The Black House Heiress (Book...

By thegirlwhowrote3

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Everyone knows the story of The-Boy-Who-Lived, but what about the girl who was in the shadow that night. Joi... More

Chapter 1: Eleventh birthday and Diagon Alley
Chapter 2: Platform 9 3/4, Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hogwarts, Sorting
Chapter 4: Murmurs and Lessons
Chapter 5: Flying lessons and a dog?
Chapter 7: Qudditch, cursed broom
Chapter 8: Gifts
Chapter 9: Nicholas Flamel
Chapter 10: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback, a Letter from Mom?
Chapter 11: The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 12: Through the Trapdoor
Chapter 13: It was who?

Chapter 6:Of all of the magic creatures out there why a Bloody Troll?

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By thegirlwhowrote3

The next morning, as always Rhea and Hermione were the first Gryffindor first-year girls to arrive at the Great Hall. Rhea was in a bad mood; as soon as she saw Malfoy enter the Great Hall, she pulled out her wand.

"Locomotor wibbly." Rhea mumbled into Malfoy's direction. She smiled in satisfaction when he stumble over Crabbe and Goyle. "That's for making me run." muttered Rhea, earning a little slap on her shoulder from Hermione as well as a muffled giggle.

Just as Rhea was hexing Malfoy, Harry and Ron were entering the Great Hall. They caught sight of Rhea slipping her wand in her pocket, and connected the dots. Harry could not hold back his smirk.

"Oh, Good morning Harry, Ron." said Rhea as Harry pulled Ron to sit in front of the girls.

Harry started to feel more comfortable around the girls, especially around Rhea. Maybe the fact that they went through such a thrilling adventure last night was the reason for it, and that's why he decide to fill the girls about the package that seemed to have been move from Gringotts to Hogwarts.

As they were guessing what possibly could it be that need such protection, Rhea's mind was back to the creature, feeling the need to go and see it again, but alone this time.

"What do you think, Rhea?" Harry's voice brought Rhea's mind to the conversation. She looked around her, and saw that neither Hermione nor Neville were paying much attention to the conversation either, but probably for different reasons.

"Don't know really. You said that you were there with Hagrid, didn't you Harry? Why don't we ask him?" said Rhea.

"Oh, there she is!" George exclaimed as he and Fred made their way towards Rhea.

"Forge, Gred," a smirk appeared on the girl's face. "Just the pair of twins I was looking for." The twins took seats on both sides of the Black girl, pushing Hermione and Neville away, which got them an annoyed huff from the brown-messy-haired girl.

"It's that so?" said George.

"Do you even known another pair of twins?" Fred added pushing her playfully.

Ron watched how easily his brothers approached the young Black. Harry was frowning a little at how somewhat everyone including Neville were able to interact easily with Rhea, but for some reason he was having a difficult time approaching her.

'Maybe she dislike me and Ron because of what happened on the Hogwarts express.' thought Harry.

"Well, see you later for our study session, Hermione. I need to go and settle some scores with a certain poltergeist." said Rhea while standing up. Harry and Ron's eyes glued to her and Hermione just rolled her eyes. "You coming boys?"

"Hell yeah!" the twins jumped beside Rhea, the hight difference being now very obvious.

"See you later boys. Neville you don't forget to join Hermione and I at the library. I'm gonna help you out with Snape's homework. Remind Seamus as well." Rhea saw how Harry an Ron had perked up at this and she sighed. "Yes if you wanna come we could help you too." with that being said Rhea left the Great Hall with the twins.

The Hogwarts population were having breakfast at the Great Hall, and once again it was mail time. This time, Rhea was prepared with a little roll of parchment for Harry. During the week, she was able to speak with Harry on the few study sessions he and Ron attended with Hermione and herself. Although, her best friend refused to talk to the boys, she found out a little bit more of Harry's life with the muggle family he grew up. She was enrage at how they treated Harry, so she had decide that at least she would try to take away that sadness from him. He liked that she started sending short letters for him on mail. It does not matter if she run out of ribbons by the end of the year, she could always ask Aunt Meda to send her more.

The owls flooded into the Great Hall as usual. Everyone's attention was caught by a long, thin package carried by six large screech owls. One of them being Hermes, who was also carrying the parchment roll that Rhea sent for Harry. Professor McGonagall asked her early in the week if she could borrow Hermes, and she had agreed.

The moment she got a clear view at the package, she knew what it was. 'Never doubt a Chaser's eye.' thought Rhea arrogantly. She sneaked a look at Professor McGonagall with a knowing smile on her face. The Professor responded with an amused smile of her own. Rhea quickly returned her gaze to her books while Hermes perched on her shoulder, and started to get comfy there.

On the other side, Harry had ended up reading the letter from Professor McGonagall, and found himself again with a very particular parchment roll, secured with a silver ribbon. He opened the parchment with excitement.

"Dear Harry,

Even in the Darkness the stars can shine, so do not dispair when you're sorrunded with it. There will always be a star shining.

Sincerely, Rhea Black"

A smile creeped into his face. One of the things he got to know about Rhea till now was her passion for astronomy and herbology. He once again hid the parchment and the ribbon in his robes, and took a quick glace at the girl.

Rhea noticed when Harry and Ron were leaving the Great Hall; they were quickly followed by Malfoy and his goons.

"For Merlin's sake, he must learn when to quit." said Rhea, hurrying up and taking all of her stuff with her. "See you in class, 'Mione. Gotta hex a ferret...again."

Rhea bolted out of the Great Hall following the boys, but when she reached them, Malfoy was already in front of them.

"You'll be in for it this time, Potter, first years aren't allowed them." Rhea heard the note of triumph in Malfoy's voice.

"Bloody hell, you really must like to be jinxed, don't you Malfoy?" hissed Rhea, standing in between the two Gryffindor boys and the three Slytherins.

"So it was you Black!"

"No shit Sherlock." said Rhea, ignoring the puzzled look on the purebloods' faces. "Now, we all know that you're just jealous of Harry. So if you could just leave him alone, or I swear..."

"Or what? You'll kill me." said Malfoy maliciously, obviously referring to her dad. Wrong thing to say- Ron flinched as Rhea's hair turned a deeper shade of red. Harry was confused at why would Malfoy say that. He swear he felt the ground under him tremble a bit.

"No, but belive me when I say that I'll make your school life so mesirable that you'll wished I had. " her voice came out more like a growl.

"It's not any old broomstick," Ron said trying to break the tense atmosphere that was beginning to appear. Rhea felt a hand on her shoulder; turning around she found that it was Harry. She tried to calm down, but her hair was still red just not as dark as before. She zoomed out the rest of Ron speech. 'I really should apologies to Ron. He was right about the bloody Ferret.'

"What would you know about it, Weasley? You couldn't afford half the handle, I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig." snapped Malfoy back.

"That's it! ANTEOCULATIA!" Rhea cast the hex on Malfoy, and a pair of antlers sprout of his head. At the same moment Professor Flitwick appeared at Malfoy's elbow.

"Miss Black! What is the meaning of this? You know that there is a rule forbids the use magic in the corridors." the Professor scolded her, though, his eyes held a hint of amusment.

"Potter's been sent a broomstick, Professor."

"Shut it Malfoy, before I add a pig tail!" Rhea yelled, wand still out and pointing at him, not caring that there was a Professor in front of her.

"Yes, yes, that's right." said Professor Flitwick trying to make Rhea lower her wand while beaming at Harry. "There won't be need for that Miss Black. Professor McGonagall told me about the special circumstances, Potter. And what model is it?"

Rhea lowered her wand, and turned around, leaving the group. She was still pissed and wished she could hex Malfoy some more.

"Not so fast missy. I had to accept that the Charm was perfectly done, and I will award 5 points to Gryffindor for that, but as you still broke a rule, you'll have double detention today after dinner." said Professor Flitwick.

"Sorry Professor, I can't today. I already have a detention with Snape and Filch after dinner." Rhea replied. The boys were looking at her wide eyed.

"Then tomorrow."

"Can't. Detention with Minn... err I mean Professor McGonagall."

"Then Saturday early in the morning, and two parchments of all the jinxes you already used, and broke the rules with."

"Err- Professor....I do not think they will fit in only two parchments...."

"Not even on both sides?" asked Professor Flitwick surprised. Rhea thought for a minute before she answered.

"Maybe if I write them using abbreviations." Flitwick nodded and then took off.

The boys ran after Rhea and walked behind her.

"That was brilliant Rhea!" said Ron.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry." Ron look at her confused. "In the train, I said some nasty things to you, but now I know that you were right about that ferret."

"Well, it's true," Harry chortled, as he walked beside Rhea. They reached the top of the marble staircase, "If he hadn't stolen Neville's Remembrall I wouldn't be on the team...."

"So, I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking the rules? And Rhee how come that you got detention...AGAIN!" the angry voice of Hermione came just from behind of them.

" 'Mione but I got 5 points this time as well!" whined Rhea as she went down a few steps to link arms with her bestfriend, but she got a slap on her shoulder. She noticed how her friend was looking at the package in Harry's hand disapprovingly. "And don't scold Harry 'Mione, let him enjoy that he got into the Quidditch team." she cooed so Hermione would stop glaring.

"I thought you weren't speaking to us?" Harry blurted, and Rhea glared at him.

"Yes, don't stop now." added Ron, "it's doing us so much good."

"Aghh, you really are idiots. You know what, do not bother to join us at any study session form now on. Lets go 'Mione." Rhea dragged Hermione away from the boys leaving a conflicted Harry and a confuse Ron; both thought the three of them were just bonding moments ago.

Rhea was a little dissapointed at the two boys. She thought the four of them could be close friends, but there is no way she would let them or any one talk to Hermione that way. Hermione was only trying to be a good friend. She was worried about them, and yet they don't seem to be aware of it, or appreciative.

During dinner, Rhea was spaced out. She could not take her mind from the creature that they had encounter a week ago, and wanted to go again and see it. Unfortunately, with the number of detentions she got herself into, it was mostly impossible. She barely had time to eat anything, before she had to rush to Snape's office.

"Pray for me 'Mione. I have detention with the overgrown dungeon bat." she said as she walk away of the Great Hall, towards the dungeons.

She got there 10 minutes before 6 pm.

"Ah, punctual as always Misss Black. If this wasn't detention, I might have awarded you two points." Snape said, sitting at his desk. "Come on in. Today, you are going to clean these jars, without magic. You will be dismissed as soon as you finish."

Rhea sat down, and grabbed the first jar with a look of utter disgust. The greenish stuff inside made her stomach churn.

"Dismissed to go meet Filch at the Quidditch field to help him clean the dressers and benchs." grumbled Rhea loudly. It wasn't the way she would like to enter the Quidditch field for the first time.

"I think it runs in the family" Snape muttered.

"Did you said something Professor?"

"Nothing. Go ahead and start then Miss Black. I trust these jars would be easy for you to clean." said Snape coldly.

Rhea did not know if she should take that as a compliment or not. Her interactions with Professor Snape were rather weird. He takes points from her, and give her detentions not for her pranks, but rather for standing up for her classmates, including Harry and Neville.

Snape didn't seem to be so hostile towards her like he was other students -aside of taking points away or detentions. She was not sure why was that. Rhea was done twenty minutes before 7 pm, and so she was dismissed. She grimaced as soon as she opened the door, and saw who was waiting for her.

"Come on kid, there is a lot of work to do." Filch said gleefully with a nasty smile.

She followed Filch out of the castle, and on to the Quidditch field. He told her to wait there as he had forgotten the cleaning supplies she would use. While waiting, she heard the zooming of a broom. She looked up, and she saw Harry flying without a worry in the world. A happy smile appeared in the young girl's face.

"Oh, hey Rhea!" a voice behind her called.

She spinned around to see Oliver Wood approching her. Being friends with the twins meant that Rhea had met and interacted with the Quidditch team. All of them were weary of her at the beginig, but soon, they warmed up to her.

"Don't tell me that McGonagall let you try out for Chaser. We would be unstoppable with your abilitties, the twins told me a lot about them."

"Hey Oli, and no sadly I'm here because I got detention with Filch. I think he's going to make me clean the dressers." she said with a huff. "But don't, worry next year I'll be in the team." she grinned.

"I'll be waiting for you. Now, have you seen Potter?" Rhea pointed up at the sky, and Oliver saw the boy that he was looking for.

"Hey, Potter, come down!"

"Well that's my cue. See you later, Oli." Rhea turn around but Oliver stopped her.

"Hey, whats wrong. Don't tell me you do not get along with Potter."

"He's just... and idiot sometimes, and right now I'm still mad at him for been an asshole to my bestfriend." She said loud enough so that Harry was able to hear. "Well if you need a Beater or a Chaser to train, I'll be in the dressers. Filch has arrived." and with that, Rhea turned around, waving her hand at the boys.

"You must really be an idiot if you got Rhea to be mad at you. She is just lovely." Oliver said to Harry.

"That does not help." Harry sighed.

"I know, I'm just stating facts."

Rhea began wiping and dusting everything in the dressers for about five minutes, when she heard Oliver calling her from outside.

"I wasn't away for more than five minutes and you already missed me Oli?" said Rhea playfully.

"Of course Rhee, now come here quick. I was explaining to Harry about the Chasers and Beaters, and I thought what better than to have a demostration from the pride of the twins. " Oliver said while placing an arm over her shoulders.

"Okay, but be quick. I still have to do the rest of the houses dressers." Rhea giggled as Oliver threw her the Quaffle.

"Mind giving your broom to Rhea, Harry?" asked Oliver.

"Not at all. " Harry smiled at Rhea, and pass her his broom.

"Lets make this a test for next year application Rhee. Try to trow the Quaffle while in the middle of the field"

"You are going easy on me Oli but okay." Rhea mounted the broom, and off she went. She placed herself were Oliver told her to, and with her dominant hand threw the Quaffle into the middle hoop. The ball went straight through it. She immediatly flew over to the Quaffle, and then returned to the ground with Oliver and Harry.

"I can't wait for you to join us next year." said Oliver while clapping.

"That was amazing Rhea." said Harry.

"That... it was nothing, too easy, no one is trying to tackle you or sending Bludgers your way. Also no Keeper." said Rhea while dismounting the broom. She handed it back to Harry.

"Shit, I gotta go back to cleaning. Look, Filch is coming. I'm afraid that I would not be able to show you my amazing Beater skills right now. See you later Oli, Harry." Rhea bolt again to the dressers just in time.

She managed to clean all of the dressers before eight p.m. She would have finished sooner of she hadn't kept watching Harry and Oliver training with what seemed to be little balls.

Two month had passed. Rhea was still a little angry at Ron and Harry for their behavior towards Hermione, but she didn't stop with the parchment rolls she send to Harry.

Most of her classmates had already warmed up to her, and she even found herself talking to Theo and Blaise sometimes. As for Aelius... well they do talk mostly during potions, because Snape decided to pair them up. Aelius was not doing too well with the assignments, and Rhea was the second best in all of the classes just being bested by Hermione.

"Now be careful, we have to make sure we just heat the cauldron gently for twenty seconds before we add the two Valerian springs to it." Rhea instructured Aelius, and he nodded. "Good, see... it is not that difficult. "

"You make it easy to understand. Honestly, those two just kept distracting me." said Aelius glaring at Theo and Blaise who were behind them.

"Hey don't blame us for your lack of concentration." whinned Theo.

"Yeah, but I do have to admit that for a Gryffindor you are not as bad as the rest, Rhee." added Blaise.

"What do you mean by that Blaise? Don't go judging people for their Houses?" scolded Rhea. "And since when are you calling me 'Rhee'?" she asked cocking her eyebrow.

"Since now. " answered Theodore.

"Also, your bossy friend and the round-faced boy call you that." added Blaise.

"Yeah, because they're are close to me." Theo and Blaise faked being hurt with a hand on their chests.

"The hurt Blaise, the betrayal. " said Theo dramatically. Rhea just smirk at them with Aelius doing the same.

"By the way, you're going to mess up the potion." Rhea said nonchantly while working on hers and Aelius. She could hear the boys swearing and she giggled.

"You tricked us!" exclaimed Blaise.

On the other side of the room you could see Harry glaring at the three Slytherins.

"Great now even the Slytherins get along with her better than I do." muttered Harry.

"Did you say something Harry?" asked Ron


It was the morning of Halloween. Rhea and Hermione were met with the delicious smell of baking pumpking wafting their way in the corridors.

Topping that, Professor Flitwick announced in Charms that he though their class was ready to start making objects fly. Something that everyone was been dying to try since they'd seen him make Neville's toad zoom around the classroom.

"Oh! It is the charm that we reviewed last study session 'Mione." said Rhea, both of them excited. But their excitment died quickly as the professor made the pairs and separated them, putting them with the students that needed more help.

At the end, Rhea was paired up with Neville and that was good, but Hermione was paired with Ron, that sure was the mix for disaster. Neither of them seemed happy about it, and it was hard to tell whether Hermione or Ron was angrier about this.

Even though Rhea had talked to Harry or Ron on different occasions, Hermione hadn't talk to either of them at all since the day Harry's broomstick arrived.

"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practising!" squeak Professor Flitwick, perched on the top of his pile of books as usual.

"How could I forget it, my damn wrist hurt from all the practice we had." Rhea thought out loud, and everyone in the room giggled

"Well, Miss Black, your wrist is going to hurt even more now. Swish and Flick, remember, swish and flick . And saying the magic words properly is very important, too- never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest".

"Okay Neville, first of all lets practice the right wording Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa." Rhea told Neville slowly.

"Winggar-dium Levio-sa." tried Neville.

"Good try Neville but-" suddenly a spark and someone putting down a fire interrumpted Rhea's explanation to Neville. Somehow, Seamus ended up setting his feather on fire and, Harry had to put it out with his hat. "Ahh well where were we?....oh yes lets try-"

"You're saying it wrong." Rhea was once again interrumpt, but this time it was her best friend who had just snapped at the Weasley lad. "It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long."

"Yeah like she said, but also separated the 'gar' and the 'o' at Levi-o-sa." Rhea said quickly to Neville before anyone else could interrup her...again.

"You do it, then, if you're so clever," Rhea heard how Ron snarled at Hermione.

And as expected, Hermione did it right. Rhea turned around to her feather and demonstrated the charm for Neville, doing the wrist movement correctly, and saying clearly. Like Hermione, her own rose up.

"Well done, Miss Black too was able to do the charm perfectly! 5 Points to Gryffindor!" exclaimed Professor Flitwick.

The class came to an end, and they filled out of the classroom. Rhea and Hermione found themselves walking behind Harry and Ron.

"It's no wonder no one can stand her. I don't even know why Rhea keep hanging out with her." said Ron to Harry. "She is a nightmare, honestly"

Hermione sped up and knocked into Harry's shoulder as she walked past him. She did not want Rhea to see her tear-stained face. She was too late, and Rhea was angry.

"I think she heard you," said Harry,

"No shit idiot!" both of them turned around to see a furious Rhea, "and for your bloody information Ron, I do not care if everyone had warm up to me already, 'Mione was the first one that she didn't avoid me or ignored me. Move before I hex you, both of you."

Rhea chased after her best friend and ended up in the girls bathroom.

" 'Mione I know you are in there let me in." Rhea said knocked on the door of only stall that was lock. She heard shuffuling and then the door opened slightly. Not wanting anyone to see the vulnerable state of her friend, she went into the stall with her. "you know that you shouldn't listen to him."

"But he is right Rhee. No one likes me." sobbed Hermione.

"That's not true. I like you, and I wouldn't change you for anyone or anything. You've been with me since the beging. Since the train ride, when I told you my last name and you recognize it." Hermione looked at her wide eyed. She never told Rhea that she knew the reason behind everyone avoiding her or whispering about her. "Don't look so surprised 'Mione. You are clever, and obviously did a lot of research before coming here. I knew you recognized my last name, and concluded who my dad is. "

"Rhee, I'm so sorry I didnt tell you sooner."

"Don't worry 'Mione. I really do not care about that at all. On the contrary, I'm grateful that you did not judge me and gave me a chance to get to know me."

The girls stayed there all afternoon, talking and lifting each other mood. I wasn't until Hermione checked her watched that both girls felt hungry.

"Well, let's go and have something to eat, or we'll be starved for the rest of the night." Rhea stood up from the stall floor when a similar sensation from when they met the three headed dog rushed through her. However, this time it mas more prominent, savage and dangerous.

As always, Rhea let herself be guided by her instics. She opened the stall door, deciding to check out the place before she let Hermione out.

In front of her there was a Mountain Troll, twelve feet tall, with dull granite gray skin, its great lumpy body like a boulder, with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut. It had short legs thick as tree trunks with flat, horny feet. It was holding a huge wooden club, wich dragged along the floor because its arms were so long.

"Hermione, I need you to listen to me carefully and do not question my actions." Rhea said without breaking eye contact with the creature, knowing that it will break the trance she had just placed it under. "Do not move, do not speak, do not make a single sound and squat down onto the floor." Rhea's hair was turning a shade of dull grey, and that mean she was scared.

She stepped more outside the stall, making sure to keep the attention of the Troll on herself. Hermione was already belly on the floor when she saw the nasty big feet of the creature. She covered her mouth as to not make a noise, sweating hard at the view of her best friend standing alone in front of the beast, not being able to make any sudden movements to get her wand out.

"Now, how did you get in here." the voice of Rhea was rather alluring to the Troll.

The troll tried to look away from Rhea's eyes, as if it understood what was going on. "No! keep your eyes on mine. Don't look away." once again Rhea was able to get the Troll's attention, but the slaming of the door broke the conection. "Shit!"

The beast swung his club at Rhea, who barely managed to dodge it, entering the stall again placing herself as a shield for Hermione who let out a high petrified shriek.

They ducked under the stalls and out, as the Troll destroyed them. They were now cornered against the wall. Rhea was shielding Hermione behind her, when she saw Harry and Ron entering the bathroom.

She made eye contact with Harry, her hair turning more white than grey as she was terrified.

"Confuse it!" Harry said desperately to Ron, and seizing a tap, he threw it as hard as he could against the wall.

The troll stopped a few feet from the girls. It lumbered around, blinking stupidly to see what had made that noise.

Rhea panicked when she sensed danger from the creature in front of her, as it lock target on Harry. She pushed Hermione away from the Troll, and then yelled at it loudly, getting the danger off Harry.

"Hey! You! I told you not to look away from my eyes!" Rhea tried not to let her voice quiver.

She saw how the Toll looked at her confused, and raise his club at her. "Don't y-you dare!" Rhea failed her voice quivering, and she knew that the little control she had, had left. The connection was lost. She closed her eyes, too scare to move waiting for the hit.

"Oy, pea-brain!" yelled Ron from the other side of the chamber, and he threw a metal pipe at it. The troll didn't even seem to notice the pipe hitting its shoulder, but he heard the yell and pause again, turning its ugly snout toward Ron instead. Rhea took this chance and dived to Hermione, bringing her closer to the door. It was no use. Hermione was rather petrified by terror, and Rhea could not blame her. Rhea herself was in total panicked state. Her hair was as white as snow.

The shouting and the echoes seemed to be driving the troll berserk. It roared again and started toward Ron, who was the nearest and had no way to escape.

But then, Harry did something that was both very brave an very stupid: He took a great running jump and managed to fasten his arms around the troll's neck from behind. The troll couldn't feel Harry hanging there but even a troll will notice if you stick a long bit of wood up its nose, and Harry's wand had still been in his hand when he'd jumped- it had gone straight up one of the troll's nostrils.

Rhea grimaced at the sight letting a small 'Ewww' scaped her mouth. Her arm still around Hermione, trying to get her to move.

Howling with pain, the troll twisted an flailed its club, with Harry clinging on for dear life; any second, the troll was going to rip him off or catch him with a terrible blow with his club.

Hermione sunk to the floor in fright bringing Rhea down with her, as both of them refused to let go of each other.

" 'Mione I know that you are scared, I'm shitting myself too. but we need to get out of here before the boys hurt themselves."

Rhea saw how Ron pulled out his own wand, not knowing what he was doing, but Rhea was surprised when she heard the spell leaving his lips "Wingardium Leviosa!" without any mistake and perfectly performed.

The club flew suddendly out of the troll's hand, rose high, high up into the air, turned slowly over- and dropped with a sickening crack onto its owner's head. Rhea couldn't help but felt a slight headache due to the early connection that she made with the troll. The troll swayed on the spot and then fell flat on its face, with a thud that made the whole room tremble.

Harry got to his feet an so did Rhea and Hermione. Rhea's hair started turning grey and slowly back to black. She was a little dizzy due to the sudden headache she had, and Hermione steadied her.

"Is it- dead?" Hermione was the first to speak.

"I don't think so." said Harry.

"No." added Rhea still grabbing her head. "It's just knocked out."

Harry then bent down and pulled his wand out of the troll's nose. Rhea turned away not feeling well enough to see troll's boogies. She was sure she would've threw up if she saw it.

"Ugh- troll boogers" said Harry

"No, please Harry don't say more." Rhea told the boy with out looking at him.

A sudden slamming and loud footsteps made the four off them look up. They hadn't realized what a racket they had been making, but of course, someone downstairs must have heard the crashes and the troll's roars. A moment later, Professor McGonagall had come bursting into the room, closely followed by snape, with Quirrell bringing up the rear. Without the strenght, or the will to mantain her hair at its original colour, Rhea's hair started changing. Shades of red, orange and deep blue were now dancing in her hair. Nobody was able to pointed out why the sudden and quickl display of emotions on the metamorphagi's hair. Well no one except for one of the teachers.

Quirrell took one look at the troll, let out a faint whimper, and sat down quickly on a toilet, clutching his heart.

"Err... I think we took the 'Trashing the party' too seriously, didn't we?" Rhea tried too laugh it off, and get a grip on her overflooding emotions but it did not work.

Snape bent over the troll. Professor McGonagall was looking at Ron and Harry, and glacing at Rhea's direction.

"What on earth were you thinking of?" said Professor McGonagall with a growl, looking between Harry who was next to Ron, whom had his wand still out and pointing to the air, then to Rhea who had a terrible look on her face, and was leaning against Hermione for support. "You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

Snape gave Harry a swift look and then glanced quickly at Rhea. Harry looked at the floor.

Then a voice came out from next to Rhea.

"Please Professor McGonagall, they were looking for me."

"Miss Granger!"

"Minnie they were looking fo US." added Rhea, finally standing on her own. She elbowed Hermione, telling subtlety her that she wouldnt let her take all the blame herself.

"We went looking for the troll because I-" Hermione froze. She could not came out with an excuse.

"Because I thought I can control it on my own, you know" Rhea just stared deeply into McGonagall's eyes. The Professor was one of the few that knew about her secret.

The sound of something being dropped was heard. Ron had dropped his wand. Not beliving that Hermione Granger and Rhea Black were taking the blame for them.

"If they hadn't found us, we'll be dead by now. Rhea was able to had it under control for a while, Harry stuck his wand up its nose and Ron knocked it out with its own club." said Hermione.

"They didn't had time to go and fetch anyone. It had us cornered in the wall when they arrived." Rhea added.

The two boys tried to look as though this story wasn't new to them.

"Well - in that case..." said Professor McGonagall staring at the boys "Miss Granger, you foolish girl, how could you let Miss Black drag you along in this nonsense? As for you Miss Black, you better than anyone here should know the dangers of this...creature, tell me it was still, when they knocked it out?"

"Yes. " answered Rhea. Three of the six people beside her not knowing what they were talking about, but stared at her curiously.

"Miss Granger, Miss Black, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this," said Professor McGonagall, "I'm very disappointend in both of you. Miss Granger, if you are not hurt please get off to the Gryffindor Tower. Students are finishing the feast in their Houses." Hermione looked confused as why Rhea wasn't dismissed as well, but she complied and left.

Professor McGonagall then turned to Rhea.

"As for you Miss Black, Professor Snape, please take her to the hospital wing so that she can be examined. "

"Come on, Black." said Snape, and Rhea followed leaving two concerned boys behind.

"That was indeed very foolish young girl."

"Professor Snape, that is the tenth time in a row you say that."

"You do not have the full knowledge about that magic of yours, yet you went looking for a big, dark creature with just Granger as a back up." scolded Snape while sitting the girl on the hospital bed, and calling Madam Pomphrey.

Dumbuldore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Madam Pomphrey were the only staff so far that knew of Rhea's case.

So it was much more easy for Madam Pomphrey to checked Rhea.

"It wasn't that bad. The conection with the troll wasn't enought to cause you a physical damage. You will only have a headache, but if you take this it would dissappear. " said the sweet lady, giving Rhea a potion. "But I do suggest you take it with some food, so hurry up and join the rest of your House."

Madam Pomphrey dismissed Rhea, and she took off to the Tower.

"OH! There you are Miss Black, hurry up the feast is almost done." said the fat lady.

"Thanks, Pig snout." Rhea said, and as soon as she was in she was tackled to the ground.

"Oh my goodness, at first I though you were gonna be expelled, but then Ron and Harry came and told me that Professor McGonagall sent you to the Hospital Wing. Are you okey? Is there anything hurts?" Hermione rambled.

"'Mi-one I can't... breath" Rhea managed to say.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Hermione stood up and helped Rhea up to her feet.

"Rhea!" Ron and Harry yelled when they saw the girl.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked worried while Hermione was still examining her.

"We tried to followed you and Snape, but Professor McGonagal didn't allow us." added Ron.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. I just hit my head, and Madam Pomphrey gave me this. She told me to take it with food though."

"Oh we saved you some food, here. " Harry pointed to a plate that had pumpking pasties and a caramel apple.

"You mean I save it for her. Ron tried to eat your apple." Hermione said.

"Thank you guys." Rhea sat down and started eating. She noticed a change in the atmosphere between the boys and her best friend, and it was a good one. Both Harry and Ron became their friends.

There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and it seems that knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.

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