which makes Zoro angry,

"You know,
I'm sick and tired of listening to your stupid ideals over and over again for these past years, Arlong.." Nami says walking in the Arlong Park,

Zoro was shocked to see Nami,
Acting so cold and so friendly towards The Arlong Pirates and it disgust him.

"Aww, why you always have to be so serious, Nami..?
You know i wasn't talking about you..
You are a special and most valuable member of The Arlong Pirates.." Arlong says with a laugh welcoming Nami,

Why is this Blue Bastard calling you his valued Crew Member..?" Zoro ask with a disgusted glare at Nami,

"Hold on,
Is he a friend of yours Nami..?" Arlong ask with a curious look,

"Don't be ridiculous..!
This is just another fool who thought i was his friend, who wouldn't stole his treasure, right off under his nose..
To think he actually followed me here without knowing that,
Showing how stupid he is.." Nami says with a mocking smirk kneeling to Zoro's level,

"So this is who you really are, Nami..?
All those crap about being alone...
I thought you hated Pirates.." Zoro ask with a disgusted look,

"You thought wrong...
I just played you to get what i want.
And you bought the whole thing." Nami says with a laugh,

Zoro lost his emotions for the time being and looked dead in Nami's eyes.
The Fishman started laughing at Zoro getting fooled by Nami while Nami just look proud of her work.
Zoro remain silent just glaring with no emotion at all.

"I'm a Pirate, plane and simple..
I am the Navigator of The Arlong Pirates...
I guess you finally get it now or you're still dumb enough to think otherwise..?
I just used you guys to get the map.
You are strong enough to serve my needs but boy you guys are bunch of suckers..." Nami says with a mocking smile to which Arlong laugh in proud,

"You're right..!" Zoro says stopping Arlong from laughing,

All the Fishman, Arlong and Even Nami looked at Zoro with curiosity of what he's about to say...

"I should've known...
I should've realized sooner...
I never trusted anyone that easily.
Heck, Luffy is the only guy i ever trusted blindly so far accepting him as My Captain.

But then, for some reason,
I trusted you and i don't know why..
But I was wrong... And you're right.
We are not friends." Zoro says with a disappointed look just staring at Nami's eyes,

Nami just grunt at Zoro's words.
She may Showing smug look on the outside but what Zoro said deeply hurt her on the inside that only she knows.

"She sure did a number on you..!
I praise you, Nami..!
But i shouldn't be surprised because you are as cold blooded as we are..
Nami even betrayed her own family for money..
you should admit defeat, Swordsman,
And forget you ever met our Nami.." Arlong says with a laugh to which Nami gripped her hands in anger.

"I don't need to..
Because i don't see anything in her to trust anyway, anymore...
If she turned out to be a serial killer, i wouldn't be surprised.." Zoro says with a smirk,

"If that's so, then why don't you just get the hell outta here...
I'm tired of your crying.." Nami says with a grunt,

"You don't have to tell me.." Zoro says with an evil Grin,

Zoro used his leg to push him back and jump into the water.
Zoro is being tied up this whole time so he can't use his hands.
That means he can't swim aswell.
The fishman started laughing and mocking Zoro of being stupid to jump into the water to escape with his injuries and hands tied up.
Nami's heart stopped a beat literally with the shock as she bit her lip,
Jumping inside the water.

"That idiot..!" Nami says jumping into the water to rescue Zoro,

To Be Continued...


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