A Shadow Company Tale Sequel

By HerrHornet

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After surviving the nightmare of the previous weeks, the soldier pushes forward discovering new challenges an... More

Withdraw! Wait, we're missing one!
Finally some rest
Battle of New York City
Battle of New York City (Part 2)
Battle of New York (Part 3)
Old man's on the line
The Hunt for the Red Oscar
New Love and Meeting the Squad
The Wolves Strike
The Hunt continues
After Action Rest
Irina's Interrogation
Arrow's Internal War
The Start of the Storm
Back on the Map
Echoes of Crisis
Clear the Beach!
The Urban War
The Garage of Hell
Rescuing the Vice President
The Flight Back
A Soldier's Pledge
Shadow Company's Return
You bought yourself time. For now.


74 1 1
By HerrHornet

Uploading this so there is something new while I work on finishing up moving houses and getting into my new workplace! This is the first ending I had originally wrote for this tale. I don't think I'm going to use it as the story took a little bit more of a different turn for me, so enjoy!

"Goodbye Captain Price." Makarov cocked the Desert Eagle back and aimed directly at Price's forehead before a bullet slammed into his left shoulder causing him to recoil. Makarov recovered and aimed towards the assailants; Yuri and Arrow. Makarov squeezed the trigger as a round impacted Arrow in the stomach causing him to fall to the floor as Makarov switched targets with Yuri still firing. He squeezed the trigger again as three shots rapidly left his weapon, two impacting both of Yuri's shoulders and the last hit home striking Yuri in the head as Yuri fell lifeless.

Makarov lowered his weapon briefly as Price grunted, turning into a yell as he heaved himself off the ground at Makarov, tackling him to the floor. Price cocked back his fists and slammed his punch into Makarov's head again, again, and again. He looked up, spotting a cord and reached to grab it as Makarov was dazed. Price immediately wrapped the cord twice around Makarov's neck and secured the impromptu noose. Price raised Makarov up slightly and slammed him down on the glass with all of his weight as the stressed glass finally broke with the two falling through.

Makarov screamed a war cry out as he attempted to reach for Price who was just out of grasp and finally jerked up as the cord couldn't move any further and began to choke to death as Price landed on the floor below him, another thud hit the floor as Arrow had also fallen through, grunting raggedly as he weakly propped himself up on his arms to crawl over to Price who pushed himself into a sitting position. Makarov's body began to dangle around as Price withdrew a cigar, attempting to light the tobacco product, however the light refused to ignite. He tried again, same result and he inhaled, trying again as the lighter finally produced a flame.

He lit the end of his cigar as Makarov's body went limp. He inhaled, taking a puff as Arrow pushed himself up and sat next to Price. He kept his left hand on the open wound that was still bleeding as Price turned his head towards Arrow. He quickly assessed the wound as Arrow ripped his balaclava off. "You okay son?" He spoke quietly as Price was seriously injured too. A puddle of blood from both soon began to grow decently larger.

Arrow leaned his head back, closing his eyes as he used his right hand to dig into his vest pouches, withdrawing a pack of cigarettes and his own lighter. He gritted his teeth as he huffed out, "Mission completed sir." Arrow removed his hand from his wound and lifted the lid on the carton and withdrew a cigarette. He placed the end in his mouth as he leaned down slightly to ignite his lighter which worked the first time. He lit the cigarette, taking a deep puff in. He exhaled as he leaned his head back, dropping the carton and the lighter. "Target is KIA."

"Damn straight." Price turned his gaze back to Makarov hanging as sirens were heard in the distance, slowly growing louder. Arrow grunted again, this time more in pain. Price looked back over to Arrow as his tan vest soon became drenched with red. "You're hit."

"I'll..." He huffed out. "Survive." It became clear Arrow was not going to survive much longer as Price turned, placing his knee down as he pivoted kneeling in front of Arrow.

"You're hit hard son." Price began to assess his injuries as he reached into his IFAK and pulled out his gauze. He stuffed as much as he could into the wound while he quickly eyed Arrow to search for any others.

"Am I? Fuckin' Ruski got a lucky shot." Arrow chuckled and coughed a bit, wheezing somewhat.

Price looked Arrow in the eyes, "Hold your breath kid. It's going to be okay." He placed pressure on the wound as the gauze began to soak up rather quickly, a concerning sign for Price. He narrowed his eyes as sirens were heard in the distance, someone was coming. "Stay with me son." Arrow groaned and rotated his thumb up as the other hand held his cigarette he was still smoking. His hand fell to the ground, his arm going limp. He began to cough as air became trapped in his throat.

Arrow gasped, as he gurgled trying to catch more air and clear his airways as blood started to fall from his mouth. Price gently pushed Arrow back against the wall, shushing him as he attempted to speak. "It's okay son." Arrow's breath recovered as the gurgling stopped. He still took deep wheezy breaths as he looked to Price again, this time his eyes half way shut.

"I'm... tired sir." He panted out as he opened his eyes again.

Price glanced from the wound, seeing how the bleeding was slowing down. "Stay with me Arrow. You have Katana to return to." His stern voice resonated within Arrow who continued to fight to stay alive, not for himself anymore but her. He would be the wolf she needed.

"It's fucking cold sir." Arrow shivered, "But I'll make due."

Katana stood outside of what was their last hideout, a house in the US as she enjoyed the nice spring breeze as she closed her eyes. Price promised he'd contact them within the hour when the mission was over, knowing that old man he'd succeed. She had a big secret that she wanted to surprise Arrow with; she was pregnant with his child. She rubbed her belly as she began to think about the life the two could finally have. The door opened behind her as Roach stepped outside, closing the door behind him. Katana turned around, "Any news yet?"

"Nikolai reported to us a few minutes ago that Price's team was engaged." He placed his hand on the railing as he stepped down the porch stairs. "Nothing since."

Katana nodded as she turned her gaze back to the forest as the trees blew in the wind. "Yuri will make sure he survives."

"It's not just Yuri apparently." Roach's statement caused Katana to turn around, puzzled.

Katana tilted her head slightly, "Who else is involved?"

"We are tracking Arrow's transponder." Katana straightened her shoulders and head as she stared at Roach.

"No, that's not true. That can't be. Arrow was on a mission to protect the President for his meeting. Price told me that much."

Roach raised his hands, as equally confused. "I know Kat, I know. But we're still tracking the signal there with Price."

Katana's fists clenched, "That lying bastard! First he attempted to kill me, now he lies to me! I'm going to have a word with him when he gets back."

Roach scratched his head. Their radios crackled, "Task Force, this is Nikolai. Local Law Enforcement are enroute to Price's position. Price will not respond back to radio calls. What is the call?"

Katana's heart froze as her hands began to shake uncontrollably. She reached for the radio, staring up at Roach. She opened her mouth, as she continued to shake. "Katana responding." Her voice turned to steel afterwards. Arrow was in trouble and she needed to help him. "Ivy, deploy your team immediately and re-group with Price as soon as possible without delay."

"Ivy copies all."

"Metal here, I'm closer to their location with Ironsides. Permission to move i-" She was cut off as Katana barked loudly.

"Permission granted! Hurry up and get your ass to Price's location before he perishes!" She shouted as she turned around to Roach. "Get a flight over to the nearest safehouse we can get to. Right now!"

Roach shook his head, "There's nothing we can do Katana. We're both down and can't go anywhere right now."

Katana fell to her knees and screamed out loud. Roach ran, quickly moving by her side and rubbed her shoulder. Katana started to cry like she never had in her life. She clutched onto Roach tightly, almost suffocating him with her grip. Roach didn't say anything, he knew she needed this the most.

"Favorite caliber?"

"Seven... six two. Most. Reliable." The two continued to make small talk just to keep Arrow focused as Price still continued to attempt to stop the bleeding. "Dog breed?" Arrow groaned out as he slumped a little back, slowly falling onto his side.

"Not a dog man in my line of work." Price winced as his wounds began to cause excruciating pain. He grunted as he too began to slip into unconsciousness. He tilted his head up towards the ceiling as his eyes slowly began to shut.

"Come-on sir." Arrow grunted and weakly tapped Price's leg. "Hold."

"There they are!" A voice shouted as Price grunted, opening his eyes. He winced, clenching his teeth as he pushed himself up, sitting upright as he turned his head, Arrow was next to him. He was slumped over on his side, his skin bloodied but he was breathing and wincing.

"It's Price! Quickly help him out!" It was Ivy's voice. Ivy ran up, sprinting to Price as she slid on her knees to stop right next to him. "You're wounded, hold still!" She never took her eyes off of Price as she pulled him back.

Price raised his arm shakily and weakly as he pointed in Arrow's direction.

She screamed as she dropped Price and quickly crawled over to her fallen brother. "Austin, stay with me!" She began to check his body for any wounds, spotting the near-fatal wound he was bleeding from. She began to frantically stop the blood that had slowed down as she felt his neck, he had a pulse still but it was slowly becoming faint. She could save him, no she needed to save him! She grabbed Arrow's boots and slid him back some to where he was laying on his back. He grunted and raised his hands weakly to adjust but Ivy slid on-top of him and began her efforts to save him as she ripped open his uniform and began treating the wound. Tears fell from her eyes as her brother was bleeding out in front of her. Another voice sounded, this time it was another soldier. "Nikolai, this is Metal. We have casualties. Extraction required immediately."

"Da, how many?"

"Three. Statuses we're verifying, one KIA for sure. It's Yuri." Metal lowered her radio as she watched Ivy frantically try to stop Arrow's bleeding and save him.

Katana continued to cry as she lost her voice. Her lover was one of the casualties. Roach had left her alone as Katana turned her head to her nightstand where a picture of the two stood. She laid against her pillow as she stared at the picture, praying and pleading for Arrow to be okay.

Price woke back up, he must've been out for a bit as IVs were jabbed into his arms. He groaned, "Fuckin' 'ell."

"You're alive my friend, that's what matters." Nikolai stood up next to him, grinning. "At least now I can have conversations, those Shadows never are social."

Metal sat in the room remaining silent as she cleaned her weapon. "I just like to remain silent. Nothing needs to really be said."

Price looked around the room, "Where is everyone else?"

Metal glanced over to a closed curtain next to Price, beeping was heard on the other side of the curtain. She glanced back down at her weapon and continued to clean. "Recovering sir. All operatives were rescued and recovered."

"Arrow survive?" Price narrowed his eyebrows as Metal lowered her weapon and stared at the floor for a moment. She wiped her eyes and nodded her head.

"Yes sir. He survived. He's in there." She raised her right arm, pointing in the direction of the curtains. Price followed her gaze and stared at the curtains.

"Has... Claudia been told he's alive?"

"She knows sir. That's why I'm in this room." Metal buried her emotions and began to return to her cold self.

Price blinked. Either Katana was going to kill him or Katana was going to be deathly over-protective. "That's... good I suppose."

"Even though I should let him be fed to the angry wolf." Metal hissed out as she began to focus on cleaning her weapon again.

Price watched Metal, "That's enough Metal."

"No sir, it's fucking not enough." She shook her head. "He taught me that a dirty weapon is the surest way to get yourself killed. He taught me everything I fucking know and yet he almost died. He got shot and I could do nothing to be there for him!" She spat out as she tossed her weapon in the chair as she curled herself up into a ball and covered her face. "My brother that gave me life is lying in a hospital. My Sergeant was shot and almost died after he completed the world's greatest mission, but he never called us to help!" She looked up at Price with bloodshot eyes. "What do I do now?" She whispered softly, her tone turning to vulnerability. "He doesn't trust any of us!"

Price shook his head, "That's not the reason."

"Then what was?!"

"He didn't want you all hurt. He had a twisted view of the mission Katana and I gave him... destroy all remains of Shadow Company." Price narrowed his eyes.

Metal dropped her weapon and shock filled her face. "Yo-you can't make him do that! He's going to destroy himself!"

Another voice echoed after a groan. "Not... anymore Metal." The curtain flung open as Arrow forced himself to somewhat sit up to open the curtain. He laid back down afterwards, his hand on his wound, groaning again.

"You can't fucking do that boss!" Metal stood up and marched her way over to Arrow, standing over him. "Do I have to let Claudia in here and tell her what you did?!"

"Tell me what?" The door opened as Katana and a nurse both walked into the room. Katana seemed to be in a much better mood now that her boyfriend was stabilized.

Metal blinked then turned her head to Arrow as Price just arched his eyebrows and laid back in bed. "Uhh... nothing." Metal stammered out and turned her gaze to the floor.

Katana placed her hands on her hips, "He moved again without support, didn't he?" Metal's face turned red as the nurse cleared her throat.

"Don't aggravate my patients please, Ms. Claudia Gurrero." The nurse turned her attention back to her clipboard.

"Understo- wait, how do you know my name?" Katana shot a concerned look over to the nurse. Metal started to reach for her weapon. "I wouldn't do that, Private Roze." Metal immediately reached for the gun and whipped it onto the nurse.

"Permission to drop her sir."

"Denied, who the hell are you?" He stared at the nurse.

The nurse chuckled and looked at her clipboard. "You both serve with my brother, I'm Ashley Rehnskiold; CIA agent."

Arrow rolled his eyes. "One hell of a way to introduce yourself there Ash."

Ashley tucked her hair behind her ear, "Yeah, after you got shot because of information I provided for you. This is how you repay me as your older sister? Fuck you."

Arrow turned his gaze over to Metal, "Lower the weapon Metal. She's not a thre-" SMACK. Ashley crossed the room and smacked Arrow hard. Her face contorted with anger, the same the other two women were feeling in the room.

"That's for getting yourself almost killed you idiot! You have a pregnant girlfriend and team members who count on you, get your head out of your ass!" She shouted as Arrow turned his hardened gaze towards his sister.

He shook his head with a smirk, "I'm alive aren't I?" Ashley's face turned crimson red until she was pulled back by Katana. Arrow raised his hand, "I know. I could've been killed and for the longest time that's what I wanted. I became a contractor under a leader who wanted to kill everyone who knew his truth. I was told by two people in this room I was to finish off that Company, and I believed for the longest time that meant including myself." Arrow paused as he looked to his feet.

"I was willing to trade everything to give that much peace to my family, god forbid. They didn't trust me, and still don't to this day because of my actions. I wanted Moscow to burn after DC and that drove me to do unspeakable things. I'm sorry I joined such an organization but after all of that? I had nothing better to do. I'd do it again if things could be different, I really would." He swept his gaze across the room, seeing everyone's reactions. He had come to peace with the past that had haunted him for months.

"You'd... shoot yourself to... end the Company?" Katana's mouth fell open as she realized the damage her order caused to him and became horrified.

Arrow's face twitched as his mouth closed, everything turning stone cold. "You're goddamn right I would, hand me a pistol and I'll do it."

Price had kept his eyes closed. "That's enough Arrow, new directive. You're to stay alive for your wife!"

Everyone blinked as numerous people muttered, "Wife?"

Katana locked eyes with Arrow and her insides melted as Price continued, crossing his arms. "I am ordering you two to get married. Any objections?"

Arrow's mouth fell open for a brief bit. He closed his eyes, shaking his head trying to dispel all the negative thoughts. "None sir."

"Now, Ms. Ashley, before I let you beat your brother to a bloody pulp; what are you here for?" Price opened his eyes and looked at Ashley.

"Besides thanking you for everything the 141 has done?" She scooped her long blonde hair behind her ear as it fell loose earlier, grinning. "I am here with a request by the US President."

"Well, if you noticed, I'm kinda tied down with a wounded tea-"

"You all may be wounded and down, but if I gave a target who assisted the one who ultimately killed your team members, would the team still be broken?" Ashley's eyes turned inquisitive.

Price's mouth turned into a faint smile. "You truly are a shrewd woman, I see how you are related to Arrow. What's the target?"

"A woman by the name of Amiyrah Buhpakti, she is looking to start her own cell with incredible weapons that were supplied by Makarov. If 141 engages, the sacrifices won't be in vain." Ashley's face immediately turned sour as she mentioned the name, the woman had killed a lot of her friends and family.

"It's a deal then."

"Mommy, mommy! Come catch me!" The little girl shouted as she ran through the meadows that were populated with varieties of colors from yellow, blue, and red. The woman smiled as she continued to follow her daughter up the hill to visit her father. The little girl laughed as she ran further and further up the hill as her mother's smile grew. She would tire herself before she could even make it, making things a lot easier when she'd get back down to the house.

The little girl made it up the hill, but was completely exhausted as her mother smiled, passing her and scratching her hair. "Come on Cy, you wanted to see daddy." Her mother smiled as the little girl huffed and ran past her mother again, coming up to a stone that was left alone on top of the hill. Purple flowers fell from the Red Bud trees that surrounded the stone, the girl stopped in front of the stone as a voice called out to her.

"Ah, there you are Cy!" Arrow's voice was gentle and caring.

"Hi daddy!" Cyra smiled excitedly and hugged her father as Arrow returned the hug too. After the mission, he finally settled down but still remained an operator in case. The rest of the Task Force had settled together, after living together for so long it was natural everyone banded together to start their own community. Claudia finally made it up the hill and her heart burned with love, her daughter and her husband were together smiling; a dream come true that burned even brighter and hotter than D.C crackling in flames after the victory.

"Hey my little pup," Arrow chuckled as he picked her up and held her tightly, "Did you do good in school today?"

"Yeah!" Cyra's smile warmed his core.

Claudia took a seat next to Arrow as Cyra turned around and sat on both of their legs, her own comfy seat. "Tell your father what happened today." She looked lovingly at her husband.

"Well..." Cyra looked down. "I got into trouble today"

Arrow arched his eyebrow, "What happened?"

"Some boy came up to my friend Juliet and was very mean to her today, so I punched him just like Daddy told me to do! Protect my friends!" She tilted her head to Arrow, smiling with pride. She would protect her friends and family because that was the right thing to do.

"That's my girl." Arrow rubbed her head and she began to giggle. His heart melted as he remembered the day she was born, his doubts and demons were washed away as the wolf became protective over his little daughter.

More laughter and yells came down the hill as a voice shouted, "Cyra! Come play with us!"

"Can I mommy?" Cyra smiled, looking at her mother as Arrow nodded to Claudia.

She nodded, "Yes dear, don't run off too far now."

Cyra hopped down and ran down the hill to play with her friends as Claudia leaned on Arrow's shoulder. "Now it shouldn't be hard putting the little gremlin down." She glanced at the stone, it was Soap's grave. "He's proud of us, he always had faith in you."

"I let him down." Arrow lowered his head.

Claudia leaned up, "No you didn't!" She raised her voice. "Arrow, you fought in the toughest campaigns and even after you joined the Company, he believed in you because you saved our lives. He knew you did the right thing even when we failed to see it."

"He died on my watch and in my arms." Arrow shook his head and glanced to the sky.

Claudia pondered for a moment. "That's what keeps you up at night, isn't it?"

Arrow nodded reluctantly. "I just hope they forgive me."

"Quit being hard on yourself, you idiot!" A British accent filled the air as he turned his head in the voice's direction; it was Roach and Ivy.

"Flora!" Claudia shouted and smiled. Flora held her hand over his stomach as a bump grew. "Another?"

"Well, we can't let Juliet have all the fun, can we?" Flora smiled at her sister in arms. "When's your next one?"

Claudia laughed and Arrow chuckled as the pair sat on the bench across from the two. "Soon perhaps, maybe when Cyra is older and not so... curious."

Roach sat back and got comfortable as Flora rested on him. He looked at Arrow, "So you heard?"

"No, what's up?" Arrow responded as he yawned, the breeze blowing softly across the group making the mood ever so relaxing.

"Possibly a new mission. Some kid was rude to our family after all." Roach smirked.

Arrow smirked in return, "I'm game."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Flora rose her head and narrowed her eyes at her husband. "You can't leave us women out!"

Claudia turned her gaze to Arrow, "Yeah, we're a team." She smiled and closed her eyes, resting against Arrow's thigh.

"One that's still holding together, especially after all the shit we've gone through." Arrow turned his gaze to the stone.

Roach followed Arrow's gaze to the grave. "The Cap is proud of you, Arrow. He's told me numerous times."

Arrow nodded, finally accepting the fact he refused to believe for so long. "Well, we'll continue to build ourselves up then, for their honor."

Roach nodded, "Juliet wants to be a medic like Flora."

Claudia opened her eyes briefly, "Good lord, Cyra only talks about becoming a soldier like her mommy and daddy."

Another voice broke through the air. "Well, it seems like the new bloods will have a chance then." Price arrived and grinned as he held out bottles of drinks, one was whiskey, the other was wine. "For the gents." He raised the whiskey. "For the ladies." He lowered the whiskey and raised the wine.

"You are the best Captain." Flora opened her eyes and rose from her resting position, she could have a glass afterall.

"I second that one!" Arrow smiled as the group each got situated with a drink. Price looked to the stone and raised his arm in a cheer.

"For the fallen, Soap, watch over them and continue to guide us." Price downed the cup and shut his eyes in remembrance.

"For the fallen!" The rest of the group shouted as everyone except Flora, who sipped on hers, did the same.

Soap smiled with his hands clasped behind his back as he watched from the afterlife, standing by the two. "I will watch over you all, and I will protect you all." He thought to himself as the sky began to fade into the night. He turned around as Ghost, Scarecrow, Angel, Snow, and the other operators smiled at him.

Ghost looked up to Soap, "We're ready sir."

"Then let's go onto our next mission; the eternal watch." The operators turned as Soap followed suit, looking back at Arrow who locked eyes with him. He closed his eyes and nodded, as Soap repeated the gesture. Arrow truly had earned his respect and he would hold his end of the bargain up; the protection of the team.

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