AGENT 003 |taegyu|

By omgyubee

991 65 17

Beomgyu,who work at an agency as an agent was sent on a mission to join a gang and find out what their planni... More

The coat and coffee
The arranged marriage
The day of marriage
Princes and gangs
The 'foes'
Bedtime story
Mission plan
Unexpected Meeting
The sucessful robbery
Criminal party
Familiar faces
Underboss selection
New leader
Task completed
Parties and birthday
Long lost sibling?
Coerced acting


35 3 0
By omgyubee

Beomgyu was sitting on the couch with crossed legs and arms staring at Yeonjun who seemed to be staring back. His arms were wide open supported with the couch Right after Sunghoon entered, he got off and walked downstairs. He told Beomgyu to sit and Sunghoon to bring a glass of cold water

"Here you go, water" Sunghoon said giving him a glass of water

"is it cold?" Yeonjun Asked

"yes, but it is bad for your throat" Sunghoon told him

"who were you again?" he asked Sunghoon

"oh! I'm kidnapped by your gang. I was sleeping when I heard a thud" Sunghoon replied

The look on Yeonjun's face was laughable

"okay kidnapped guy who is sleeping in his kidnapper's house freely, you can go back to sleeping"

Sunghoon nodded and gave Beomgyu concern look. Beomgyu blinked indicating 'I'll be okay'. He walked upstairs leaving Beomgyu and Yeonjun alone

"and who are you mr?" Yeonjun asked Beomgyu

"you mean you don't know me?" Beomgyu asked surprised

"were you staying in my room?"

"uh yes" Beomgyu has questions.

For what Beomgyu had done to him, its impossible to forget him. But he was acting like he had met him for the first time. He played along

"If there's one thing I hate the most, that is" he continued

"when I've been to a horrible place for a long time. And then I finally cone home, enter my room and reach out for my comfortable clothes but instead,"

"I grabbed a boxer that is NOT mine"

Awkward silence

"that must be really uncomfortable " Beomgyu said

"exactly!" he replied

"are you also a kidnapped guy?" he asked

"no I actually joined the gang" Beomgyu replied

"are you my replacement?" he asked again

"no way, I'm a new guy who works at your department"

"why are you living here? "

he again asked Before Beomgyu could reply, the main door opened and Taehyung, who is the oldest in the gang entered and walked to where Yeonjun was sitting.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Yeonjun grinned "long time huh? "

Taehyung also smiled and they both clapped their hand together. They looked like old high school buddies who met after a long time

"how did you get out, you punk? " Taehyung asked Yeonjun

"well since you guys were planning to leave me there forever, I got out myself" Yeonjun replied

"we were planning to get you out just waiting for the right time" Taehyung said

"I'm not patient enough to wait for the right time"

"now that you've done this, that Agent 003 will become active again" Taehyung said to Yeonjun

"oh that wench" Yeonjun hissed

"speaking of him, how did he get you? Did you see him? " Taehyung asked

Beomgyu straightened his back, here it comes

"i can't remember"

"how can you forget something like that?"Taehyung asked disbelieved

'exactly how? ' Beomgyu thought

"they gave me electric shocks, that shit messed up my mind" Yeonjun continued

"if I stayed there longer, I would probably had died due to electrocution"

"Yeonjun, my name is Yeonjun and we both work for Enhypen gang" Yeonjun said if in case Taehyung forgot about it

"I do remember my useless friends and everything else but I can't remember Agent 003's face. I think the drop coffee on my million dollar coat"

"A million dollar coat??!! Yeonjun did you get the most expensive coat ever to exist?!" Taehyung exclaimed

"that's wasn't the most expensive one but something and happened afterwards and I got under TXT" Yeonjun said

"its okay your out now, you can relax" Taehyung assured

"why is this guy here? " Yeonjun asked Taehyung

"ah Beomgyu? You can call him prince" Taehyung replied

"Kim Taehyung I swear if you call me that one more time I'll--" Beomgyu was cut off

"you'll what? You can't even cook rice" Taehyung said

"Yea i knew. Ni-ki told me about it"

"don't bring boiled rice in this, that's a serious matter"

"then should I talk abou--" now Taehyung was cut off by Yeonjun

"can we talk about why he was living in my room? " Yeonjun asked

"speaking of that where am I gonna stay now?" Beomgyu asked

"starting from tomorrow you won't find time to come here due to work. Just move your stuff to move to Taehyun's room" Taehyung said

"Taehyun's room? Is he dating him?" Yeonjun asked

" I was staying in your room, does that mean we're dating?!" Beomgyu exclaimed

"Beomgyu did you have a fight with Taehyun?" Taehyung asked

"fight? That's a thing you have with people who care about you" Beomgyu said

"you seem hurt. Lets talk about this" Taehyung said

"i don't want to, I'm not mad and I didn't fight"

"let's walk outside and discuss things out"

"what a drag"

Taehyung got up and Beomgyu also got up. They both left the house and were probably walking outside talking about that 'matter'

Yeonjun was left dumbfounded.

How could Taehyung leave his friend who he met after a long time just like that, just to talk with this unknown guy who he was arguing with a moment ago

Taehyun settling down on one was another big shock.

"so much changed in such less time" Yeonjun said to himself


"what's up with you? " Beomgyu asked Taehyung

"me What?"

"why are you being kind all of a sudden? "

"why would you think Taehyun doesn't care about you?"

"i asked a question first"

"Taehyun's the one that I'm worried about. I wouldn't want you to leave my friend over a misunderstanding"

"I don't think your friend will be hurt even if I leave"

"its just his position in his family"

"position" mind explaining?"

"yeah I'll tell you, so you can go and tell Taehyun"

"listen here, we men are not like women. We don't go around and try to solve problems that we shouldn't"

"Taehyun need a someone to keep his position as the boss in the family. He got one, that's all."

"wh-you must be crazy. Taehyun could get anyone he'd like. You probably don't know but before you came, he never came here even on off days. He would be out with different women, if he wanted. Then with a clap with his hand they'd line up here. But he choose you."

"alright. Lets not talk about it. Are you not gonna tell the others about Yeonjun's arrival?"

"Heeseung and Jake will be here soon. As for Taehyun. I plan to tell him in a couple of days"

"why not now?"

"he'll will cancel all his meeting and will his turn his plane around"

"just to meet Yeonjun?" Beomgyu asked

"their friendship is deeper than brotherhood" Taehyung said

Beomgyu nodded, he knew he had to get of Yeonjun somehow. Luckily he lost a part of his memory but it could come back any time

Things just kept on getting complicated

"by the way I have to go with Sunghoon tomorrow" Beomgyu said

"why? where?" Taehyung asked curiously

"just to grab some coffee or something. Its because he had been feeling depressed from the situation" Beomgyu replied

"okay, but you have work tomorrow" Taehyung said

"its not gonna take that long. I'll be at the headquarters at 8 pm"

"alright. That's pretty much on time"

"but don't try anything" Taehyung warned Beomgyu

"ha what would I try?"

(Next day)

Beomgyu entered the coffee shop with Sunghoon

after ordering they both walked towards a table and took their seats. He looked at Sunghoon and started talking.

"since task # 2 got completed, what's next?"

"what who--" Sunghoon asked confused but was cut off

"task #3" said a person

Sunghoon noticed a guy sitting on a table behind Beomgyu. he had his back towards them and a phone near his ear. It was Agent 002 or Jay.

" the CCTV here won't work for the next couple of hours" Jay said

" but they are still here" Beomgyu said

Beomgyu glanced a little at men who was standing right outside the shop. Taehyung probably send them to confirm Beomgyu doesn't try anything.

They nodded at each other satisfied that Beomgyu was just visiting the coffee shop with his friend and not doing something fishy

"321"Jay started counting

Surprisingly as he finished counting the men left shop and probably were gone now.Jay got up and took the empty seat in front of Beomgyu

"task number 3, get a high position within the gang"

"like what? Top 5?"

"be that top 5 or whatever"

"I can only get into top 5 by killing either one of the guys"

"then do what you need to "

"can I ask you, how did Choi Yeonjun escape?"

"He turned out to be clever. Moreover we had a traitor within TXT who helped him "

"who is the traitor? Did you kill them yet?" Beomgyu asked concerned

"we did. But I suspect there might be even more spies with the agency. Although the investigation showed there was only one spy. Speaking of this, how are you still alive?"

"thanks to the electric shock you gave him. He lost his memory"

"all of it?"

"no just a little including Agents 003's face"

"talk about luck. by the way, when should I kill him?"

They looked at Sunghoon who was adoring an old couple not sitting far away from them. He noticed Beomgyu and the unknown guy was looking at him

"can I help you both?" Sunghoon asked

"we can't let someone who heard a top secret talk possibly live" Jay said

"top secret? Sorry I didn't pay attention, can you repeat the talk?"

"uh this guy has amnesia. He'll forget everything." Beomgyu said

"me? really?" Sunghoon asked

"too bad such a beauty will forget me" Jay flirtly stated

"Agent 002. Atleast not here" Beomgyu said

"I brought him because I needed a reason to come here, or else it would've made them suspicious"

"so its that way" Jay said

"by the way, a robbery at National Bank will take place soon. I planned it" Beomgyu said grinning

"Agent 003 deals with Enhypen gang's robberies" Jay said mockingly

"your not actually telling me"

"well Choi Yeonjun escaped, its about time Agent 003 comes to action again" Jay said

"I got it. I'll deal with everything" Beomgyu said confidently

"yeah. Just stop the robbery. It should be easy since you planned it anyway. Well then I'll be leaving"

Jay got up and put his sunglasses on. He left the shop. Beomgyu looked at Sunghoon who looked like he was lost. Beomgyu tapped the table a bit

"Beomgyu that guy was so handsome, I think I'm in love" Sunghoon said

"who? Agent 002? Your kidding" Beomgyu asked disbelieved

"he's an agent? Doesn't he have a name?"

"unaware people call him Park Jay"

"a cool name"

"look if you don't want to be liked by our agency, then you have amnesia, okay?"

"I heard you"

After dropping him off Beomgyu entered the headquarters, straight to the planning department. He took his seat and grabbed the papers in front of him And then he noticed everyone standing up. That's when Beomgyu's  eyes caught Choi Yeonjun. 'right he's the boss here now'. The look on his eyes was deadly. Beomgyu got up

"Beomgyu was it? Your late" Yeonjun said to Beomgyu

"its 8:00, I'm right on time"

"no your 46 seconds late" Beomgyu let out a laugh-sigh

"excuse me? I don't think its SO late"

"your new assignment is suppose to be done in a week. Get it done in 3 days" Yeonjun commanded

He threw a file on his table

"forgrt the 3 days, I'll get it done by tomorrow morning" Beomgyu said confidently

"if there's one thing I hate the most, its late work and late arrival" Yeonjun said

"those are two things" Beomgyu said sarcastically

They both turned the other way at the same time, with angry faces. As soon as he left

"wow that was daring" Lucas said surprised

"do 46 seconds really count?! He's insane" Beomgyu said angrily

"Hwang Hyunjin only demanded work, but Choi Yeonjun demands perfection along with it" Lucas said to Beomgyu

"did he really have to return?" Beomgyu complained

"you will get used to this" Lucas assured

Beomgyu rolled his eyes. Yeonjun was really a big problem for him First his useless memory could return, second he's straight up annoying

One thing was clear. Beomgyu needed to bring one of the guys down to get a position in top 5

If he really need to kill someone for that,. Then it would most definitely be Yeonjun

It was around 2 at night. No one was around anymore. He organised a few files in his hand. He kept them on his desk and calmly sat down. Beomgyu checked the time then laid his head down on the desk.

His eyes were slowly closing and in no time he went to sleep. A few hours passed and someone opened the door. It was Choi Yeonjun.He walked to the desk where Beomgyu was napping Since Beomgyu is always on guard, he was awake. But he acted like he was asleep. Yeonjun picked up the file next Beomgyu

"so you really did it? " Yeonjun said

He was probably talking about Beomgyu completing the project. But why would he come all the way here just for.that? It wasn't even morning yet

Yeonjun kept the file down, he picked a strand of Beomgyu's hair and twirled it around his finger

This had Beomgyu a bit Concerned so he opened his eyes

"what are you doing" Beomgyu asked

Beomgyu stood up while looking at him straight in the eyes.

"did I wake the prince up? " he asked mockingly

"don't call me that"

"if there's one thing I hate the most then that's someone so low telling me what to do "

"you sure hate a lot of things"

He grinned and slowly walked closer to Beomgyu

"you know Taehyun and I" Yeonjun stopped. He took his handa out of his pockets and put them on the desk, covering both sides of Beomgyu . He continued

"we've shared women before"

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