You Wanna Be Famous?: TDI x M...

By Timmy184

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In the world of Total Drama a teen named Kai Ryoka suffers from multiple personality disorder. (He is basical... More

Chapter 1: Not So Happy Campers - Part 1
Chapter 2: Not So Happy Campers - Part 2
Chapter 3: The Big Sleep
Chapter 4: Dodgebrawl
Chapter 5: Not Quite Famous
Chapter 6: The Sucky Outdoors
Chapter 7: Phobia Factor
Chapter 8: Up The Creek
Chapter 9: Paintball Deer Hunt
Chapter 10: If You Can't Take The Heat
Chapter 11: Who Can You Trust?
Chapter 12: Basic Straining
Chapter 13: X-Treme Torture
Chapter 14: Brunch Of Disgustingness
Chapter 15: No Pain No Game
Chapter 16: Search and Do Not Destroy
Chapter 17: Hide and Be Sneaky
Chapter 19: Hook, Line, and Screamer
Chapter 20: Are We There Yeti?
Chapter 21: Trial By Tri-Armed Triathlon
Chapter 22: Wawanakwa Gone Wild
Chapter 23: Camp Castaways
Chapter 24: I Triple Dog Dare You
Chapter 25: Haute Camp-Ture
Chapter 26: The Very Last Episode, Really!
Chapter 27: Alternate Winner?
Chapter 28: Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Island!
About Kai
Total Drama Action

Chapter 18: That's Off The Chain

599 15 2
By Timmy184

(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island... In a challenge of hide-and-seek, campers had to avoid capture by Chef or join his guerrilla tactics to tag fellow campers. Some had weak hiding spots while others won invincibility. Meanwhile, with some subtle nudging, the guys convinced Cody to stay loyal to their alliance. Even without lovesick Geoff's help, the guy's banished Bridgette, so it was Geoff who paid a hefty price for staying loyal to his girl

Chris laughed as he remembered the clip of Geoff hanging off the ceiling fan

(Chris): Man, that stinks, Geoff. And so did she. Will they guys ever trust Geoff again? Will the girls form an alliance? Will I be stuck hosting reality TV for the rest of my life? Find out on this episode of Total. Drama. Island!



It was later on in the day and everyone was spread out doing their own thing. Cody and DJ are throwing a frisbee. It passed Heather and Lindsay. The blonde girl was using a flyswatter to try and hit a fly. She failed multiple times. She accidentally hit Heathers face. Heather glares

(Heather): Can I see that for a sec?

Lindsay happily hands her the flyswatter. Heather smacks her in the face with it

(Heather): Now make yourself useful and clip my toenails!

Lindsay looked at her feet in disgust. Off to the side, Geoff was inside the confessional crying he was clearly missing his girlfriend. Leshawna looked at the confessional. Next to her was Duncan the two were playing checkers

(Leshawna): Ooh. Sounds like Geoff's having a hard time accepting Bridgette's been kicked off, huh?

Duncan nodded and made a move. He looked at the confessional an unimpressed look on his face

(Duncan): Yeah. He's so weak

Geoff started to sing. His voice cracked a couple times during it

(Geoff): Baby come back!



Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): Any kind of fool could see! S-Something... Something, uh... About you! Hey, Bridge!

He grabs onto the camera

(Geoff): Sendin' out mucho love to... Wherever it is that the Boat of Losers takes you!



Duncan looked at Confessional his face didn't show it but, on the inside, he was worried about his party-loving friend

(Duncan): Um, I- We'd better go check on him

He said standing up and leaving

(Leshawna): Wait. What about our game?

Duncan didn't respond. Gwen raised an eyebrow in confusion

(Gwen): "Check on him"? Since when did he start having feelings?

Heather overheard what Gwen said and scoffed

(Heather): Since they started up their guys' alliance. Duncan's no fool. He wants to secure Geoff's vote

(Lindsay): Hey! Maybe we should try forming a girls' alliance again!

Heather once again hit her with the flyswatter

(Lindsay): ...Or not


Duncan approached and saw that Geoff was no longer in the confessional and other guys sitting with Geoff. They sat outside Kai's trailer the area was developed. There was a campfire with logs around it. A table, chairs, and some fairy lights hung from some poles that DJ helped Kai set up. The guys were at the table DJ patted Geoffs back

(DJ): It's going to be okay man

Duncan looked at Kai. Kai gave him a look. Duncan sighed and looked at Geoff

(Duncan): Look, man. Voting Bridgette off was just a strategic move. If the guy alliance stands strong, we can win this. So, are you in?

(Geoff): I don't know man. Going on without Bridge is like oh...

He sniffed the air now perking up

(Geoff): Is that bacon? Aw, crap! Did I miss breakfast?

Geoff followed the smell and saw Kai manning the barbeque. He wore an apron saying, 'Kiss the Cook'. He made up a plate and placed it in front of Geoff. It was two pieces of toast, some eggs, bacon, and orange juice on the side. Kai patted his back

(Kai): Eat up, you'll need your strength bud

Geoff smiled at the meal in front of him

(Geoff): Oh man this looks good! Thanks man!

He dug into his meal. Duncan watched with a grin on his face

(Duncan): I think Geoff's in

They heard the loudspeakers come to life signalling another three days have passed

(Chris): Morning, campers! Your next challenge awaits you at the Arts and Crafts Centre!


The campers ended up at a building that looked like every other building on this island ready to fall apart at any second

(Chris): Welcome to the Arts and Crafts Centre

Duncan rolled his eyes

(Duncan): More like the Arts and Crap Centre

(Chris): Yeah. It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where Chef parks his road hog

Chris opens the door revealing Chefs ride. The guys admired their cooks ride

(Chris): Which brings us to your challenge. Building your own wheels!

(Kai): Yes! This challenge was made for me!

(DJ): You good with bikes?

Kai nodded

(Kai): Yeah, I've loved bikes for as long as I can remember. Back home I had a business where I'd  buy some cheap parts, build the bike, and sell it for double what I bought it for

(Chris): Wow a challenge your good at shocking!

Chris sarcastically said and went back to explaining the challenge

(Chris): Now you'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot

He points to a pile of parts

(Chris): Once you've collected the basics, you can trick 'em out any way you want using props from the Arts and Crafts Centre. Best design wins! And... To prove I'm a nice guy, I'll even throw in a bike manual

He threw a manual which was covered in dust, mold, and other bacteria. It hit the ground Heather looked at it in disgust

(Heather): Ew, it's furry!

(Ezekiel): Cool. Mold spores

Heather looked at him clearly disgusted

(Heather): Freak. We get first dibs!

She calls out and orders Lindsay to steal the manual



Duncan Confessional

(Duncan): Finally, a challenge I can get behind. I used to build bikes back home with my brothers all the time... Okay, so I used to steal them from the dweebs down the street and crash them into the school wall, but point is, this is something I know



Kai looked at all the parts. To those around him, he looked like a kid in a candy store

(Kai): I'm gonna make my dream bike!

(Lindsay): Oh my gosh, me too! Every year at Christmas, I asked for a Sunset Sally bike but never got one

(Ezekiel): Really? Santa never brought you, your... Christmas wish?

Ezekiel asked feeling bad for her. DJ shakes his head

(DJ): Man, that just ain't right

Duncan glares at the two

(Duncan): Guys, this isn't a Christmas wish contest. If we want to vote the chicks out, then our bikes have to kick butt. Capiche?

(Geoff) Ri-hi-hight. Wailing choppers!

(Cody): Kick butt. Let's do it...

(DJ): Guys' alliance, woohoo...

DJ and Cody cheered weakly



Heather Confessional

(Heather): The guys think they're so stealthly, building their little alliances. It's kinda cute, really. But why work on your own bike when you can get someone to do it for you



Heather walked over to Lindsay who was talking to Leshawna. She grabs Lindsay by the shoulders and looked at Leshawna

(Heather): Could I just borrow her for a sec?

Not waiting for a response she pulls her away. Heather looked around and then pointed at Chef's ride

(Heather): See that motor thingy with all the fancy exhausts? Dismantle it. And make it fast, before Chef gets back

Lindsay looked at Heather in confusion

(Lindsay): Uh, but what about my bike? I wanna win, too

(Heather): Of course, you do. But look at it this way. How else can I save your butt if I don't win? We're BFFs, remember? Would I steer you wrong?



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): Okay, maybe I'm navy, but Heather's always been trustworthy to me before. That I know of...



Heather shoved her inside and closed the door. She saw Leshawna and Gwen walking over

(Heather): No, uh-uh. We're going in first. You'll just have to wait your turn. Or you could save yourself the effort and not even bother

As she said that seagull poop landed in her hair. She looked up and ran off screaming

(Gwen): Gotta love karma

Gwen said grinning. Leshawna nodded with her own smile


The guys are seen working on their bikes. Duncan was hitting a wheel with a hammer. DJ was making safety gear. Geoff painted a portrait of Bridgette. Cody was following an instruction manual he had found an extra in the arts and crafts centre. Kai is helping Ezekiel make his bike since the home-schooled boy barely knew anything about bikes


(Leshawna): Where does this go?

She asked Gwen holding up a pedal

(Gwen): That's the pedal. Haven't you ever ridden a bike before?

(Leshawna): Of course, I've ridden a bike before! I've just never built one from scratch. That's all. There are too many pieces

(Gwen): Well, you better start reading the manual because the guys have an alliance going and it looks like Heather and Lindsay are still sharing a brain, which means it's us against them

Gwen stated as she walked away with her box of parts

(Leshawna): All right, all right

She looked at the parts and scoffed

(Leshawna): How hard could it be?

(???): Woohoo!

She heard someone cheering. She saw Ezekiel pull up on his bike grinning. He noticed Leshawna

(Ezekiel): Oh hey, Leshawna! Wanna Come with me? I've already built my bike!



Ezekiel Confessional

(Ezekiel): I still feel bad for voting off Bridgette. So I decided to ask Leshawna if she wanted to ride with me. No harm in that eh?



(Leshawna): How'd you do that so fast?

Leshawna looked surprised it wasn't a bad looking bike either

(Ezekiel): Oh, Kai helped build mine. Come on! Let's take it for a test drive! Woohoo!

Ezekiel cheered grinning from ear to ear. He's never ridden a bike and he honestly loved this thing. Leshawna shrugged

(Leshawna): All right. You're on



Leshawna Confessional

(Leshawna): That boy might be weird, but I wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to win this race. His bike looked good



(Ezekiel): Sweet eh? Your extra weight will totally help with our speed!

Ezekiel told her with an innocent smile. Leshawna would typically hit someone who commented on the shape of her body, but she knew Ezekiel meant no harm and decided to let it go

(Leshawna): Uh, I'm gonna take that as a compliment

(Ezekiel): Okay

Ezekiel started up the bike he accidently flicked a switch. The engine roared to life, and they shot off at crazy speeds. Ezekiel wasn't prepared for it, and neither was Leshawna. The two screamed as they went down a hill


Heather heard sounds of metal hitting metal and soon Lindsay walked out smiling. She held up a doll

(Lindsay): Hey, look. It's an ugly doll with pretty hair just like you! I'm gonna use her for my bike



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): I think sometimes I say the wrong thing. One time, I told my math teacher that his new hairpiece looks like my dog's butt. But he totally took it the wrong way. My dog has the cutest curly little butt! It was a compliment!



Heather faked a laugh

(Heather): Ahahahah. Cute. Just don't forget to build my bike first so I can protect you from the vote

She told Lindsay with a glare



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): This other time, I got caught in a three-way calling attack and I told one friend that the other was cheating on her boyfriend or something, and anyways, she totally got dumped that day. It was so random. I wonder if it had something to do with the call



The guys were finishing up their bikes. Cody watched DJ smack his head against the tree testing if the helmet would protect his head. It was weirdly quiet so Cody decided to start a conversation

(Cody): Hey. Do you guys remember your first bike ride?

Duncan chuckled as the memory came to him

(Duncan): Oh yeah. I went down so bad; I popped my collarbone. You could see it sticking right out of my shoulder. It was wicked

(Geoff): I flew so far over my handlebars that I skidded for a mile

He laughed as he thought back to the aftermath

(Geoff): Skin was hanging off me in chunks!

Kai laughed

(Kai): Oh, that's nothing. I popped my arm right out of my socket. It took three doctors to hold me down while they slingshot it back into place

The three sighed

(Kai, Duncan, and Geoff): Good times...

Cody and DJ just stared in disbelief. DJ swapped his helmet for a knight's helmet which fit. The loudspeakers came to life

(Chris): Campers! Time to judge your bikes! Put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the Crafts Centre!


(Chris): Well, campers, we gave you the parts. Let's see what you came up with

Chris started to examine their bikes. He started with Heathers

(Chris): Excellent aerodynamics, Heather

Heather stood proud like she was the one who built it

(Heather): It only weighs two ounces

Gwen smirked and whispered to Kai

(Gwen): Like her brain

Kai smiled clearly finding it amusing. Chris started with Gwen's bike

(Chris): Spooky, yet practical. Well done


Chris nodded at Duncan's

(Chris): Wicked Mad Max-mobile, dude


Chris went to Lindsay who struggled standing still

(Lindsay): Oooh! Go ahead. Ring her bell!

Chris rung the bell

(Lindsay): The real bike has sound effects like this

She started imitating a horse


Chris looked at DJ's poorly made bike and then to DJ who was wearing several layers of protection

(Chris): Dude. Seriously? This is lame


Chris was now onto Kai and smiled

(Chris): Now this is a hot rod. Nice!

Kai smiled and bowed his head

A/N: Dont have an image so imagine what you'd want it to look like


(Chris): Nice ride man!

(Geoff): I call her...

He teared up

(Geoff): Bridgette!

Chris noticed the portrait of Bridgette taped to the front



Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): Bridgette! Bridgette, I'm sorry. I should've made them vote someone else off, I... Even though you were stinking, you were also kind of a threat because, you know, you're nice and totally athletic and hot and stuff. Forgive me, Bridgette!



Chris looked at the final person Cody

(Chris): Cody, nice job! Hey, where's Ezekiel and Leshawna?

He asked noticing they weren't here or anywhere in sight

A/N: Like with Kai, Cody's bike is up to your imagination


The scene switches to them screaming as they rocket down a hill


Chris shrugged not caring

(Chris): Oh well. Their loss. Cause this is where it gets good. We're gonna race these babies, hard!

Heather grinned confidently

(Heather): Ha, awesome! Because my bike is built for speed, right, Lindsay?

(Lindsay): Huh? Uh Totally!

Chris smirked

(Chris): Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Heather. You'll be switching bikes. Yeah. Cruel twist, huh? All righty then. See you at the beach!


The campers stood at the beach waiting for Chris's instructions

(Chris): Okay, here's how it works. Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility

Everyone pulled a card out of the helmet. Lindsay smiled and waved her card at Heather

(Lindsay): Hey, lookie. I got your bike!

Heather looked at saw her name on it. Heather grinned

(Heather): Excellent. If you cross the finish line on my bike, then I get to ride for invincibility. So, if it looks like you're losing-

(Lindsay): -Just press the red button? Not to be rude Heather but I did build this...

Her voice lowered to a whisper as she saw Heathers glare. She clearly wasn't happy with being cut off

(Chris): Now, before we start, I should probably be extra sure. Has anyone seen Leshawna or Ezekiel?

Everyone shared a look and shrugged. Kai last saw Ezekiel testing his bike while Gwen last saw Leshawna when they had their talk


The two in question are holding onto each other screaming


DJ got Geoff

Geoff got Cody

Cody got Gwen

Gwen got Kai

Kai got Duncan

Duncan got Lindsay

Lindsay got Heather

Heather got DJ


The campers are all on the bikes they drew from the helmet preparing to start

(Chris): Okay, racers! On your marks, get set... Paramedics on standby... And... Tread!

He waved a flag signalling the start. Kai examined his ride he got Duncan's

(Kai): No pedals. Looks like Duncan made a motorbike

He grinned and started it up and shot off at incredible speeds. Heather grunted not even moving an inch with DJ's bike. He clearly made it specifically not to go fast


Duncan was speeding down the track he was riding on Lindsay's bike. A grin appears on his face

(Duncan): Okay, this is messed up, but yeehaw, this is one movin' ride!

Lindsay rode at the same pace as him and smiled

(Lindsay): I know, right?


Geoff was riding on Cody's bike and looked at DJ who rode his bike and smiled proudly

(Geoff): Wailing ride, huh? I used top of the line bolts!



Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): Okay. So, I forgot to add the bolts



Geoff's bike fell to pieces. DJ fell onto Geoff wrecking Cody's bike and the two crashed into a tree

(DJ): Forgot... To wear chalk...


Due to how fast he was going Kai looped around a few times and crashed into Heather who was pushing DJ's bike wrecking DJ's bike. Gwen got past on Kai's bike. Cody managed to get through on Gwen's bike

(Chris): Yes! We have three awesome wipe-outs by Heather, Geoff, and DJ! Five invincibility race winners! Kai's fun machine, Heather's speed machine, Lindsay's Sunset Sally, Gwen's spooky machine, and Duncan's lethal weapon!

(Kai): How do I stop this thing?!

Kai shouted to Duncan as Kai quickly noticed the lack of breaks

(Duncan): Slam the hood ornament!

(Kai): Okay!

Kai punched the skull the bike came to a complete stop. Kai was sent flying off it and landed at Gwen's feet. He raised a thumbs up signalling he was okay

(Chris): Awesome finish, Kai. It's time to head over to the TDI Motocross

The campers started heading over. Lindsay talked to Heather

(Lindsay): Is this the part where you help save my butt from being voted off?

(Heather): Not yet. We have to make sure we win this part of the challenge, too. So, get your A-game on!


Leshawna, Ezekiel, and a bear held onto each other as they went down a hill all of them screamed in fear


Geoff, Cody, and DJ sat out since their bikes were destroyed in the previous round

(Kai): Wow. Sweet wheels!

Kai complimented Lindsay's bike. She smiled

(Lindsay): I know, right? And P.S. I love yours

(Kai): Oh, me too. It's so much fun to ride

Duncan grabbed his shoulder and whispered

(Duncan): Dude, I've got one word for you. Focus! Or I'm gonna kick your butt into next week!

Kai rolled his eyes. He liked Duncan but this guy's alliance was getting on his nerves

(Kai): Right

(Chris): Campers, welcome to the... Moto, Moto, Moto Cross, Cross, Cross Challenge, Challenge, Challenge!

He repeated his words to sound like an echo. He then spoke normally to explain the second part of the challenge

(Chris): Using your own bikes, you'll race the course, avoiding hidden pitfalls. Cue the death traps!

Some interns roll in a TV and he clicks a remote turning the TV on


(Chris): There's dodging the land mines...

The cameras cut to a seagull that set off a hidden landmine


(Chris): Maneuvering through the oil slick...

The cameras showed a massive pool of oil


(Chris): And finally, jumping the piranhas!

The camera showed a plank of wood going over a pool of piranha's

(Chris): Oh, and one more thing. First one to cross wins invincibility. Last one to cross gets voted off the island. No bonfire, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow

Lindsay gasped and everyone widened their eyes. Heather whispered to Lindsay

(Heather): Okay, so here's our strategy. We have to stick together so that one of us wins the race. So, you go first and clear a path through the mines

Lindsay nodded

(Lindsay): Uh-huh

(Heather): Then go through the oil slick so I can see how to get through it

Lindsay nodded again this time looking more hesitant

(Lindsay): O-Okay...

(Heather): If you make it through those two parts, then the third part is easy. Just keep the piranhas busy while I speed through

Lindsay looked at the piranha's nervously

(Lindsay): W-Wait, then you'll win, not me

(Heather): Exactly

Lindsay smiled thinking Heather would agree to what she was thinking about

(Lindsay): I was thinking it would be really fun if I won a challenge for myself for once

(Heather): Yeah, that's a great idea in theory, but then who would come up with all the new strategies to get us through the next week?

(Lindsay): Mm, right. Okay!

Lindsay agreed believing her with all of her heart

(Heather): Don't worry. If the piranhas don't eat you, then you'll definitely be second, which means Kai, Gwen, or Duncan gets voted off and we make it through another bonfire ceremony



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): Heather's really smart! I'm lucky to have her as a friend!




Heather Confessional

(Heather): I have no way of knowing if she'll come in second. The only thing that's really important is that I come in first. Invincibility is everything



(Heather): I can almost taste the marshmallows. Can't you, Lindsay?

Lindsay closed her eyes and hummed

(Lindsay): Mm, yes!


The racers lined up getting ready to go

(Chris): Racers, take your positions! And... GO!

The campers sped off Gwen rides down a hill and set off a landmine. Sending her flying over the finish line and her bike crashing into a nearby hill. Everyone else jumped over the hill to avoid the second landmine. Kai and Duncan were being pushed along by each explosion

Lindsay got launched by an explosion

(Lindsay): WOOHOOH!

She cheered grinning. Duncan reaches the second obstacle the oil. He tries speeding through the oil but loses control and falls into the oil and his bike flies into Kai's wrecking both bikes and covering Kai and Duncan in oil. Lindsay goes past them doing a wheelie the tail of her bike cleared a path for Heather to ride past. Heather made sure to smirk at both boys as she passed. Lindsay sees she's coming up to the last obstacle and saw the piranha's chewing up the plank she sped up and barely managed to get through it as the piranha's ate the middle of the plank and boths halves fell into the water. Heather pushes the button activating the engine she stole from Chef's bike and cleared the piranha pool and past the finish line. Chris pulls up on his ATV grinning

(Chris): And we have our winner! Heather!

Gwen, DJ, and Geoff groaned in disappointment. Lindsay rode in getting second place

(Lindsay): Yay! You won. We did it! We're safe!

Lindsay got off her bike and ran to Heather smiling

(Chris): That's not exactly true. Heather is safe because her bike crossed the line first, but since Kai, Gwen, and Duncan wiped out and didn't complete the race... 

The cameras panned to Duncan trying to get out of the oil and to Kai helping Gwen onto her feet. They technically didn't cross the line at all. Which makes you the last one to cross the line. Which means it's Dock of Shame time, baby

Chris stated grinning. Lindsay titled her head in confusion. While all the campers walked over all of them looking confused

(Lindsay): Okay, I'm so confused

(Heather): It means I can't save you unless I give you, my invincibility. But I can't do that. Too risky. You understand

Lindsay widened her eyes

(Lindsay): But I won... I even built your bike!

Heather laughed nervously

(Heather): I don't know what she's talking about. You should just leave with your dignity intact. It will make you seem much cuter in the instant replays

The campers gasped

(Lindsay): But we were going to the final three together!

Heather shrugged

(Heather): Guess we're not

Lindsay looked hurt by her lack of care

(Lindsay): Aren't you even sad? We're BFFs!

(Heather): Yeah, for the contest. I mean, it's not like we're gonna be best friends for life or anything

Lindsay gasped



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): I can't believe she said that!



(Lindsay): I can't believe you just said that! But we pinkie swore! You mean, I've been helping you all this time and you didn't even like me?

(Heather): Uh, truth? Not really, no

Lindsay gasped once again. Heather saw the looks everyone was giving her

(Heather): What? We're not here to make friends, we're here to become celebrities, remember?

(Duncan): Ooh, that's cold, brah

Duncan said while shaking his head Heather scoffed

(Heather): Oh, like you're such a team player. All you do is go around scaring the crap out of everyone

Duncan glared and pointed at her

(Duncan): At least I'm straight with people!

Heather rolled her eyes

(Heather): Whatever. I have invincibility. No one can touch me

(Kai): This week

Kai stated with narrowed eyes. Heather met his glare with her own glare. Her attention was brought back to Lindsay who started talking

(Lindsay): You really are mean! And all that bad stuff people say about you is true. Like how you're a two-faced, back-stabbing lying little- BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!

Lindsay flipped her off

Her finger was censored and there was a prolonged beep but the campers widened their eyes since in real time as they saw and heard everything she said

(Lindsay): I always told them they were wrong. I stood up for you because I thought we were BFFs! But they're right! You really are a two-faced, back-stabbing lying little BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! And guess what? I don't wanna be BFFS anymore! I'd rather spend the day watching Owen's butt than shopping with you. And P.S. Your shoes are tacky!

Heather gasped. Everyone was laughing at Heather and cheered for Lindsay

(Gwen): Yeah! You tell her!

Heather glared at all of them

(Heather): Oh, go jump in the piranha pool!

(Leshawna): Whoa! Get me off of this thing!

They heard Leshawna scream. The bike she and Ezekiel were on crashed into the piranha pool. Fortunately, they jumped off before it hit the water. The campers smiled when they saw Heather getting drenched



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): I don't know what came over me. Oh, wait, yes, I do! Heather's a total Beep!



It was now nighttime and Lindsay held onto her luggage. She was saying goodbye to the other girls

(Lindsay): Thanks for all your support, Greta. I love you, Laquisha

The two didn't even care she got their names wrong

(Leshawna): Take care, girlfriend. If it makes you feel better, we would've kept you on

Lindsay smiled

(Lindsay): Really? Thanks. Kick Heather's butt for me

Leshawna and Gwen shared looks and grinned

(Gwen): Our pleasure

(Lindsay): Bye guys! See you at the finale!

She said goodbye to everyone and stopped at Cody

(Lindsay): Heather hated when I talked to you. Watch this, Heather!

She grabbed Cody and kissed him shocking the tech geek. She broke it off leaving a baffled Cody. She used her fingers to mirror a phone

(Lindsay): Call me!

Cody nodded his cheeks red

(Cody): Will... Do...

She stepped onto the boat smiling at Heather

(Lindsay): Good luck, Heather. I hope you get everything your karma owes you. Okay. I'm ready

Chef nodded and started the boat. Once she left the guys smirked at Cody

(Kai): Cody you sly dog!

(Geoff): Way to go!

The guys said similar things congratulating or teasing Cody on his first kiss



Lindsay: Chris (1)

Eliminated: Lindsay

Elimination Order: Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Sadie, Tyler, Izzy, Beth, Owen, Courtney, Katie, Harold, Justin (Again), Bridgette, and Lindsay


Thats it for this chapter I hope you all enjoyed it we're now down to the final 9. Soon to be 8. I dont have much else to say so leave feedback if you have any and have a good day/night stay safe and see ya Saturday

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