Collection Of Short Stories A...

By iceheartgoldsmile

361 21 38

Just a collection of fun short stories, from war to friendship! More

He asked for war
Just one night
Drowning lover
She is
Daddy's girl
Being helpful
Two random fun shorts
Possessive royalty side story
Possessive royalty side story 2
Safe Haven
Freezer burn
Death over capture
Appropriate reactions to common tropes
The Vronto, A rare treasure
Spared by the beast
Heidi the slave
The tragedy of the Yoro clan
Good and evil
Under threat
alpha cheese and the mouse shifter
Mouse girl
Captive test subject
Fox mistakes

Gone master

9 0 0
By iceheartgoldsmile

I used to love being a slave. Until I learnt Master Severi was a rare kind of master. I was 5 years old, my parents were rebels, they apparently caused a lot of trouble. Master Severi noticed me chained up alongside the adults. He shouted a lot from what I remember. He finally waved some money in the air, pointing at me. A guard, a mean woman, she unlocked me from the other slaves and threw me at the master, he caught me and led me away, I remember calling for mum and dad, they were pulled onto the execution block, just as an axe was brought down, master blocked my vision, rushing me away, seeming scared.

I was scared of vampires honestly, I believed they would suck all my blood and feed me to werewolves or something.

Master was kind.

I was 5 years old when I first entered those doors to his home. His other two slaves bowing and greeting him, it was late and dark. He found me clothes to wear and took me to the slave cells. It was dark and I used to be very afraid of the dark. I remember cowering back, shaking my head.

"Please, dark is scary" I remember whimpering out, that gentle smile, even with scary fangs caught my attention. He had gently led me into the cell, lighting up two lanterns, fixing up a blanket on a soft mattress.

"That should help. If something goes wrong, call for Zee, she's been my slave the longest and has access to all keys to refill your lanterns" he had told me.

I smiled softly, looking up at the roof of the cell, that was so long ago... about 8 to 10 years possibly. The lanterns hang inside the cell, no longer burning, I'm not 5 anymore and I'm not afraid of the dark anymore.

I looked past the bars, Zee was shaking and coughing, the people say she's infected, but without master, noone will help her.

I sighed and thought to the first job I had when I was 5, I just carried a plate with mugs on it, I tripped and everything smashed... I was so scared, crying and watching the master appear, he tutted.

"You need to be careful!" He scolded, I cried harder, shaking, scared of him. He approached me and I tried to run, but he swiftly lifted me, I remember the sound of my chains clinking.

"You cut yourself, you'll hurt yourself more if you run on broken shards" he tutted, he called in the two other slaves, they cleaned up the mess, Zee taking me to patch up my hand.

"A life is so much more important then some plates or cups" I remember him saying while I was crying and begging not to be hurt.

Before this whole mess, it was a lovely day, I was watering the indoor plants and had asked master if I could run and play outside after all my chores, he agreed.

Then the door was banged on, smashing was heard, Master tensed up, he watched all these other people rush in.

"Bean, run" he ordered, pressing the key into my restraints, for the first time I didn't have restraints on. The only other times is when I'm locked away in my cell or having a bath. He pushed me, I did try to run.

But they caught me, forcing those restraints back on me and laughing... Cruel people.

I sighed and stared at Zee, she coughed and trembled. I wish I could help, but I don't have the keys.

These people demand to be called master. But I only have one master, and I will find out where he went, where they trapped or sent him. They beat me for not calling them master, they stomp on me and yell cruel words.

Light filtered into the slave cell room. The sun rising. I sighed, tilting my head back to let it warm my face, not wanting to see the blood on the floor.

I will find master. He would make sure we were healthy. I stifled a sob, thinking of my first cold, being so tired and sick, he ordered me to stay in my cell and made sure I got care.

I smiled softly and shook my head, enough reminiscing, the people will soon be down here to let us out and go make us cook and feed them, then we'll need to clean the trashed home... These vampires are a bad bunch. I wobbled to my feet, putting on a strong face. Waiting... waiting.

A tired one stumbled into our room, kicking aside Zee and unlocking mine and Pumpkins cells. Snapping at us to get to work.

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