What Could I Do? - The Summer...

Galing kay read-and-writing

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Atlas Johnson finds herself thinking this same question constantly. What could she do to stop her feelings f... Higit pa

Update for Season 3


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Galing kay read-and-writing

A few days pass, and safe to say. Conrad forgot about my birthday. I didn't bother to tell him, he also has no idea that Jeremiah Fisher is staying at my house for the break.

I still put top priority for Conrad, which is why I think he hasn't suspected anything. I just didn't want him to get stressed out about Jeremiah with me. Even though there was nothing between us.

I was enjoying Jeremiah's company though. It felt like old times when we used to spend everyday together during the summer.

Even though I spent majority of my life romanticizing Jeremiah. We still had a fair share of innocent best friend fun. Which is what I loved about Jere.

In the day time I spent time with Jere, while at night I would text and call Conrad. It was perfect, I had my best friend and my boyfriend. The two never really conflicted for the week. Jeremiah would want to talk longer at night sometimes, but Conrad would always call me so I wouldn't be able to stay.

I woke up, and smiled to myself. Today was thanksgiving, Cameron invited my mom, Jeremiah and I to spend thanksgiving with him and his mom. We all agreed, to go to his house around 5pm.

It was currently 10am, so we had a lot of time until then. I got out of bed slowly, and before I could do anything else I heard a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" I heard the familiar voice of my best friend Jeremiah.

I panic and start to scramble on some day clothes not wanting him to open the door. "Uh, just a second. I'm changing." I say to Jeremiah who was on the other side of the door.

Within a few seconds I then open the door and smile at him. He looks down at me and smiles back. "Goodmorning Kitty" he says as he scrunches his face at me. Jeremiah barely called me kitty or kitten anymore. In fact, he hadn't called me that since we were kids.

He randomly started calling me kitty or kitten because he was too lazy to say Allie cat. It was something only he did, because everyone else just called me Allie or Allie cat if they wanted to be cute with me.

Also kitty was just something Jeremiah would call me, he's called me kitten a bunch of times and it was always just something he called me. It was as if he claimed that nickname to call me and everyone just went with it.

"Morning Jere." I say to him and laugh. He comes into my room and belly flops onto my bed making a big thud. "Make yourself comfortable I guess." I say to him and laugh as I sit on the edge of the bed.

He puts his arm up to support his head and smiles at me. "Do we have to have thanksgiving with Cam Cameron and his mom? Can't it just be us three? Or go to Brandon Homers thanksgiving party? You know he always throws the best ones." Jeremiah says as he gives me puppy dog eyes.

I look at him weirdly. "Brandon Homers? You mean the guy who graduated high school the same as you. Which means he's off to college." I say to him and roll my eyes.

"Brandon and I are like tight Allie. I know for a fact he's throwing a party tonight because I saw his Instagram story. He's conveniently put the address to his house too so. Please!" Jeremiah pleads to me and I throw my head back and sigh.

"No, Jeremiah. What am I going to tell Conrad? He would be so worried about me. Plus we already promised Cam and his mom we are going." I say to him sternly.

"So.. ask him if he wants to go too! Simple as that, come on. I haven't been to a party in months." He says to me still whining.

"Fine. I'll ask him at the dinner. If he says no then we aren't going." I say to him and his face lights up and he smiles at me. "Deal."

After Jeremiah and I'd conversation, a few hours went by and we were about to leave for the dinner. I texted Cam we were on the way, and I began texting Conrad.

I told him that I was having dinner with Cam and that I wouldn't be replying much today since it was thanksgiving. That's when I got the very late happy birthday text. He always knew my birthday was near thanksgiving, he probably just mixed up the dates.

Our conversation ended shortly after he said to have a good day and a sad attempt of an apology for forgetting my birthday.


"Wow this food was amazing." I say as I take my last bite of my 2nd plate. Cameron's mom smiles at me.

"So, you kids going to Brandon's party tonight?" Cams mom asks, my eyes go wide.

"How did yo-" I was cut off by her finishing, "Cam always goes to his party every year." I just nodded my head and smiled.

"My man." Jeremiah says and laughs as he holds his hand up top for Cameron to high five.

"Can we go?" I ask my mom secretly hoping she said no. I really did not want to go party tonight. I always felt out of place in them. She looks at me then to the boys and sighs then shrugs.

"Take care of her Jere. She's my only kid!" My mom says and I roll my eyes playfully. "Be back before 1! I mean it you guys. You too Cam!" My mom and Cameron's mom says.

"Yes ma'am. Whatever you say boss." The boys say and Jeremiah grabs my hand pulling me out of my chair. I wave my mom and Cameron's mom goodbye and smile.

"She has a boyfriend Jeremiah!" My mom yells as we were about to walk out I couldn't help but to laugh.

We got to Cameron's car since we took my moms car coming here.

Cameron already knew where to go for the party. "Wow you really do go every year dont you." I say to Cameron and he laughs and nods his head.

"Before we get to his house, it is BYOB, so we have to make a pit stop first." He says as he gets to the nearest gas station that so happened to be the same gas station Belly and I got drinks for our cousins beach house party.

Jeremiah looks at us and smiles as he pulls out his fake ID that actually looked real. "Behold guys. A real adult fake ID. This is what college teaches you." He says and he puts his ID back in his wallet and walks out of the car.

Within a few minutes he comes out with a number and two vodkas.

He sits in the passenger seat like how he was before. "What's that piece of paper?" I ask him curiously. He chuckles and shrugs, "The cashiers number, she gave it to me." Jeremiah says smugly.

Cameron low fives him. "Hah, nice. How much do I owe you by the way?" Cameron asks as he looks over to Jeremiah then looks back at the road.

Jeremiah shakes his head, "nah, don't worry about it man. Consider it Conrad's treat to his Allie." Jeremiah says in a pet name mocking way. He looks back at me and gives me his kid smile. I roll my eyes.

"Oh, Conrad sent you the money? Nice! How is he by the way?" Cameron asks still looking at the road.

"You can say that.. he's alright. Chillin down under." Jeremiah says and cracks a smile. I couldn't really focus on the conversation. All I kept looking at is that damn number. I also know for a fact that Conrad would never pay for Alcohol for me. I don't know why he would say that.

"Kitten.. we're here." Jeremiah says as he opens my door for me. I snap out of my trance and look down at him. He puts his hand out for me to grab but I get out of the car by myself.

The house was huge, almost as big as Nicoles house.

"You used to go here all the time?" I ask Jeremiah and he nods his head. "Yeah, Brandon and I partied hard." He says and laughs.

"I'll leave you guys to it." I say and look at Can and Jeremiah awkwardly.

"What? Are you kidding me? Loosen up Allie cat. This night is about having fun. It's rule #1 in this house. Oh and rule #2," Jeremiah was about to say the rule but some guy finishes it for him and Cameron joins in. "Gotta have a round of shots for the night!" The boys cheered and I look at Cameron confused.

"I thought you didn't drink." I say to him and he laughs, "it's apple cider vinegar." He says to me as he takes his shot and makes a funny face.

I laugh and hesitantly take the shot. "I'll drink it with you if you want." Jeremiah says to me as he grabs his shot. I nod my head slowly, and he gives me a lime in case I need it.

"To a good time." He says as he cheers me and drinks his first. I shortly go after him and I could feel my body wanting to throw it up, so he grabs the lime from my hand and puts it in my mouth before I could throw up.

"There you go kitty." He says and smiles at me. I smile back, still feeling anxious but thankful that it was over.

Once we headed inside the house Jeremiah immediately got called over by some girls. "Be right back" he says as he then disappears into the crowd.

"Somethings never change." I say bitterly to Cameron and he chuckles. "I can't believe this is a college party now." He says as he takes the house all in.

"We're basically college students already.. well, you are.. with all your dual credit classes." I say to him and sit down on the couch. He shrugs and laughs and sits down next to me.

"Are you and Conrad doing okay? I just can't help but notice how Jeremiah acts around you." He says and I look at him confused.

"You mean the Jeremiah that just ditched us for some college girls? But yeah Conrad and I are better than okay. We're amazing." I say to him a little too fake.

The truth was, we barely had time for each other anymore. I still loved him, but we hardly ever talked anymore. Although we were getting better since school was out for the week.

He didn't press anymore and we just fell silent. "Is this all you do? Just sit down and drink water?" I ask Cameron and I immediately shut my mouth realizing how mean that sounded.

"I'm- im sorry. I-" he cuts me off, "no, it's fine. Um, yeah. Sometimes I'll attempt to have conversations with drunk people. But that's pretty much it." He says and I laugh.

"Im the same way." I say to him and smile.

After what felt like hours, Jeremiah finally found us. Except he had a girl clung to his arm. I tried to ignore the pit in my stomach that wanted to erupt when I saw them.

"Hey guys, I finally found you! This is Camele. Her and I go way back." Jeremiah says with his boyish smile and winks at Cameron which causes her to nudge Jeremiah in embarrassment.

I decided to excuse myself away from that conversation, and went on my phone as I got to the kitchen where all the alcohol was.

I saw Conrad text me "I miss you." With the Purple Heart, it made me smile. Just as I was about to reply I saw someone tagged me in a picture on instagram. Curiously I pressed on it not even realizing I was logged in Conrad's account. I was surprised once I saw a girl and my Conrad side hugging while smiling.

I felt heartbroken, even if I was reaching. I couldn't help but to feel like his loyalty was on the line. I had never really questioned his loyalty until now.

The post had no likes and I looked at the caption that made me wish I didn't. "This American hottie.😍"

I didn't know what to think. I decided that I'd grab the nearest drink I could find and the strongest. I didn't care in the moment, I just needed to get this feeling out of my head.

I couldn't look away from the picture and how comfortable they looked together. It made me so jealous. He never held me like that before.

It took every ounce of me not to block or comment on the girls post.

I turned off my phone and started drinking random drinks on the counter.

"Hey, you sure you should be drinking all that?" A random guy says to me and I ignore him.

"At least let me offer you this one." The guy says to me and I shrug and drink it. I decided that would be my last drink since I started to feel it all rushing to me. I must of taken 3, 4 if I include the one the guy gave me.

After a few seconds I started stumbling around bumping into people mumbling some things. I didn't even realize someone was guiding me at this point.

That's when I suddenly turn around and see Conrad.. with the girl from the picture. He was staring right at me with the girl sitting on his lap. I was able to get out of the guys grasp and I stumbled over to Conrad and the girl.

Conrad and the girl got up and walked outside. I tried my best to follow them. Everytime I fastened my pase they would match it. It frustrated me so much, it was almost if they were playing games with me.

I finally reached outside, and that's when the room started spinning. I saw Conrad and the random Australian girl staring at me across the street. I thought I was following them but I must have fainted because I never caught up to them. I just remember seeing them making out and me running in place. "Conrad.." was all I managed to say before everything became very dizzy for me and went black.


Jeremiah pov

"Hey, have you seen Allie?" I ask Camele and Cameron they both shake their heads.

"How about we go to my place and.. you know.. reconnect." Camele says to me and I push her off me. As much as I wanted her right now, Allie was missing from my sight, which I could only assume the worst.

"Maybe another time, I'm gonna go find Allie. Make sure she's okay." I say as I get up and Cam nods his head.

"I'll go with." He says and I shake my head. "Nah, it's okay, keep Camele company. I'll be right back." I say to him and wink.

With that I walk off to go see if I could find Allie.

I walked around everywhere to find her, but she was nowhere to be seen. This made me really worried. "Hey, Brandon.. have you seen Atlas? The girl I came in with to the party?" He looked at me confused and I rolled my eyes. Brandon was drunk, he was useless to this conversation. Brandon pats my back and turns around back to the girls he was talking to.

I sighed frustratedly, and that's when I turn around and see Allie going outside, stumbling and trying to open the door.

I tried to jog to her but it was no use. I was only able to slowly get to her. Once I got outside I tried calling out for her name.

She swayed back and forth just looking off into nothing. Then she fell to the ground with a loud thud, I quickly run over to her and yell out her name scared that she might of died.

I go to pick up her motionless body and I see her phone is unlocked and on Instagram. I go to try and shake her awake but nothing works. I decided to look at her phone and I see Conrad and a girl side hugging.

That's when it clicked, she was drunk.. because of Conrad. Oh, I am so going to kill him for this.

I called Cam and told him that we had to go since Allie was black out drunk. He said he would be there in a few minutes so I carried Allies still body to the car.

I looked down at her and I couldn't help but to feel sad. Seeing her so helpless made me so sad and angry. Angry at Conrad for doing this to her and sad because she had to go through this. If she was my girl, I would treat her so much better. I wouldn't be giving other girls a time of day. Hell, I'd even cut Belly off for her if it came down to it.

But she choose Conrad, so I'm just left to pick up the pieces.

Once I got her to the car I immediately dialed Conrad's number. He declined my call and I called him 3 times before he finally picked up.

"Dude, what do you want. I'm busy." Conrad answers annoyed.

"Busy doing what? Huh? Talking to Tammy the Australian girl from your Instagram?" I ask him pissed off.

"What? No man, Im doing homework. And how do you know who Tammy is?" He asks me confused and I laugh dryly.

"Who is she?" I ask him sternly. I give him a few second to reply and then I repeat myself again.

"Conrad. Who. Is. She? Huh?" I ask him again and he replies instantly.

"She's just a friend geez. Why does it matter to you?" He asks me and I roll my eyes.

"I don't know Conrad.. according to her post she thinks you're hot." I say to him and he laughs.

"It's just a joke, She's lesbian. We had a inside joke when we were in math class. Now, can you tell me why you're interrogating me?" He asks and I calm down a little more.

I sigh and I look at Allie who was sleeping in the back of the car.

"Allies.. drunk. Out of her mind." I say to him and now he's angry at me.

"What? You're with her right now? Since when? Why didn't you tell me? Is she okay? Why did you let her drink Jere you idiot." He rambles to me and I shut him down.

"Oh shut up, you act like you tell her everything. And if you just asked you would know I've been here all week. Allie's mom invited me over for thanksgiving break since I had nowhere else to go." I say back to him and he sighs.

"Is she okay?" He asks me I could tell he was worried.

I touched Allies forehead and it felt warm but not hot. Which was a good sign. "She'll be fine." I say to him and he replies, "take care of her Jere. I'll talk to her tomorrow. I gotta go now, I'm sorry." I shake my head.

"Don't apologize at me, apologize to her." I say and with that I hang up.

I looked back down at Allie who was fast asleep, then Cam finally got to the car and we headed back to Allies house a few streets down. Cousins beach was a very small town.

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