
By Its_Kingston

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Taking a shortcut through a children's park to avoid U.A's security force with one of Japan's most wanted vil... More

** Disclaimer **
Chapter One - Heroic
Chapter Two - Records
Chapter Three - Stalker
Chapter Four - Meeting
Chapter Five - Stars
Chapter Six - Murder
Chapter Seven - Nightmare
Chapter Eight - Suit
Chapter Nine - League
Chapter Ten - Return
Chapter Eleven - Dinner
Chapter Twelve - Museum
Chapter Thirteen - Surprise
Chapter Fourteen - Truth
Chapter Fifteen - Past
Chapter Sixteen - Mall?
Chapter Seventeen - Company
Chapter Nineteen - Distractions
Chapter Twenty - Strange
Chapter Twenty-One - Risk
Chapter Twenty-Two - Villainous

Chapter Eighteen - Closer

124 5 58
By Its_Kingston

"We're here."

Ochako swatted at the hand that tapped her on the shoulder as she sat up from her reclined seat. "That didn't feel like long."

"That's cause you slept through the drive." Toga replied. "It's..." She gestured grandly to the towering building. "The mall!"

Ochako rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and looked around. They were in one of the many parking spaces out in front of what might've been the most popular mall in Japan. Except no one was there. "Isn't it closed today?"

"Yeah, so we get to skip all the lines and hassle." Toga grinned at her before getting out the car. The hero rolled her eyes and got out too. They began the short walk to the building, but not without Ochako checking over her shoulder at least twelve times before they made it in.

"Stop worrying so much. This kinda stuff isn't dangerous. Worse case scenario we get B&E. And it's not hard to get outta jail." Toga patted her on the shoulder. They stood in front of the side entrance, a small metal door for employees. With a lock pick and half a minute, Toga had opened the dull gray door. "Let's go."

"I've been here once, while it was super packed, but I've never seen it empty." Ochako looked around in awe. An empty building was usually creepy, but with the 3 o'clock sun still high and beaming through the skylight, this one seemed like an abandoned wonderland.

"Oh look at this!" Toga had entered a store on the first floor, a clothing one, and held up a T-shirt. On it was the same design as U.A's uniform, just a tad off center. "You think I'd make a good hero?" The blonde asked with a grin.

"You'd be great." Ochako gave a thumbs-up.

She heard Toga mutter something close to: "Oh no, he's already having an effect on you.."

"I do need some new clothes. I hardly had any to begin with." Ochako started looking through the racks of shirts beside Toga.

"What about.. this one!" Toga held up a solid dark red shirt. "It's a pretty color."


"No one would be able to tell if there was blood on it."

"Is that your selling point?"


Ochako chuckled as she pulled out a new shirt. "I like this one." It was light pink, and on the shorter side. In the middle was a cat face, though it seemed to be made of a cookie, with half strawberry and half vanilla ice cream on the inside.

"You'd look cute in that." Toga said, before pausing to correct herself. "Not that you don't look cute all the time, but that's a nice shirt." Her cheeks were tinted pink, though Ochako's were darker.

"Thanks." She said softly.

"Did you wanna stick around here, or go see what else we can find?" Toga asked after a few minutes of silence. Ochako had spent the time picking out different shirts and pants, even a new pair of shoes, practically an armful of clothes.

"I wanna keep walking around." The hero said. Looking around for something to use to carry her clothes, she noticed the baskets beside the door and dropped the clothes into it. It was a rectangular white basket with handles, small and light. Toga waited by the door for Ochako to finish organizing her basket before picking it up and heading over.

- - - - -

"Where did you wanna go now?" Toga asked as they finished searching the bottom floor. Ochako thought about it as they made their way to the escalator, though the fact that the mall wasn't open meant they had to walk up it.

"I wanted to get some stuff for my new room, maybe a table or dresser or something. Did it have a closet?"

"A closet with a built in closet?" Toga asked curiously.

"Why was it the designated closet room?"

"Cause it's the only room besides mine without a closet, but mine was empty when I moved in, so yours became the closet room." Toga elaborated as they made it to the top of the escalator.

"Guess I'll need a dresser then." Ochako said, looking for a furniture store.

"You know, you don't have to stay in that room if you don't want too." Toga followed her towards a store called Wooden Works.

"What do you mean? Like, find a different place to stay?" Ochako looked into the store, but found it was only a woodworking classroom, the kind of place you'd take lessons at.

"No, no!" Toga seemed reluctant to finish her thought, but found the courage after a moment. "I meant you could room with me if you want."

"I would, and there's probably enough room for my stuff, but not a second permanent bed. I'd be sleeping on an air mattress or cot the entire time." Ochako turned away from Wooden Works and faced Toga.

"There's my bed." The blonde said quieter than she intended. Ochako couldn't hear her low tone, and stepped closer.


"You could always sleep in my bed." Toga said louder this time. She felt her face heat up at the suggestion, and smiled.

"Then where would you sleep- oh." Ochako seemed to get it. "Uhm." She started walking back towards the center to look around for something, though she wasn't sure what.

"You don't gotta answer." Toga said, following her.

"Well, uh, I.." Ochako shook her head lightly, to clear her less than decent thoughts. "I'd like my own space."

"M'kay." Toga smiled, but Ochako wasn't sure what to think of it. It seemed off in a sense, not fully natural, but not fake either. Just.. off. "Oh, right there!" Toga pointed behind the hero, towards a store. The sign above it read Finn's Fabulous Furniture.

"How'd I miss that?" Ochako chuckled, and the pair began walking towards it. She wasn't sure how to feel exactly. Maybe she'd told Twice that she just wanted to say close to Toga, and he'd definitely made that seem like not-quite-platonic behavior. But, to the extent of sharing a bed? That wasn't what Ochako was after. She wanted close friendship at max.

She stole a glance at Toga, who hurried ahead to look at a display case of knife covers. She brushed a loose strand of hair away from her eyes, and spun the case around. Ochako watched with a smile as her bright yellow eyes lit up brighter when she saw something she liked. That smile that crept across her face into a fanged grin that only she could make look that adorable.

They were friends right? That meant they hung out like right now at the mall. Ochako was friends with Tsu and Mina, with Deku, and practically everyone in their class. Mineta was a weird little creep, so he didn't count. She'd gone to the mall plenty of times with Mina and Tsu, and she'd seen them get excited over things too, but she'd never felt the urge to walk over and grab their hand, or just be close to them.

She hadn't felt that way about Deku. Being around him always made her overly nervous or self-conscious, like she could've chosen a better outfit or changed her makeup. She never felt this strange calmness around anyone else. So, what was it? Why did it exist? Was this feeling because of the date, or was the date because of this feeling? She enjoyed the date, and that's exactly what it was.

A romantic date.

Toga seemed to notice the staring, and turned to Ochako. "You okay? You've been standing there watching me for a while."

"Oh, yeah." The hero was jostled out of her thoughts. "I'm fine."

"Whatcha thinking about?" Toga returned to what she was doing, which seemed to be using the edge of a knife to pry open the display case.

"Oh uhm.."

"Okay, just tell her that you wanted to see what she was doing. Or you were looking at a store. Just, don't get yourself more confused by telling her what you were actually thinking about."

"You're not a good liar." Toga giggled. A loud cracking sound signaled her entry into the display case.

"What do you mean?"

"You look like you're trying to come up with a lie, but it's taking you a while." She grabbed a few items from the case.

Ochako sighed. "Yeah."

"You should probably get better at that. Lying comes in handy, especially if you're good at it." Toga put the sheaths down into her otherwise empty basket.

"Can I see which ones you got?" Ochako asked as she walked over. Toga hummed in acknowledgment and held out the basket for the hero to see.

The first of the three was solid black with white specs dotting it, almost like tiny polka dots. A

purple, pink, and blue swirl was patterned across the second one, reminding her of something she couldn't quite remember. Maybe a flag?

The third was covered in spaced out images of black cats set against a light gray background.

"I know I'm distracting, but aren't we headed there?" Toga smirked as she pointed towards Finn's Fabulous Furniture.


"Yeah to which one?"

"Both." Ochako said as she began walking towards the store. Damn it. What were with these little reactions and flirtatious comments on her part? She wasn't into Toga like that.

"So?" Toga said as she walked beside Ochako.


"What were you thinking about earlier? When I told you you were a bad liar." The blonde asked curiously. They entered the furniture store and began looking around.

"Nothing in particular." Ochako replied. She saw the sign labeled Dressers and Nightstands and went to search the area.

"Nothing in particular doesn't need to be lied about." Toga said in a knowing tone. "If you don't tell me I gotta assume it's something traitorous." Within a second Ochako felt a hand on her shoulder and a knife at her throat.

"You and I both know it's not, and you just really wanna know." Ochako said. Maybe it was an issue that she'd become desensitized to threats so quickly, but she had a feeling that Toga didn't actually think that.

"Then go ahead and tell me. We're supposed to be cautious around potential traitors." Toga said, pressing the knife closer.

"Do you really think that I'd betray you?" Ochako was curious actually. She wasn't willing to die before admitting that the blonde was cute, but she wanted to see what Toga thought about the hero's standing first.

"No, not really." Her grip didn't loosen on the knife. "But I've been proved wrong before."

"And I could've kept it from you longer, but I told you. That counts for something." Ochako narrowed her eyes.

"Your life was at risk when you told me the first time. You could be keeping something here again. Are you in contact with U.A? Seeing any heroes behind our backs?" Toga asked rapidly. Her grip on Ochako's shoulder tightened and the knife was pressed close enough to draw blood with the smallest movement.

"Okay, okay. Calm down." Ochako said, putting her hand on Toga's. "No, I haven't talked to anyone from or with U.A since before we stole from the museum. I was just watching you look around the case cause you looked really happy and it was cute. You said it yourself, I'm not a good liar, so you can put that away now."

"Fine." Toga slid her knife back into her pocket, and although she tried to keep a threatening glare on her face, she was softly smiling. "Let's find whatever we came here for!"

"Your mood changed quick." She muttered. "Dresser, nightstand, mainly a bed." Ochako kept walking, looking around at the different types of wood. She wanted to also paint the walls, but that would come a different day.

Actually, it would be easier to do it before she put anything in there, so she wouldn't have to take it back out. Though with a quirk like hers she didn't have to worry much about moving furniture around.

Toga walked beside her, not saying anything, which was almost out of character for her. She was normally so animated and bright, but as she walked alongside Ochako, she seemed confused and maybe a little hurt.

"You alright?" Ochako asked, gently grabbing her by the hand. "You're quiet."

"I was thinking." Toga said, glancing down at the their interlaced hands. Her phone began to ring, and she pulled her hand free from Ochako's to grab it.


"Yeah, we're at the mall."

"Hm? I'm fine."

"Yeah, she's right here."

"Who're you talking to?" Ochako asked, gesturing to the phone.

"Guess! It's a one in five, four since it wasn't you." Toga smiled a little.

"Twice?" Ochako guessed, and Toga shook her head.

"He says: Wrong, loser."

"Oh, hi Dabi."

"Damn. Kurogiri told me to check on you, and I did. My job is done. Bye." He hung up, and Toga slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"Oh, look at this one." There was an elaborately carved, light colored dresser with shiny knobs and a polished surface so clean you could probably see your reflection.

"Looks cool."

"Do you wanna go back?" Ochako asked, furrowing her brow in concern.

"No, why?" Toga replied, looking back at the hero.

"You just seem.. upset? Or maybe not sad, just not happy either."

"I'm happy, just thinking." Toga reiterated her earlier answer.

"What are you thinking about?" Ochako stepped over to a miniature cherrywood dresser. It didn't have any carvings or markings, and it was small with only two drawers in total, but she liked it. It came up to her waist when she stood, suggesting it was supposed to be a nightstand that just got misplaced.

"Can't tell you right now." Toga replied. "Hey, I think this one matches that one, like a set." Ochako turned around to see what she meant. The larger counterpart of the nightstand she'd been looking at sat there in the same cherrywood color and plain design. They were both quite nice, made carefully and cleanly. No ragged edges or worn spots on the wood.

"I like these! Now I just need a bed frame." Ochako said as she looked around for the sign labeled Bed-Frames and Headboards.

"Are we coming back to get these?" Toga asked as Ochako headed towards her new destination.

"Yeah, I was going to use my quirk to carry them out. You can help if you want to!" The hero said as she came to a stop beside the start of the aisle. Walking down it, many boxes displaying pictures of assembled bed frames caught her attention. She wanted one to match the rest of the room, which would most definitely be a light pink in color. She loved the shade, and felt it made the room more joyous.

"I'll help carry the stuff out, sure." Toga said, standing further behind Ochako. She found a cherrywood bed frame quickly, and decided it was perfect to complete the trio.

"Are you sure you're alright? I've kinda been leading you around and you haven't really decided where we go. I feel bad." Ochako faced Toga, and lightly took the blonde's hands in her's.

"I'm all good, 'Chako. Stop worrying so much. I'm just a little confused right now, but I'll get over it. I chose to take you here, so I have gotten to decide." Toga said, smiling at the hero.

"Once we get the stuff to the car, we can go do whatever you want!" Ochako declared, using her quirk on the bed frame's box and tucking it under her arm. Toga didn't respond, just silently followed Ochako.

- - - - -

"So, how you gonna pay for this?" Toga joked as they neared the exit.

"Your wallet." She responded playfully.

"I'd like to see you try."

"Are you that proud of your hiding spot?"

"No, I just lost it during a mission awhile back. I'd be impressed if you found it." Toga giggled, and Ochako eventually joined in. Only having to make two trips to the car, the pair had everything they got stuffed into the trunk and backseats.

"I told you it would fit." Toga said, shutting the back door.

"I think you must've done something. The car wasn't that wide earlier." Ochako glared at the rusted yellow vehicle, trying to summon an earlier image of it to memory.

"Yeah? I just extended the car?"

"Yeah! I'm telling you it wasn't this size earlier!"

"Mhm.." Toga nodded understandingly. "Yeah, I did."

"I knew it!"

"That was a joke."

"Damn." Ochako faked a sigh, before smiling and looking back at Toga. "C'mon, let's go back!"

"Sure." Toga smiled back, following Ochako inside. They stopped near a pillar holding up the escalator from the bottom, just out of the direct sunlight coming through the skylight. "Why are we back here again?"

"Like I said, whatever you wanna do!" Ochako gestured to the mall like it was a sprawling grassland. "Oh! We can go somewhere else if you'd rather!"

"Whatever I wanna do?"


Toga looked like she was debating something. She went to speak, but stopped herself and looked towards the ground. "Nah, it's fine."

"Aww come on!"

"I liked hanging out with you, that works fine for me. We can go back now."

"Really? We could do anything, go anywhere, and you just wanna go home? If that's what you want to do, then we can, but you can suggest something, even if I don't like the suggestion." Ochako furrowed her brow, watching Toga.

Toga put her hand on the hero's shoulder and nudged her back lightly. Ochako was confused by the action, but went with it, letting herself step backwards. She felt her back hit the pillar that the escalator was supported by, a rather cold and thick pillar, but not hard enough to hurt.

"You alright?" Ochako asked softly, trying to understand her friend's actions.

"Yeah. It's just.." Toga stepped closer, to the point where they were almost pressed completely together, hardly an inch of space between their faces. "..if that whatever that I wanna do, was kiss you, would you be okay with that?" She asked quietly, though the distance made it easy for Ochako to hear.

Ochako felt her breath hitch in her throat. She wasn't quite sure what she felt towards Toga, though she knew it was something positive. Maybe.

The blonde waited patiently, watching Ochako carefully, not trying to pressure her. The hero swallowed nervously. She wasn't see what these feelings were, but she really did want to kiss her right then and there.

"Yeah." She practically whispered. Toga smiled a strange half-smile, and stepped back.

"You confuse me, you know that?" Toga sighed. "I flirt with you the entire time you're spying, and you seem into it. There were times I thought you were hitting on me, like calling me adorable when I fell asleep in your dorm. I thought it was all good. Then, as soon as you join the Legaue, you kinda stop. Not just stop hitting on me, but it kinda feels like you started turning me down. Even though it seems like you asked Twice to ask me if I liked girls!"

She took a breath, meeting the hero's gaze again. "But then when I asked you to have lunch with me, you picked the most romantic spot possible, and smile when I hold your hand. You leaned on me, and talked to me, and then we came here. Anytime I try to flirt with you, you walk away and shut me down. Then like nothing ever even happened, you'd call me cute or hold my hand. You even said you'd kiss me! Is that how you actually feel, or was that because I seemed upset? What's your goal? Your feelings? Cause I can't seem to get anything besides mixed signals!.."

A pause.

"Sorry." She sighed. "I didn't mean to say all of that. I'm gonna wait in the car." She reached forward and grabbed the keys from Ochako's pocket before heading out the door.


- - - - -

A/N: Whoops! I told y'all I gravitate towards angst. I planned for them to kiss here fr, but I thought it didn't make sense to happen to fast, or without an underlying issue, especially since Toga has problems trusting people. She'd probably read too deeply into the situation, and Ochako's hot-cold behavior when it comes to flirting is only worsening the problem.

Looks like they'll have to work it out from square one again. You don't just have a big problem and clear it up in a day, then pretend it never happened.

Could you tell that I've never been to a mall before? Expect one at the age of like 7 to get a family portrait taken. I don't know if I did a good job describing it, especially the clothes. I'm so bad at fashion. I seriously don't even know how to match my clothes, I just wear whatever I pull out the closet first.

Okay, this turned into a rant. Whoops.

Anyways! Who's fault is this? Toga's for reading too deeply into Ochako's reactions? Ochako for being so back and forth about her feelings? Both of them for being useless gays? Neither of them because they're useless gays?
(I laughed as I typed that, cause I 100% relate /gen)

Find out next time on Total! Dragon! Z!


Thanks for Reading! Have a good one!

- - - - -

Word Count: 3597

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