Son of Darkseid

By VgNishiki

81.8K 1.3K 465

What would have happened if another kryptonian besides Kal-EL and Kara zor-el had been sent to earth but by a... More

Training to become a God
A new God is born
League of Justice
The last training
The war Start
Fight between Gods
A Normal Life
A second chance
A new member in the family
A bomb of Laughter
Unexpected visit
Flash War Vol.46
Flash War Vol.47
Flash War Vol.48
Flash War Vol.49
Flash War Vol.50
Justice League vs Suicide Squad
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.2
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.3
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad Vol.4
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.5
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.6
Old Gods
Old Gods-First Contact

Old Gods-Lust and Power

594 19 7
By VgNishiki

My brothers. We were forged in victory









A victory that ended the great war and brought the reign of Mount Olympus.









Born from the depths of the underworld. Rooted in the river of souls....









Our mountain emerged from chaos. As it grew, so did the power of the Olympians.









We created a world of prosperity. A world that lived in the shadow and safety of my mountain.









A mountain that has become the absolute measure of strength and power.








Now on this day, that power will be tested. An outsider god seeks to destroy all that I have forged.









Brothers, put aside the petty grievances that have separated us for so long.








We will unite, we will stand together, and I will wipe out this plague! Olympus will prevail!!


Dav-Vel: So...How does this spell of yours work?

Constantine: Demons are powerful even in parts.

Dav-Vel: Excuse me?

Constantine: Every demon is different and every part of their body can have certain effects, effects that can be used in potions, spells and even aphrodiac, for example demon blood is a good lighter to make this portal or eye whatever you want to call it.

Dav-Vel: What did you do to them?

Constantine: To those demons? well I gambled or sold my soul a few times with some of them and well they were not happy.

Dav-Vel: Well that sounds like a plan. Let's do it.

Constantine: Whoa, whoa hold your horses mate. This will take time I have to get the attention of all these bastards somehow.

Dav-Vel: I need a specific time, Constantine this is personal.

Constantine: And I don't doubt it. Give me at least 2 bloody days and I'll have all the bastards rounded up. They won't know what hit them.

Dav-Vel: Look Just...don't take too long. You are making me a huge favor here. If you ever need help don't doubt in calling me.


He had visited clark's apartment many times and it always looked full of energy and for some reason happines , now the place felt...dull. It was easy to open the door, he broke the lock, He would pay him for the damage later, he knew that a journalist's salary was not that high.

All the lights were off except for the television, which was showing the news from Metropolis. On the table was a meal that looked like it had been untouched for a long time.

Dav-Vel: You shouldn't be here.

Wonder Woman: I thought you needed help and Clark is a good friend and I have a right to be concerned.

Dav-Vel: Sorry to disappoint princess but there's nothing here.

Wonder Woman: Ugh... What's that smell?

Dav-Vel: Rotten food looks like Kal went out in a hurry.

The Amazon went to the table to take the plate and threw what was once food into the trash can. She then went to the sink to clean the plate to get rid of that horrible rotten smell.

His eyes were on the Amazon, she was beautiful, from her legs to her hips to her face. Her whole body was...

Wonder Woman: Is something wrong?

Dav-Vel: I...Do you smell that?

Wonder Woman: The smell of rotten food ?

Dav-Vel: No, the perfume. It's a strong smell all over the place.

Wonder Woman: Are you all right?

Diana approached him, she was too close, her heart was racing, this was sexual excitement.

Dav-Vel: I have to go, close the door when you leave.

Wonder Woman: Wait.

She had taken his arm, they were both very close to each other, their gazes couldn't take off each other's.

Dav-Vel: Diana if you don't let go of me right now I don't think I can control myself.

Diana could only watch as he flew away across the terrace of the apartment, her heart was beating fast and her legs were trembling.

Wonder Woman: What just happened...?


Demon: Is it true?

Demon: It is, that pig is wounded, let's take this opportunity and go get him.

Demon: If It's true. Not even a word of this to anyone he is mine and mine alone.

The portal closed and the demon that did it was surrounded in fire, Constantine knew how to ignite the hunger and lust of the demons that wanted to kill him.

Constantine: *yawn* Sometimes they make it so easy for me that I even feel sorry for them. Well that's 3 , anothe only 5 more to go

Deadman: 5 what? Constantine.

Constantine: Shit! Don't do that! When the hell did you get here.

Deadman: A while ago one of the advantages of being a ghost is that you can enter without anyone noticing you.

Constantine: Yeah, you've told me that before.

Deadman: What are you planing, Constantine?

Constantine: Doing a favor for a friend.

Deadman: Unbelievable, you have friends besides us?

Constantine: Don't be a smartass. I have friends besides you guys.

Deadman: It's hard to believe, and you haven't answered my question, do you really think it's a good idea to fool the demons you've already fooled?

Constantine: My "Friend" will take care of my problem you know one favor for another.

Deadman: Zatana will not like this.

Constantine: That's exactly why she doesn't need to know of this and you won't tell her.

Deadman: Something is following him.

Constantine: You noticed it too? It's a very strong and old magic, it's like a mirror is following him wherever he goes.

Deadman: Why didn't you tell him?

Constantine: I have a feeling he already knows. Just don't what's exactly following him. But soon I will find out and hell will rain to whoever is messing with him I can tell you that.

Home. He didn't need a mansion or a fancy car, this little apartment was enough for him, having nothing at all made him appreciate what little he had. This was his and that was enough.

Sitting on his couch near his balcony and watching the bright but dark Gotham night by his was soothing in a way, sleeping was something that...he didn't need but sometimes he did, it was something he could never do on Apokolips his life there was pure preparation to destroy the enemies of his so called "Father and spred his name through the universe"

Now he could do whatever he wanted to do and that made him laugh because even though he was free...

Dav-Vel: Why do I still feel like I'm a prisoner (Laugh)

Something had fallen near his television, the control somehow, a history channel was on the air at this time of night.

Historian: As you might expect, Aphrodite was usually depicted as a young beautiful woman by the Greeks. She was often pictured with an apple, scallop shell, dove or swan. She could entice both gods and men into illicit affairs with her beauty and whispered sweet nothings.

*Knock* Knock*

Was it wrong of him to suspect that every time someone knocked on his door it was to attack him? It was a bad habit he had to get out of his system.

Dav-Vel: Karen...

She didn't say a word and walked into the apartment, her heels clacked all over the place, she was dressed in her work clothes, she must have been working late.

Dav-Vel: You look angry.

Karen started going through the cabinets and took out 2 glass cups for the occasion, without saying anything she went to the couch and took a seat.

This no longer surprised him, she sometimes arrived home unexpectedly and stayed with him for the rest of the night.

Dav-Vel: Hard day?

Karen Starr: It was a fucking horrible day, first the coffee they brought me was badly made, Day Work industries beat us on a contract and that damn Ophelia sure is laughing at me and if that wasn't enough some idiot came to my office and broke one of my globes.

Karen ended up breaking the glass easily with her super strength, this was the fourth glass she had broken.

Dav-Vel: Which globe ?

Karen Starr: The one you gave me from Hawaii

Dav-Vel: I'll give you another one.

Karen Starr: That's not the point.

Dav-Vel: You're right, I'm sorry for your loss, tell me the name of the scumbag who broke it and I'll throw him to the sun.

Karen Starr: *Smirk* Now you're being a smart ass. Anyway I heard you had a rough few days too and I thought why not visit my favorite person and cheer him up, how's the kid?

Dav-Vel: Cyborg has me updated on her condition. She is still not awake yet, she will recover she is strong and Kal is missing.

Karen Starr: Are you sure? Maybe he's with Lois.

Dav-Vel: I went to his work, he wasn't there. I'll have to talk to Lois, see if she knows anything.

Karen Starr: Hey, he's okay. I mean, he's Superman.

Dav-Vel: My job was to take care of them. I was sent along with Kal and Kara to be their protectors. I wasn't there for many years and now that I am free I have decided to continue my mission and enjoy the pleasures this planet has to offer.

She snuggled even closer to him, this was the perfect night, she had wine and there was no one to intrude on her moment with him.

Karen Starr: Pleasures you say...?

Her perfume was a strawberry scent, he was no fool he knew the tension between them he already knew about sexual pleasures the furies were the ones that opened the doors to this new world of *pleasures* and only the three of them together could get to please him.

Karen began to take off her suit and was left with a red sweater that showed her attributes, every move she was making was sensual, she knew what she was doing, she was very good.

Karen Starr: I'll get another glass cup, this one won't work for us.

He followed her with his gaze, Karen was wearing a pair of work pants even if she wasn't wearing a skirt her figure was incredible and she knew it that's why she was giving him that show with her hips.

He would take the initiative , Dav-Vel got up from his seat and went behind her who was looking for another glass cup in the cupboard. She turned around and saw herself cornered, she liked that.

Karen Starr: Looking for something?

Dav-Vel: I know what you're doing.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Karen's arms went around his neck and they kissed. It was a kiss of pure passion, one she had been waiting for for some time. He didn't stop there, he grabbed her ass and put her on the cupboard.

Kare. Starr: Wow! I thought I would have to take the initiative but I see that you--- Oh god!

He was kissing her neck giving great pleasure to Karen, she could only moan at her lover's action.

Karen Starr: ~Where did you learn to do this so well?

Dav-Vel: Practice.


Aphrodite's servants began to slowly step back from her throne made of pure gold, the chalice in her hand had been crushed by her hand. His fury was growing by the second as he watched the two Kryptonians pleasuring each other.

With all her fury she threw her chalice at one of her maidservants, luckily the youg woman was able to evade it, each of them began to run towards the exit of their goddess' chambers trying to avoid her fury.

Hera: *Laugh* I see your plans are not going the way you want.

Aphrodite: This woman is a small obstacle, I will get rid of her like I did the other one. That bitch aside, if you're here it's because you've made up your mind.

Hera: If I did what would be your plan?

Aphrodite: To kill Zeus, I already told you, were you not paying attention?

Hera: *Scoff* There must be more to it than that. Zeus will not fall so easily.

Aphrodite: Neither will my champion. Once Zeus dies everyone will follow the new order that we will impose and whoever does not want to can die together with Zeus.

Hera approached and took from the floor the glass globe through which she was spying on this warrior she was talking so much about, she could see through the mirror how things had risen in the apartment with Karen , who was screaming with pleasure.

Hera: You speak so highly of this new god how do you think he will defeat Zeus?

Aphrodite: The universe whispers his name and acts of the past, he is pure chaos, one that I plan to control.

Hera: *Sigh* I will help you. On the condition that I deliver the final blow to Zeus. I want retribution.....

Aphrodite: If there's anything left of him of course...

Hera: If we work together we will make a real plan. One that doesn't just involve "killing zeus" We need to plant seeds of chaos.

Aphrodite: Well I'm willing to listen.

Hera: What better way to start a war with another god than to insult him. We will send an who blindly follows Zeus and would destroy anyone for insulting Olympus.


Karen Starr:* Panting* That was have no idea how hard it is to do that with humans. To be extremely careful not to hurt them while doing it . I wonder...what would happen if we both didn't hold back?

Dav-Vel: Earthquakes.

Karen Starr: A risk I'm willing to take. So was it good?

Dav-Vel: It was, I needed this.

These marks on your back something big had to do it.

Dav-Vel: Something like that.

Karen Starr: You Ok? You're not having second thoughts now are you?

Dav-Vel: No, just thinking.

Look, right now it's just us, forget about the super hero problems, tomorrow we can worry about what's going on for now let's just enjoy each other.

Dav-Vel: That sounds relaxing.

Karen Starr: Perfect, I get to be on top this time.

2 day later.....

Location: Bruce Wayne Mansion.

Batman or Bruce Wayne wasn't a Man that show his feelings much that much but...he wouldn't deny that Clark being lost for 3 days straight had him worried.

Master Wayne, I made you a delicious chicken soup with a glass of water, it's important that you stay hydrated and by the way I won't take no for an answer.

Batman: Thank you Alfred. You're just in time, I was starving.

No surprise. You've been sitting at the computer for hours. Have you found anything on Master Kent?

It was difficult but I was able to find something. I contacted Lois. She told me they were going to have a little meeting at Bibbo's dinner. He never showed up.

Alfred: Master Kent has always been punctual and he would never leave Miss. Lane in a date like that.

Indeed. I was able to get into the security camera records around Metropoli and Clark arrived long before she did.

Batman started the video at 2x speed showing Clark entering the restaurant, minutes passed and he walked with a woman out of the restaurant into an alley near Bibbo's dinner.

Alfred: Who was that woman?

Batman: The camera outside the restaurant had no angle to her face, fast forward the video and neither of them never left the alley.

Alfred: Perphaps she was a friend ? Seeking help from "Superman".

Batman: No...something's wrong. He wouldn't go 3 days in a row without giving some kind of sign that he's alright. And that woman came out of nowhere. I checked all the cameras in the city and there's no sign of her before she left with Clark.

Alfred: This is really a mystery. And what does Master Dav-Vel think? He must be worried.

Batman: Overwhelmed and irritated. He must be at Wayne Enterprises working right now. It'll keep him busy for a while.

Alfred: You must be very happy now that there's someone doing your job. More time as Batman and less time as Bruce Wayne.

Batman: ......

Alfred listened to the mansion phone and headed for the stairs to the cave. Bruce stepped away from the Batcomputer for a second and began to taste the soup his good friend had prepared.

Alfred: Master Bruce! Theres been an accdient in the comopany.

The soup fell out of his hands and he went to the computer to turn on the news, the first thing he saw was one of the top floors with a huge hole in it.

Vicky Vale: Firefighters began evacuating the building, luckily at this late hour of the night no one was there other than the security guard who got out safely. We have no specific reason for the explosion but we will keep you posted. What?....I have just been informed that there appears to be a Super Human fight in the middle of the city. All nearby civilians are advised to stay inside their homes.

Alfred: I guess you will eat the soup later.

12:00 A.M.

Location: Wayne Enterprises.

(Minutes before the Explosion)

2 days had passed and Clark hadn't shown up. 2 days and Kara hadn't woken up. He was worried about the health of both. If something happened to them ....

*Ring* *Ring*

Dav-Vel: Who is it?

Constantine: Your good friend Constantine. The demons fell into the trap. Meet me at 3:00 a.m. at an abandoned church in Los Angeles. I will send you the location information. Don't be late, my neck is on the line on this one.

Dav-Vel: I appreciate this. You're doing me a big favor here , Constantine.

Constantine: Well I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine, either way I like you fine bud you're not like-

* Knock * Knock *

???: Anybody there? I need to talk to you about an urgent matter.

Dav-Vel: I'll talk to you later Constantine, thanks for this I won't be late.

Dav-Vel ended the call and approached his door. It was strange that anyone other than him and the guard would be in the offices at this hour. When he opened the door he was met by a man who matched his size at 6'2" in jeans and a vest worn by lumberjacks.

???: Well can I come in ? I've got beers!

The stranger entered the office and gave a whistle of astonishment around the office.

???: So this is what the big corporate guys enjoy in these buildings, I have to admit it's not bad.

Dav-Vel: I can't complain....I'm surprised the guard let you through at this hours.

???: Well I've been told I can be very convincing. Beer?

Dav-Vel: Alcohol doesn't have much effect on me.

???: I don't blame you, I would need 100 of these to even feel anything. Now Ambrosia that's a good drink. How I would kill for one of those right now *sigh*.

Dav-Vel Ambrosia...?

???: *Laugh* Look buddy let's put this charade behind us I know who you really are behind that penguin suit, what you did but you seem like a calm and reasonable person....Are you a calm and reasonable person?

A strong aura surrounded the office, so strong that a mere human would be crushed by it just by being near them. Neither of them said anything they were just staring at each other.

Dav-Vel: If the moment calls for calm...

???: Yes...I think the moment calls for calm. You see, we don't like people down here getting smart with us sometimes we let certain things slide. But insulting us, ohhh, we don't tolerate that. Someone insulting my father is something I can't stand.

Dav-Vel: Well this was really entertaining but I think you got the wrong person....You should

???: *Laugh* Well maybe you're right. It's about time anyway. Catch!

The stranger pulled a strange obelisk from his jacket and tossed it gently to the Kryptonian, who caught it in mid-air without knowing what it was but could no doubt hear the pin of something being removed.


It was something totally unexpected for him, it didn't do him any harm but it left him confused, before he could react he felt something hit his torso.

???: I've been waiting for this! You are not from this planet but here we have rules and those who break them are punished.

They were in the sky, falling very fast at a very high altitude but that didn't stop the Kryptonian from punching the stranger in the face. In the end they both ended up landing with a loud crash in a forest far away from Gotham City.

???: That's it! It's been a long time since someone hurt me like this! Now show me this god-killer I've heard so much about.

Dav-Vel: Believe me it's the last thing you want!

The stranger grabbed a piece of the log and struck a blow that sent it flying into more trees. Dav-Vel got up quickly and punched the stranger in the stomach and then grabbed his face and smashed him against a rock.

The stranger just laughed and kicked him away to get back up off the ground and continue fighting.

???: You insult me by holding back like this.

The Kryptonian with his super human speed threw a punch at the stranger's face but to his surprise the stranger was able to dodge it and then hit him with a punch that ended up pushing him into the air and breaking more trees in his path.

???: You're a fucking hopless! You spit on the name of everyone you've killed, I can't believe that gods fell to you!

Dav-Vel's rage was at its limit and without thinking he threw himself at the stranger by grabbing his head and started to sweep him against everything in his path for miles until he crashed into a small mountain.

Dav-Vel: You know who I am?

???: The destroyer thing? yes I heard a lot about you.

Dav-Vel: Then for your sake go away if you know what I'm capable of.

???: Show me!

The mountain fell on both of them obviously without any damage to either of them as they both got out of the debris without any problem.

???: Now we gots us a fight.

The stranger began to glow with a strong golden light and when he finished he was now wearing golden armor.

The stranger went on the attack throwing punches but the Kryptonian nimbly dodged and returned the blows but they did not stop the stranger from attacking and he was able to get a shot off.

???: I was hoping to see your black armor I guess you got rid of it.

The stranger went on the attack throwing punches but agilely the Kryptonian dodged and returned the blows but these did not stop the stranger to continue attacking and getting a punch in the face of Dav-Vel , taking the advantage in the exchange of blows.


The stranger raised both arms and slammed them into the ground starting a chain of tremors in the surrounding area lifting rocks and dirt from the ground.

The attack had no effect and Dav-Vel tried to take the opportunity to strike at his enemy's face but to his surprise a club had blocked the attack against his opponent and in his confusion the stranger took the opportunity to hit him with this strange weapon sending him flying through the air until he crashed backwards into a statue.

Dav-Vel grabbed the man by the neck and both were spinning in the air until they collided on the pavement of the street.

???: Sorry about the statue, who the fuck you are.

The stranger went flying as a car hit him from behind, startling him and he began to laugh.

???: *Laugh* If you're not fighting dirty, you're not really fighting, am I right?

They both went on the attack, smashing their fists together creating a shockwave that began to shatter all the glass in the surrounding buildings. The fight right now was to take a punch and send one of their own, seeing this the stranger again hit the ground hard separating them both from the exchange of blows.

???: No way that gods fell for this. Show me who you really are!

The stranger saw a red beam of light coming at him and his instincts kicked him, he jumped aside probably avoiding a very serious injury in the process.

???: Is that all?!

The stranger with super human speed went towards the Kryptonian and with all the strength of his arm threw him to the ground to grab his arm and throw him against the street almost hitting innocent citizens on the way.

???: Was it luck?! Did all those gods die by blind fucking luck?!

As soon as he was standing up from the ground he saw how the unknown man came running towards him with his weapon raised, luckily he caught it half way to hit him. The two warriors were doing a test of strength.

???: You think you can come here and become one of those little heroes, have a clean state? That ain't how it works, you're just a destroyer. A monster.

Dav-Vel's patience was at its limit and to the stranger's surprise he was rivaling his strength, his pride flared up and he released his grip to hit him with his club leaving Dav-Vel on the ground almost losing consciousness.

???: Oh, no... I say when we are done.

A strong current of electricity ran through Dav-Vel's body, the stranger had grabbed a piece of wire fallen from a pole to wake him up?

???: It's not over till I see the real you, get up!

The surrounding people began to run for their lives, the city was on alert, you could hear the sirens of the gotham police coming from every corner of the city.

The stranger lunged at him luckily Dav-Vel was able to dodge each of his attacks without any problems, it was time to take this fight seriously.

???: Afraid to get your hands dirty?

The stranger began to receive blows at a speed that was hard to follow, without time to react he was swept against what was left of the pavement of the street and grabbed by his leg to be thrown against a building.

???: This is the man who fought Darkseid 'cause he hurt his feelings?!

The stranger grabbed a large piece of pavement from the ground and threw it at Dav-Vel who with a single blow destroyed it. The stranger took the distraction to hit him with his sledgehammer but this time Dav-Vel was able to cover himself with his arms but that didn't prevent him from kneeling from the force of the blow.

Dav-Vel took distance quickly avoiding another blow from that club, a blow so close could be fatal.

???: This is the man who bested Diana of Themyscira!?

The stranger received a blow in his face, it was so strong that he could feel his brain colliding with his skull, if it wasn't for his determination and instincts he would surely have been knocked out. With what was left of his consciousness he threw himself towards Dav-Vel wrapping his arms around him to fly off into the sky.

???: *Laugh* *Laugh*.

Dav-Vel was able to release his arms from his grip, he continuously began to punch the stranger in the face drawing blood with each blow. The stranger took his fight with the Kryptonian near a cargo bay destroying everything in his path in their fall, doing no damage to them both.

The two were spaced apart giving them a few seconds to take a break from their fight and process where he was.

Dav-Vel: This is your last warning. Leave this place and live or stay and face your destiny.

???: The fuck you say!?

Dav-Vel: Leave or you won't get out of here alive this is your last chance.

???: Oh? Now you're giving me advice?

The stranger jumped towards Dav-Vel, their fists collided and created a shockwave that sent them both flying. The ground was shattered and the entire cargo area was destroyed.

???: That was familiar...

Dav-Vel: What?

???: Don't matter. I don't give a shit about your little advice, I want to see the destroyer!

Dav-Vel: You started this! I will end this!

The stranger raised his arms and slammed them into the ground starting an earthquake raising debris that went against Dav-Vel but without a problem he flew into the sky.

To his surprise he was caught off guard when the stranger took that distraction to make a jump which he used to push him into the debris of the destruction caused by the two of them.

???: This is the man who defeated Darkseid the ruler of Apokolips?

A heat ray hit the stranger who instinctively tried to cover him with his arms, it was a big mistake, since he felt a horrible pain all over his body, mostly in his arms, not even the fire of hades burned as much as this.

???: *Groan* That's it ? You were finally showing me something.

The stranger dodged a punch that was headed straight for him and grabbed his arm to lift it in the air and threw it away.


The stranger with a wild shout raised his fist and further destroyed the ground, raising rocks and concrete all around him. All of Gotham could feel the tremors of this fight.


The stranger and the new god traded blows with each other but neither would back down no matter how much damage they took. To the Kryptonian's annoyance this stranger always ended up taking a defensive stance separating them at every turn in their exchange of blows.

???: Where's the love of the fight ?

After those words he was dragged hard against a wall, the force with which he was hit against concrete would have destroyed any normal person but as soon as the stranger hit what was a wall he grabbed Dav-Vel's neck and reversed the situation leaving the Kryptonian against the wall receiving blows from this stranger in the ribs and chest.

This didn't stop him and he also struck back but it was his fist that was stopped by the stranger and Dav-Vel was thrown away but he took the opportunity to throw his laser vision almost hitting the man in the golden armor but in reality he was aiming at a pillar behind him trying to take the gap with a distraction.

???: Clever!

Without even turning around with his sledgehammer he destroyed the pillar that was about to hit him.

???: Clever won't beat me.

Their fight continued and the city of Gotham could feel the fight of these two gods from its foundations, in the sky black clouds had formed from which red thunder could be seen.

The stranger used his club and began to attack the new god who could only cover himself with his arm, which was a mistake, a single move in a fight could give the advantage to your opponent.

In his little mistake the stranger took the advantage and was able to grab Dav-Vel's neck causing him to kneel down while grabbing the stranger's arm tightly.

???: I see why so many fell against you even if you are not what your past promotes but I am not like those gods! And your hero friends I have big plans for them-".

The stranger received a headbutt on the nose again I ruved that feeling that he was about to faint. It became even bigger when the Kryptonian's fist hit his face and he felt like his brain was colliding multiple times with his skull.

???: Ughhhh!!!

Dav-Vel: *Scream*

The new god could feel the rage and anger as if it was in his veins, that rage he used to use once.

???: *Soft Laugh* There he is...There's the destroyer. Consider your insult paid off. Be seeing ya.

Dav-Vel did not let his guard down at any time, he just calmed down until the stranger jumped out of his sight. He kneeled down not in exhaustion but trying to calm himself...he almost let himself be carried away by the fight. ......

-Just....Breathe and calm down-

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