Touhou: I Became a Butler of...

By Yamizhou

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The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfami... More

Butler of Scarlet Devil Mansion
Battle of Bullets (1)
Battle of Bullets (2)
Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Human Village
Summer (1)
Summer (2)
Summer (3)
The New Maid
A past that is sharp like a knife (1)
A past that is sharp like a knife (2)
Author's Message, Facts, Changes
A Blade Made Out Of Blood
Playing Tag Game
The Hakugyokurou
Youmu and Yuyuko
Feelings (Youmu's Point of View)
Love? (Youmu's Point of View)
My First and Last
More Spellcards!
It's all about FIREPOWER!
Little Dolls
My True Feelings
My Answer
Author's Message, Facts, Changes#2
Another Playtime Session with Flan
(Special Chapter) Seven-colored Puppeteer's Day
Hatate Himekaidou | To Youkai Mountain
The Petty Patrol Tengu
The Petty Patrol Tengu (2)
The Closed Eyes of Love
Exposed Minds
The Old Capital
Maid's Concerns (Sakuya's Point of View)
To Old Capital (Sakuya's Point of View)
Maid's Feelings (Sakuya's Point of View)
Last Word?
The Land of the Back Door
The Mischievous Princess
The Clash of Immortals
Meet the Watatsuki Sisters
A Date with a Rabbit (1)
A Date with a Rabbit (2) (Marisa's Point of View)
Our Dense Protagonist
Author's Message, Facts, Changes #3
Who are you?
Another Patchouli
Maid with a Blade
Different Gensokyo
The Dangerous Little Sister
Fiery Destruction
*EXTRA* Who is Shun?
The Black Reimu
Death Dance (1)
Death Dance (2)
Life and Death
Back to Gensokyo
Maid in a Bad Mood
Butler vs Maid
The Magician Who Borrows
Before the Incident
The Maid-en
The Beginning of the Dream
Dream Incident (1)
Dream Incident (2)
He's my property (1) (Remilia's POV)
He's my property (2) (Remilia's POV)
The Head of the Scarlet Devil (Remilia's POV)
Warm-Up After Recovery
A Strange Welcome
Facing Reality (1)
Facing Reality (2)
The Butler Residing in the Shrine (1)
The Butler Residing in the Shrine (2)
The Question
Flame of Hope (1)
Flame of Hope (2)
That Time
Youkai of the Dusk
Fairy of the Ice
The Chinese Gatekeeper
Girl of Knowledge and Shade
The Maid
The Scarlet Devil


303 9 1
By Yamizhou

I stirred, my vision adjusting to the unfamiliar surroundings. Slowly sitting up, I took in the room, its unfamiliarity leaving me disoriented. Bandages covered my wounds, and the sensation of a kimono against my skin was strange and foreign.

Questions swirled in my mind, and a voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Seems that you're awake."

I turned to see Reimu, her presence a mix of concern and exasperation.

"Reimu, does that mean I'm at Hakurei Shrine?"

She nodded her expression a blend of annoyance and worry. "That's right. I found you lying on the ground, covered in blood. Honestly, could you at least be careful? You're human, right?"

My mind flashed with memories of the confrontation and the subsequent injuries.

"Now then, can you tell me why you were covered in blood?"

I hesitated, the memories of the encounter replaying in my mind. It was hard to put into words the complexities of the situation.

Seeing my hesitation, Reimu sighed and stood up, her frustration evident. "Fine, if you don't want to, then do you mind going back to your mistress? It's a pain having you here."

"I can't."

Her sudden turn and widened eyes indicated her surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Lady Remilia... No, they found a new butler who can replace me."

"Hm? What do you mean? Don't tell me... another human?!"

I nodded.

She groaned, clearly irritated. "Seriously? How do these humans keep getting in here?" She clicked her tongue, her frustration palpable, before looking at me again. "Fine... You can stay here. I'll be right back." With that, she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Alone in the room, my mind churned with a mix of emotions. Regret, confusion, and a profound sense of despair consumed me. I felt adrift, lost in the tangle of circumstances that had led me here.

Hours passed in a haze as I remained seated on the mattress, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, Reimu returned her expression now a mask of indifference. She set a plate of onigiri and a cup of green tea on the table.

"Hey, how long are you gonna sulk there?"

I offered a shrug in response.

"Looks like it's true... Another human fell."

"So... that means..."

"That's right... a new butler."

I nodded, my gaze fixed on the table. "Yeah, maybe I just didn't meet their expectations..."

Reimu's impatience seemed to peak, and without warning, she grabbed my hand and delivered a sharp slap across my face.

"Eh?" My eyes widened, stunned by the unexpected action.

"You look like a dead fish, and it irritates me."

"I— Sorry."

She slapped me again, leaving me baffled and indignant. "Hey... What's that for?!"

"It irritates me."

"Could you maybe not slap me?!"

With an odd twist, her demeanor shifted into a smile. "There we go. Much better."

Perplexed, I watched as she stood up, heading toward the door. "Don't forget to eat the onigiri, or I won't forgive you." With that, she exited the room, leaving me to contemplate the plate before me.

As I stared at the onigiri, I hesitated before reaching out to take one, chewing slowly and methodically. Each bite was a small act of sustenance.

Meanwhile, Reimu's thoughts were a universe away, as she gazed at the moon from her perch on the roof. A familiar gap youkai appeared beside her, their conversation veiled in cryptic exchanges.

"You look troubled," Yukari observed.

"Oh? It's you. Do you want to get exterminated right now? You're awfully close."

"Fufufu~ Besides getting exterminated by you... Are you thinking about Shun?"

Reimu sighed, her expression a mix of resignation and contemplation. "Yeah... that vampire. She's too cruel to Shun."

"Hmm~ I wonder."

Another sigh escaped Reimu's lips, frustration evident as she addressed Yukari. "Could you maybe not give me riddles?!"

"Heehee, whatever... At least you won't be alone for a while, right?" Yukari's form began to fade as she retreated into a gap.

"What?! That damn youkai... I swear, I will exterminate you."

Reimu's gaze shifted back to the moon, her thoughts mired in the complexities of her emotions.

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