Lizzie And Mac

By tulipsandwaves

72.6K 2.4K 682

Sometimes a girl has to decide, a job and future or the jerk and his lies? Lizzie Brennan lives in 'Mysti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

3.8K 146 35
By tulipsandwaves

Sweet Ass Epilogue - A Few Years And Kids Later


Looking at my wife and kids pull the truck into the garage, I never fail to question that this is my life, that beautiful brilliant woman is my wife, those 4 wild animals are our children, there aren't words to describe my joy, appreciation, my fucking wonder at the life I have.  How in the fuck did an asshole like me end up with all this good?

Lizzie and the boys scramble out of the garage, and walk towards the house, Lizzie and Lach in front, Devlin and Killian each carrying a grocery bag for their mother, last but not least, and yep, trying to sneak the cookies out of Kills bag.  Katherine Grace, named after Kat, is perched in her favorite spot, on Lachlans hip.  Our little Katie Gray is wearing her typical daily costume of bright purple glittery tutu skirt, a crown, a batman cape and red cowboy boots to complete her outfit of the hour.  The girl changes clothes all throughout the day, so who knows what she'll be wearing in an hour.

Devlin was born a couple of years after Lizzie graduated with her Masters, Killian followed not even two years later.  Those two are close, but they idolize their big brother Lach.  But no one is more devoted to the Lach Monster than Katie.  When Lizzie was pregnant, Lach told us that he was done with little brothers, he had two, they were 'ok' but he wanted a sister.  He kissed his moms stomach, and said, 'I know you're in there little Kat, I can't wait to meet you'.  We'd lost Kat a few months earlier to a car accident.  A drunk driver slammed into her car, and despite her seatbelt being on, she died on impact.  The only thing that gives us any comfort is that it happened so quickly, she probably didn't even know she was going to be hit.  Our family, our club, anyone who knew her, really took a hit with the loss of Kat, she was the mom to not just Jack and Steffi, but Lizzie, and me, and hell, the whole fucking club.

When Lach called our baby 'Kat', we knew that was the name, and sure as shit, our little girl was born, making us all smile and laugh with her silly and loving view of life, keeping the spirit of her namesake alive and giggling.  She became 'Katie Gray' when Killian couldn't pronounce her middle name, it felt kind of wrong calling her 'Kat' so she became her own version of our first mom.

Devlin is a wild man, he's crazy smart and interested in everything, but lately, he just wants to play his guitar, the kid is a natural musician.  He plays several instruments, and he's usually either singing, or tapping out a new song with his drumsticks or fingers.

Killian is just as wild as Dev, and the two of them come up with some crazy ass ideas.  Their creativity with getting into shitty trouble puts Jack, Coop, Slaters, Parker, Lukes and my actions to shame.  We got into obvious mischief, stuff you could see coming a mile a way, the things Killian thinks up, thats next level shit storm.  He's also a wily little hacker, he's a challenge now at 10, I afraid what hacking skills he'll develop in the teen years.

Our oldest, our first born, the Lach monster.  He and I are close, we were a duo for several years, but nothing tops the relationship he has with his mom.  If he's in trouble, if he's got a question, or if he's pissed off at the world, he goes to his mom, her words calm him, just like the rest of us, she's the answer to the worlds stresses, and she's also the mother fuckin reward.  From the first time she held him, there was just something there, they get each other, it just proves that you don't have to be blood related to love hard and parent.

They're loud and laughing as they all crash into the kitchen, I hear Lizzie telling Lach to go check for a delivery on the front porch, Lach runs into the living room, shouting back at his mom, that he bet it was something for his birthday, he was right.

"Surprise!!!"  70 of Lachs friends, aunts, uncles, club relatives, all shout and scream, shooting confetti and shit at the birthday boy, he stops in shock, frozen in place.  Then a smile slowly spreads across his face.

"What the fuck mom!  You said I was having a party next week!  When did you guys all plan this?"  He's smiling, and still holding on to his sister, who promptly places her crown on his head, and kisses his cheek.   The crown doesn't fit, but he smiles at her, adjusts the crown so it doesn't fall off, and then gently puts Katie Gray down.

Lizzie and the kids join me, and then the boys drift off towards the party, and eventually, all the kids start moving outside by the pool, where Lizzie has the food and drinks set up.  We're watching our boys, Lach is hanging with his friends, and one girl in particular, Devlin is playing with guitar, entertaining the crowd, I don't see Kill, which has Lizzie and I locking eyes.

"I'll go find him, you stay here with Katie, look, there's your dad!"  Lizzie runs over to my dad and Stone, gives them each a quick kiss, then runs out to hunt down our wayward little hacker.

"Come here Katie Gray, let me check out that fab outfit you have on!"  Steffi, takes Katie by the hand and follows Lizzie outside, but instead of turning towards the pool house where Lizzie headed, Steffi and Katie pause at the deck where Dev and some friends are singing.  Katie starts dancing and laughing.  

A few moments later, Lizzie and Kill leave the poolhouse, with a couple of Kills friends following guiltily behind them.  Lizzie shoves a guitar in Kills hand, points to his brother, then Kill heads up to start playing with the band.

Lizzie joins Katie and Steffi, the three of them dancing and twirling, giggling and singing, beautiful, just fucking beautiful.

"How did we manage it Mac?  Those girls love us, we're total dipshits, and they see something good in us.  They're goddesses, and on our best day we're just assholes."  He laughs, we knock our beers together, then continue to admire the amazing show in front of us.

"I don't know man, god knows we don't deserve the lives they've given us, but fuck it, no one in the world can love and protect them the way we will."  My wife, my kids, my friends and family, I may not deserve them, but I'll fucking guard and protect them for as long as I'm breathing, they are the mother fucking answer to all the worlds ills.


"Look at them Steffi, they're getting all sappy and sweet, they are so damn cute!"  Looking over at Mac and Slater, they may be a little wrinkled and a little gray, but I still see the fun, wild and insane boys they were at 14.  Mac caught my heart at an early age, then with his thoughtless care, he almost lost me.  But he grew, and he became the man I always knew he was.  But what really showed me that he was the man I could trust my heart with, well, that was watching him parent our Lach.  He took the 'hot single dad' trope to a wild new level.  The love he gave our boy, the world of kindness, hope, confidence and adventure he taught Lach, that was the man I fell in love with.  The man I'll love forever.

"Mommy, do you think daddy and Uncle Slate will come dance with us?  They look all boring over there standing and talking, I want them to come with us!"  Katie shouts over her brothers somewhat tuneful singing.

Locking eyes with Mac, I point down to our daughter, curl my finger and beckon him to us.  He responds with a whiny look, but is immediately on his way, with Slate following right behind.  As they reach us, he grabs Katie, twirls her around a few times, kisses the both of us, and we continue our dance.  

Watching my family and friends celebrate our oldest boy, I revel in the family that we've created.  We were two kids who didn't really get the greatest start in life, we had useless moms, no dad for me, but at least Mac had Kilt.  But we learned how to love right, we learned not to take crap from others, and together we built an amazing family.

"Little Lizzie, you got happy tears in your eyes, you made all this happen baby, this is on you, we all fucking love you baby."  Mac whispers in my ear, then snuggles me tight into his chest.

"Thank you Mac, thank you for our family, I love you so much!"  Not able to hold back the emotion or the tears, I let them fall while I hold on to my man, our little Katie dancing around us, and our boys having a kick ass time playing music with their friends.  

My life started out scary and unsure, I was a nervous kid, always trying to stay out of the way and take care of myself.  I found support with the Sanders family, and I found love with our friends, but mostly, I found the key to unlock my heart full of love and hope and dreams, Mac.  Who knew that the wild and self absorbed boy I fell in love with, would be the man to unlock my heart, my sweet Mac.


I knew they were giving me a surprise party, I heard Dev and Kill talking about it last week.  I'm pretty sure mom knows that I figured it out, but we'll both keep the secret, I don't want the other kids or dad to be disappointed.  This is a perfect celebration, my friends and family, I get to play music with my friends, and I know for a fact that Marcy Carter is gonna give me more than a birthday kiss tonight, fuck yeah.

"So are you giving up music for acting my fine young son?"  Mom asks me as she pulls me into her arms for a hug, I laugh and hug her back, planting a loud kiss on her cheek.

"What do you mean mom?  I was totally surprised!"  I smile and wink at her, she starts cracking up.

"Lach, you have never been able to hide anything from me, I know everything about you, so don't bother trying to sneak into the pool house with that awful Carter girl, she's not a nice girl, she's always picking on other kids, do better son.  Thats a 'young Mac' move, make better choices baby."  Mom gives me a look, and then heads to the pool house with Aunt Steffi and some of the other ladies, all the while smiling at me, she knows she's entering the hook up zone, and ruining the private celebrations.

Mom and dad have always given us the truth about theirs and our lives.  We all know, well, maybe Katie Gray doesn't, but we all know that I have a different bio mom than the others do.  My birth mom is apparently the same kind of birth mom that my mom and dad have, so we all laugh and say that we don't give them any more time than they gave us, which is nothing.  My mom is the mom I've always known, the mom I've always loved, and the mom I will always respect.  She and dad have told us some of the dumb shit stuff my dad and uncles did when they were young, but dad told me more than mom probably knows.  He told me how he almost lost her because he just wanted to fuck around with shitty girls.  He said he was a shitty guy, and he doesn't want me to make the same bad choices.

But fuck, if some girl, like Marcy, wants to give me a birthday blowie, then why the hell shouldn't I say yes?  But more to the point, how the fuck does my mom know this?  Damn, it's gonna be tough to find a place now that she and her friends are trying to block us.  Fuck.

Oh well, fuck it, she's right, Marcy is a bitch, maybe I'll find a nice girl who wants to blow me for my birthday.  I bet thats the kind of 'better choice' mom was talking about.

Smiling at my friends hanging all around the yard, watching my mom and dad laugh and talk with their friends, my brothers and sister, I'm fucking lucky, I know it, and fuck, I'm thankful for it too, this is a good life.

The End

Thank you for reading my story!  It's funny that I seem to start out with an idea where the book is going to go, and then it takes a turn in a completely different direction!  Thank you for the stars and comments, the encouragement, and the criticism, it all means so much, and it is VERY helpful!  Take care, I have another story about to start, so I hope you keep reading!

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