Little Mewschief

By TheCrescentRider

33.7K 946 362

After Mew, the Mythical but playful Pokemon, finds a dimensional tear in the Pokemon World, it attempts to se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 3

2.9K 76 19
By TheCrescentRider

Hey Guys, Crescent Rider here and I'm back with another chapter!

As for the answer to the 1st 'Whose That Pokemon?' of this story: It's Meloetta, The Melody Pokemon.

That aside, it's time for another question. If Mew is going to come up close to people, Class-S included, would it be appropriate if Mew could talk normally in the fanfic? Just like other Talking Pokemon of the series and movies.

Of course, I'm fine with Mew just speaking 'Mew' all the time. I just wanted to bring it up and know your opinion.

Other than that, enjoy the chapter!

The Following Day

As the sun shines again, Mew wakes up and yawns before rubbing its eyes a few times. Saitama followed suit as he stretched his arms and yawned as well.

Mew would float off the chair and approach Saitama just as he opened his eyes. It would circle around his head once and he just stood up as he went to change his clothes.

Mew just floats by the door as soon as Saitama closes it behind him. Moments later, Saitama was wearing his hero attire and went to the kitchen for his daily breakfast. Mew would join him as he offered some fruits and a bowl of water.

Mew doesn't mind as it uses its psychic abilities to peel the skins of fruits and consume them. With their meals finished, Mew hovers towards the balcony doors and Saitama asks the following, "Are you going out?"

"Mew," Mew replied,

"Then be careful out there," Saitama said,

As Mew opened the balcony door, it soared towards the skies and wandered the world to learn. As for Saitama, he decided to go out as well rather than stay cooped up in his apartment building.

The Cyborg, still hidden far from the apartment, saw Saitama and Mew leave separately rather than together. Initially, he wanted to study Mew and hoped to find an answer to his master's strength.

But the cyborg chose not to follow it and followed Saitama instead. His unyielding devotion and drive to become strong is far more important than studying Mew...


Once again, Mew soars across the skies and dashes through clouds for fun. When it looks down on a city, it descends from the skies and reaches a rooftop to overlook the people below.

As usual, people are going about their lives normally and nothing is coming out of the ordinary. But as Mew's eyes wandered, it soon spotted an area that stood out...

At the center of the city plaza, there was a pedestal with a large dog lying on it. When Mew got too close, that's when the people around the plaza noticed and all responded with questions instead of panic.

Mew would stop as it saw the large dog move its head. When Mew saw its face, it soon realized that the dog was actually a human wearing a large white dog costume.

The two stared for a moment, and then Mew goes in for a closer look while the human remains on the pedestal.

'A Monster? No, it doesn't look like it's here to cause trouble," The Dog-Costumed Human assumed, 'Now that I look at it, It looks a lot like that creature the Association's talking about. Well, as long as it doesn't cause trouble. I wouldn't mind letting it stay here,'

As he returned to his usual pose, Mew continued to fly around him in circles. Moments later, it stares at the Dog-Costumed Human and giggles despite him not doing anything.

The citizens that were present in the area began to pull their phones out and take pictures and recordings of Mew and Dog-Costumed Man. That's where Mew learns that this man is actually known as Watchdog Man.

Then, Disaster struck as the very ground shattered and burst right open. Those within its vicinity were knocked off the ground and before they hit the ground, they find themselves shrouded in a purple light.

Apparently, Mew had used its psychic powers to save these people from a rough landing. It then brought them to an area that seemed safe. All the while, Watchdog Man had sprung out of his pedestal and defeated the monsters that dared to attack the city.

In just a matter of minutes, Watchdog Man now sits on top of the mountain of defeated monsters and the people cheered as they praised Watchdog Man as their City Guardian. However Mew's effort did not go unnoticed as they thanked it for saving them from the sudden attack.

Now, Mew hovers around Watchdog Man and he raises his head to it, "Normally, I'd attack you when these monsters came to attack my home. But after seeing you save these people, I guess it's safe to say that you aren't with these monsters,"

"Mew!" Mew replied while swirling in front of him,

"Feel free to visit whenever you like. Just don't cause any trouble," Watchdog Man said,

"Mew," Mew seemingly agreed, then departed from the city,

For Watchdog Man, he just watched Mew leave his city and pondered about a certain matter in its visit, 'I didn't smell it coming,'

No matter where a monster approaches, whether they are underground or above the skies, Watchdog Man's extraordinary sense of smell detects them even when their far from the pedestal he usually rests on.

But the moment he met Mew, he didn't smell it coming even as it was near the plaza. The only reason as to how he noticed Mew is when the people of this city seemingly noticed it being so close to his pedestal.

If he couldn't smell it coming, then Mew would have a greater advantage in its assault. Not to mention the powers it possesses would have made it a tough challenge for Watchdog Man to beat. In other words, Mew could have beaten him if it wasn't friendly.

Thus, Watchdog Man decided to report this monster incident as well as inform the executives of Mew's sighting in his hometown. As for the mountain of monsters, the Citizens of this city are going to have a long day of cleaning Watchdog's Fight.


Mew continues to soar through the skies and play with clouds some more. But it soon stopped as it sensed trouble down below. By the streets of a different city, there lies a rampaging monster and people were panicking about its power.

Upon closer inspection, via psychic powers, Mew noticed a couple of people completely beaten by said monsters and are now lying on the ground. Since this monster is still rampaging, Mew descends from the skies and intervenes in this matter.

The monster in question was large and muscular. Apparently, it claims that it great strong because it had worked out too much. Not as a bodybuilder, but as a butcher.

Lifting and cutting too much meat in his life, he had become something akin to a monster and now he's hellbent on wreaking havoc with a large sack filled with civilians he managed to capture and a bloodied cleaver. This was the Cleaving Butchery, Threat Level Tiger.

As three heroes struggled to pick themselves up, the monster caught up with a mother carrying her baby after she tripped and fell. The Monster soon towers before her and notices the baby, it has no interest in such morsels, therefore it plans to execute them with his cleaver.

The mother clutches onto her baby and closes her eyes as the cleaver comes in fast. But before it reached her, the monster was soon struck dead center onto his stomach by a newcomer and knocked back meters away from the two.

When the Mother gazes at her savior, it isn't a human hero. But a bipedal creature with a stoic-like expression.

The Cleaving Butchery soon stood on his feet and looked furious as he glared towards the mother's savior, "How dare you get in between my kill. Though I'll admit, I've never seen such a fine creature before,"

He maliciously grins at the bipedal and holds his cleaver at the ready, "Forget the morsels, I'll got for you instead!"

As the Cleaving Butchery charges, The bipedal hero maintains his calm composure, takes a fighting stance, and waits for the right moment to strike. As the Cleaving Butchery raises its cleaver, that's when it strikes as it dashes in front of the monster in just a blink of an eye and strikes the monster's belly with a palm strike.

The blow surges within the Cleaving Butchery's body, before long it spews out saliva from its mouth, knocks a few meters more, then crashes onto its back from the aftermath of this hero's attack. With the monster down and out, the bipedal creature straightened itself and went to the sack that he dropped.

As soon as it was opened, the bipedal hero aided the people out of the sack and was soon met by the captor lying on the ground completely knocked out. They immediately assumed that the bipedal hero was responsible for defeating this monster.

They expressed their utmost gratitude and the bipedal hero returned their kind gestures. Then, it switched its gaze toward the Mother holding her child. It gives her a quick smile, then swiftly leaves the area rather than stay any longer.

The handful of people still expressed gratitude to the bipedal hero, while the Mother just smiled knowing that she and her baby had been saved. As for the Heroes, they managed to get up though they were a bit let down as they were upstaged by a different hero.

However, one of them has managed to see this hero in action and admittedly it was strong if it were able to take down a monster twice its size. Also, he noticed that the hero wasn't in league with the Association nor was it human.

Thus, a report would be sent even though they have failed to defeat the Cleaving Butchery. As for the latter, it was still alive due to the attack paralyzing its entire body. In other words, the Association would capture this monster and be taken back to Headquarters.

As the bipedal hero reached a rooftop, its body brightened and it soon revealed that Mew had used one of its many transformations to play the hero. It's reaction was some giggles then leaves the city for another.


Mew soon finds a forest that is closest to a city after soaring through the skies for a few hours. Rather than descend towards the city, it went for the forest to see if there was a good place to rest.

But upon close proximity, it senses a few humans within the forest. Thus, Mew decided to spy on these humans and see what they were doing. Upon close observation, it soon spotted four humans; Three of them were students and one of them was the teacher.

It appears that these three students are honing their skills in swordplay and the teacher is merely supervising their regime. Mew continued to watch for a while, then an idea came into mind as it went to an area that was inches away from them.

"Do you want to call it a day? If so, we can head into town and have ourselves some sushi," The Teacher said,

"Tempting, but I'd like to continue my training," The Silver Armored Student said,

"I'd like to train a little more as well," The Samurai followed,

"Sushi's nice, but I think I can keep on practicing," The Feminine Samurai said,

"That's great and all, but I doubt all three of you will do much for today," The Teacher remarked,

Moments later, the four of them started hearing the sounds of clicking metal and immediately searched their surroundings for the source of the sound. Unlike the three, the teacher was not only able to pinpoint the sound but also recognize the object that could make such a sound.

It was the sound of a sword clicking within its sheath...

As the sound drew closer, the Teacher turned toward the direction of the sound and his students followed suit. That's when they're met with what appears to be a small floating sword.

"A Floating Sword? That's something you don't see every day," the Feminine Samurai remarked,

"Is it a monster," The Silver Armored Student inquired,

"It doesn't appear to be," The Samurai said, "Maybe it's some sacred sword or something,"

The Teacher just scoffed, raised the splinter of wood in his mouth, and narrowed his eyes at the sword, "No, that thing's alive. Take a closer look at the hilt,"

His students narrow their eyes towards the sword's hilt and that's when they realize that the hilt has a blinking eye. The Teacher just kept on smirking, then an idea came into mind, "Bushidrill,"

"Yes, Shishou!" Bushidrill inquired,

"Test its steel," The Teacher ordered,

"Understood!" Bushidrill responded and then pulled out his sword, which was in the shape of a drill,

The Small Sword bounces inside of its sheath a few times, then unsheathes itself before Bushidrill.

'Well, look at that,' The Teacher remarked, 'For a small blade, it certainly has a fine edge into it. It's properly well maintained,'

Bushidrill readies his stance while the Small Sword holds its sheath with its sash. Moments later, Bushidrill makes the first by dashing forward with his sword above his head. Almost immediately, the small sword swings on its own and the blade is soon met with Bushidrill's blade.

The sound of ringing metal was a bit disorienting, but all four of them had gotten used to it after months of training. What followed was the sound of clanging metal as Bushidrill traded blows with this small sword.

Surprisingly, it was holding on its own despite its lack of a wielder. It even parried Bushidrill's sword with ease and it surprised his fellow classmates as well as his teacher.

At the end of the duel, the Small Sword continued to float like normal while Bushidrill was getting a bit sweaty from both hands and face. It other words, this small blade is not an easy opponent.

However, the small blade soon sheathed itself, whirled around once, and emitted a glow before the four. Moments later, the small blade soon turned into two small blades. Which surprised Bushidrill and the three people with him.

The Teacher now smirked at this, and went off with something drill, "Iaian, Okamaitachi,"

"Yes!" Iaian and Okamaitachi inquired,

"Both of you test its steel," The Teacher instructed, "As for you Bushidrill, you step back,"

Bushidrill would follow his teacher's command while Iaian and Okamaitachi steps forward with their swords unsheathed. The two small swords unsheathed themselves simultaneously and the actions of its next opponents were the same as Bushidrill.

They dash forward with their swords but upon close proximity, the two small swords simultaneously block the swords with perfect coordination and it certainly piqued their teacher's interest.

What followed was Iaian and Okamaitachi swinging their swords by their own pattern of attack. The two small swords not only blocked and parried their attacks, but they maintained their usual coordination and managed to push their two opponents back inch by inch.

Before long, both Iaian and Okamaitachi were knocked a few meters back by the swords and were sweating from the intensity of their match. In fact, they were sweating due to the pace they had to do when it came to swing their swords.

As for the two small blades, they sheathed themselves and eyed on the three.

"It appears that a blade without a wielder has bested you three," The Teacher remarked, "That certainly means you're all lacking in training,"

"Now then," It was time for the Teacher to test its steel as he stepped forward and drew one of his blades at the ready, "I think it's time that I determine the might of your blade, I'm sure you wouldn't mind,"

The two small blades bounced with their sheathes a few times, then both emitted the same glow as they did before. Moments later, the two small blades had turned into one large blade with a small shield on hand.

"I don't know if you'll understand me, but I'd like to introduce myself," The Teacher said, "I'm one of the four members of the Council of Swordmasters, Kamikaze. But in another group, I am known as Atomic Samurai,"

The large sword emits an unsheathing-like noise, and Kamikaze seemingly smiles as he readies himself against this opponent. Rather than dash towards it, Kamikaze waits for his opponent to make its move.

It did when the large sword projected twelve blue glowing swords around, circulated around its body, and then they all pointed at the large sword. As soon as they fainted, that's when the large sword held its shield onto one of its sash-like arms.

The large sword then charges toward Kamikaze and horizontally swings its blade at him. The latter noticed that the tip wouldn't reach him since he was prepared to block the attack, but what he didn't realize was that the sword's blade glowed and seemingly increased its range by growing the length of his sword.

Kamikaze was admittedly caught off guard and decided to draw his second blade to block the attack. Upon impact, Kamikaze struggled to keep his feet on the ground. But he soon learned that its power was a bit too much for him to stay in place and dragged his feet back a few meters.

His students were utterly surprised by this sword's power, though Kamikaze wasn't fazed by this feat. Instead, he was tempted by this blade's power and decided to put some of his skills and power to use.

As Atomic Samurai proceeds to attack with both his blades, the large sword dashes towards him as well. What follows is a clash of blades where all three students are in awe as this large sword gives a proper match for their teacher.

Though Kamikaze's swordsmanship would normally guarantee a win against this large sword since he's capable of cutting through anything with one draw of his sword. He seems to be holding himself back as this large blade shows no hostility towards him or his three students.

In other words, he was testing the steel of this blade and clashing swords was the only way to determine its potential.

For almost an hour, the battlefield around Kamikaze and the large sword had resulted in large deforestation as several pieces of logs and branches were scattered all around them. Neither side suffered any injuries and Kamikaze rests his sword against his shoulder.

A while later, the large sword seemingly sheathed itself by conjoining the shield into its body and bowed its head in recognition of Kamikaze's skill. The latter shared the same sentiment as he sheathed both of his katanas and bowed his head to the large sword.

"Out of all the monsters I've fought in my years. Never have I once fought a sword without a wielder," Kamikaze admitted, "It was truly an honor, but I'd like to test you one last time,"

Kamikaze pulled out an apple and his students knew what this meant.

'Is he!' Bushidrill expressed,

'Testing that sword!' Okamaitachi followed,

'With that!' Iaian ended,

"I'd like to know what you really are, and this test shall prove an answer," Kamikaze said, "Now...  Let us find out,"

Kamikaze decided to toss the apple in the large sword's direction. In response to this, the large sword makes it way towards the apple. But instead of cutting it, the large sword's body emits the same glow from before and it soon turns into something that the four didn't expect.

For before their eyes was none other than Mew, who transformed itself into its original form to catch the apple in midair. Once caught, Mew started munching on the apple while the Kamikaze and his students processed this encounter.

That's when Kamikaze recalled a particular task from the Heroes Association.

'The Pink Cat-like Creature that was once spotted in outer space. So this is what they're referring to,' Kamikaze remarked, 'I'll admit, for something so small. It possesses an amazing power,'

After Mew finishes the apple right down to its core and holds it via psychic powers and proceeds to do the next incredible thing. With its powers, the very forest they'd cut was being restored rather quickly.

Mew doesn't piece and stick the cut wood together, instead, it seemingly accelerates the growth rate of the cut trees by its roots and it soon grows into medium-sized trees. All four of them were baffled as they'd never seen such power in their entire career, most likely their entire lives.

With the forest now restored, Mew floats in right front of Kamikaze, circles around him, and then giggles in front of him before departing from the area. As the four watched it disappear in the clouds, Kamikaze just scoffed before departing from the area as well, "Let's go. Perhaps some sushi will commemorate today's event,"

His three disciples agreed with his declaration and enjoyed the rest of the day together...

City - Z

Once again, Mew returns to Saitama's apartment through his balcony door. But when it opened the door, Mew found Saitama by his table eating tonight's dinner.

Saitama would greet Mew as usual and place an orange on the table. Mew would peel the orange and eat the slices. Though Saitama had something to admit to Mew, "I'm really sorry, Mew,"

"Mew?" Mew mouthed as it turns to him,

"With the money have left over, I'm afraid that's all I could afford," Saitama apologized, "I'll try to get more when I earn some money next time,"

Mew just stared at Saitama for a time, and then it replied with a bright expression on its face, "Mew!"

Saitama just smiled a bit and finished tonight's meal. Once finished, Saitama would sleep in for the night while Mew decided to sleep on the balcony instead of the chair. Thus, another day in Saitama's household ends...

That is it for this chapter, and before you all go. You may all be wondering.

Why don't I just refer to the Pokemon that Mew transforms into by their name instead of a short and confusing description? The reason is that I want you all to guess which Pokemon Mew transforms into.

This also brings us to the next 'Whose that Pokemon!'.

Instead of three, it's now two hints: Iconic and Strong 

Lastly, let me know your opinion of this chapter. With certain fights being brief, I want to know what you think of them. If there's anything wrong with them, let me know and I try to extend them or make them better.

That is all I have to say, and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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