His little wolf

Bởi urlocal_wattiegurl

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~Tell your sparkly disco ball to stop reading my mind before I shove a bat up his ass~ Xem Thêm

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Bởi urlocal_wattiegurl

Bailey, wake up I heard from the door rolling over I sat up petting chief on the head.

I'm up dad, I yell through the door, grabbing my phone. I see it's 7:30. Graduation is today. When dad told me I should come finish my school year here, I wasn't really thinking it through. I mean it's been almost a week, and I'm already graduating.

I had enough credits to graduate already, but dad thought I should wait and graduate with Bella when I got here, he wanted to be able to be here for both of us

Climbing out of bed, I grab my black dress and cap and gown, going into my bathroom. I take a shower. Once I'm done, I blow dry and curl my hair, doing my makeup.

I hear the door downstairs, knowing dad and Bella are already downstairs. I wonder who it is. After giving myself a once over, I open the door and me and chief head downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen I see my mom and Phil standing with Dad and Bella. I forgot they were going to be here today.

You look beautiful honey, Dad says, coming over to me

Thank you, dad, I say, hugging him

Walking over, hugging mom and Phil

You girls ready, we have to get down to the school dad says

I'll meet you all there. I'm taking my truck. I just gotta make sure Chief has food and water first I say

They nod before walking out walking over to Chief who's passed out on the couch. I sit beside him petting him.

You want some food buddy he lifts his head well come on then I say he jumps off the couch, following me around while I fill his bowls up

Okay, buddy, I have to go, I say, petting him before grabbing my keys and heading to the school. Pulling into the parking lot I see Bella standing with Edward

Climbing out of the truck, I hear running before I'm almost tackled to the ground, and then I hear laughter from behind me

Seth finally lets me go, and we turned around where I saw the guys Emily and Leah

What are you guys doing here, I ask

Not every day our favorite girl graduates Emily says coming over hugging me

The next to hug me was Sam and then everyone else came and hugged me.

Thank y'all for coming I say to all of them as we walk inside finding dad mom and Phil talking to some other parents

I turn and see Edward and the other Cullen's staring at us flipping Edward off. I walk over to Paul

I'm kind of surprised you own a shirt considering most of the time I've been around you, I think I've seen you in a shirt, one time I say laughing

Well, I don't exactly think the school would appreciate it if I came in without a shirt, he says, smiling

I'm glad you came. I didn't quite expect any of you to show up until later I say

We wouldn't miss this, he says, as we walk and take our seats, of course, I'm forced to sit by Bella and Edward while Sam and the others have to sit behind us.

Why are they here, the treaty doesn't allow them to be in forks Bella says to Edward

They asked Carlisle if they could be here for Bailey, and he said yes. Edward says back, clearly not happy about the arrangement.

You two do know I'm right here right if you're gonna talk about them do it somewhere else I say irritated

Turning my attention back to the front, after everything was done, we all headed out to the trucks, Paul coming with me since he's riding to the party with me

Jake Quil and Embry decided to go together later even though I'm pretty sure after the other day, Bella doesn't want Jake there, but whatever I want them there. I wouldn't even be going if dad didn't ask me to

Climbing into the truck, me and Paul head to my house, so I can take my cap and gown off and check on Chief before heading to the party.

After checking on Chief and putting my gown in my room, I head back to the truck, and we pull off heading to the party.

Pulling in the stench of leech hits me hard. Climbing out, me and Paul head upstairs to the party where we see Jacob Quil and Embry by the snack bar

Heading over to them, we all got to talking before I hear heels hitting the floor behind me. turning I see Amy

Hey, I say, hugging her hey girly she says back before noticing the guys and Paul standing behind me.

Who is this she asks, looking at Paul

Umm that's Paul, he's a friend from la push I say

A friend huh well it's a pleasure to meet you she says her and Paul shaking hands you too he says

Those 3 idiots are Jake Embry and Quil I say, pointing at each of them

Hey, they all say with food in their mouths.

Boy's manners I say to them

I'm going to go find my sister. I think she's here somewhere, Amy says before heading off

I was about to say something to the guys when I heard a bowl shatter behind me. turning I saw one of the Cullen clearly lost in her mind.

Come on guys, I say, walking over to Alice and Bella

You are not going to Seattle are you Bella asks

No there coming here Alice says

What the hell is going on, I ask

Come with us, Alice says

The guys and I follow them to what I'm guessing is Carlisle's office.

How long? Edward asks.

They'll be here in four days. Alice says.

This could turn into a bloodbath. Carlisle says.

Who's behind it? Edward asks?

I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one... Alice says.

I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers, He didn't start this. Edward says.

Whoever did is staying out of the action. Alice says.

They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision. Carlisle says.

Either way, the army is coming... ... and there aren't enough of us to protect the town. Jasper says.

Hold up. What damn army? I say pissed that they've done brought more vampire drama.

Newborns. Our kind. Carlisle says.

What are they after? Embry asks, stepping up beside me and Paul.

They were passing around Bella's scent. A red blouse. As well as a Black dress I've never seen before, Alice says.

That's my dress, I say

They're after Bailey as well, Paul asks, clearly pissed

What the hell does this mean? Jacob asks.

It means an ugly fight. With lives lost. Carlisle says.

The weight of it lands on all of them. Jacob shares a sober look with Embry and Quill. Before looking to me and Paul, already knowing what he's asking, we all nodded.

Alright... We're in. Jacob says.

No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way. Bella says, stepping forward.

I wasn't asking for permission. It means more protection for Bailey, Jacob says.

Jacob. Bella says.

Do you believe Sam will agree to... an understanding? Carlisle asks.

As long as we get to kill some vampires. Jacob says.

Jasper? Carlisle questions.

They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge. Jasper says.

We'll need to coordinate. Carlisle says.

Carlisle, they're going to get hurt. Bella says.

We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us. Alright. Carlisle says.

Name the time and place. I say

Will do it at dawn tomorrow, Carlisle says

We nod before me and the other wolves head out, Jake going to talk to Sam while the others head home.

Paul and I climb in my truck heading back to my house. We climb out walking inside dads not here, so we headed to my room.

Hey buddy, I say, opening the door to see chief looking at me from my bed. I walk over sitting there as he climbs in my lap licking me

I'd say he missed you, Paul says from his spot leaning against my door frame

You can come in you know I say

I know I can't stay long. I've got patrol soon, he says, coming to sit beside me.

Chief climbs over into his lap he laughs, petting the pup.

He looks over at me before looking down. He's looking at the scar on my shoulder. lifting his hand up to it, he runs his thumb across it.

What happened he asks

Remember how I told you I ended up in the back of dads cruiser I ask looking at him

Yeah, he says, laughing

Well, that is from me sneaking out my bedroom window that night. I tripped in the yard and cut myself on a stick. I say, laughing at the memory

He laughs at that god his laugh I think, before laying back on the bed. Chief comes over laying beside me, I prop up on my elbow and pet him

An hour later me and Paul are laying in my bed just talking before he sits up. I have to go, Paul says

Okay, I say as he stands up

Sitting up I stand up walking around the bed towards him

Be careful I say, pulling him into a hug

I will, he says, hugging me back. We pull apart, and I lean up kissing his cheek before pulling away. He smiles

I'll be back in the morning and we can head there, he says

I nod, and he walks out, heading to Sam's for patrol

Grabbing some clothes, I take a shower climbing out I get dressed brushing my teeth before the smell of leech hits me assuming it's Edward I ignore it

Walking back into my room I notice my window is open. Walking over I see a figure standing at the edge of the woods. It can't be I say, quickly closing the window I push it aside. He's not here.

Climbing into bed, I lay with Chief trying to fall asleep, after a good 3 hours of tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep.

Waking up, I heard tapping on my door. Turning over, I see my window is open again. Standing up, I walk over, closing it before opening my door.

Good morning, Paul says, standing there smiling

Good morning, I say, smiling back

I notice his face turn from smiling to him starting to shake before he walks in, going towards my window.

What's wrong, I ask, looking at him

Someone was here, he says

Okay, so maybe what I saw last night was real, and that smell wasn't Edward

I need to talk to you, I said to him

What's wrong, he asks, looking over at me

After you left, I took a shower. When I came out, I caught the scent of a leech. I just assumed it was Edward, but my window was open. When I walked over there, I thought I saw someone in the woods. I thought nothing of it and closed my window and went to bed, when I got up a few minutes ago, my window was open again.

You're not staying here tonight, he says, not leaving any room to argue

I nod, but what about my dad, I ask

I'll ask Embry and Jared to look in on him while they are on patrol, he says

We have to go, it's almost time to meet with the others, I say

He nods before going to my door. Come on, boy, I know you're hungry. He says, looking at Chief. He happily jumps out of the bed, following him downstairs.

Walking to my dresser I throw on some workout shorts and a shirt, grabbing an extra set since I know we are going to have to phase today before heading downstairs

We can go, I say, seeing him walk inside with Chief at his feet. He nods, and we head out towards the woods. We both phase taking off to where the meeting is

They're here. Edward says.

From over the hill, we walk up, standing as wary and on-edge as the Cullen's are. Emmett zones in on Paul, obviously recognizing him. Their eyes meet, both itching for a rematch.

They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms. Edward says you got that right, I think to myself, Edward's head snapping to me oh shit right he's the mind reader of the family. Oops.

They came. That's what matters. Carlisle says.

I see Jake head over to Bella, she turns, seeing him

hey Jake... she says

He seems to almost smile, tongue lolling. A sharp look from Sam gets Jacob to focus.

Will you translate? Carlisle asks Edward.

Edward nods. Carlisle moves slowly towards us pack. Sam, the biggest and the alpha, stepping forward.

Welcome. Edward says.

Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them. Carlisle says.

They want to know how the 'newborns differ from us. Edward says.

They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful... ... than in our first several months of this life. Carlisle says before turning towards jasper, who steps forward.

Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett? Don't hold back. Jasper says as Emmett steps up.

Not in my nature. Emmett says, smirking.

(Emmett charges Jasper with impossible speed, but Jasper is a virtual BLUR. Emmett lunges countless times, his strong arms grabbing at air. Jasper stops long enough to say as Emmett lands flat on his back.

Never lose focus. One more thing... Never turn your back on your enemy. Jasper says.

Emmett lunges again with similar results, until suddenly, he FREEZES – Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmett's throat.

Everyone takes turns sparring with Jasper, or pairing off against each other. They're all blurs, which become visible as shift to SLOW MOTION to SEE a violent but extraordinary dance.

Alice and Jasper spar next, spiraling, twisting. Jasper launches at her but with her eyes GLAZED OVER, not looking at him, she sees his moves before he makes them. Out of nowhere, Alice is perched on his back; she kisses his neck. Yuck

Gotcha. Alice says.

Edward and Carlisle attack one another, but Edward can read Carlisle's mind, which gives him the advantage. He twirls beyond Carlisle's grasp, then SLAMS into him, delivering a vicious body blow.

Focus on speed, agility, keep your opponent off guard... Jasper says.

After a while of watching Edward steps up we're done for the day, he says

Sam nods, and we all turn, following him back to Emily's

After we all got back, the guys split off, some going on patrol and others going home.

Sam, I need to talk to you, Paul says

What's going on, he asks

A leech was at Bailey's house last night. I didn't recognize the scent, Paul says.

I think I know who it was, I say, and they both turn towards me confused

I haven't been completely honest about why I moved back. I say.

Bailey, what haven't you told us? Paul asks.

Back in Arizona, I had a boyfriend. We'd been together for a while, and when I told him I was moving in with my dad, he freaked out and got really mad. I broke up with him a couple of days later.

Thereafter, he started stalking me, sending me notes, showing up everywhere I was. After that, I got a restraining order and the next day got on a plane and came here

Bailey, you could have told us Sam says

I know I just wanted to put that behind me, and now he's back and apparently a vampire I say sitting on the couch.

That explains why they are after you. Obviously, they don't know you're a wolf, which gives us an advantage. They don't know we exist and tomorrow when they show we will put an end to this, but for tonight you'll stay here, Sam says,

What about Chief Bella isn't going to take care of him, I say

Jake is already over there. He's going to bring him here and Emily will watch him while we are gone. tomorrow Sam says

And as if on cue, the door opens and Jake walks in, Chief following him as well as Bella

Chief comes running to my feet, picking him up he starts licking my face.

Hey bud, I say, petting him he snuggles into my chest.

Thank you, Jake, I say, looking over at him

Your welcome he says, smiling

Bella tries to come over to me, but Chief starts growling stopping her from moving any further

Can we talk Bella asks?

I nod, standing up I walk over to Paul who's standing beside Sam.

Can you watch him, I ask?

Yeah, I got him he says, grabbing Chief

Bella and I make our way outside to the yard

What do you want, I ask

What is your problem with me, you've been rude towards me since you got here. I haven't done a damn thing and to be honest, neither has Edward, so I don't know what is going on with you, she says

My problem you and your little leech is my problem. If it wasn't for you and him we wouldn't be here about to face a fucking army of murderous fucking leeches I yell

Last time I checked they are after you as well, so you had something to do with this just as much as I did she yells back

They are after me because of you and now you've dragged my brother and his family into this. If they get hurt it's on you, I yell back, shaking

Says the girl who ran from Arizona over a man she yells back

Finally, having heard enough, I phase in the yard facing her. I snap at her as she backs up. I inch closer to her before hearing the door burst open Sam Paul and Jake running out

Jake runs up to her, putting her behind him as Paul steps in front of me

Bailey calm down you don't want to hurt her. That's not who you are. Just calm down its okay. he says, stepping closer to me.

Slowly calming down, knowing I would rather not hurt him, I turn running off into the woods to calm down

After a while, I headed back seeing clothes on a tree phasing back, I put them on knowing Paul put them there from his scent all over them.

Walking out of the woods, I see Paul sitting on the steps heading over he looks up at me before standing up coming over to me.

He doesn't say anything, just pulls me in hugging me. I hugged him back, and we stayed like that for a while.

When we pull apart, he keeps his arm around me as we walk inside. I see Sam, Jake and Bella standing in the kitchen turning I see Emily walking down the stairs holding Chief

You are okay now, Sam asks, clearly worried.

Yeah, I'm good. I think I'm gonna head to bed though thank you for letting me stay tonight I say

You are always welcome here. Paul can show you where the guest room is, he says

I nod and follow Paul upstairs to the guest room. I walk in sitting on the bed.

Stay here tonight with everything going on, I'd rather know you are here and okay I say, looking at him

Okay, he says, just as Emily comes to the door bringing chief

Figured you might want your bed partner back, she says smiling

Thank you, Em, I say, grabbing Chief setting him on the bed

Your welcome and I know you and Sam didn't grow up together or anything, but as Sam said downstairs your always welcome here she says, coming over hugging me

I hug her back before she heads out. turning I flop onto the bed before I hear laughing from behind me. turning over, Paul is watching me.

Come on its bedtime I say, moving over, so he can get in the bed. He removes his shirt laying down beside me. Chief comes up laying on the other side of me.

Goodnight Paul I say, laying my head on his shoulder. goodnight Bailey he says as we drift off to sleep.

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