The Vengeful Ghost

Από TristanMayy

458K 18.7K 4.6K

When Visenya Velaryon was born paler than the winter snows barely six moons after the wedding of Rhaenyra and... Περισσότερα

1. Bastard
2. No Dragons to Be Found
3. Find It
4. Delicate Skin
5. Defend and Deflect
6. Two Ghosts
7. Time
8. Homecoming
9. Comfort Among Enemies
10. Reunion
11. A Second Chance to Learn
12. Emotion Tapping
13. More Than Enough
14. Bloodshed
15. Covered Ire
16. Swear It
17. A Targaryen
18. Gilding the Young Lily
19. Confused Finality
20. Look What You Made Me Do
21. Price of Pain
22. Individual Schemes
23. An Understanding
24. Fools at Court
25. Indigo and Sapphire
26. Princess of the People
27. Second of Her Name
28. Poetic Pain
29. Healthy Healing
30. We Are One
31. Tenderness
32. Dragonstone
33. Time for Growth
34. Sick With Love
35. Avy jorrāelan
36. The Four Storms
37. Searing Tears
38. A Falcon Among Dragons
39. Red Rain
40. The Red Council
41. Twin Dragons
42. Interrupted Bliss
43. Adventures and Plotting
44. Clubfoot
45. The Painful Truth
46. Anything For Her
47. The New Normal
48. Sweet Girls
49. The Weight of Fate
50. Dragonrider
51. Be Still My Heart
52. Dread on the Horizon
53. The Disaster Before the Storm
54. Queen Visenya
55. Backstabbing
56. Interlude
57. Spoils of War
58. Fire and Blood
59. Ghosts
60. This Means War
61. War Plans
62. Fields of Fire
63. Claiming the Dragon
64. Only Together
65. Lady of the Vale
66. The Gullet
68. One Thing After Another
69. The Red Kraken
70. Paranoia
71. The Kiss of Death
72. Harrenhal's Curses
73. Final Wishes
74. The Cells
75. Short and Sweet Embrace
76. Trial and Reign
77. Ñuha jorrāelagon
78. Epilogue

67. Find Peace

2.5K 104 17
Από TristanMayy

Visenya walked through the corridors, blood dripping from her hands. People were speaking, but her ears were ringing and she heard nothing. Luke fell when he heard of Joff's death. Laenor stumbled when he heard of Corlys' death. Rhaenys was strong but even she had a hallow look behind her eyes. Her husband an granddaughter were gone.

And Aemond was injured.

He was unconscious in the infirmary, Maester Munkun tending to his wound. It would not be fatal, but Visenya's heart was racing at an unhealthy pace with the fear she felt on the flight back.

She was trying to stay by his side, but Munkun insisted he needed space. She decided going to Vharra would give her some peace of mind.

She entered the nursery and allowed Ser Arryk to stand guard outside the open door and dismissed the nanny. She lifted her daughter and let Vharra sleep against her chest as she sat in the rocking chair.

"Boy, this is a mess."

Visenya turned her head, her mouth falling open when she saw Aegon.


"That's all you have to say to me, sister?"

"No," She whispered and closed her eyes. "I am going mad."

"Maybe. But you have to admit, you have missed me."

Visenya kept her eyes clenched. "I miss you ... so much," Her lips trembled as tears escaped her eyelids. "Every day something reminds me of you, every day I am haunted with the fact that I could have saved you. You were my best friend, Aegon, and now a child will be raised without knowing his father. I miss you, you stupid cunt."

"You always knew how to make a man feel loved," He snickered.

Visenya finally opened her eyes, thinking he would be gone, but he was still there. Had she gone mad? Was she losing herself in her grief? She had endured more pain in the last four months than anyone should, and yet some people endured worse.

"We did have a good thing going, huh? I remember the first night you came back to the capital, you were such a timid thing. At first I wanted to throw you to the wolves, or my mother I suppose, and let you suffer so that I could get some reprieve. But I saw a little girl that looked like she'd seen a ghost and I actually felt bad for her."

"Gross," Visenya mumbled with a hint of a smile.

"I know," Aegon rolled his eyes. "It made me feel all gross. Until I made a crude joke to get my mother off your back and I saw you laugh. Helaena and Aemond never laughed at my jokes. And I knew you were terrified of Aemond. He always thought I was in love with you, but I wasn't. I just wanted someone to laugh at my jokes. No one ever realized I just wanted a friend in a castle full of adversaries."

Visenya wanted to reach out and grab his hand, but she was afraid he'd disappear. "You were such an ass when we were children, but when I came back, you were just something else. It was like you went from being the top dog to just a pained boy. You never made me feel unwelcomed. You were my brother, Aegon, I loved you."

"You helped me become a somewhat decent version of myself. For that I am grateful. Ameond was too much of a stick in the mud to truly get along with me."

"Then I am happy to get the best version of Aemond. He loved you in his own way, you know? He misses you. He liked talking to you, you are a good listener. Were, I suppose. He appreciated you. He loves Daeron, I know he does, but Daeron will never be you. You are who he misses most. I think you underestimated the impact you had on us, Aegon. As much as I miss Laeny, I have never hallucinated her."

"You just miss my devilish good looks."

Visenya snorted and looked back at Vharra. "I want Maegor to wed Jaehaera. I want your blood to carry on, Aegon, because you mean something to me. I want us to share grandchildren, I want you to live on. You ... your death made a hole in soul next to where Laeny was. You two, I just can't -"

"Visenya, it's okay. No one blames you. She doesn't."

Visenya's head shot. "You've seen her?"

"We are Targaryens that were burned at a pyre, of course there's an afterlife. But that's not my place, Visenya. And your place is here. You are holding back, and we both know why. You have lost people, Visenya, and you don't want to lose more."

"I'm not holding back. If I go more violent, they will call me rash."

"You are holding back, Visenya. Have you forgotten what he's done to you? He choked you before your wedding. He broke your nose. He's beaten and humiliated you. And he killed your daughter. If they call you mad for seeking vengeance, then the realm has forgotten the true might of House Targaryen."

"I don't want that for my children, Aegon. I named my son Maegor to change the meaning of the name. If I teach him no impulse control and show him unbridled violence, I am no better than the previous Visenya. I'm trying to change things."

"You are so consumed with legacy, I never understood it."

"Because from my blood shall come the Prince that was promised. I believe that my unburnt abilities are a sign. That it is my blood that carries on and saves the realm."

"Huh?" He frowned.

She shook her head. "Nothing. What is the point of this? Is this just a cruel joke from the gods to taunt me with what I've lost?"

"No, Visenya, you need to heal."

"How do I heal, brother? My rule had begun with strife. I lost much in such a short time. I didn't have time to heal from Laeny before losing you, someone which whom I'd known my whole life and have been close with for years, even longer than Laeny was alive."

"You don't have to move on and forget, but answer me this: when this war has ended and you no longer have to be on this extended rush of adrenaline, will you be able to sleep at night?"

The question rendered her speechless, mostly because she didn't have an answer. Or more like she knew the answer and didn't want to admit it.

The war was keeping her mind a bit preoccupied, but when that was over, how was she supposed to cope? How could she live in a peaceful realm without her daughter and brother? Not just Aegon, but her other brothers as well. Joffrey was gone, and Jacaerys' conditioned had not improved. She would be going into a peaceful world with less people that she cared about.

"You could always just have more children," Aegon snickered. "Seven hells, you and Aemond probably breed like dogs."

"I don't want to replace her," Visenya responded.

"You aren't, Vis. You take all that love you have for Laeny and give it to a new child. You are an amazing mother, and you should be happy. When you are with your children, you are happy. So is Aemond. You both love the fact that you can give your children a better life than you ever had. So use that to keep fixing the cycle."

"Well what about you, Aegon? I can't make another brother."

"Strengthen your bond with Daeron. I know you were angry when he married Brella, but he is a good kid. Not a kid anymore, I suppose, he is going to be a father. But he acted out of love, something neither of us understand because we didn't love the person we married at first. But what if you were madly in love with Aemond before, secretly seeng him, and you had to marry Cregan or someone else? Would you not want to run away with him?"

Visenya let out a grunt and rolled her eyes.

"I am serious, Visenya. We were not in love with someone else when we were betrothed to our spouses. How can we understand that pain of being forced to hurt the person you love most?"

"I am rolling my eyes because you are right, Aegon!"

He smirked, that dead bastard. "It doesn't happen often."

"I know. You were wrong to think no one would miss you. I miss you, Aemond misses you, as does Helaena, believe it or not."

"She knew, Visenya. When I left that morning, she had an absent look on her face and she promised to keep me in her heart forever. I Tried not to think about it, but I see now. She is far more special than I ever realized."

"So then you know that we needed you, Aegon!"

Aegon gave her a small smile. "No, Visenya, you don't need anyone. You cannot blame yourself for the abuse you endured and doing what needs to be done to end it. When you can see that none of this was your fault, maybe you can find peace."

Visenya's eyes flew open at the sound of the door. When she looked over, Aegon was no longer in the room, just Helaena in the doorway.

Visenya had fallen asleep holding Vharra, her sleeping girl.

"I was looking for you," Helaena whispered and sat next to her. "Daeron told me I am leaving for the Vale with the children and Dreamfyre."

Visenya used her free hand to rub the sleep from her eyes. "Yes, it was decided that the Vale needs a dragon to protect them, and you need to be somewhere safe and away from the capital with the children. Especially now that you are pregnant again."

"I suppose Dreamfyre's nesting revealed that one," Helaena let out a small laugh. "Another baby, sister! Ellyn, Brella, and I are all with child. How exciting, hm?"

Visenya smiled at her excitement. "There is a sudden surge in Targaryen children."

"Do you still want to wed Jaehaera to Maegor? Shall my little girl be queen? Aegon would have loved that, don't you think? He truly began to care for them, I believe. He cared for me. He gave me ... don't mind me, it is unladylike. I didn't believe I would miss him at first, but at night, I try to reach out for him and find the bed empty. I do, in the darkness, begin to miss his presence."

Visenya tilted her head. "I know."

Helaena shrugged. "We could share grandchildren, you and I. He would have loved that even more. I don't really want to go, if I am honest. But I need to. I want my children safe. I don't want to deliver my babe in a castle that is a constant target. Thank you for doing this for me, Sister."

"I will do whatever I can to keep you lot safe, Helaena. You don't deserve the spoils of war. Will you come back when peace is found?"

"Of course! But you must know, peace shall not be found for many moons. Enough to pass for you to bear."

"This war has already been more than I can bear," Visenya chuckled.

"But part of me is sad to go. Can I tell you why?"

"Of course, Helaena."

"You are my dearest friend, Visenya."


Visenya eventually made her way to their bedchambers, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw Aemond sleeping peacefully. Munkun said he was going to be just fine, that he just needed some rest. The arrow missed all his important organs, thank the gods, so he was moved to their chambers to allow some time to rest and heal.

She sat on the edge of the bed, watching Aemond get the rest he desperately needed. He was in merely a pair of trousers, his chest bare with a bandage over his wound. She lay next to him, resting her hand just above the wound on his pectorals.

"Please tell me it's just you," Aemond mumbled, spooking Visenya. "Not that I don't know the feeling of your petite hand, but too many people have touched me today."

"Just me," she whispered and kissed his cheek. "What do you need? Are you okay?"

"I am fine," He said, staring right into her soul, just as he typically did. He could read her so well with one look. "Just let me hold you."

Visenya obliged and removed her clothes so that she only remained in her shift. She rested her head over his heart and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You had me worried, Aemond."

"Good to know, just in case I need to make you worry again in the future."

"A heart attack is not how I need to be worried, Aemond Targaryen."

She felt him chuckle and she rolled her eyes. "You feel tense, Visenya."

"I am just wound tight, mayhaps."

"Maybe we should talk about Joffrey and Corlys. This will open up topics of conversation regarding the Driftmark succession. Joffrey was his heir."

"Aemond, for one night, I would like to pretend there is not a war on the other side of this castle. I would like to feel peace."

"Then read to me. You need the practice anyways." He said, letting out a yawn.

"Which one?" She asked, walking to their bookshelf.

"The one about Jaehaerys' royal progress. Unless there is another you desire more."

"I suppose not, but I do not see how I need the practice."

"You need to keep your mind active or your dyslexia will bother you. If you read daily, you won't have to try so hard."

"Gods, you sound like such a father," She groaned and sat back down on the bed next to him. "I would rather suck your cock than read to you."

"Unlike you, my wantan wife, I enjoy simple time with you. And I enjoy your voice, whether it is screaming my name in pleasure or anger. Now sit your gorgeous ass down and read."

Once she sat, he pinched the extra skin on her hips and she squealed. They both laughed into the night, able to forget about the war just for a night.

In the morning, they discovered Helaena left with the children during the night atop Dreamfyre, not saying farewell to anyone beforehand. Visenya understood that Helaena wanted to avoid teary goodbyes, but she still wished Helaena hadn't done it.

Thankfully, the war began to enter a dull period. Daemon still occupied Harrenhal, troops were moving about the countryside, and all the battles had been small with swift victories on both sides. The Reds had lost a small amount of battles in comparison to the Blacks, but she was now out over half the Velaryon fleet, a loss that could be seen as damning.

Laenor was the temporary Lord of the Tides until the end of the war, but he was allowing one of his cousins to take charge while he stayed in the capital.

Two moons had passed since the battle of the Gullet, marking half a year of war and Laeny's death.

"I still think you should wait until Ellyn has the child," Visenya sighed. "She is only two moons away from birth."

"Ellyn will understand if I am not back in time. She will not be alone, she will have you, Visenya."

"He can do this, daughter," Laenor added.

Visenya rubbed her thumb over her eyebrow, trying to think of a single valid reason to stop him. "Fine."

Aemond stepped behind her chair, gently rubbing her shoulders. All council members, save for the family, left the room to allow them to have a more family based discussion. "Lord Strong has become a capable fighter, Wife. He shall fair well."

Luke beamed proudly. "See? If Aemond is complimenting me, that should mean something."

"Gods help me, I have seen a day where you both get along and that is a term of endearment," Laenor chuckled.

"I never would have imagined us here," Daeron added, his eyes on Brella's growing bump.

Visenya stood up, adjusting the crown on her brow. "I think this is a good note to end on. Lucerys shall part on the morrow to assist the Lannister troops. I shall see you all at tonight's feast."

Aemond stood by her side as they walked to Vharra's nursey, his hand reaching for hers. When they entered the room, he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her body, resting his hands on her flat stomach. For now.

"Remind me why you don't want to tell them?"

Visenya sighed. "We are discussing this again?"

"Yes, Visenya, because I would like to place my hand on your stomach in a way that shows you are carrying my babe. At the feast, I need every lord to know that my wife is carrying my child."

"Hm, or do you just get excited when you think of how the child was made?" She smirked. Finding out their trip to the Vale resulted in a pregnancy had definitely been a pleasing thought to them both.

"Fine. I will announce it tonight. Another Valyrian baby due. They will call this the spring of Targaryen births. At least I will not have to endure this during the summer season. Carrying a child under that heat should be criminal."

"Maegor will likely hope for a sister."

"I am hoping for a girl, so that I can name her Aemma."

Aemond chuckled to himself. "What a way to honor that night. Name her after an Arryn. Her grandmother, no less. My mother shall be rolling in her grave."


They announced the pregnancy at the feast, surrounded by cheers and congratulations. Brella was almost six moons along, Ellyn eight herself, which pleased Visenya to know the children could all grow up as close cousins. Something she and her siblings did not get with their uncles.

"Would you care to dance, my queen?" Aemond asked.

"Of course, My King," She smirked and took his hand. Her red dress swirled around her as she and Aemond took the cent of the dance floor , dancing to the same song as they did their wedding. They may have hated each other then, but there was nothing but love and desire now.

Visenya almost tripped and when she looked behind her, she saw Maegor. "Mama, I wanna dance!"

Visenya let out a laugh and bent to kiss his forehead. "Of course."

"Is my dear wife being stolen from me?" Aemond mused.

"Papa, may I dance with Mama?" He grinned, a gap at the front of his mouth after he'd lost a tooth that morning.

"I suppose," Aemond kissed the back of her hand and she slouched slightly to dance with her son. Like his father, Maegor was already growing tall. She could tell he would be just as tall as Aemond one day, maybe taller. He had his jaw, but her nose and cheeks, and gorgeous violet eyes any lady would swoon over when he grew.

"When is Jaehaera returning?" He asked her. "I miss them."

Jaehaera and Jaehaerys were older than Maegor by a few years, but they were closer than Maegor was to Maelor. Visenya always believed Maegor might have been smitten with Jaehaera. He was always sharing his toys with her. Their friendship had only grown stronger after Laenora's death.

"When the war is over, my little dragon. She and Auntie Hel are safe now, away from any danger. I should send you to them, but I want you by me. You grow so much every day."

"That's what children do, Mama," He giggled and hugged her. "I love you."

She picked him up into her arms, kissing his cheek. "I love you more, sweet boy."

"When can I mount Veraxes?"

"Soon, I promise."

"What will happen to Verlys? She is always by Veraxes and it makes me sad."

"I know, me too," She sighed. Despite the people now dancing around them, some of the queensguard were close by, watching carefully. A crowded feast could be a perfect attempt for someone to sneak in, but her guards were not letting any unfamiliar faces around her.

"MAMA!" Maegor suddenly screamed. Visenya turned to see Ser Arryk raise a dagger and immediately pushed Maegor out of the way. The movement caused Arryk to miss and his blade went into her shoulder. She let out a pained growl, more angry at the realization that he had almost stabbed Maegor.

The lords and ladies around her screamed. The floor was quickly cleared and Arryk attacked her. There was no way this was Ser Arryk, her most trusted guard. Could it be Erryk? Was this a trick?

Aemond ran to them but Erryk got her in a chokehold, a knife pressed to her throat. "Move any closer, and she bleeds out in seconds."

The hall went silent as Aemond's eye widened in horror. He was quick to drop his sword. "Do not do this."

"I have no choice. I killed my brother for this! I will not let that be for nothing!"

She could hear the desperation in his voice, and she could see the desperation in Aemond's eye. "Put down the blade, kneel for Visenya, and we will forget this."

"No. I loved my brother, I did. He was my other half. But this war, this stupid war!"

Visenya looked down and noticed his other wrist was close to her chin. She tilted her head and sank her teeth into his skin enough to taste the metallic of his blood. He let out a yell and loosened his grip on her enough to evade his hold. Aemond raised Blackfyre within a second and before Erryk could defend himself, his head fell to the ground and his body was spilling blood onto the floor of the throne room that had been used for the feast.

"Say it ... he can keep his tongue."

The day of the Driftmark trial was clear in her mind, the similarities making her heart race. Vaemond threatened her mother, so Daemon took off his head. Erryk threatened Visenya, so Aemond removed his head. Both in the same room.

Aemond was soon in front of her, looking at the dagger in her shoulder. "We need to get you to Munkun. If I remove it now, you could lose a lot of blood."

"He almost got Maegor," She whispered, her lips trembling with heightened emotion. "They almost got my other baby, Aem. But he saved my life."

"I know," He stroked her hair.

"Mama!" Maegor ran back to her and hugged her waist. She got on her knees and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, sweet boy."

"I didn't want him to hurt you."

"I know, baby. No one is going to hurt us, okay? I will put the realm to the torch before I allow them to hurt another one of my babies."

Despite her fear, she felt relieved she had been able to do her job.

She would able to protect her children after all.

I need everyone to look at my kittens. They are the light of my life now. I would rob 100 orphans for them.

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