His little wolf

De urlocal_wattiegurl

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~Tell your sparkly disco ball to stop reading my mind before I shove a bat up his ass~ Mais

Authors note


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De urlocal_wattiegurl

A couple of days later the pack and I were all hanging out on the beach, the boys throwing a ball around while me Sam Emily and the other imprints sat around watching

Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff. Embry says.

Keep it in play! Keep it in play! Come on! Come on! Come on. Paul yells.

At least we'll get one thing out of it. Embry says.

No, you won't. Cullen's are not a danger to the town or the tribe. Sam says.

Well, he's either going to kill her or change her. And the treaty says... Embry goes to say, but Sam cuts him off.

I say, Embry. I say. Sam says.

The guys come over taking a seat Paul comes and lays behind me his arm resting on my leg

Later on, we finally head back to the house

My phone rings, answering it's Billy inviting me and Paul for dinner with him and Jake

Me and Paul drove over to Billy's for dinner.

Pulling in, we walk up the steps just as Billy opens the door

Jellybean he says I walk over hugging him

Paul Billy says, smiling

Hey Billy, he says

We head inside. I see Dad and Jake standing in the kitchen.

Hey dad, I say, walking over giving him a hug

Hey beans he says, hugging me

You okay dad I ask looking at him, he seems a little worried.

Bella called, he says

Is she okay, I ask

They're extending their trip. Seems she caught a bug. They want to wait until she feels better before they travel. He says.

She's sick I ask, not believing a word of it.

Yeah, she told me not to worry, but she sounded, I don't know, off. He says.

She'll be okay, Charlie. Come on. Let's eat. Billy says.

After dinner, we headed outside, Jake and Elodie following close behind us.

Something seems off I'm going to the Cullen's I say

Not alone, you're not Paul says

I'm coming with you guys, Jake says

I nod, and we climb in the truck heading to the Cullen's

Pulling in, I jump out of the truck going to the door

is it true? I ask Rose who opens the door.

Hello, Bailey, how are you? She asks.

Listen, just give it to me straight. I say.

Bailey, is that you?

She's here? I ask.

They came home two weeks ago. She says.

We all walk inside, I can't see Bella though Rose is standing directly in front of her

Bailey. I'm glad you came. She says from behind rose.

Close enough. Rose says as I try to move around her.

What's your problem? I asked pissed she won't let me see my sister.

Rose, it's okay. Bella says.

I walk over, taking a seat beside Bella.

You look terrible. I say.

Yeah, it's nice to see you, too. She says smiling.

So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?

Rose, you want to help me up? She says.

She stands up, the quilt she had falling off revealing a pregnant belly

is this even possible, I ask, turning towards Carlisle

I didn't know it was possible. He says.

What is it? Jacob asks from behind me.

I'm not certain. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac. He says.

I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore. Alice says.

We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing. Carlisle says.

Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her! Jake says.

This is none of your business, dog. Rose says.

Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella. Esme says.

The fetus isn't good for Bella.

Say the word, Alice. "Baby." It's just a little baby.

Possibly. Jasper says stepping up.

Carlisle, you got to do something. Jake says.

No. It's not his decision. It's not any of yours. Bella says.

Elodie, take the truck back to La push, I say looking at her

Guys we need to go, I tell them they nod

Bella, I'll be back soon I say hugging my sister

She nods, hugging back

Let's go guys they nod and we all walk out phasing howling for Sam

Everyone phases in and we meet

What will it be? Quill asks.

It's growing fast. Paul says.

It's unnatural. Leah says snarling.

Dangerous. Jared says.

Monstrosity. Quil says.

An abomination. Leah says.

On our land. Quil says.

We can't allow it. Jared says.

We have to protect the tribe. What they've bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger. Sam says.

We're ready. Jared says.

No time to waste. Leah says.

Now? Jacob asks.

We must destroy it before it's born. Sam says.

You mean, kill Bella? Seth asks.

I'll be damned if I let any of you touch my sister, I snarl

Her choice affects us all. Sam says.

Bella's human. Our protection applies to her. I yell.

She's dying anyway! Leah yells.

I jump forward attacking Leah before Sam steps in, breaking us apart

We have real enemies to fight tonight. Sam says.

Tonight? I say.

You will fight with us, Bailey.

I will not I snap running off towards the Cullen's phasing back. I hear a twig snap behind me seeing Jake come out of the woods.

I stand with you, he says

I nod before another twig snaps, and we whirl around to the direction it came from

Don't worry. They're not following us. Seth says coming out of the woods.

What do you think you're doing here? Jacob asks.

I left Sam's pack. He says.

Go home, Seth. Jake says

I won't stand behind him. He says.

Oh, yes, you will. I'm not kidding. Get out of here. Jake says.

ls that an order? Going to make me bow down, too? Seth says.

I'm not ordering anyone. Look, I'm just going off on my own with Bailey, okay?

Great, and I've got your back. Seth says.

No, you don't. If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your brothers? Your sister?

If it's the right thing to do. Seth says.

I'm going to go give the Cullen's a heads-up. I say.

Get ready. They're coming for Bella. I say to Edward.

They're not going to touch her. He says.

Agreed. I say, walking back to the boys.

Man, I can smell them from all the way out here. I hear from behind the boys seeing Leah walk out.

What the hell are you doing here? Jake asks.

I'm not going to let my little brother get himself killed.

Go away, Leah! I can take care of myself. Seth says.

That you think so proves you need a babysitter. Leah says.

Okay, would the both of you shut up? Did Sam send you? I ask.

Sam doesn't even know I left. She says just as the wolves start howling.

I think he just figured it out. Seth says.

Jake. I know what his plan is. Leah says.

We all headed inside to tell the Cullen what Leah told us

Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he would rather not take you on outnumbered, so he's not going to come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded, and he'll wait for his opportunity. Jake says.

We won't get through without a fight. Emmett says.

No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty. Carlisle says.

The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind. I say.

Not in ours. Esme says.

Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks. Emmett says.

We'll make do. Esme says.

You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you. Carlisle says.

We nod and me and Jake head back outside to the woods to keep an eye out

I know they're out there somewhere, but I can't hear them anymore. It's so quiet. I say.

I stopped hearing them, too, the second I decided to leave. It's nice. Leah says.

You know you can't stay here. Jake says.

But I don't have any place... Leah says.

I can't trust you with the Cullen's. You hate them too much. You don't even like me. Jake says.

I don't have to. I just have to follow you. Leah says.

Look, Seth doesn't want you here. Neither do I. Jake says.

Jake stop we need her okay I say, stopping the two from arguing anymore.

We head back inside Bailey, I think you're gonna want to be around for this Carlisle says

I follow him to a random room in the house to see Edward and Bella in their

He starts looking at X-rays of the fetus in Bella.

Your rib is cracked. But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything. Carlisle says.

Yet. Edward says.

Edward. Carlisle says.

It's breaking her bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her. Edward says.

Tell her what I say

Carlisle, tell me. It's all right. Bella says.

The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver. Carlisle says.

Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then... she says, cutting herself off

Bella, it's killing you, I yell

Bella. There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry. Carlisle says.

Edward, Bailey, I'm sorry. Bella says.

I take off outside running into the woods leaning against a tree before finally letting anger rush over me hitting the tree knocking it down

I hear a twig snap behind me, turning around I see Paul walking out

Bailey, he says

Paul don't I can't do this with you. you are here to kill my sister. I say, turning away from him

Bailey come on your sister is dying anyway that thing is going to kill her he says

It's a baby, an innocent baby. How could you possibly stand with Sam against me, I'm supposed to be your imprint?

You are my imprint, but we're here to protect the tribe and this is what has to happen and I hope you'll forgive me when this is all over he says

Don't hold your breath, I say, walking off back to the Cullen heading inside

We need to find a way to get some food into her system. Esme says.

If I could only see the fetus... Alice says.

The baby. ... I say

Maybe I could figure out what it wants. Alice says.

Think you might be right. Jacob just had an idea. Edward says.

It wasn't an idea. It was a snide remark. Jacob says.

What were you thinking? Bella asks.

That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into. He says.

He's thirsty. Bella says.

I know the feeling. If it's craving, it's not going to want animal blood. Edward says.

I have some O negative laid aside for Bella. Walk with me. Carlisle says.

Wait, wait, wait. You're going to make her drink that? Jacob asks.

It's the fastest way to test the theory. Carlisle says.

Only if you're comfortable with it. Edward says.

I'll try anything. Bella says.

Just hold on. Edward says, passing Bella the cup.

I think I'm going to be sick. I say, walking out of the room onto the balcony.

Looking out I see Paul standing out in the woods watching me. turning around I head back inside

Mmm. Bella says as Carlisle checks her pulse.

Your pulse is already getting stronger. Carlisle says.

It's working. Esme says.

So, that's the last of it? Jake asks referring to the blood

Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood. Carlisle says

And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for her. We need to go tonight. Esme says

Carlisle, you're the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered. Jake says

Emmett will come with us. Esme says

That won't be enough. Jake says

Carlisle: We have no choice, Jacob. If there's anything we can do to save her, we have to try.

You'd risk your lives for her? Jacob asks

Of course we would. Bella's a part of our family now. Esme smiles

I'm starting to like these people more and more I think watching the conversation going on

Yeah. I can see that. This really is a family. As strong as the one I was born into. I know what I have to do. Jake says walking out followed by Seth

Hey. Are you okay? Bella asks Jake as we're sitting on the couch.

Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon. Jacob says.

This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob and Bailey what you've decided? Rose says.

What now? I ask?

Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names. Edward says.

She hates them. Bella says.

Well, then I'm on your side, no matter what you picked. Jacob says.

They're not that bad. If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob. Bella says.

Okay, fine, that one's not awful. Why don't you tell them the girl's name? Rose says.

I was playing around with our moms' names. Renée and Esme. And I was thinking... Renesmee. Bella says.

Renesmee Jacob says

Too weird? Bella asks?

No Bella it's beautiful, I say, smiling at her

No, that's not too weird. It's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee. Edward says.

Edward hands Bella another drink. As she stands up, she screams out in pain, dropping to the ground

We rush her into Carlisle's office, putting her on the bed

Rosalie, pass the morphine. Edward says while Alice is on the phone with Carlisle.

Carlisle said the placenta must have detached. Alice says as Edward gives Bella the morphine.

He's coming as fast as he can, but... Alice says.

But what I yell at her

We'll have to do it. Rose says.

Rosalie takes a scalpel to cut Bella's stomach open, but Edward stops her.

Rose! Let the morphine spread. Edward says.

There's no time. He's dying. Rose says.

Get him out now! Bella yells as Rosalie cuts her stomach.

Look at me, Bella. I say as she screams.

Rosalie cuts Bella's stomach as the sight of blood distracts her.

Rosalie, don't! Edward yells, pushing Rosalie aside.

Alice, get her out of here! Edward yells.

Save her! You've got to change her! I yell at Edward.

I can't, not whilst he's still in there. I got to get him out first. Edward says.

Stay, Bella. Stay focused. Keep your heart beating. I say.

No! He's suffocating! Bella says as Edward bites into Bella, pulling the baby out.

Okay. Hey. Hey, hey. It's Renesmee. He says laying the baby on her chest.

You're beautiful. She says looking at the baby.

Bella? Bella? Bella! I yell at her.

As Jacob tries to give her CPR

Jacob, take the baby. Edward says.

Keep that away from me. Jake says as rose walks back into the room.

Edward. I'll take her. I promise I'm okay. Let me. He nods, handing the baby over before grabbing a syringe injecting Bella.

What is that? I ask?

It's my venom. He says.

The venom doesn't work, so Edward gives Bella CPR.

You're okay. Come on. It's supposed to be working. He says.

Oh, my God. I say.

Come on. Bella, come on. Edward says.

I won't kill you. That'd be too easy. You deserve to live with this. I say, walking out heading outside I drop to my knees as a sob escapes my lips.

Seth comes running up to me, hugging me as I cry while the wolves surround the house.

I see Paul's silver wolf walk up, snapping at Seth

Go get the Cullen's I say to him, he runs off inside

We're outnumbered. Jasper says.

By a lot. Alice says.

I phase snarling at the other wolves

I won't let them hurt my family. Edward says.

Suddenly, the wolves attack them and they try to fight them off.

Seth runs out of the house, jumping into the fray of the battle of wolves against the Cullen's.

Stop! It's over! If you kill her, you kill me. Seth says.

Edward realizes what's happened.

Seth imprinted. They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law. He says.

The wolves growl before taking off

The fight finally over the sun rising over the trees we clean Bella up, and after we wait around to see if she wakes up

She shouldn't be this still. Edward says.

It's the morphine. Carlisle says.

Maybe I was too late. Edward says.

No, Edward. Listen to her heart. Carlisle says.

We watch as Bella's hair slowly thickens, her body filling out and healing, watching Bella's face as her eyes pop open revealing bright red eyes.

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