🚩Becoming Lust

By simptember_03

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[an original] [ warning ! explicit content - NSFW ] this contains violence and rape/mentions of rape. you hav... More



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By simptember_03

The one week vacation in Maldives has come to an end. Vienne and Keith had to go back to their daily lives as student and teacher. And for some reasons, things start to feel difficult now that Vienne is about to graduate.

"No, Ash, because I just can't understand why would my grades look like that. I mean, as far as I know I completed all his task. I admit few of them were passed late but my works are crazy good!" Vienne ranted through the phone while talking to his friend.

"Right. Now calm down and let's think what else could be the reason why he would give you that grade. Maybe... he wasn't satisfied with the contents?" Ashley suggested and he wished he didn't.

"Wasn't satisfied?! Seriously?! Those tasks could easily get me into Harvard! Clearly, he's not thinking outside of the box!" it's as if he's itching to shout at the top of his lungs.

Vienne was walking back and forth in the living room wearing K's shirt only. It was when they came home last night from Maldives and had another sex for the rest of the night.

The light of the sunny 6AM morning from outside is reflecting inside their home from the massive windows of their apartment.

"You're not talking about me, are you?" K asked from the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"Why? Did you give me low grades?" Vienne replied in between conversation with Ashley.

"You got what you deserve," he shortly answered.

Vienne sighed in defeat. Maybe that's just how it is. Hopefully, that one low grade won't affect any chances of him getting in university.

"I'll just see you at school, Ash. Let's talk about it later. Bye." Vienne ended their call and went to the kitchen counter to have his breakfast.

"Y'know, only that old geezer is giving me a hard time in studying. The other subject is fine and fun as it is but him? Oh, I'll let him pass if I were his teacher. Pass away." Vienne expressed as he chugged down his soymilk.

It made Keith let out a soft chuckle as he served their breakfast. Even he can't imagine why wouldn't someone give the most intelligent student ever the highest grade. That's just absurd.

"We can just quit school. You and me. Let's just live comfortably," Keith suggested.

Vienne used to like the idea, but studying was the only thing that could bring out the best in him. He thinks he has a need to show everyone that he made it.

"Stop with the silly jokes for now, Keith. This feels hard on me right now," Vienne poked the sausages with his fork, his appetite declining as of the moment.

"I'm sorry. I won't bring it up again," Keith gave him a kiss on his head.

"Finish your breakfast while I prepare your stuff, okay?" he let him alone on his thoughts and went inside Vienne's room to prepare his uniform and other stuff.

Keith stopped by the door, looking back to his younger boyfriend.

Oh, how wonderful would it be to just keep him all to himself. Without any worries of the future. Keith wants him to just throw everything away and not think of any responsibilities.

But Vienne's mind is just starting to form all these anxieties about the future, on how he wants to be worthy of Keith's love, that he's not the burden he always think he is.

Things will start to get blurry at this point, both of them can see it. Vienne is afraid sex will no longer fix something like this.

Vienne stood up and left his food to join Keith in his room. He was in front of Vienne's closet, picking out clothes.

Vienne hugged Keith from behind as he buried his face on his boyfriend's broad and muscular back.

"I badly want to do nothing with you for the rest of our lives. But my mind... my mind seems to—" Vienne tried explaining his feelings but K turned around to hug him back, cutting him mid sentence.

"I know, my love. I know. You don't need to say anything," K swayed as he comforted Vienne, hugging him tight.

They stood like that for a while until the heavy feeling lifted off from Vienne's body. He feel a little bit better for now.

"I couldn't finish my food. Sorry," Vienne said as he broke off from their hug.

"It's okay. I'll just join you at lunch later. You should take a shower now and maybe you could feel better, wouldn't that be nice?" Keith handed him a towel and gave him a head pat.

He left the room just to enter the other room across it and prepare his own stuff.

"Ashley's waiting for me by the entrance so I'm leaving first. I'll see you later," Vienne leaned for a kiss and Keith gave him one.

He watched as Vienne got off the car and sprinted through the crowd of students.

As soon as he was through collecting his things, he got off the car and locked it.

"What do you think you're doing, Mr. Han?" somebody spoke from behind and as Keith looked, it was their department chief.

"I'm locking my car...?" he politely responded.

"I'm sure you're aware that this behaviour might ruin your career, or worse, get your teaching license revoked, don't you?" the old woman stated. Her voice is calm but with a strong sense of authority.

He is fully aware of that.

"Yes, ma'am. I am. I promise I'll make sure to avoid crowded places next time we're together. I'm very sorry to concern you," Keith apologized and was patiently waiting for her to continue.

"Not just avoid, Mr. Han. You have to stop whatever you may have with your student. This is not professional and it is surely not ethical. I'll have you report by tomorrow or the school board will hear about this," she warned and started to walk away first.

Keith can't help but to clench his jaw behind her. He didn't like what he heard.

"That... or you'll have my letter of resignation by tomorrow. I know the school board wouldn't let me go that easily, ma'am. They reached out to me first after all. And please, you don't know what that boy went through. Either you can turn a blind eye and mind your own business or... we'll have a problem," Keith spoke enough for her to hear.

She was obviously raging with anger inside yet she still contained herself presentably and went on her way.

Aside from Keith's very own intelligence and skills, his job as a teacher in such a renowned school was a product of nepotism.

After all, what kind of teacher drives a McLaren to school?

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