Torture of Percy Jackson (Per...

By TheAuroraLights

968K 20.1K 14.1K

My first fanfiction, so please don't be mad. Disclaimer for whole story: I do not own Percy Jackson and the O... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty- Epilogue

Chapter Thirty Nine

7.2K 223 85
By TheAuroraLights

Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. Got it on a roll! Let's go my lovely readers!

Chapter Thirty Nine: Admittance and Acceptance

Point of View: Perseus Jackson

Everybody but Apollo flashes out, but I speak up before Zeus can. "Lord Zeus." I call.

Zeus looks at me and I come down from my throne. I walk over to his and he shrinks and comes down to talk with me. Apollo comes over and waits patiently.

"What is it, Perseus?" Zeus asks, seeing my somewhat nervous expression.

Artemis comes to stand at my side and takes my hand, making Zeus and Apollo both smile.

"Well, it's about Artemis. We have something to tell you and we found out on the honeymoon. Ar-" Zeus raises his hand and I stop.

"I understand, say no more." Zeus says.

"But you didn't let me finish." I say confused.

"If she is happy with you and wants them, then it is her decision. I knew it could happen when she married you. Not to mention she has wanted them for a long while now. I do not mind more grandchildren, especially immortal ones. It might even liven up this old city. The people have been a little...downcast lately. Perhaps with the news and the additions, they might cheer up a little. I like you and I think you are perfect for my daughter. I have no qualms. They will not be harmed." Zeus says.

"It would be nice to have some nieces and nephews for once." Apollo smiles.

"You sound like they'll have many kids." Zeus looks at Apollo.

"I would like them to have many children." Apollo tells Zeus.

Percy clears his throat and Artemis is turning red from both anger and embarrassment. "Um..." I chuckle a little strangely. "That's why I wanted you to let me finish. Artemis isn't having one child."

Apollo beams. "Twins?" I shake my head. "Triplets?" Apollo looks happier.

"No." Artemis squeaks.

"Nine." I say almost inaudibly. "We are having nine kids."

Apollo and Zeus's jaws drop. The silence is killing Artemis, I can tell. "Well? Say something." Artemis mumbles.

"Sweet!" Apollo smiles hugely. "I can't wait to see them." He hugs his older sister and swings her around laughing.

Zeus just puts a hand on my shoulder. "I think she'll be happy with them. What about you?"

I nod and smile a little. "I am just worried for her to be honest. I have always wanted them, but when I...when Annabeth brought me to Tartarus and I lost what life I had dreamed of, I came to terms with the fact that I might never have them. I love the fact that now I will, but I am still nervous at what Artemis thinks."

Zeus nods. "I see. How are your emotions?" He asks me while the twins talk.

"Still jumbled up in a bunch. Another trip to the Pit has mad the process longer or I would have been fine by now. I think Corruption made it worse." I answer.

"Interesting. How long do you think until they are finished?" Zeus replies.

"Only time may tell." I sigh. "I wish they would stop, not only for my sake, but for everyone else's."

Zeus chuckles. "You sound tired."

I nod. "I am. I don't think I have had enough sleep to heal properly and dealing with the twisting emotions do not help matters. It is very tiring."

"I hope it ends soon." Zeus tells me.

"Thank you." I smile warmly and he nods. "I have another agenda on my plate that has waited too long now." I sigh and he looks at me quizzically. "Poseidon. I am going to go speak with him."

Zeus brightens. "Go." He pushes me.

I walk through the throne room and come to stop at the doors. I look back and see Artemis is now talking with her brother and her father. I open the doors to find Poseidon on the other side. I close them behind me and walk until I am stopped in front of him, but not facing him.

He starts to speak. "Per-"

"May I speak with you?" I ask quietly.

His face lights up. "Of course." He tells me gently.

I continue forward and he walks beside me. Waiting for me to speak and letting me take my time. I appreciate it. I lead him into one of the gardens and move further until we are at the dead center of it. When I stop, so does he. I turn to him and keep my eyes on the ground.

I breathe deeply and then look up at him. "I realize that you never meant to hurt me like you did, but that doesn't change the fact that you still did it."

"Perc-" He tries.

"I'm not done." I shake my head. "This is hard enough, just let me finish. Please." He nods. "It hurt worse than anything you can imagine. You did something I thought you could never do and the sea stayed with me to comfort me and be someone for me, unlike you. I do not know when you made the decision that disowning me was wrong, but it was so painful for me along with everything else." Tears start to form in my eyes, damn it all. "When I came back," My voice sounds watery and he looks concerned. "I resented you, spited you. I didn't want you near me, especially after being down there and knowing what you had done to me. The sea never left me alone in the dark like you did and after living so long with mom through that dark, and then losing her, it was pure agony on my soul. I didn't want to lose another father." I say and wipe at my eyes. "I hated the man who left my mother and I to that drunken bastard. And I hated him even more than an absent father I never knew because of some Ancient Law. Then I lost Chiron to a half-brother I had done nothing to and that only wanted the glory I never mentioned. Paul died and you disowned me after I thought you loved me. When you reclaimed me, I felt all that pain again and I hated you for it. You had done nothing to help me and just restaked your claim on the son who brought you honor. The love and sorrow I saw was what deterred me. I didn't want it." My voice breaks at the last sentence. "Not after everything. It reminded me too much of what I so badly wanted and from someone who had already broken my heart more than once. Abandonment, betrayal, pain. All that I thought about when I came back and saw you." I tell him.

"And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spited you or hated you. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. Not after living through all that I have. My soul shouldn't let me do that sort of thing, but I have been alone, miserable, and shattered into too many pieces. I have been messed with and tortured and beaten into everything, including hating you. Everything has worn against me and I am so sorry. I am just broken when it comes to something like having a father." I say and he hugs me. I finally just let him back in and cry into his chest.

He shushes me. "It is my fault in the first place. I should be the one apologizing and I already knew everything. You don't have to say you're sorry. I understand and you're wrong. It is right for you to feel that way about me. I should have known better and believed in the son that would do anything for me and not take the claim of doing it."

I just nod as I sob into his chest and he comforts me.

Point of View: Poseidon

Seeing him in this form, I feel like he is still so young and vulnerable. But no, this is just a moment of weakness he wouldn't normally show and he is so much older. He is my age after so much pain and I need to be there for him like I should have been long ago. That law was put in place by us and we can abolish it.

My little boy, grown up so fast.

My son, so brave and so pained.

My flesh and blood, finally free.

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