The Golden Witch | HP x MCU

By Melina-Vostokoff

73K 1.7K 500

Hope Jarvis was born Hope Potter on May 21st 1980 but then a year later she disappeared Lily and James search... More

Iron Man 1
1-Iron Man-1
1-Iron Man-3
1-Iron Man-4
Iron Man 2
2-Iron Man 2-1
2-Iron Man 2-2
2-Iron Man-2-3
2-Iron Man-2-4
The Wedding
3-The Wedding-1
3-The Wedding-2
3-The Wedding-3
The Avengers
4-The Avengers-1
4-The Avengers-2
4-The Avengers-3
4-The Avengers-4
4-The Avengers-5
4-The Avengers-6
Iron Man 3
5-Iron Man 3-1
5-Iron Man 3-2
5-Iron Man 3-3
5-Iron Man 3-4
5-Iron Man-3-5
5-Iron Man-3-6
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
7-Avengers: Age of Ultron-1
7-Avengers: Age of Ultron-2
7-Avengers: Age of Ultron-3
7-Avengers: Age of Ultron-4
7-Avengers: Age of Ultron-5
7-Avengers: Age of Ultron-6
Captain America: Civil War
Black Widow
9-Black Widow-1
9-Black Widow-2
9-Black Widow-3
9-Black Widow-4
9-Black Widow-4
Avengers: Infinity War
10-Avengers: Infinity War-1
10-Avengers: Infinity War-2
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10-Avengers: Infinity War-4
10-Avengers: Infinity War-5
10-Avengers: Infinity War-6
Avengers: Endgame
11-Avengers: Endgame-1
11-Avengers: Endgame-2
11-Avengers: Endgame-3
11-Avengers: Endgame-4
11-Avengers: Endgame-5
11-Avengers: Endgame-6
Iron Witch
12-Iron Witch-1
12-Iron Witch-2
12-Iron Witch-3
12-Iron Witch-4
12-Iron Witch-5
12-Iron Witch-6
12-Iron Witch-7
12-Iron Witch-8
12-Iron Witch-9
Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness

1-Iron Man-2

3.2K 72 19
By Melina-Vostokoff

[Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan.]

The Stark's flinched.

Tony Stark: General.

General: Welcome, Mr. Stark. We look forward to your weapons presentation.

Tony Stark: Thanks.


[Tony giving his presentation in the desert of Afghanistan.]

Tony Stark: Is it better to be feared or respected?

Tony slumps in his seat glaring at the screen, he hated the man he once was. 

Dumbledore frowned the Stark man he reminded him of Tom Riddle too much. 

Hope frowned at the man she'd read his mind.

Tony Stark: I say, is it too much to ask for both? With that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries' Freedom Line. It's the first missile system to incorporate our proprietary repulsor technology. They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it.

Steve frowned Howard would never say that.

Tony Stark: That's how America does it. And it's worked out pretty well so far. Find an excuse to let one of these off the chain, and I personally guarantee you the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves. [The missiles get launched.] For your consideration, the Jericho. [The missiles explode]

Tony flinched and Hope looked away. 

"I can't believe you're allowing your daughter to be around a man like that" screeched Molly. 

"Our daughter was stolen from us she weren't raised by us, so Molly tell me who are James and I to tell Hope what she can and can't do, we can't tell her who to friends with, we aren't you Molly" snapped Lily. 

Molly looked offended.

"I like your parents" said Tony softly.

"So do I but Ana and Edwin will always be my parents." said Hope.


Tony Stark: [Opening a cooler full of alcohol] I'll be throwing one of these in with every purchase of 500 million or more. To peace!

[Tony's phone begins ringing.]

Obadiah Stane: [through the video chat] Tony.

Hope, Pepper, Rhodey and Tony scowled, Jane noticed as did Lily and they wondered if he did something to Hope and Tony.

Tony Stark: Obie, what are you doing up?

Obadiah Stane: I couldn't sleep till I found out how it went. How'd it go?

Tony Stark: It went great. Looks like it's gonna be an early Christmas.

Obadiah Stane: Hey! Way to go, my boy! I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?

"Bastard" muttered Hope.

Tony Stark: Why aren't you wearing those pyjamas I got you?

Obadiah Stane: Good night, Tony.

[Tony hangs up the call as he enters the military vehicle.]

James Rhodes: Hey, Tony.

[Coming up to the vehicle Tony's in.]

Tony Stark: I'm sorry, this is the "fun-vee." The "hum-drum-vee" is back there.

People snort but mostly people stay silent knowing what was coming. 

Hope and Tony flinch.

James Rhodes: Nice job.

Tony Stark: See you back at base.


[Replay of the attack in the first scene mixed with Tony have surgery and screaming. Tony wakes up suddenly with a tube up his nose, laying on a cot in a cave. He rips out the tube and tries to pick up a cup on the table beside him, but fails. He notices a man shaving and tries to reach further but is stopped by wires.]

"He kept you conscious?" Hope practically yelled. 

"Hope he didn't have anything to knock me out" said Tony. 

"He could've hit you over the head." she suggested. 

Tony looked offended. 

Lily and James laughed.

Yinsen: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

"Who's that?" asked Harry. 

"Yinsen" said Tony.

[Tony realizes that he's connected to a battery. He rips off the bandages over his chest to see an electromagnet inside his chest]

"That's just gross" said Lily.


[Yinsen and Tony sitting by a small fire. Yinsen is making food while Tony is using a mirror to look at his chest.]

Tony Stark: What the hell did you do to me?

Yinsen: What I did? What I did is to save your life.

"I'm glad he did" said Hope looking at her husband who was smiling slightly back at Hope.

Yinsen: I removed all the shrapnel I could, but there's a lot left, and it's headed into your atrial septum. Here, want to see? [Pulls out a bottle of shrapnel.] I have a souvenir. Take a look. [Tosses the bottle to Tony]

"That's inside of you?" Lily asked. 

Tony shook his head "not anymore" he said. 

Lily sighed in relief she hoped her daughter would get together with this man, it was clear they had more than friends feelings for each other.

Yinsen: I've seen many wounds like that in my village. We call them the walking dead because it takes about a week for the barbs to reach the vital organs.

"Ouch" hissed a student. 

"Agreed" said Tony.

Tony Stark: What is this?

Yinsen: That is an electromagnet, hooked up to a car battery, and it's keeping the shrapnel from entering your heart. Hmm?

[Tony zips up the jacket he's wearing and looks at the camera on the ceiling.]

Yinsen: That's right. Smile. We met once, you know, at a technical conference in Bern.

Tony Stark: I don't remember.

Yinsen: No, you wouldn't. If I had been that drunk, I wouldn't have been able to stand, much less give a lecture on integrated circuits.

"You should see what Tony can do drunk" said Hope remembering when he assembled his suit, drunk out of his ass.

Yinsen: You're friend Hope looked annoyed at the way men were looking at her, fair enough too although she did punch someone.

"Sounds like you" said Pepper. 

"What deserved to get punched" Hope said. 

Tony laughed.

Molly opened her mouth but shut up seeing Lily's glare.

Tony Stark: (chuckles) Sounds like Hope (looking around) Where are we?

[Loud voices sound from the another side of the metal door as they open it.]

Yinsen: Come on, stand up. Stand up! Just do as I do. Come on, put your hands up.

[Men walk in with guns.]

Tony Stark: Those are my guns. How did they get my guns?

People nodded in agreement with Tony.

Yinsen: Do you understand me? Do as I do. [A man starts speaking in Arabic. Yinsen translates for him.] He says, "Welcome, Tony Stark, the most famous mass murderer "in the history of America." [Man speaks in Arabic.] He is honored. [Man speaks in Arabic.] He wants you to build the missile. [Man speaks in Arabic.] The Jericho missile that you demonstrated. [Man speaks in Arabic, handing Yinsen a picture of the Jericho missile.] This one.

Tony Stark: I refuse.

"Idiot" said Hope smacking him over the head.

[Tony then is shown with his head in a large thing of water. Flashes of himself and the electromagnet in his chest are shown.]

Pepper Potts: Tony!

Hope Jarvis: Tony, so help me God if you destroy that dress there'll be merry hell to pay!

Tony chuckled, he was walking around being stupid when Hope yelled that, the dress Hope was talking about was her graduation dress. 

Hope smiled at that memory.

[The men pull him out, put a bag over his head, and escort him out of the cave. Tony sees a lot of men, tents, and his guns. The same man speaking Arabic before speaks again.]

"Why did they cover your head, you already knew where you were" huffed Hope in annoyance.

Yinsen: He wants to know what you think.

Tony Stark: I think you got a lot of my weapons.

"No kidding" laughed Hope.

[Yinsen translates Tony's words into Arabic. The same man speaking Arabic responds]

Yinsen: He says they have everything you need to build the Jericho missile. He wants you to make the list of materials. [Man speaks Arabic again] He says for you to start working immediately, and when you're done, he will set you free.

"He won't" said Hope. 

Tony nodded.

Tony Stark: No, he won't.

[Shaking the Arabic man's hand with a sarcastic smile.]

Yinsen: No, he won't.

[Smiling as well.]

"Why are you smiling?!" Pepper yelled in shock. 

"I don't know" huffed Tony.


[Hope walks into Stark industries looking for Tony when Pepper walks in.]

Hope Jarvis: Pepper where's Tony?

"That was when I found out" said Hope softly.

Pepper Potts: Afghanistan.

Hope Jarvis: Still? He should've been back two days ago and he isn't answering my calls.

[Pepper was about to speak when Rhodey walked in.]

Pepper Potts: Anything?

James Rhodes: I'm sorry Pepper we got nothing.

[Pepper presses the bridge of her nose.]

Hope Jarvis: Someone better explain what's happening right now.

Pepper Potts: Tony went missing in Afghanistan, after the hum vee he was in blew up. We don't know where he is Hope.

James Rhodes: (turning to Hope) The president wants to organise a memorial...he can't do it without your say so.

"Seriously?" Tony asked shocked.

Hope Jarvis: No, he's not dead.

"Thank you" said Tony.

James Rhodes: Hope we've looked everywhere in Afghanistan and got nothing.

"Well then you didn't look hard enough" snapped Molly.

Hope Jarvis: (angry) Well keep trying! Two more months and if you can't find him then tell the president I say 'yes'

"Well they found him with 1 hour left to find him" said Hope.

[Rhodey stays silent but doesn't move. Hope just stays silent although she is crying.]

"I was so scared you weren't going to come back" said Hope quietly.

Tony just kissed her head.

"I'll always come back to you my darling" he said softly.

Hope Jarvis: I'm sorry.

[Rhodey just hugs her.]

Tony smiles at least Hope had people to comfort her when he couldn't.


Yinsen: [Sitting around a small fire in the cave with Tony] I'm sure they're looking for you, Stark. But they will never find you in these mountains. Look, what you just saw, that is your legacy, Stark. Your life's work, in the hands of those murderers. Is that how you want to go out? Is this the last act of defiance of the great Tony Stark? Or are you going to do something about it?

Tony Stark: (hopelessness) Why should I do anything? They're going to kill me, you, either way. And if they don't, I'll probably be dead in a week.

No-one had ever seen Tony so hopeless before.

Hope even had tears going down her face again.

Yinsen: Well, then, this is a very important week for you, isn't it? Hm?

[Tony looks into the fire the hopelessness disappearing and being replaced by grim determination.]

Tony Stark: [Directing the men to where to put things while Yinsen's translating] If this is going to be my work station, I want it well-lit. I want these up. I need welding gear. I don't care if it's acetylene or propane. I need a soldering station. I need helmets. I'm gonna need goggles. I would like a smelting cup. I need two sets of precision tools.

"Are you crazy, you're building it for them?" yelled Molly in shock. 

"Course not you stupid woman" snapped Tony. 

Molly looked offended as Lily smiled slightly.

[Yinsen and Tony start taking apart the weapons.]

Tony Stark: How many languages do you speak?

"A lot" said Hope.

Yinsen: A lot. But apparently, not enough for this place. They speak Arabic, Urdu, Dari, Pashto, Mongolian, Farsi, Russian.

"French, Italian, German, Spanish" said Hope with Tony nodding in agreement.

Tony Stark: Who are these people?

Yinsen: They are your loyal customers, sir. They call themselves the Ten Rings. [The men of the Ten Rings are shown watching Tony and Yinsen work on a TV.] You know, we might be more productive if you include me in the planning process.

"Why are you ignoring him?" asked Ron. 

"Because make one wrong move we all would've blown up and now that I think about it that might have been best." said Tony. 

Hope smacked his head. 

"idiot why would you blow yourself up?" she asked.

Tony Stark: Uh-huh. [Tony pulls apart a missile.] Okay, we don't need this.

Yinsen: What is that?

Tony Stark: That's palladium, 0.15 grams. We need at least 1.6, so why don't you go break down the other 11?

"That's so dangerous" snapped Hope.

"I know I'm sorry" said Tony.


Man #1: What's he doing? [speaking Arabic]

Man #2: Working. [speaking Arabic]

[Tony and Yinsen working on something. Yinsen is pulling something out of the fire.]

Tony Stark: Careful. Careful, we only get one shot at this.

Yinsen: Relax. I have steady hands. Why do you think you're still alive?

Tony Stark: What do I call you?

"You're only just learning his name then?" Molly said judgingly. 

Hope and Tony flipped her off. 

Molly gasped in offence. 

Lily just snorted.

Yinsen: My name is Yinsen.

Tony Stark: Yinsen. Nice to meet you.

Yinsen: Nice to meet you, too. [Tony puts together a device while Yinsen watches.] Whoa. That doesn't look like a Jericho missile.

Tony Stark: That's because it's a miniaturized arc reactor. I got a big one powering my factory at home. It should keep the shrapnel out of my heart.

The Avengers looked at Tony shocked.

"you built that out of a box of scarps" said Bruce. 

Tony nodded.

Yinsen: But what could it generate?

Tony Stark: If my maths is right, and it always is, three gigajoules per second.

Yinsen: That could run your heart for 50 lifetimes.

Tony Stark: Yeah. Or something big for 15 minutes.


Tony Stark: [Looking at sheets of paper with Tony] This is our ticket out of here.

Yinsen: What is it?

"The first Iron Suit" said Hope smirking.

Tony Stark: Flatten them out and look. [Yinsen flattens the sheets out to see a drawing of a metal suit.]

Yinsen: Oh, wow. Impressive.

"damn right" said Tony smugly.

[Security footage shows that the arc reactor was successfully put in Tony, allowing him more freedom of movement without having to carry the car battery around.]


[Tony and Yinsen playing a game.]

Yinsen: Good. Good roll. Good roll.

Tony Stark: You still haven't told me where you're from.

Yinsen: I'm from a small town called Gulmira. It's actually a nice place.

"Where's Gulmira?" asked Ginny. 

"Afghanistan" said

Tony Stark: Got a family?

Yinsen: Yes, and I will see them when I leave here. And you, Stark?

"Now I do yeah." said Tony. 

Hope smiled at him

Tony Stark: No. Except my best friend.

Hope smiled.

Yinsen: No? So you're a man who has everything and nothing.

"Pretty much" said Tony.

"Not anymore" Hope whispered.

[The men of the Ten Rings come to the door, armed. They open the hatch to see Tony and Yinsen working before turning around and leaving. Shows Tony welding metal together, while the Ten Rings watch the cameras and compare what he's creating with the Jericho picture.]

Man #1: It doesn't look anything like the picture. [Speaking Arabic]

Man #2: Maybe it's been modified. [Speaking Arabic]

Man #1: The tail is wrong. [Speaking Arabic]

Man #2: It's just backwards. [Speaking Arabic]

"God they're thick" huffed Hope.

[The head of the Ten Rings, Raza, watches Tony and Yinsen test out one of the legs of the suit. He and his men go visit Tony and Yinsen.]

Raza: Relax.

[Motioning for the two men to remove their hands from above their heads. They do so as Raza comes up and inspects Tony's arc reactor.]

Raza: The bow and arrow once was the pinnacle of weapons technology.

"Once?" asked Clint offended.

Natasha laughed at her husband's antics.

Raza: It allowed the great Genghis Khan to rule from the Pacific to the Ukraine. An empire twice the size of Alexander the Great and four times the size of the Roman Empire. But today, whoever holds the latest Stark weapons rules these lands. And soon, it will be my turn. [Starts speaking in Urdu as he stares down Tony.] Why have you failed me?

Yinsen: We're working. Diligently. [Speaking in Urdu.]

Raza: [Turns and walks toward Yinsen.] I let you live. This is how you repay me? [Speaking in Urdu.]

Yinsen: It's very complex. He's trying very hard. [Speaking in Urdu.]

Raza: On his knees. [He commands his men in Urdu. Yinsen is forced to his knees.] You think I'm a fool? I'll get the truth. [Speaking in Urdu as he takes a coal from the dying fire.]

People gasp seeing what he was going to do to Yinsen. 

Hope and Tony get up to water.

Yinsen: We're both working. [Speaking in Urdu.]

Raza: Open your mouth. [Speaking in Urdu.]

Tony Stark: What does he want?

Raza: You think I'm a fool? What's going on? Tell me the truth. [Speaking in Urdu. Raza forces Yinsen's head to lay on the table.]

Yinsen: He's building your Jericho. He's building your Jericho. [Speaking in Urdu.]

Tony Stark: What do you want? A delivery date? [Tony tries to go towards Raza and Yinsen but the other men pull their guns on him.] I need him. Good assistant.

Raza: You have till tomorrow to assemble my missile.

[Tony is shown hammering the helmet of the suit to shape it. He cools it in water before setting on the table in front of Yinsen. Tony is shown wrapping his hands up and Yinsen lifting the suit up. Yinsen helps Tony suit up.]

"Hot" said Ginny making Molly look appalled. 

Hope and Tony spat their waters out in shock. 

"What?" Ginny asked "can't deny something if it's true" she said.

Hope grumbled something under her breath.

Yinsen: Okay? Can you move? Okay, say it again.

Tony Stark: 41 steps straight ahead. Then 16 steps, that's from the door, fork right, 33 steps, turn right.

"How did you remember that?" asked Hermione.

"I have a good memory" said Tony.

"For most things anyway" said Hope.

[Raza notices on the security screens that Stark cannot be seen.]

Raza: Where is Stark? [Speaking Arabic]

Man: He was here a moment ago. [Speaking Arabic]

Raza: Go look for him. [Speaking Arabic]

[The men rush to the cell.]

Man: Yinsen! Yinsen! Stark!

Tony Stark: Say something. Say something back to him.

Yinsen: He's speaking Hungarian. I don't...

Tony Stark: Then speak Hungarian.

"How is someone supposed to speak Hungarian if they don't know it?" asked Percy. 

"Hey carrot top I was stressed leave me alone" said Tony pouting like a child.

Yinsen: Okay. I know.

Tony Stark: What do you know?

[The men are shouting through the door while Yinsen is shouting something back at them. The door is shown to have an explosive on it. The men try to open the door, only for it to explode. Raza watches this all on camera and orders his men down there.]

"You smug son of a bitch" said Clint chuckling. 

"What can I say?" said Tony. 

"Steve he said a bad word" said Hope. 

Steve looks at her with a really look.

Tony Stark: How'd that work?

Yinsen: Oh, my goodness. It worked all right.

Tony Stark: That's what I do.

Yinsen: Let me finish this.

Tony Stark: Initialize the power sequence.

Yinsen: Okay.

Tony Stark: Now!

Yinsen: Tell me. Tell me.

Tony Stark: Function 11. Tell me when you see a progress bar. It should be up right now.

Yinsen: Yes.

Tony Stark: Talk to me. Tell me when you see it.

Yinsen: I have it.

Tony Stark: Press Control "l".

Yinsen: "I."

Tony Stark: "I." "Enter."

Yinsen: Got it.

Tony Stark: "l" and "Enter." Come over here and button me up.

Yinsen: Okay. All right.

Tony Stark: Every other hex bolt.

Yinsen: They're coming!

Tony Stark: Nothing pretty, just get it done. Just get it done.

Yinsen: They're coming.

Tony Stark: Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you follow me out, okay?

Yinsen: We need more time. Hey, I'm gonna go buy you some time.

Tony Stark: Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan! [Yinsen runs out of the cave with a gun from one of the dead men.] Yinsen! Yinsen!

"I don't like where this is headed" said Jane softly.

[Tony watches the progress bar move while Yinsen aimlessly shoots the cave walls as he runs, scarring the men. Yinsen is stopped when he reaches the mouth of the cave and a group of men. The progress bar finishes loading, causing the lights to dim, and the suit to be powered. More men arrive in the cave to get Tony. Tony attacks them using the suit. On his way out of the cave, he attacks more of the men. Raza waits at the mouth of the cave. Tony arrives to see Yinsen has been shot.]

Tony looks down seeing Yinsen not wanting to relive to moment.

Tony Stark: Yinsen!

Yinsen: Watch out! [Raza tries to shoot at Tony but misses. Tony shoots back, hitting the wall behind Raza, causing a mini explosion and knocking Raza out.] Stark.

Tony Stark: Come on. [Tony opens is helmet.] We got to go. Move for me, come on. We got a plan. We're gonna stick to it.

Hope sighed "he meant so much to you" she said softly. 

Tony nodded and Hope hugged him.

Yinsen: This was always the plan, Stark.

"No it wasn't" said Lily with tears in her eyes.

Tony Stark: Come on, you're gonna go see your family. Get up.

"There dead aren't they" said June. 

Tony nods.

Yinsen: My family is dead. I'm going to see them now, Stark. It's okay. I want this. I want this.

"That's depressing" said Hermione.

Tony Stark: Thank you for saving me.

Yinsen: Don't waste it. Don't waste your life. Tell her and tell her soon.

"He didn't waste his life which is good" said Pepper.

"Tell who what soon?" asked Hermione.

Hope and Tony shared a subtle look.

[Yinsen dies. Tony turns angry. There are men waiting outside of the mouth of the cave. They all shoot at Tony in the suit, but don't do any damage.]

Tony Stark: My turn. [Tony shoots fire at the men and their camp from his suit. The men continue to shoot at Tony, beginning to cause damage to the suit. Tony flips a suit and shoots up in the air. He screams as he falls into the sand on the other side of the mountains. The suit breaks when he lands.] Not bad.

"Did that hurt?" asked Clint. 

Tony nodded.

[Tony then is seen wondering through the desert, exhausted. Military helicopters fly up from behind him.]

Tony Stark: Hey! [Waving down the helicopters.] Hey!

[As one of the helicopters lands, Tony collapses to his knees, holding up a peace sign. Rhodey and a few men are seen running up to Tony from the helicopter.]

James Rhodes: How was the "fun-vee"? Next time, you ride with me, okay?

[Tony just hugged his friend.]


[Cuts to Pepper running in heels bursting in Tony's office occupied by one Hope Jarvis.]

"How did you run in heels?" asked Lily in disbelief. 

"It's easy if you're in heels all day" said Hope.

Hope Jarvis: Pepper?

Pepper Potts: Rhodes called me...they found him.

[Hope grabbed her coat and ran out the door, Pepper following close behind. Happy already had the car doors open and the two slipped in the car quickly.]

Hope Jarvis: Step on it, you get a speeding fine I'll pay.

[Happy sped all the way there, getting a speeding fine in the process.]


[California Military Base where a giant plane has just landed. Medical, Happy, Hope and Pepper are waiting there. The ramp lowers and Rhodey helps Tony down.]

James Rhodes: Watch it, coming up here.

[Hope walks up to Tony and hugs him.]

Tony Stark: Ow.

Hope Jarvis: I know but I don't care. I missed you.

People snort at Hope's bluntness. 

"You really missed me huh?" Tony asked. 

Hope nodded.

[Tony uses his good arm and reciprocates the hug.]

People smile at their friendship.

[Hope pulls away from Tony who looks annoyed seeing a gurney.]

People smile seeing his face.

Tony Stark: Are you kidding me with this? Get rid of them. [Tony walks up to Pepper.] Your eyes are red. A few tears for your long-lost boss?

Pepper Potts: Tears of joy. I hate job hunting.

Tony Stark: Yeah, holiday's over.

[Tony, Hope, Pepper, and Happy get into the car.]

Happy: Where to, sir?

Pepper Potts: Take us to the hospital, please, Happy.

Tony Stark: No.

Pepper Potts: No? Tony, you have to go to the hospital.

"You have to go to hospital." said Lily. 

"I know I know" said Tony.

Hope Jarvis: I agree with Pepper.

Tony Stark: No is a complete answer.

Pepper Potts: The doctor has to look at you.

Tony Stark: I don't have to do anything. I've been in captivity for three months. There are two things I want to do. I want an American cheeseburger, and the other...

Hope Jarvis: That's enough of that.

Tony Stark: not what you think. I want you to call for a press conference now.

Hope Jarvis: Call for a press conference?

Tony Stark: Yeah.

Hope Jarvis: What on earth for?

Tony Stark: Hogan, drive. Cheeseburger first.

"What's with you and near death experiences and food?" asked Hope casually. 

While the Potter's begin to panic "he's had more" Lily said in a high pitched tone. 

"You're going to make me go grey and we don't know each other yet" huffed James. 

Tony just shrugged.


[Happy driving them up to Stark Industries HQ, where Obadiah is waiting with the press and their employees.]

Obadiah Stane: Look at this! Tony. We were going to meet at the hospital.

Tony Stark: No, I'm fine.

Obadiah Stane: Look at you! You had to have a burger, yeah?

Tony Stark: Well, come on.

Obadiah Stane: You get me one of those?

Hope Jarvis: (grabbing Obadiah's wrist) Piss off.

People shudder seeing Hope grab his wrist like that, the woman in question just smirks.

Tony Stark: There's only one left. I need it.

[Obadiah looks from Hope to Tony who just shrugs, Hope lets go of Obadiah's wrist.]

"He was scared shitless" said Tony.

Obadiah Stane: Hey, look who's here! Yeah!

[When a man in a suit walks up to Pepper, Hope is standing with her.]

"Phil!" the Avengers yelled in sync.

Agent Coulson: Miss Potts?

Pepper Potts: Yes.

Agent Coulson: Can I speak to you for a moment?

Pepper Potts: I'm not part of the press conference, but it's about to begin right now.

Agent Coulson: I'm not a reporter. I'm Agent Phil Coulson, with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.

"When did it become SHIELD?" asked Lily.

"when Clint and Nat were bored one night and were making up anagrams" said Hope.

Pepper Potts: That's quite a mouthful.

Agent Coulson: I know. We're working on it.

Pepper Potts: You know, we've been approached already by the DOD, the FBI, the CIA...

Hope Jarvis: What she means to say is "watcha doing here".

[Pepper looks at Hope deadpan. Hope just grins.]

Agent Coulson: We're a separate division with a more specific focus. We need to debrief Mr. Stark about the circumstances of his escape.

"she'll put something in the diary" said Hope.

Pepper Potts: I'll put something in the book, shall I?

Agent Coulson: Thank you.

Obadiah Stane: Well, let's get this started, uh...

Tony Stark: Hey, would it be all right if everyone sat down? [Sitting in front of the podium.] Why don't you just sit down? That way you can see me, and I can... A little less formal and... [Tony takes a bite of his cheeseburger as everyone sits, or squats, down]

[Alex, Pepper and Rhodey look confused but sit down as well.]

James Rhodes: What's up with the love-in?

Pepper Potts: Don't look at us. We don't know what he's up to.

Tony Stark: Good to see you.

Obadiah Stane: Good to see you.

Tony Stark: I never got to say goodbye to Dad. I never got to say goodbye to my father. There's questions that I would have asked him. I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels. I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability.

Tony winced he never a had good relationship with Howard but he did love Tony. 

Reporters: Mr. Stark!

Tony Stark: Hey, Ben.

Reporter (Ben): What happened over there?

Tony Stark: I had my eyes opened. [Tony stands and moves behind the podium.] I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International [Everyone stands up in commotion.] until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be.

People gasp in shock.

[Hope stands in shock, she's worried now, she's the one designs the weapons.]

Obadiah Stane: I think we're gonna be selling a lot of newspapers. [Standing up beside Tony.]

"That's his main concern?" Lily said shocked "not the fact he might fired?" James wondered.

Tony Stark: What direction it should take, one that I'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this country, as well. [Tony leaves the stage.]

Obadiah Stane: What we should take away from this is that Tony's back! And he's healthier than ever. We're going to have a little internal discussion and we'll get back to you with the follow-up. 

[Hope and Tony are inside a warehouse with Hope's stiletto heels clicking on the tiles. While Obadiah rides his Segway, riding up to one of the Stark buildings. Happy leaning against a car outside.] 

"He looks stupid" giggled Hope.

Tony nods in agreement.

Obadiah Stane: Where is he?

Happy Hogan: Inside with Hope.

[Obadiah decides to wait before walking in.]

"He looks slightly annoyed.

Hope Jarvis: I hope you know that you're insane Tones.

"Yeah i do thanks" said Tony.

Hope rolled her eyes.

Tony Stark: (dryly) So you've told, me besides you're the one who's been telling me since I was 18 when I inherited this that we shouldn't make weapons.

Hope nodded.

Hope Jarvis: Yes but we're a weapons manufacturer Tony, I design them you build them. Part of me is impressed you're doing this. But everything is being put on line with this decision, just think about that. Your whole livelihood depends on this.

"That's true" said Hope.

Tony Stark: And have you maybe thought that our weapons our weapons are being used by terrorists? You didn't get shrapnel in your chest and could've died at the end of the week, you didn't get kidnapped and for that I'm thankful cause god knows what would happen if I lost you.

Hope Jarvis: Did you think about how I would feel about losing you too? you're my best friend always have been.

[The pair stand in silence, not a sound is heard. When Hope taps the reactor on Tony's chest.]

"What is that?" asked Ginny.

The thing keeping him alive" said Hope.

Hope Jarvis: When Pepper told me what you did I went ballistic, but then I realised it's the only thing stopping me from losing you.

[Obadiah walked in.]

Obadiah Stane: Well, that..uh... That went well.

Tony Stark: Did I just paint a target on the back of mine and Hope's head?

Obadiah Stane: Your heads? What about my head? (turns to Hope) What do you think the over-under on the stock drop is gonna be tomorrow?

Hope Jarvis: Uh, optimistically, 40 points.

[Hope walks away before calling to Tony.]

Hope Jarvis: I'll see you at home.

"We've lived together since my pare...Ana and Edwin died" said Hope cutting herself off now knowing her real parents aren't dead.

[Tony just nodded.]

Tony Stark: Obie I just don't want a body count to be our only legacy.

Tony looked down he didn't want that to be his only legacy.

Obadiah Stane: That's what we do. We're Iron Mongers. We make weapons.

"Did he not just hear you say "I don't want a body count to be our only legacy" or has he gone selectively deaf?" asked Hope.

"I think selectively deaf" Natasha inputted.

Tony Stark: It's my name on the side of the building.

Obadiah Stane: And what we do keeps the world from falling into chaos.

Tony Stark: Not based on what I saw. We're not doing a good enough job. We can do better. We're gonna do something else.

Obadiah Stane: Like what? You want us the make baby bottles?

"What is it with the baby bottle thing?" asked Hope.

Tony just shrugged.

"You said it first" said Hope.

Tony Stark: I think we should take another look at the arc reactor technology.

Obadiah Stane: Ah, come on. The arc reactor, that's a publicity stunt! Tony, come on. We built that thing to shut the hippies up.

Tony Stark: It works.

Obadiah Stane: Yeah, as a science project. The arc was never cost effective. We knew that before we built it. Arc reactor technology, that's a dead end, right?

Tony Stark: Maybe.

Obadiah Stane: Huh? Am I right? We haven't had a breakthrough.

"Oh my God" Lily huffed.

"Why did I marry?" Hope asked with her face in her hands.

"cause you love me so much" said Tony.


[Later in Stark Mansion, where Pepper and Hope are watching the news.]

Newcaster: Stark Industries! I've got one recommendation! Ready? Ready? Sell, sell, sell! Abandon ship! Does the Hindenburg ring any bells? Let me show you the new Stark Industries business plan! Look, that's a weapons company that doesn't make weapons!

"Oh God not that" huffed Pepper.

Tony Stark: [Over the intercoms] Pepper. How big are your hands?

"You know that can be severely taken out of context" said Clint. Tony nodded.

Pepper Potts: What?

"The confusion" snorted Alex.

Tony Stark: How big are your hands?

Hope Jarvis: That's so weird.

Pepper Potts: I don't understand why...

Tony Stark: Ah! Hope get down here. I need you.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you" said Tony. 

"It's ok" Hope said softly.

[Hope enters Tony's workshop to find Tony lying shirtless on a chair.]

Girls blush seeing Tony even some males do too.

"Question why aren't you blushing?" asked Ginny.

"Trust me I've seen him shirtless more times than I wish to e.g MIT" said Hope.

"I remember when that was, I was gonna go out but you'd broken your ankle so you stayed in my room and I turned on the tv for you and then didn't go out." said Tony.

Tony Stark: Hey. I just uh.. need your help for a sec.

Hope Jarvis: Oh, my God, Tony. What are you doing?

Tony Stark: This is now an antique. This is what will be keeping me alive for the foreseeable future. I'm swapping it up for an upgraded unit, and I just ran into a little speed bump.

Hope Jarvis: Speed bump, what does that mean?

Tony Stark: It's nothing. It's just a little snag. There's an exposed wire under this device. And it's contacting the socket wall and causing a little bit of a short. It's fine. [Tony pulls out the old device, handing it to Hope.]

"Wouldn't taking it out kill you?" asked June. 

"Only if it's out for too long." said Tony.

Hope Jarvis: What do you want me to do?

Tony Stark: Put that on the table over there. That is irrelevant.

Hope Jarvis: Oh, my God! [Setting the old reactor on the table.]

Tony Stark: I want you to reach in, and you're just gonna gently lift the wire out.

Hope Jarvis: Is it safe?

Tony Stark: Yeah, it should be fine. It's like Operation. You just don't let it touch the socket wall or it goes "beep."

Hope Jarvis: I love that game, we should play it sometime.

"What is operation?" Ginny asked, "a muggle game" answered Lily.

Tony Stark: Just gently lift the wire.

Hope Jarvis: Okay.

Tony Stark: Okay? Great.

Hope Jarvis: You know, I don't think that I'm qualified to do this.

Tony Stark: No, you're fine. You're the most capable, qualified, trustworthy person I've ever met. You're gonna do great. Is it too much of a problem to ask? 'Cause I'm...

Hope Jarvis: Okay, okay.

Tony Stark: I really need your help here.

Hope Jarvis: Okay. [Slides her hand into the hole in Tony's chest. sarcasm] Oh, there's pus!

Tony Stark: It's not pus. It's an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device, not from my body.

People look disgusted.

Hope Jarvis: Pus actually sounds better than this.

Tony Stark: Yeah, it does. The copper wire. The copper wire, you got it?

Hope Jarvis: Okay, I got it! I got it!

Tony Stark: Okay, you got it? Now, don't let it touch [Hope lets it touch the side.] the sides when you're coming out!

Hope Jarvis: I'm sorry. (tries not to laugh) I'm sorry.

Tony Stark: That's what I was trying to tell you before. Okay, now make sure that when you pull it out, that you don't... [Hope pulls out the wire with the magnet attached and the medical equipment starts beeping.] There's a magnet at the end of it! That was it. You just pulled it out.

Hope Jarvis: Oh, God!

Tony Stark: Okay, I was not expecting...

Hope Jarvis: Okay, what do I do?

Tony Stark: Don't put it back in! Don't put it back in!

Hope Jarvis: What's wrong?

Tony Stark: Nothing, I'm just going into cardiac arrest--

"Why did you say that so casually?" asked Hope almost laughing. 

Tony shrugged. 

"You two have odd humor" said Harry.

Hope Jarvis: What? You said it was safe!

Tony Stark: 'cause you yanked it out like a trout... We gotta hurry. Take this. Take this. You gotta switch it out really quick.

Hope Jarvis: Okay. Okay. Tony?

Tony Stark: What?

Hope Jarvis: It's going to be okay. Okay?

Tony Stark: Is it?

Hope Jarvis: (snapping) Yes now shut up.

"My patience used to wear thin back then with Tony but then I got kids" said Hope.

Tony Stark: Let's hope. Okay, you're gonna attach that to the base plate. Make s-sure you... [Screams went it attaches.] Was that so hard? That was fun, right? Here, I got it. I got it. Here. Nice.

Hope Jarvis: Are you okay?

Tony Stark: Yeah, I feel great. You okay?

Hope Jarvis: Don't ever, ever, ever, ever ask me to do anything like that ever again.

Tony Stark: I don't have anyone but you. Anyway... [Tony rips on the wires off and stands up.]

"That's sweet" cooed Ginny.

Hope Jarvis: What do you want me to do with this? [Holding Tony's old reactor.]

Tony Stark: That? Destroy it. Incinerate it.

Hope Jarvis: You're just like your father you know that? He'd never be nostalgic.

Tony Stark: Hope, I do but, I've been called many things. "Nostalgic" is not one of them.

Hope nods in agreement with her husband.

Hope Jarvis: Will that be all, Tony?

Tony Stark: That will be all, Hope. [Turns to talk to his robot while he eyes Hope as she walks away.] Hey, Butterfingers, come here. What's all this stuff doing on top of my desk? That's my phone, that's a picture of me, Alex and my dad. Right there. In the garbage. All that stuff.

"You kept that?" Hope asked 

"course I did why wouldn't I?" asked Tony.

"Well your relationship with Uncle Howard wasn't the best" said Hope.

Tony nods in agreement.


Hope it's ok?

I need help figuring out when Hope tells Tony she loves him and vice versa because it's gonna be at the end.

I'm thinking a mini bonus scene.

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