Flowers Bouquet

By SemsemMahmoud4

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It's just a book, but every night, flowers scent come out of it even I smell it in my dreams. In a nutshell... More

Ch.1 Murder Crimes!
Ch.2 Nightmares With Flowers Scent!
Ch.3 Dissappearance!
Ch. 4 Treachery!
Ch. 5 What are you?
Ch. 6 Tit For Tat!
Ch.7 The Illusions Forest!
Ch.8 Feelings!
Ch.9 Taking Revenge!
Ch.10 Breaking The Curse!
Ch.11 Chasing!
Ch.12 A Piece Of Paper
Ch.13 There's Two Of Blaze!
Ch.14 The little Prince!
Ch.15 Flowers Bouquet!
Ch.16 Returning To My Home!
Ch.17 Reveal Your Identity!
Ch.18 The Little Burned House!
Ch.19 Demons In The Real World!
Ch.20 Purple Flowers Powder!
Ch.21 It's A Matter Of Three days!
Ch.22 Leaving Without Return!
Ch.23 McA Company!
Ch.24 One Destiny!
Ch.25 The Red Moon!
Ch. 26 Regret!
Ch.27 As It Was!
Ch.28 At The Sunrise!

Ch. 29 Family!

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By SemsemMahmoud4

✨️✨️ Note ✨️✨️

I apologize for not summarizing the events in the last chapter.

💡 The writer💡

✨️💡 Let's continue...💡✨️

By the same way that Althea and Blaze met again, Milo met the meant girl that called Mariana. She was as kind as her husband, who was in charge of the kingdom. That day, after Blaze left Ace and Hybrid to do their role for the war, he gave a will to the red moon that says,

"After the war end, I am Blaze, the god of this kingdom, will abdicate my position as a king and give it to my brother Milo. In return, I will live among the humans as one of them and use my powers to help them and fight the evil in their world. "

Note💡: Abdicate: If a king or queen abdicates, he or she makes a formal statement that he or she no longer wants to be king or queen.

At 3:30 a.m. at dawn, Althea was awake and remembering how she and Blaze reached this level of their life. It started by the Magic Shop, and it ended by them as a husband and his wife. She learned that every change takes its time, and sometimes there are a few details that could help in changing people or maybe the whole life.

* The whole hundred years, I was convinced that the key for getting out of here is inside me. But, I was wrong because the key was you. * she got surprised and looked next to her when Blaze talked. Actually, these words that he told her at their wedding day and for keeping her remember that, he wrote them on a tableau which is hanging on the wall in their bedroom.

* Why are you awake? * she smiled, then she asked.

* What are you thinking about? * he sighed, cynically, then he asked.

* I went to the Magic Shop, this afternoon, but I didn't find it. * she said, confused.

* Her role was to set the circumstances to make you read that book and save me. Once her mission ends, she leaves to save another person... By the way, who's that lady you were talking with in front of your work building? * he looked at her and talked as she looked at him and listened with interest. Then, he asked.


She got hesitant and got scared of him before she answer. She knows very well how much he hates her ex-boyfriend, so what would he do if he knew that she was his widow. Nathan, her ex-boyfriend, got suicide when he couldn't pay for his debts, which caused a collapse to his company and made the bank kick his family out of the villa in Paris. In a period of time, he was forced to gamble for paying for his debts.

Note💡: Gamble means: to do something that involves risks that might result in loss of money or failure, hoping to get money or achieve success.

But, instead, he was losing every game until his debts became bigger and worse. Without telling his wife and two kids, he suicided from the roof of his company. The two kids cried a lot over their father, except his wife, who was trying to stop herself from crying because she never liked what he did. All that happened because he was too greedy for making money by kidnapping and selling the victims body's parts.

* Was it too hard on you to answer?! * he asked as he got up by his upper part of the body, confused about her taking time to answer him.

* Look, the past had gone forever, okay?... She's my ex-boyfriend's wife. He suicided because of debts, and she came back to America three months ago. She was so happy when she saw me and I don't know why, though I'm her husband's ex-girlfriend. In a nutshell, she was asking me to find a job with a suitable salary for living. * her emotions were between scared a little, and confused.

>>>>>> Blaze's pov 💡<<<<<<

I was trying hard not to smile or laugh when she mentioned that he had suicided because of debts. That means he was suffering so hard in his life, but I felt sad a little over his wife and his two kids because they're paying for the price now. I feel so comfortable, and my happiness already reached the sky because I took revenge on him.

I know you all waiting for the bright side... One week later, his wife got a job in a primary school as a teacher. The principal of the school was a goddess in the past, but she gave up on her duties and as a goddess to live with her human husband. I loved my old personality, and I still loving it, but all what I got until this, make me thank all the circumstances that gave me this new personality.

After Althea came back to me, her parents' death was the first thing which she remembered when she brought back her memories. It wasn't easy at all to make Althea move on from her parents' death. You all won't believe me if I told you that I imprisoned myself with her inside her room to watch her after she tried more than a hundred times to suicide.

Worrying about her reminded me by one of my best friends that he suicided when he lost his grandpa. His love to his grandpa was bigger than his love to his parents. Love can kill sometimes, but we have to trust life. Nothing can treat our wounds only but days, which proved to me that after a hundred years of losing, there's a hope was waiting for me.

>>>>>> End of the pov 💡<<<<<<

Nine months was like hell for Blaze even he thought to go back to his old life because of Althea's pregnancy and her orders that never end. Milo and Mariana have a boy who's ten years old as well as Ace and Amanda who have a boy at the same age while Althea and Blaze have a girl who is nine years old. Blaze was very careful to protect his daughter from the two boys who were flirting on her to win her heart.

Blaze and Althea invited the others to spend a few days in their big house and they agreed. Althea suggested to make a BBQ party in the garden and after insisting, Blaze agreed. He was rejecting this idea because he will be the one who clean the whole garden after this party end. I will let you imagine how was the decorations in the garden.

* Who can imagine that finally each one of us has reached the happy end. * Ace said while he's flipping the steak meats on the standing grill.

* I should suppose to say that instead of you. You and Milo's happiness is all what I had thought about. * Blaze said with a smile while he's putting his both hands in his pockets.

* I think my happiness will end soon. Amanda and I went through an argument before we come. * sadness covered his tone.

* What? Why? * Blaze got surprised and asked.

* Rebecca, my ex-girlfriend, came back meeting me, and even she started visiting my clinic on purpose to tease Amanda. *

* Do you still loving her? * quickly, Blaze asked him in a serious tone.

* I was loving her, but as people say " Love is blind " and If I have the choice, I would choose to be blind by Amanda's love. * Ace sighed, with a little of anger while he's staring into space.

* Then, oh shit... Just let her matter to me. I'm going to make her disappear forever. * when Blaze was about to comfort his friend, one of the steak meats burned because it didn't flip on the other face/ side.

During the fathers are talking and laughing, the two little boys are sitting on each side making the little girl between them on the swing seat while the three mothers are watching them and laughing because Milo's son tries to impress her by his good voice in singing, against of Ace's son who was trying to prove that he's a gentleman.

At the sunset, they gathered around a rectangular table with white cover like the chairs. They all started serving food in the all plates and before they start eating, Milo announced that he brought a present for his wife because her birthday was today and this BBQ party was to celebrate with her birthday.

* Close your eyes!... Now, open them! * he kneeled while he's hiding one hand behind his back under the others who trying to figure out what's the present.

Suddenly, everyone screamed in fear, carrying his son/ daughter and ran away, leaving Milo alone.

* It's a normal flower bouquet!!!... Guys, it's not what you all think!!! * his eyes turned to puppy's eyes and his voice turned to a childish tone that about to cry. Then, he went inside with that flower bouquet.

🌸 The End 🌸

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