My King // Peter Pevensie

By naviatheart

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when she escaped with her brother from Telmarania, the last thing she expected was to fall in love with her e... More



2.4K 44 13
By naviatheart

Five years have passed since Peter Pevensie came into my life, and I had become quite a queen since he'd left it. Caspian and I adjusted well to ruling, taking counsel with each other and keeping the peace with our new subjects. Crops had been prosperous and the Telmaranians settled in just fine. Narnia had shifted back into a second Golden Age. My brother and I couldn't be happier.

Except for the obvious. Caspian and I never forgot them. Several suitors came to our door trying to take our hand, but I especially couldn't do it. Even with the clear possibility that Peter would never return, I waited.

It was miserable to not see him anymore. But, even through the five years of torment, suitors, and longing, I stayed loyal to him. I knew what Aslan told me, but I still felt like there was some chance he would come back.

My hopes grew higher when Caspian came back from his long trip to the Lone Islands. He'd said that Lucy and Edmund had returned, but also said they left once again and this time for the last time like Peter and Susan. I was devastated that I couldn't see them one last time so that I could have some feeling of him.

I spent most of my time writing. I had become quite fond of it as it diverted my sorrows. Apart from ruling and other things, it was a daily practice for me. Sometimes I'd write songs. One saying that one will always come back when called. Goodbye was unnecessary.

I would also write stories. Short ones and long ones. The most recent one was simply to get my thoughts out. The light was slowly dimming and I had finally had some peace and quiet. I sat at my desk and sighed, starting the first paragraph:

Camila. It means 'warrior'. My mom named me that. She would always tell me that I would grow to live up to that name. She believed I could be a great warrior. So, when she died, I tried my best to make her proud. I trained every day. Alone of course because the men would never allow a woman, let alone a princess, train with the boys. I immersed myself in countless books, attempting to learn as much as I could. Even then, I was only ever allowed a sword when I turned sixteen.

My older brother, on the other hand,

I stopped my pen abruptly at a shout from one of my hand-maids, Talia.

"My Queen! My Queen!" her voice echoed through the halls as she ran to my room.

I got up and opened the door. "Yes, Talia. What is it?" I asked, slightly concerned. But my concern dispersed at her wide smile.

"It's the Queen! Queen Susan has returned!"

My eyes lit up and my chest fluttered. Susan.

I sprinted as fast as I could to the courtyard where she was. I could help but feel hopeful to see my Peter. If Susan was here again, surely he would be too.

I turned the corner and I stopped at the sight of her. I smiled and cried out. "Susan!"

She turned and embraced me tightly. I was almost to tears at holding my long lost friend again. She was like my sister. Well, she should have been anyway if she hadn't gone away from my brother. But no matter. All I cared about was the fact that she was there.

I finally let go of her and began to speak. "Oh Susan! I've missed you so much. You have no idea how much has happened. I have wonderful news! I–"

I stopped.

I hadn't looked at her face.

She wasn't smiling.


She had tear stains.

"Susan?" I hesitated. "What is it?"

She didn't answer right away. She choked on her words and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "It's-" she forced. "It's about Peter."

My heart dropped. I didn't know what she meant. Was he sick? Was he injured? Was he...

"He was with Lucy and Edmund. We were going to come back. I was supposed to meet them but..." she paused. "But the train– it was going too fast and– it– it–" she didn't finish her sentence for the sobs that left her throat.

But she didn't have to.

The dream flashed before my open eyes. I didn't know what to do. I froze. The dream.



"No..." I finally said. "No. no. It isn't." I shook my head.

Susan simply lowered her head. "I'm sorry."

Her whisper barely reached my ears. My breathing quickened and tears began to well up heavily in my eyes. I couldn't think straight. No no no! He's not! Peter's not!

"Camila..." Susan's voice was cut off by two others.


Just then, they ran into the courtyard and right to my side.

A boy and a girl.

Five years old.

It didn't take long for Susan to comprehend.

They were mine.


Peter and my children.

Susan met my gaze and she almost smiled happily and sadly at the same time. "Twins." she uttered.

I nodded, the tears finally rushing down my cheeks. I only found out after he'd left. But now... how could I tell them? That their father was... dead?

"Gorgiana, William." my children turned to me at their names. I didn't look to see Susan's face. "Mommy is busy right now. Why don't you go and ask to play with Uncle Cass?"

They obeyed and left.

That's when I broke. My sobbing erupted throughout my body and I collapsed to the ground. I couldn't accept that my Peter was dead. I wouldn't. I cried and cried, Susan holding me and crying too. The reality of him never being with me again, the reality of never holding him again, of him never marrying me was too much to bear.

I knew I'd never know another like him. He was my Peter. But eventually, as I watched my children grow, as I grew with them, I knew in my heart he was with me. Watching over me from Aslan's country. And I knew, one day, I would see My King again. 

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