COTE- The best detective has...

By MaoO0983

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COTE X BS Ranpo in Cote Ranpo best Character 2- #Classroomoftheelite More

Chapter 1: The Bus / Introductions
Chapter 2: Chabashira-Sensei / Depleting the National Reserves of Candys!!!
Chapter 3: The Conceited Loli / Second Day of Classes
Chapter 4: Karuizawa / Club Fair
Chapter 5: Mission - Create the Detective Club!!
Chapter 6: Ichinose / Pool - Part 1
Chapter 7: Pool - Part 2 / Mission - Create the Detective Club - Completed!!
Chapter 8: Kushida's Past / Contingency Plan
Chapter 9: Meritocracy?
Chapter 10: Presentation of the System-S Completed
Chapter 11: First Mission of the Detective Club!! / Ranpo's Trap
Chapter 12: Horikita Manipulates the Best Detective and the Perfect Human
Chapter 13: Ranpo-Sensei? / Kushida's Mistake
Chapter 14: Manabu vs. Ranpo and Kiyo
Chapter 15: FIGHT TO THE DEATH/Day before the Exam
Chapter 16: End of Volume 1
Chapter 17: Neighbor Troubles
Chapter 18: Preparations to Help a Friend
Chapter 19: Love Troubles
Chapter 20: Late with the Two-Faced and Idol Squirrel
Chapter 21: Ranpo and the Trial of Class C
Chapter 22: End of Volume 2
Chapter 23: Volume 3 Prologue

Ranpo's Prologue

4.4K 113 7
By MaoO0983

Horikita: Ranpo-kun, are you there?

He arrived. It happened again. The dreaded situation.
While I was pretending to sleep, that person came.

It was the appearance of the devil that forced me to wake up (I was taking a nap) to reality.

Horikita: If you don't wake up in 3 seconds, you'll face punishments.

Ranpo: "Humph! 3 seconds is too much time for such a legendary detective like me." Ranpo smiles proudly as he opens one eye and looks to the other side. "How many seconds are we at now?"

Horikita: Look, as expected. You were awake.

Ranpo: "Of course, to be honest, I was feeling bored and wanted to see how long it would take for someone to wake me up. I can't say this 'waking up in 3 seconds' impresses me, because it doesn't. How many seconds of advantage have I given you?"

Horikita: <sigh> "You're sitting on a bench at school, pretending to be asleep for some reason, waiting for someone to wake you up. Let's see, is it weird even for you?" (puts her hands on her hips, waiting for a response.)

Ranpo: "Well, of course not," Ranpo smiles. "A detective must constantly use common sense and analyze any situation. This includes my common sense not preventing me from taking a nap and waiting for a fellow student to wake me up. Besides, it's not such a strange situation at all. How many people haven't sat on a bench in a park, the schoolyard, or some other place? I'm sure you've done it yourself."

Horikita: "Uh, yeah, I guess that's true. I've seen a lot of people do that. But why at my desk? <irritated>

Ranpo: "To be honest, I've fallen asleep in so many chairs, stools, benches, sofas, principal's chairs... that I've lost count," Ranpo laughs. "But, if you want to know, I chose you because... um, because I wanted to."

In case you're not as intelligent as I am and couldn't deduce it, her name is Horikita Suzune. Class 1-D of high school, my classmate, the younger sister of the student council president, a very intelligent and strong-willed girl with a huge superiority complex.

Horikita: I actually woke you up because I need your help with something.

Ranpo: "Oh really! Then, how can I assist you?" Ranpo smiles with the most adorable voice you could hear.

You're probably wondering how we got to this point, right?


Opening Ceremony.

After an almost impossible battle to (catch the bus), Ranpo managed to secure a seat next to a blond man with crossed legs and an arrogant look.

But you probably want to know what Ranpo Edogawa is doing on a bus heading to his new high school.

Pov. Ranpo.

Ranpo: "What?! Why the hell should I go to high school?" Ranpo looks confused; his expressions and words reflect his bewilderment at such a silly situation.

Fukuzawa: "In short, I asked you to go to school because it's the job of our detective agency, not because I find it amusing. Besides, you're young and need further education, just as I did. So, I'll ask you to stop asking questions and do as I say. Understood, Ranpo?"

Ranpo: "I'd like to say I'm not very happy about going to high school, but if President Fukuzawa wishes it, then it will be my duty to do so. I'm heading there, Mr. President!"

Ranpo makes a bow and walks forward with determined steps, albeit a bit against his will.

*Ranpo leaves the office only to return embarrassed 1 minute later*

Fukuzawa: "Uh, what happened, Ranpo?" Fukuzawa seems confused. Ranpo is a bit embarrassed to admit it, but he has no other choice.

Ranpo: "The truth is, I don't know where the school is... I've been educated by you, so I never went to high school or anything like that, so I have no idea how to find it..."

And that's how I ended up on this bus.

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