goner | jacob black

By bellaswanlovebot

484K 9.8K 2.5K

"she was cold as ice, never showing any emotions until she met him; Jacob Black." More

♕ e p i g r a p h
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t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
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t h i r t y
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Authors Note

t w e n t y t w o

3.3K 70 31
By bellaswanlovebot

they mistook my kindness

for weakness

E D E N  LAYED HER HEAD AGAINST THE WALL, for once it was sunny in Forks and she relished in it. A sigh left her lips as she felt a hand gently squeeze her shoulder, a way to comfort her. It was one of those days, one of those days where she wished to disappear with Jacob and hide from everyone. One, where no one exists but them. Unfortunately, those days don't exist when Bella Swan is in your life, and you are a supernatural being. She couldn't help but be upset. She wasn't sure what her life has become, what she has become. 

She used to be heartless, powerful. So chaotic and a maniac that her own blood had no choice but to lock her up, and now? She's settled down with her own true love, protecting someone she sees as her own sister. She can't help but hate what she's become. Eden Cullen was a soulless monster who would murder anyone who even dared to go against her, but how could she be who she was when he, Jacob Black is the definition of a golden retriever. She knew she was being stupid in her own thoughts, she should be happy, grateful even. She has everything she could possibly want, but she feels like a liar in her own skin. 

Edward walked up to her and Jacob, they were in Bella's hallway. She was annoyed and frustrated, annoyed that the Cullen's were using Jacob whenever they needed help and then would push him away if he even suggested something that would better Bella. Frustrated that she couldn't bang the one person she used idolise head against the wall repeatedly until he apologised, apologised for every single fucking thing he had ever put her, and the ones she loved through. 

"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again," Jacob said, it seems he was feeling the same as Eden, as frustration was clearly laced in his tone. He looked at Eden, brows furrowed and lips pursed. He was worried, "We'll handle it from here". 

"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone." Edward replied, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms. He looked at Eden towards the end of his sentence, and that made her clench her fists. She was starting to become happy and once again, they were pulled into whatever mess the Cullens had found themselves into. 

"You called us here, you wanted our help," Eden replied, walking up to him and shoving his chest with every word, before she was pulled back and into Jacob's chest. He wrapped his thick arms around her, squeezing her before letting go. Eden could feel her anger slowly bubbling, the shoves weren't enough. Nothing was enough. She was sick of this, today was supposed to be the one day they had a break, and they couldn't even have that. 

"Alright, we're done here" Jacob said, before pulling Eden away with him. He laced their fingers together, and Eden held her breath. She couldn't tell if she wanted to memorise his scent forever, or the way his hand perfectly wrapped around hers. He was made for her, and she was made for him. 

"No, you're done here" Edward gritted out, his golden eyes staring directly at Jacob and it appeared that was his last straw. Turns out Eden wasn't the only one holding herself back, as Jacob walked up to Edward and pushed him against the wall, growling. Bella suddenly appeared, slightly scaring Eden as she got distracted with the way Jacob's biceps flexed. 

"Stop, I'm tired of this. From now on I'm Switzerland, okay?" Bella yelled out as she attempted to seperate the two. She looked at Eden for help, her eyes tearing up. Eden couldn't understand how Bella could possibly ever want to be with Edward, after everything she's had to suffer with just to be with him. Eden walked up to them and put most of her strength towards Edward as she shoved the two apart. 

"Stop! This isn't a dog pissing contest. Fucking hell Edward, can't you see we just wanna help Bella" Eden yelled, furrowing her eyebrows as she wailed her arms around. She laid her hand on Jacob's chest as a barrier, when he attempted to try and fight Edward once again. 

"I don't care how you talk to me, Edward. Just watch the way you talk to your own blood, yeah?" Jacob said, crossing his arms once he finally realised Eden isn't going to allow him to fight Edward. Eden felt her gaze soften, as much as she hated how soft she's become. He is the reason why she'd never go back. How could she, when he's willing to fight a 100 year old vampire when he's just a newly turned wolf, knowing damn well theres a high chance he could lose. God, she loved him so damn much. 

"I don't expect you guys to chuck a football around together. Fine, but we have a lot of problems, and this is one temporary solution. Are you willing to at least try?" Bella spoke out, tension was in the air as Edward and Jacob glared at each other. Eden couldn't help but roll her eyes, why does Edward just not wanna back down? Jacob no longer has any feelings towards Bella, that was in the past and certainly not anytime in the future. Edward ended the staring contest, switching his glare that slowly softened as he looked at Eden, who in return scowled at him. Knowing Jacob wasn't looking, she bared her fangs. 

"Alright, so you need to coordinate. You know, schedules and stuff." Bella said, at this point she was talking to herself. Feeling pity for the poor girl, Eden nodded and gave Bella a smile, who looked at her gratefully before turning her attention to Jacob. The girl was sure determined in making sure they're one big happy family. 

"Would the pack prefer days or nights?"

"Nights." Jacob replied, he appeared to want to leave from this god forsaken house as soon as possible and that's what all Eden wanted to do. Before Bella called her asking if she, with Jacob, could come and help out with the stalking issue she was having, the couple were on their way to a date. A peaceful date where they were hoping no interruptions could occur. Eden knew they were being delusional with everything that's been happening so far but Edward needed to make up his mind on whether he wanted them involved or not. 

"Okay, easy. Will days work for your family?" Bella questioned Edward, frowning towards him as he had a permanent glare on his face it seems. Gone were the days that Eden followed every word he said, she wished she could go back to the past and slap herself silly, warn her past self to run and never look back. But, if she did that then how would she have ever met Jacob. 

Instead of replying back with words, Edward nodded and that to Eden, was her cue to leave. She was sick of this and just wanted to return to her date night. Eden walked up to Bella and hugged her tightly. As much as she was annoyed with all the trouble that followed the human, she couldn't help but want to protect her. She knew exactly how it felt to not want to be separated from the one person you believed would protect her for eternity. However, in Eden's case, he locked her up and never looked back. 

"Take care of yourself. Call me, okay? We need a break from everything" Eden whispered into Bella's ear before letting go and holding Jacob's hand. Jacob and Edward had one quick glare contest before Eden rolled her eyes, and pulled Jacob away. They walked down the stairs in silence and closed the door. Eden was pouting, she was upset. It wasn't Jacob's fault but she couldn't take her frustration out on Edward and she didn't want to take it out on Jacob. Suddenly, Jacob stopped walking once they neared towards his motorcycle and turned towards Eden before pulling her into his arms.

"What's wrong?" He muttered into her ear as her head laid against his chest. Eden lifted her head and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. They were staring at each other so closely, that if Eden was anyone else she could notice all his imperfections, but Eden was not anyone else. She was his imprint and all she could notice was the way his beautiful pouty lips were in a frown and the scars on his face from all the play fighting he had with this pack, reminded her of the way the she would trace them every night before they fell asleep into each others arms. 

"I, I just wanted to," Eden struggled to say, frustration bubbling up and not allowing her to say the words she wanted to say, before she slowly breathed in, inhaling Jacob's scent, a scent of pure comfort and home, "I just wanted to spend the day with you, only you. And, we couldn't have that".

Jacob let out a small laugh before pulling her in tighter and laying a kiss on the top of her head, "Don't worry, the sun is still out. We still have the rest of the day, and the rest of eternity to spend the day together" He said, before lifting Eden's chin and gently kissing her. His lips were soft, a contrast to Eden's who had an obsession with biting hers all day. Her heart warmed at her words and she couldn't help but wish to whatever God, powerful being out there, was listening to her wishes and granting them. Granting that they will spend all eternity together, happily and peacefully. 

"Okay, good. So, what do you wanna do" Eden asked once they pulled away from each other. A bright smile on her face, as her eyes twinkled with happiness. She began to walk with Jacob to the motorcycle, hand in hand and in sync, walking together. 

"Whatever you want" Jacob replied, grabbing the helmet he left on the motorcycle and gently clipping it onto Eden. They both knew it was useless, but he couldn't help but worry about her. 

"I just want to be with you, let's go home and have a movie night or something" Eden replied, her voice slightly muffled under the helmet but Jacob understood, he always understood her and Eden just had so much love for him. The way she felt was indescribable, her stomach felt like a pile of mush and her heart was beating rapidly, but she wouldn't change a thing for the world.

"Alright, have you ever seen the movie white chicks?" Jacob asked with a smirk, Eden rolled her eyes, they knew damn well she hasn't seen any movies yet from this century and he was just making fun of her. She shoved him, and he laughed before getting onto the motorcycle and patiently waiting for her to hop on. 


Fuck me, it's been like two years since i've updated. I'm so sorry my loves, I always think about this book, and theres no excuses.

A little life update, I first wrote this book when I was in year 7, meaning I was like 12 or 13, and guys... babes, im in my second year of university. Im freaking 19!! turning 20 in two months, this is just so freaking flabbergastering omfg. I still remember how bad my writing was, and by all means im not saying it's any better, i still cant read the earlier chapters from how shit and boring they are but youse don't understand how im grateful youse have come this far. I would've dropped this book so fast. 

So, i'm in my second year of uni, currently studying graphic design and honestly the way wattpad has changed my life is so shocking. Like, the days of designing wattpad covers on powerpoint and my shitty iphone 6 have seriously influenced the person i wanted to be, who would've thought, and I have a job!! Woohooo! it's a fast food job, mcdonalds, or what we call it in australia, maccas. Don't judge me, the pay can be good sometimes, and honestly the people there are so fun, only reason why i've stayed ngl. 

Anyways,  i hope youse are all well <33, im gonna start the next chapter so i dont prostrocinate on it, and instead proscrinate on my assignments lmfaoooo. i truly dont care on how u spell it plls dont correct me HAHAHAH

question of da day: 

how old were you when you first started using wattpad and can you describe what was the first book or few books you read were about if u can remember?

Personally, i was in year 4... babes no child should be reading on wattpad at that age omfg, and i remember being obsessed with werewolf books, and reading one direction kidnapped me and are vampires!!! books, ughhh so iconic. 

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