Kissed By The Moon

By TalesByMoonshine

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I sit in my kneeling position as she stalks around me and the anticipation of what she'll make my body do nex... More

CHAPTER 1: Blue Eyes
CHAPTER 2: Silver Moon
CHAPTER 3: Old Friends
CHAPTER 4: New Enemies
CHAPTER 6: New Prospects
CHAPTER 7: The Unexpected
CHAPTER 8: Match Made
CHAPTER 9: Truth Be Told
CHAPTER 10: Charlotte Odair
CHAPTER 11: Getting Ready
CHAPTER 12: The Ball
CHAPTER 13: Miss Odair
CHAPTER 14: Seeking
CHAPTER 15: Miss Odair: Welcome
CHAPTER 16: Fighter
CHAPTER 17: This is New
CHAPTER 18: Changes
CHAPTER 19: Explanation
CHAPTER 20: Discovery
CHAPTER 21: My Darling Charlotte
CHAPTER 22: Monster
CHAPTER 23: Distance
CHAPTER 24: Old Friend
CHAPTER 25: Charlotte Knows
CHAPTER 26: Selene
CHAPTER 27: I Am Unafraid
CHAPTER 29: Calm Down Charlotte
CHAPTER 30: Fight Harder Charlotte
CHAPTER 31: This Is Betrayal
CHAPTER 32: Two Choices
CHAPTER 33: Plan C
EPILOGUE: Filling in the Gaps

CHAPTER 28: Let's Talk Strategy

26 2 0
By TalesByMoonshine

Having sorted out everything between Char and I, we could finally put all our focus on the rising threat to our pack. I've noticed some changes in me that I'm not sure how to feel about but have decided to embrace. I'm less controlled and give Eres more freedom. Instead of controlling her, I work with her and that has transformed how I interact, train and even exist. It's like I've stepped into a power and an authority that I'd been reluctant to wield. I don't even shift to train against the wolves in my pack anymore because Eres gives me her power and I'm unstoppable. Charlotte unlocked something in me, and it's dangerous and exciting.

With nothing to distract us, Silver Moon Pack is actively preparing for war. A war against an unknown yet dangerous enemy is quite hard to prepare for but with some of the best warriors out there, I don't think losing is at all possible.

After briefing my parents about everything we'd found out, they made the decision to inform the pack. It was a necessary first step before any talk of War. We even explained the Selene and at first, we were met with a lot of confusion which turned into acceptance and celebration. They felt honoured that the Moon Goddess had chosen our pack to carry such a rarity. When we explained the threat, about the old rogues, people responded with determination. Very few of our pack had confronted old rogues in their lifetime, but the duty they felt to the pack and pull to protect what they felt the Goddess had entrusted them with, left no resistance war.

We began our evacuations of pups and non-fighters not long after the meeting with the pack. Knowing that there is an enemy somewhere out there has, however, made everyone hypervigilant. Deidra even asked to back to regular training, which was no problem since I was more than happy to take over training my mate.

The enemy is now more open. Now that we know they are there, they are showing more of themselves. It's like the veil of secrecy has been lifted. We've had a few attacks around the pack border. The attacks are with one or two rogues, and they don't last long. By the time we mobilise a response, the rogues are gone. I don't think they are just teasing us, there is definitely more to these brief encounters than what meets the eye.

Today, although we are all busy with training and strategizing, I am accompanying Charlotte to her old pack. We don't plan on staying long, but her mother insisted she come, and according to Charlotte, she'd never insisted on Charlotte being anywhere where she was, so we considered this an emergency and made our way there.

We decide to take my jet so we can come back on the same day and the journey is quiet. Charlotte looks deep in thought, worry evident on her face, but I don't say anything. I watch her and hold her hand but give her the silence to think through what will happen when we arrive. The last time she spoke to her mother, things didn't go well, and a lot has changed for Charlotte since then, but we don't know if anything has changed for her mother.

"Miss Nash, I'm glad you could make it," Mrs Odair greets, ignoring Charlotte completely. I guess nothing has changed. I'm already pissed off, but I bite my tongue even after seeing Char wince a little.

"Well," she begins after leading us into an office, "Let me get right to it." She says, addressing me only. "My son, Alpha Kane, has been chosen as the mate for the Royal Prince."

Charlotte and I exchange confused and shocked looks. If Kane is going to be the Prince's mate, then he'd have to leave Grey Valley and move into the Palace. That leaves Grey Valley without an alpha meaning...

"I'm sure you already know what this means for this pack. His sister, Charlotte will have to take over as Alpha, since she's the next in line. But because she's not yet 25, and has a mate that is already enroute to becoming Alpha of her own pack," she gives me a more pointed look, "It means the two Packs will merge making you, Miss Nash, Alpha of both, or more accurately, one united pack."

What she is saying is huge and likely deserves more attention, but the irritation of her not even regarding my mate, who will be taking over with me, is irking me beyond reason. Why is it 'my son' but 'his sister'? I don't want to cause a scene, but I definitely can't just sit here and watch my mate deflate and crumble more and more into herself like she's no one. She's the Luna-to-be of Silver Moon for fuck's sake! She's a powerful, incredibly intelligent and wise woman sitting here, feeling worthless because her mother is a bitch. I won't allow it.

"I think we'll have to deal with this after the war, don't you think?" I direct my question to my mate. She looks up at me, surprised, and I urge her to speak up and hope she understands what I'm trying to do.

"Uhm, yes," she responds, "We don't have time to focus on a merger when there is a threat that grows more eminent every day."

"What threat?" her mother butts in. She directs her question to me, but I defer to my mate.

"We won't get into all the details now, but Silver Moon is prepping for War, and as important as this Union of our packs is, the war is our priority." Charlotte responds, a little reluctantly at first but she gains more confidence as she goes on.

"We can send warriors to help fight," her mother offers me.

"Charlotte would it be prudent to accept that aid?" I defer.

"I don't think so," she objects, "We don't want our first experience as a unified Pack to be a war. Especially because Grey Valley has not been part of our preparations and isn't passionate about our cause. If they experience any casualties, which is inevitable during a war, it could sow seeds of bitterness that make a peaceful transition impossible." Charlotte concludes and I'm in agreement.

"But I think we should still find a way to involve Grey Valley that doesn't put lives at risk," I say, raising my hand to stop her mother from interfering.

"Maybe we could send some of the people we are evacuating here. Whilst we fight, Silver Moon pack members can take the opportunity to bond with Grey valley. That way, they can offer us assistance without it resulting in loss."

Char and I start to talk strategy as if her mother is not in the room. We make the necessary changes to our evacuation plans and establish a timeline for how everything should go before and after the war. I don't let her mother say a word, and neither of us acknowledge her until the very end.

"I hope you noted all of that down Mrs Odair," Charlotte says when we are done planning. The look on her mother's face is priceless and I hold back a laugh.

"Until the war is over, you'll have to resume your old role as the Alpha then we'll do an official hand over before me and my Luna's coronation ceremony, where both packs will attend, united." I conclude as Charlotte and I stand up to leave, "Oh, and the next time you fail to respectfully acknowledge my mate," I begin,

I will take it very personally.

Eres threatens as my eyes glow red, to her horror. I smile satisfied.

We walk out without giving her mother much more of our attention. A big part of me is happy about this small victory that Charlotte had. It doesn't erase all the years of neglect, but it establishes a future of healing. Charlotte Odair will never be a nobody to anyone ever again, because she is everything to me. If people don't give her the respect she deserves, I'll take it.

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