Kylie's Lullaby...

By lilmc87

27.4K 1.4K 144

(Sequel to Unknown History, You won't understand anything without reading that first!!) Kylie is the daughter... More

Kylie's Lullaby...(Sequel to Unknown History)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16..
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20...
Part 2...Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

chapter 10

1K 70 6
By lilmc87

Chapter Ten...

“Someone has to know something!” I yelled.

“I might know someone who can help.” my mom said looking unsure.

“Who?” I asked.

“I’ll be right back.” she said and instantly teleported out of the room. I heard Nate gasp when she vanished in thin air and I almost laughed at his reaction. I completely forgot that he had no idea that she could do that.

“What just happened?” he asked still completely stunned by what he saw.

“Oh didn’t you know my mom has tons of special powers? One of them just happens to be teleporting but trust me it’s the least cool of her powers.” I said and shrugged.

“You act like its nothing that teleporting is just a normal everyday thing.” he said.

“To me it is, she does it all the time. Its like watching her fold laundry its not a big deal.” I answered.

“Whatever you say, so where did she go?” he asked.

“Honestly I have no idea.” I said and looked at my dad who shrugged. I guess we were just going to have to wait for her to return with whoever she thought would have answers.

    We waited a half hour when suddenly I heard my mom calling us to come into the living room. When I walked in I saw aunt Claire standing there and I ran over to her and hugged her.

“Its been awhile young lady.” she said.

“I know and I miss you!” I said holding her tightly making her laugh lightly.

“Now this handsome young man must be your mate.”

“Yes this is Nathaniel, did mom fill you in?” I asked.

“Of course she did but you forgot to tell her some stuff too.”

“Like what?” I asked not knowing what she was talking about. Sometimes I hated that she seemed to know everything without you having to say a word.

“You are both white wolves.” she said simply.

“Oh I didn’t even think it was a big deal.”

“It is Kylie a very big deal. It is rare enough to have even one white wolves in a couple thousands years but to have two and then to have them mated without being true mates. This is a very big deal young lady which is part of the reason why your marks are the way they are.”

“What else can you tell us?” I asked curiously as we all took seats on the couches.

“Well like you know already this has only happened once before in the entire history of shifters. Its not an easy thing to do, most shifters cannot break the bond with their true mate once they’ve met them. Yet again I think you both have been hurt severely by your mates or it wouldn’t have been so easy for you. Now the white wolf thing is why your marks are silver but not why they are more elaborate. The extra detail you have is because you are chosen mates, you have each claimed each other and your marks show how strong your connection is. Had it been weak it would have been small and thin but you seem to be connected on a different level so the line are bold and your marks are big especially yours Kylie.” Aunt Claire explained. It amazed me how she knew things, it was as if the information just came to here from a higher source and was just communicated through her.
    She talked about how surprised she was that we were both white wolves and then suddenly she just stopped and looked at my mother.

“You haven’t told her?” she snapped looking angry and my mother instantly looked guilty.

“I didn’t know how to explain.”

“Oh Alivia how could you! You of all people should know how it feels to have such things kept from you!!”

“What are the two of your talking about?!” I interrupted since I had a feeling it had to do with me.

“Well your mother here neglected to tell you about your powers.” she quipped giving my mother a dirty look.

“Mom?” I said my voice low and dangerous.

“I know how difficult it is to deal with being a teenager and finding out about all these powers and then the shifting. Besides you have to deal with all the pressure of being a princess and then you factor is applying for college and I just wanted to wait a little bit.” she said guiltily.

“What!!” I screamed.

“Kylie please just understand it was better this way.” she pleaded.

“You still haven’t explained what exactly aunt Claire means by powers.” I hissed.

“I don’t exactly know what kind of powers you have… “ she said and looked at aunt Claire for help.

“Well I think I can help with that.” Aunt Claire responded. I sighed and ran my fingers threw my hair, what else could possibly happen to me this year.

“You know what powers I have?” I asked starting to wonder why aunt Claire seemed know everything.

“Yes and after I tell you your mother is going to realize why she should have told you.” she snapped giving my mother an angry glare.

“We’ll deal with her later.” I snapped not even glancing at my mother I was so angry.

“Well you have all of your mothers powers except the teleporting power which we all can think of as a blessing. Yet you also have the same powers as your grandmother.” aunt Claire explained which earned her a growl from my mother.

“But Grandma doesn’t have any powers she’s just a shifter.” I said really confused.

“Oh Alivia what have you done.” Aunt Claire sighed.

“Someone tell me what’s going on!?” I yelled tired of them saying things that didn’t make sense to me.

“Claire don’t you dare…” My mother hissed venomously.

“Oh Alivia I don’t think you realize what you have done. You have caused a very big mess and she deserves to know the truth. You are asking her to be the crowned heir to your throne but you refuse to tell her the truth about her history. Do you not remember how it was for you to discover the truth? How dare you hide things, you should know better than to think they will stay hidden!” Aunt Claire replied angrily. I had never in my life seen my aunt Claire get angry, she has always been calm and serene so this was actually a little bit scary.

“Its not a history I wanted to explain to my daughter, the reality of it is just too much to understand for someone who didn’t live it!” my mother yelled.

“You are a fool to think it will stay hidden, that it wouldn’t come back to haunt you my dear.” my aunt Claire hissed at her and my mother stepped back and looked worried.

“Can you both stop arguing and explain what is going on! This is my life!!!” I yelled breaking up their argument.

“I was adopted or more like handed over to the people who are now my parents. Right before I got pregnant with you I found out the truth about my biological parents and its not a happy story. I will explain the details another time but long story short they wanted me back because of my powers and I had to kill them to protect you. Yet I always had a feeling my mother found a way to make it out alive. I don’t know most of her powers what I do know is some of them are similar to mine, the fact that you have both of our powers is unheard of. Kylie I’m sorry I have hidden so much from you but trust me when I say I thought it was for the best. I wanted you to have a happy and simply life not like I had when I was younger.” she explained sadly and then excused herself from the room.

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