TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)

By WhiteSnow116

2K 135 28

Takashi is hiding from his past and disappeared, but Takashi grows stronger every day, making hope seem like... More

The Ship
The New Chain
The Day
Italian Girl
The Saviours
Lonely Room
The Experiment
Drops of Red
The Bright Light
Endless Sand
Always Being Followed
Entering Chaos
Bad Timing
The Sky
Going Back
The Pacific
The Storm
The Welcome Party
The Dead, The Heart Aches


54 4 1
By WhiteSnow116

The sun is gone and the stars are out and the sky is black a Don was on the roof of the four story building, closing his eyes, sitting criss cross breathing nice and slow, thinking about his family.

I left them, why? Now April and my child is there. This all must be a bad dream. Takashi and everything, one bad dream that has been realist, very real. What's the point, I need to save them.

Don opened his eyes and looked it the building across from him, were Kati, Emily and Sarah were.

With their help.

Then something caught his eye at the door of the other building.

He moved closer and saw Sarah without her jacket and gloves and it seemed like she was seeking of somewhere.

What is she up to?

Don climbed down quietly and followed her steps.

At the corner he saw Sarah climbing to the roof. When she got up, Don started to climb.

At the top he peeked and saw Sarah with Miss's frozen body.

"Okay, time for answers."

Sarah touched Miss's forehead then Don could heard a weak heart beat.


Miss's eyes opened wide, but she didn't move.

"Sarah, what the."

"Miss how did you find him?"

"Shredder told me where he was, I don't how he knew where he was."

"Is Leo okay?"

"I don't know."


Miss smiled.

"She was fine when I left."

Don couldn't stay on the edge any longer.

He pushed himself up onto the roof.

"Sarah how is Miss alive?"

Sarah stood up quickly and Miss's heart stopped.

Don starred at the body.

"What the heck!"

Sarah crossed her arms and stepped away from Don.

"Go away, just go away."

This is the most confusing thing ever.

"How did you bring back a dead body back to life then put them back at dead?"

Sarah continued to step away Don.

"Go away you thing!"


"Look Sarah what did you do?"

Sarah hit the egde of the building and stopped.

"Look, Don right, I want to be alone."

She wants to be alone. Doesn't she understand that I'm never alone. Why should she?

"Not until you answer my question."

Don looked at her eyes and saw fear. He also noticed how she kept her hands to herself.

"You want to know, sorry but your not my friend."

Then she off the edge.


Don ran over and saw her on the ground, running to the building Emily and Kati are in.

This girl is stange, really strange.


The stars are disappearing, the sky brightens, the night is fading.

Don was up all night, looking at the distance he escaped, where his brothers, April and his child were.

The baby is almost nine months old, and April would be on her own. She needs me.

An image of April smiling at him popped up in his head. Her red hair and her calming blue eyes.

I need her.

'Then go get her.'

Don looked at the building where the girls were.

What about them?

'They'll find you like last time.'

Don stood up.

No, I need their help.

'Fine, they can come along.'

You don't like them?

'No, I don't like that girl with the blonde hair.'


'Don't say her name.'

Don jumped and landed on the sandy ground and walked in the girls building.


All three of the ran down the stairs and past Don, but Sarah  gave him a disgusted glare.

Don went outside and walked in the direction to the Kranng place.

Emily and Kati ran to his side.

"So where are we going?"

Emily starred at Don as they walked.

"To save your boyfriends and April."

And the baby.

Sarah ran in front of him making him stop.


"I can kill things."


"I can kill things with my bare hands. And if it's already dead, I can bring them back to life. Happy now."

Don did a small node, then Sarah moved out of the way and Don started to walk again.

Why did she answer me now, why not last night? And Sarah can kill with her bare hands. She must not have control because she kept her distance. Wait, that means she can never feel anything. She never touched Leo's hands, never kissed him, never had a pigy back ride. Pour Sarah.

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