Kissed By The Moon

By TalesByMoonshine

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I sit in my kneeling position as she stalks around me and the anticipation of what she'll make my body do nex... More

CHAPTER 1: Blue Eyes
CHAPTER 2: Silver Moon
CHAPTER 3: Old Friends
CHAPTER 4: New Enemies
CHAPTER 6: New Prospects
CHAPTER 7: The Unexpected
CHAPTER 8: Match Made
CHAPTER 9: Truth Be Told
CHAPTER 10: Charlotte Odair
CHAPTER 11: Getting Ready
CHAPTER 12: The Ball
CHAPTER 13: Miss Odair
CHAPTER 14: Seeking
CHAPTER 15: Miss Odair: Welcome
CHAPTER 16: Fighter
CHAPTER 17: This is New
CHAPTER 18: Changes
CHAPTER 19: Explanation
CHAPTER 20: Discovery
CHAPTER 21: My Darling Charlotte
CHAPTER 22: Monster
CHAPTER 23: Distance
CHAPTER 24: Old Friend
CHAPTER 25: Charlotte Knows
CHAPTER 26: Selene
CHAPTER 27: I Am Unafraid
CHAPTER 28: Let's Talk Strategy
CHAPTER 30: Fight Harder Charlotte
CHAPTER 31: This Is Betrayal
CHAPTER 32: Two Choices
CHAPTER 33: Plan C
EPILOGUE: Filling in the Gaps

CHAPTER 29: Calm Down Charlotte

34 1 0
By TalesByMoonshine

Dear Readers,

This is a mature content warning.  I've tried to limit the amount of plot that goes into this chapter so that sensitive viewers can skip it without missing too much.  And to my little sister who is the reason I started this book and has been reading and reminding me to post...  Please skip this!  Don't do this to us again!  How will you face me?  And if you do read it, you better not act like you did because then I'll know you like dirty books and I will literally tell on you to the first born son!  I am WARNING you!

xxx Moonshine


The trip to see my mother was so satisfying. Who would have thought that after all those years of neglect, the Pack she'd worked so hard to keep away from me would just fall into my laps. I understand the responsibility, and Amari gave me the run-down of Unification procedures on the short flight back but knowing that this will irk her gives me this immense feeling of satisfaction. Maybe I should be better, but I would be if she had been.

That was all just a brief distraction for the war though. The moment we land; I am back in my zone. I action the evacuation plans Ames and I discussed and get back to intense training. Desiree has given us more details about the war, and it has put us even more on edge because now we know we aren't far from the battle. We haven't told many people about what we've found out in fear of the information getting out and compromising our strategies. So, only Ames, her parents, Brie, Charles and I know.

There have been a few more attacks and Ames says that this strategy of intimidation has Black written all over it. It baffles me how an old friend can become such a destructive enemy. I mean, Amari rescued that man as a pup, and he was raised by the pack but because of a petty rivalry he wants to throw all that away? He wages war against this pack. Against Amari? I'll kill him! I hope I get the chance to. I want to kill him, and everyone involved.

That's why I've been training so hard. Because brave as everyone may be, there is still this air of nerves because we all understand that there will be losses. Injuries. All of it. Because that's what happens with wars and its heart breaking to think that the people, we all know and train with won't all return.

So, I've taken to a very intense training regime. I was weak when I came here and although I've improved, so have the other warriors and its left me feeling a little insecure about my abilities. I don't feel like I'm up to par and with Amari being so much stronger now, I can't even put up a good fight at training and if I do, I know it's because she's going easy on me and that's worse.

Maybe I've been on edge, but for good reason, which is why when Amari demanded we take a day off I was far from happy. I can't take days off to do 'couple things' when I have a Pack I need to prove myself to and protect. But she insisted, and I can't really say no to those silver eyes. So, we're here, "hanging out" and I feel like I'm wasting time, but I'm doing my best to appease Amari who seems content enough.

"Okay, I'm all chilled out now, can we go train," I plead after failing to read a single word in my book for the past 3 hours.

"No, Char, you need to relax, you're on edge and if we keep training, you'll fall off."

My frustration surfaces.

"Of course, YOU can say that! You're the Selene, you don't have to train as hard as I do to be twice as strong!"

"Babe, you've trained harder than anyone and you're stronger than you give yourself credit for, just relax for a day, trust me, the world will not burn!"

"Famous last words Miss Nash!" I retort, knowing my complaints are futile.

I get up and start to lightly shadow box as I run through my last training session. Amari had pinned me down in less than 10 seconds and she said it was because I too much in my own head. I've never had that problem before, and now I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm lightly punching and kicking the air when Amari looks up from her book and silently watches before ordering me to chill out.

"Make me." Is my absent-minded response before she sits up and looks at me with a serious expression.

"If this is too much for you, you tell me immediately," she insists with a tone so serious I stop what I'm doing.

"Tell me you understand Charlotte," she pushes, and I nod my agreement.

Before I can think of what she means, her eyes glow red, "Kneel." That's the command, and before my brain can understand it, my body is already on the ground, kneeling before her. It takes a moment for me to wrap my head around the situation, but the realisation hits me like a truck. She just compelled me.

My heart races at the idea. The thought that she can just get me to do whatever she wants with a word is nerve wrecking, yet I can't deny the excitement I feel. I went from shocked to realisation to aroused in 5 seconds and I look up at my mate who looks down at me, almost asking me for permission to continue and I give a shy nod. It's embarrassing that I like this, and she smirks.

This isn't the Mari that I know. This is the monster I told her she could be. I've been seeing hints of her. This strong authoritative woman without restraint. I see it at training when I tell her to fight me like she means it and she kicks my ass in less than a minute. I see it when we have strategy meetings and her aura makes everyone submit to her commands, even her parents. I saw it when she threatened my mom. And I'm seeking it now, right in front of me, making my body do things without my mind's permission, and I'm so very turned on.

I sit in my kneeling position as she stalks around me and the anticipation of what she'll make my body do next rises.

"Make me?" She repeats, "Now those are famous last words Miss Odair." I feel my face heat up. I don't know what's happening to me but its like I'm being set on fire with every word and every step. She stops right in front of me.

"See the thing is, Charlotte, I can actually make you. Now look up," she commands, and my body obeys. She leans down and puts her lips right by my ear, sending shivers through me. I'm already wet and she hasn't touched me yet.

"Today Charlotte, you're getting fucked." I swallow. "I want you to scream out all your little frustrations." My mouth falls open and I feel her smile.

"Take your shirt off." My hands are already pulling the little tank top over my head and I'm glad I didn't wear a bra after my shower today because her reaction to my boobs lets me know she's just as turned on by all this as I am. Her silver eyes darken and flash red. I straighten my posture a little more to make them perk up.

She regards me with a warm satisfaction in her eyes before her aura darkens. She crouches in front of me, just within reach and I think she is going to reach out and touch me, but she doesn't. She just looks. From my eyes, down my mark, to my breasts and then down to my hands that I have placed neatly on my laps.

"Grab your boobs, Charlotte." I do.

"Squeeze". I squeeze.

"Now touch them the way you'd want me to touch them." This isn't a command; my hands don't react immediately because of my hesitation.

"I'd rather you do it," I confess, because I'm too shy to do that in front of her. It feels too intimate. Her eyes go red.

"Do it." It's a command and my hands move on their own. At first, it's awkward, I can't stop but I'm not all the way willing. She notices and her eyes glow red again. She starts to give instructions to my unenthusiastic hands. Pull. Squeeze. Pinch. Twist. Rub.

My previous reluctance is forgotten as I get more into it. She instructs my hands, and they obey. They feel foreign to me. Like it's not quite me doing all the touching. I close my eyes and imagine that it's her. I don't need to think right now because my hands are being piloted by someone else, so all that's required of me is to feel.

"Look at me." My eyes shoot open, and her stare is intense. "I want to see those beautiful green eyes baby, so keep them open." There's no command in that but it's not necessary. I'm already willing to oblige.

She doesn't stop her commands to my hands as they continue their sensual assault. Then she instructs them to go lower until she's commanding them to take my little shorts off – underwear included. I rise to my knees and slide both off slowly and she watches every movement. When the shorts get to my knees, I know I need to stand up to pull them off completely. I look at her as if asking for permission to stand and she grants it with a slight nod.

She stands up with me and I finish stripping. I'm completely naked in front of her and very, very turned on. She watches as my chest rises and falls with my breathing. Nipples hard and erect, begging her to touch them. She doesn't. I take a step towards her, and she lets me. I grab her hand, and she lets me. And I place it on my boobs, and she lets me.

I don't miss her smirk before she squeezes, brings her head down to the other one and nips at my nipple. I let out a yelp at the surprise, but the pain sends a rush of pleasure through me and I lean more into her. She starts to nibble, suck, pull on one nipple while her hand does work on the other and electricity flows through me, and my breathing quickens. Her mouth stops its assault and is quickly replaced by her other hand. Her tongue travels upwards, towards her mark and she starts to trace the imprint until she finds the spot she bit.

She starts to suck on it and a needy moan finds its way out of me. The pleasure is so intense I feel myself rising to my peak. I lace my hands into her hair, not sure what else to do, and when I tug a little, I hear a soft grunt before she lightly bites down on that mark. Pleasure sores through me and I get my release. My knees grow weak and start to shake a little as she licks that spot.

Amari slides her hands down my body, past my ass and she grips my thighs, lifts me up and throws me on the bed. I'm still reeling from my orgasm when I see her slide off her little dress, slip off her underwear and climb on top of me. Her lips find mine, and at first the kiss is slow and sensual. Like she's savouring the feeling or the taste. Then as if fuel was poured into the fire she has already ignited, the kiss starts to pick up and she puts one leg between mine and starts to grind.

I can feel her wetness spreading up and down my thigh and I'm sure she can feel mine on hers. The sensation of the friction against my clit deepens the kiss and speeds us up. We continue to grind against each other as my lips begin to explore. I kiss her mouth, cheek, behind her ear and down her neck to my mark. I do what's she did to me. Licking and sucking until her pleasure is audible.

"Come for me Amari." I whisper, and she does so. As if she couldn't help it. As if I was the one with the power to compel.

My release follows not long after hers and we slow down our grinding as we ride out each other's orgasms. Breathless, we go back to lazy kisses, but I don't miss it when Amari reaches for the drawer on the nightstand beside the bed and pulls out a very familiar box. It's the one that Desirée got for her. I never got to see what was inside and my curiosity peaks.

She sits up between my legs and opens it, giving me a sly smile before pulling out a pastel purple strapless strap-on. My mouth falls open and she looks at me with a cheeky smile. So, this is what she meant when she said I'm going to get fucked? Excitement and fear mix up in me but shock takes over when I see Mari whip out her fangs, pierce her finger and drop a little blood on the long end of the strap on.

It vibrates as it absorbs the blood, as if coming to life. She puts her hand out for me to give her my finger and I comply, too curious to question it. She pricks my finger and I jump slightly at the pain and then drops of my blood fall on the short end. It vibrates and absorbs my blood too. I look down at my finger which has already healed and then back up at Amari, my intrigue spilling out.

She licks the length of the short end of the strap-on, the end that absorbed my blood, and I let out a little yelp as pleasure reaches me. She smiles and licks it again and I feel it. As if she were licking me. I don't feel the pleasure in a specific place, but I feel it in a specific way. A way that touches every erogenous zone I know and even the ones that I don't. A way that leaves my core throbbing in need. A way that feels too much, but not enough all at once. A charmed strap-on? Who would think of such? I flashback to Desirée and conclude it makes sense. Scientists got together and created a technology that could help amputees live normal lives, and Desirée made it a sex toy.

I must look a little distracted because Amari starts to mercilessly lick my end and I fall back in pleasure but keep my eyes open. There's something mesmerising about watching her. She spits on it and spreads her saliva all over and I feel all of that somewhere in me. All over me.

Then slowly, she slides that end into her and I feel that too. I feel her pelvic muscles contract around it. I feel her shake slightly and I hear her little moan of pleasure that harmonises with my groan of satisfaction at the feeling of being in her in a way I've never been.

"Up." she commands, and I get up. She doesn't have to say anything else because my mouth drops to the long end, and I lick up and down its length and hear her moan at the feeling. As I lick it, I feel my end move in her. Short quick movements that make her clench and release and that small sensation motivates me to go on.

I do what I saw her do, I even spit on it to make sure it's lubricated. When I do that, she pushes me so I'm lying on my back. Her hands slowly massage my clit and work their way to my opening. She puts one finger in and gives me a few pumps before she adds a second and then a third. Pumping slowly into me as she trains my walls to take what she's about to put in me. Quiet moans are escaping my lips, and I can hardly take it. She's pumping too slow to push me over the edge, so I'm just dangling there, grinding my hips to get more out of her fingers but she doesn't oblige me. Opting instead, to continue her little torture a little while longer until she removes her fingers and I whimper at the loss. She spreads my wetness on the length of the strap on before she fully hovers above me and starts to slide in.

She starts with just the tip, and I feel her muscles tighten around my end that's in her. I don't think I'll be able to last long with this. The sensations are too much. Too many. She slides deeper and deeper in me until she stops halfway because my walls have tightened. She brings her thumb to my mouth.

"Suck." She commands and my mouth opens and starts to suck on her thumb. It's sensual and I want her to put more of her fingers in my mouth. I want more of her in me. All of her. But she withdraws her thumb and starts to rub my clit, sending pleasure waves through my whole body. She pushes deeper and deeper into me until the purple has disappeared.

Her movements are slow at first. Both of us feeling a dual pleasure that borders on torturous. I'm in her and she's in me and I feel both of those things simultaneously. Her strokes start to speed up and there is nothing I can do to stop the needy, loud, unrestrained sounds that come out of me. She brings her hand around my neck, squeezing, making me feel the excitement of being at her mercy. Squeeze. I open my mouth, trying to find an outlet. Release. I sigh my satisfaction. Squeeze. She pumps three hard strokes into me that rock my whole body and the bed. Release. She slows down before I can get my release, denying me my orgasm. Squeeze. I dig my nails into her back but the pain eggs her on. Release. She kisses me, taking away my chance at catching my breath. I breathe when she allows it. I come when she allows it.

Each time she builds me up with her strokes, she slows down or stops before I can get my release.

"Please!" I've been reduced to begging. Except it doesn't feel live a reduction. It feels like a freedom. To put my needs bare before her like this! Please! Fuck me harder! Let me come! I don't know how many pleases I let out, but she brings her mouth down to my mark as she steadily pumps into me, and I know she's granted my petition. Her pumps become more steady, more intentional. Her mouth on my mark becomes more ravenous. I don't last long. I'm shaking and shouting and screaming and almost weeping as I get the most explosive orgasm I've ever had. My legs are shaking and so is every other part of me as the pleasure surges over and over again. Her pumps are gentle as we ride this wave, but she has no intention of stopping. That much I know.

All thoughts of war and training are buried by my screams of a pleasure that's too much to bear but too good to stop.

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