His little wolf

By urlocal_wattiegurl

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~Tell your sparkly disco ball to stop reading my mind before I shove a bat up his ass~ More

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By urlocal_wattiegurl

The next day, Paul and I headed over to dads for Christmas, meeting Bella Seth and Nes outside

Nes comes over hugging me and then surprisingly hugs Paul as well

The door opens and Dad and Sue come out as Nes runs towards them... There she is. Come here. Dad says, catching her in his arms, spinning her around.

Oh! Wow! Look at you. You've grown half a foot! Seriously. Like 6 inches. Dad says.

Come on inside. Lunch is on the table. Sue says.

We got a tree to decorate, huh? Dad asks Nes

I've actually got a few errands to run, guys. I'll be back soon, okay? Bella says, and I give her a questioning look, she just gives me the I'll tell you later look before climbing in the car, leaving.

Come on. Let's go. Dad says.

Paul and I walk in behind them, taking a seat at the table to eat lunch. After lunch, we sit in the living room while Dad and Nes decorate the tree.

All right! Present time! Let's go! Leah, stop eating. Seth, get it going. Dad says.

Seth passes a present to Renesmee. She opens it to reveal a hand made bracelet with a wolf that looks similar to his. She smiles as he puts it on her.

What did you get me? Seth asks Leah.

I'm not giving you anything. She says.

Well, Dad, we didn't have time to wrap yours, but here it is. Bella says.

As she gives dad a piece of paper smiling, I already know what it is

It's a 5-day fishing trip to Fraser River. It's for you and Sue. I say.

You leave tomorrow. Bella says.

Wow, that's really nice. Thank you. Tomorrow? I can't leave tomorrow. Dad says.

I made arrangements for you at work. Sue says.

Sneaky. And extravagant. Dad says.

And non-refundable, I'm afraid. Edward says.

You three trying to get rid of me? Dad asks.

We all go quite, thinking he might have figured out something was wrong.

Because it's working. He says laughing, Fraser River. That means we'll be chasing Cutthroat.

We might even hook a Rainbow or some Bulls. Sue says.

Woman knows her trout. Dad says, looking over at Sue with a smile on his face.

Later that night, as the snow is falling, the vampires and us have set up camp in the woods, Seth brings some wood and drops it on the ground

then Benjamin uses his powers to produce fire from his fingertips and throws it on the woods to start a fire.

That's what I'm talkin' about. A little pre-battle bonfire. Telling war stories. I say, cuddling into Paul's side.

Seth sits next to Benjamin and looks across the fire and sees the other vampires standing

Or just standing there like frickin' statues. Jacob says, taking a seat at the fire.

Suddenly, Garrett spins in and sits next to them by the fire.

Name any American battle. I was there. Garrett says.

Little Bighorn. Jacob says.

I came this close to biting Custer. But the Indians got him first. Garret says.

Just then, Kate spins in and sits next to Garrett

Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople. He didn't win that one on his own. Kate says.

lf you're talking battles, you're talking about the Eleven Years' war. No one does rebellion like the Irish. Liam says

Later on, we're all scattered around the fire, everyone either with their mates or talking to someone while I'm sitting in between Paul's legs leaning with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me.

Preparing for the battle tomorrow the snow is sticking. Alice's note made it clear that's when they'd come

When it is time for the Volturi to arrive, the Cullen's and their witnesses, all gather in a large, snow-covered field.

If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman. Garrett says.

Now you tell me. Kate says back.

They hear the Volturi and their army getting closer. Turning my head towards them, a snarl escapes my mouth.

The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming! Garrett says.

Suddenly, Aro and his army become visible, and it's clear that they outnumber the Cullen's and their witnesses, Edward watches Aro as they walk towards them

Aro's looking for Alice. Edward says.

As Aro and his army get closer, me and the other wolves step out to join the Cullen's and their witnesses, Seth heads straight over standing next to Bella, Renesmee and Edward

Aro and his army stand in a line facing the Cullen's and the witnesses, Carlisle walks forward

Aro, Let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner. Carlisle says.

Fair words, Carlisle. But a little improper, given the battalion you've assembled against us. Aro says.

I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken. Carlisle says.

We see the child. Do not treat us as fools. Caius says.

She is not a immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks. Carlisle says.

Artifice! Caius yells!

I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved. Aro says.

Edward looks at Bella then makes his way towards Aro, as Bella watches Edward walk towards Aro she uses her powers to shield Edward

As Edwards reaches Aro he extends his hand, Aro takes it and uses his power to read his thoughts and realizes that Renesmee is not an immortal child

I'd like to meet her. Aro says, and I growl at that.

Edward turns and looks at Bella and Renesmee, then Bella, Renesmee, Seth joined by Emmett walk towards Aro and I step up walking beside them

Ah. Young Bella. Immortality becomes you. Aro says

Aro smiles and then shrieks with laughter as he hears Renesmee's heart beating.

I hear her strange heart. Aro says.

Aro holds out his hand and Renesmee walks closer to him

Hello, Aro. She says.

Renesmee then touches Aro's cheek, using her powers on him, Aro becomes transfixed by what she shows him.

Magnifico! Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human. Aro says.

Impossible! Caius says.

Do you think they fooled me, brother? Aro says.

We all walk back to join the other witnesses

Bring the informer forward. Caius says.

Irina is brought towards Caius and Aro

Is that the child you saw? Caius asks?

I'm not certain. Irina says

Jane. Caius says.

She's changed. This child is bigger. Irina says.

Then your allegations were false. Caius says.

The Cullen's are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake. I'm sorry. Irina says, glancing at her sisters.

Edward sees that Irina is about to be executed

Caius, no! Edward yells.

Felix then steps forward and hits Irina and snaps her head off

Irina! Tanya yells.

Caius then sets fire to the rest of Irina's body, Kate and Tanya scream and run towards Aro and his army, Garrett gets hold of Kate, she uses her power to electrocute him, Edward then turns to Zafrina

Blind them. He says.

Zafrina uses her power to blind Kate and Tanya, stopping them from attacking

We must attack! Tanya yells.

Tanya, this is what they want. If you attack now, we'll all die. Edward says.

Edward then looks at Zafrina and she stops blinding Kate and Tanya

As Tanya and Kate stop their attack on Aro and his army, Jane looks at Edward


She uses her power to bring Edward down in pain, but Bella manages to use her power to shield Edward, he gets up and walks towards Bella

It's working. Edward says.

Bella smiles as Jane realizes her powers are useless against her shield, then Alec steps forward and tries to use his deadly vapor but Aro stops him

Aro, you see there's no law broken here. Carlisle says.

Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger? For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to a weapon that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow.

Just then, two figures emerge from the nearby woods.

Edward realizes its Alice and Jasper

Alice. Edward says.

Alice. Aro smiles wickedly at her.

As Alice and Jasper walk up to Aro and his army, two of Aro's guards stop them

My dear, dear Alice, we're so glad to see you here, after all. Aro says.

I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind. Alice says.

Aro looks at her with suspicion

Let me show you. She says.

Alice extends her hand, Aro motions for his guards to let Alice go.

Brother? Caius says.

Alice walks up to Aro and he takes hold of her hand, as she shows him their future

Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course. Alice says.

We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat. Caius says.

But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace? Edward asks.

Of course. But that cannot be known. Caius says.

Actually, it can. Edward says.

We see two more witnesses, walking in from the woods, they come and stand next to Alice

I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil. Alice says.

We have enough witnesses. Caius says.

Let him speak, brother. Aro says.

I am half human, half vampire. Like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal. He says.

How old are you? Bella asks.

A hundred and fifty years. He says.

At what age did you reach maturity? Aro asks.

I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then. He says.

And your diet? Aro asks.

Blood, human food. I can survive on either. Nahuel says.

These children are much like us. Marcus says.

Regardless, the Cullen's have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies. Caius says.

Aro turns and addresses his army

Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight today. Aro says.

Some of the Volturi look disappointed, including Caius and Jane, but they all listen to Aro and quickly leave, then before leaving, Aro looks at Alice and Bella

Such a prize. Aro says then turns and leaves.

We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack. Vladimir says.

Not today.

You're all fools! The Volturi might be gone. But they will never forgive what happened here. Stefan says.

The Cullen's and their witnesses do not listen, so Vladimir and Stefan leave in anger and everyone else rejoices in the fact that they did not have to fight the Volturi

Back at the Cullen's house, the witnesses are saying goodbye and leaving, Edward and Seth and I watch Renesmee as she speaks to Zafrina and Senna

You have a beautiful family. She's going to be around for a long time, isn't she? Seth says.

A very long time. I'm glad she has you. Edward says.

Seth smiles, So should I start calling you "Dad"?

No. Edward says smiling.

Seth laughs, then Renesmee runs into Edwards's arms and Bella joins them

Hey, thank you, and thank Sam for me, she says before turning towards Paul

Paul, I was wrong about you, I apologize for that, but I am so glad that my sister found someone who will love her unconditionally. Bella says

Paul smiles kissing my head. I walk up pulling Bella into a hug. "Thank You" bells that means a lot to both of us, I say as she hugs back pulling away Nes hugs Bella.

As Renesmee hugs Bella, Alice watches them in the distance, she has a vision of Renesmee grown up, she's with Seth, and they are happy together, then Alice looks at Edward, and he smiles at her as he reads her thoughts, seeing her vision of Renesmee grown up and happy

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