LIONESS || lydia martin

By bers3rkers

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𝑳𝑰𝑢𝑡𝑬𝑺𝑺 (s3a-) Asher Lewis knew what she was getting into when her and her pack came back to Beacon Hi... More

|part one|
i. tattoo
ii. chaos rising
iii. unleashed
iiii. frayed
v. motel california
vi. currents
vii. visionary
viii. the girl who knew too much
ix. the overlooked
x. the alpha pact
xi. lunar eclipse
|part two|
i. anchors
ii. more bad than good
iii. galvanize
iiii. illuminated
v. silverfinger
vi. riddled
vii. letharia vulpina
viii. echo house
ix. the fox and the wolf
x. de-void
xi. insatiable
xii. the devine move
|part three|
i. the dark moon.
ii. 117
iii. muted
iiii. the benefactor
v. I.E.D
vi. orphaned
vii. weaponized
viii. time of death
ix. perishable
x. monstrous
xi. a promise to the dead
xii. smoke and mirrors
|part four|
i. creatures of the night
ii. parasomnia
iii. dreamcatchers
iiii. condition terminal
v. a novel approach
vii. strange frequencies
viii. ouroboros
ix. lies of ommission
x. status asthmaticus
|part five|
i. the last chimera
ii. damnatio memoriae
iii. codominance / the sword and the spirit
iv. amplification
v. lie ability
vi. a credible threat
vii. maid of gevaudan
viii. the beast of beacon hills

vi. required reading

805 48 8
By bers3rkers

" I hate the Dread Doctors. "

»»———-  ———-««

"I'm gonna come at you, Lyds." Asher nodded. "Get ready to block me."

The girls were in Asher's backyard, once she cleared them enough space, as they worked on Lydia's fighting.

"Don't think, just do." Asher added.

Lydia dropped her fists and gave her girlfriend a blank stare. "Did you just quote Top Gun to me?"

Asher shrugged. "Maybe a little."

The redhead chuckled, putting her fists back up.

Asher went to punch her, but Lydia shoved her fist away. Trying to catch her off guard, Asher instantly sent another one and she got blocked again. Asher twisted her body to go and kick Lydia, but it got blocked again.

"Alright, arms up." Asher said.

Lydia complied, doing it a bit dramatically for shits and giggles. Asher rolled her eyes fondly.

"With your arms up, you can block attacks to your face and head while still watching your opponent." Asher explained. Lydia nodded at this with her eyes widened a little as she listened closely. "Ready?"

Lydia nodded again.

Asher darted forward, her fist flying towards Lydia. Getting her wrist swiped to the side, Asher took a step back. She then attempted to use her other hand to punch Lydia, but she just blocked it again. Asher smirked slightly at her girlfriends progress, but she knew better than to think she couldn't get her.

Watching her intently, Asher moved to kick her, but pulled back last minute. Not expecting this, Lydia went to block a kick when a Asher's fist lightly tapped her cheek.

Lydia groaned and dropped her arms in frustration.

"It's okay, Lydia." Asher watched her walk to where their water bottles sat on the back porch. "You can't be perfect after a few practices. You know that."

Lydia leaned on the banister of the porch, now up the steps. She took a sip of water. "I'm okay. Let's keep going." She put her water bottle back down and made her way over to Asher again.

Asher raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sure, Ash." Lydia rolled her eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

She sighed. "You're stitches. I don't want them to come undone." Asher said.

"I'm fine." Lydia assured.

She could tell that Asher didn't believe her, though. Lydia unzipped her jacket all the way, reaching down to pull the waistband of her leggings down just enough for Asher to see the bandage on her.

"See? No blood." Lydia said.

Asher raised her hands in defense as Lydia pulled her jacket off. She threw it over to the side, turning back to Asher.

"Oh, are we stripping now?" Asher grinned.

"Don't start." Lydia rolled her eyes, though a small amused smile made its way to her face.

The lioness shrugged, pulling her hoodie off anyway.

"Ready when you are." Lydia put her arms back up.

Asher copied her actions, fists balled tight. Taking a step forward, she sent a punch Lydia's way. Which the redhead blocked easily. Asher nodded curtly and tried again. Lydia wasn't taking just a block this time, though. She wrapped her hand around Asher's wrist and twisted it back before punching in her direction.

The werelion ducked just in time to miss getting decked in face. Asher used the arm that Lydia had a hold on to pull her close and against her, using her other arm to hold Lydia's other fist in place.

"So close." Asher muttered.

Lydia huffed, letting her head fall back onto Asher's shoulder.

"What'd you do wrong?" Asher questioned.

"I forgot to keep my arms up." Lydia breathed out, wincing a few times.

Asher nodded. "It's okay, though. Fight enough, practice enough, then you'll just remember. It'll become muscle memory."

Lydia glanced up at her, their eyes meeting. She nodded and her hair brushed against Asher's cheek.

Then she suddenly jumped and Asher let her go. Lydia took a few steps away, a noise of discomfort leaving her lips. She looked up to see the printed version of The Dread Doctors peeking out of her bag on the porch.

"What's wrong?" Asher watched her in confusion.

"Muscle memory." Lydia said.

Asher walked up behind her, eyes landing on the book as well. She understood, hand reaching up to rub Lydia's shoulder.

"Hey, on a positive note... You almost had me." Asher raised her eyebrows.

Looking back at her, Lydia wasn't convinced. "No, I didn't."

"Okay, maybe not. But I'm confident one day you could beat my ass." Asher laughed with a small smile.

"Just you wait." Lydia patted her cheek playfully.


They all stood around in Scott's living room, staring down at the copies of The Dread Doctors they laid out on the table.

"My mom's book club usually has more wine." Lydia remarked.

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations." Stiles countered.

Scott looked up at two girls across the table. "That's why Malia and Rey's here."

"So none of us go running into traffic?" Kira assumed.

"Or worse." Reya shrugged, still not having had her "hallucination" despite finishing the book.

Malia nodded, glancing at her. "Like what happened to Judy."

"Oh, yeah." Reya pointed at her in agreement.

Noticing the confused expressions they're friends wore, Malia clued them in. "Chapter fourteen."

Lydia leaned down at picked up the actual book copy. "Maybe I should have my mom read it. She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone."

"If it works." Reya added.

"It has to." Lydia said.

Asher, who stood next to her, crossed her arms across her chest. "What do you mean?"

Lydia sighed and moved her gaze from the book. "I think I saw them during my surgery." Asher furrowed her brows. "When I look at the cover of the book, it's almost like..."

"A memory trying to surface." Theo finished her sentence with a nod.


Kira looked over at Malia next to her. "Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?" The latter nodded.

"If they did something to me, I want to know what it is." Lydia said, a determined expression on her face.

Asher clenched her jaw with a look of discomfort.

"What's wrong, Asher?" Scott asked, not forgetting their promise.

"When we were at Eichen and I stayed back after you left with Kira-" She started.

"Wait, you fought the Dread Doctors?" Stiles cut her off.

Asher rolled her eyes. "No, Stiles. I let them go past, trusting that you guys had a plan to get out of their safe, okay? And you did, so... Yay me."

Stiles nodded.

"As I was saying, before I let them go past me... They said "Done with you." I didn't know what they meant then, but I guess I just forgot what they did to me." Asher explained. "I want to find out."

Lydia reached down and picked up a copy before handing it to Asher. She then grabbed the girls hand and pulled her towards the couches where they would get to reading the book.

Reya watched them leave with furrowed brows, but was snapped back into reality by Stiles picking up a copy of the book.

Everyone gathered around together, getting as comfortable as they could, knowing what this book did.

It was pretty quiet as everyone read, the only sound being the turning pages. Theo sat in one of the armchairs, Kira and Scott occupying the couch across from him, Reya on the floor in front of the couch, and Lydia in the other armchair with Asher on the ground sitting against it. Stiles was at the kitchen table with Malia as she poured them coffee.

Scott speaking caught everyone's attention. "Anyone feeling anything yet?"

"Tired." Replied Kira.

After a beat, Lydia was the next one to speak. "Hungry."

"Bored." Asher added, arm reached over to her bookbag which she had next to the chair. She pulled out a small bag of chips before handing them to Lydia.

"I think he meant the book." Theo said.

Reya glanced down at Asher's bag. "You got anymore snacks in there?"

Asher didn't look up from her book when she shrugged. "Only some more chips, maybe an old pack of crackers. I knew Lydia would get hungry, so I packed the ones she likes."

Hearing this, Lydia looked down at her even though Asher couldn't see it. She smiled to herself as her gaze went back down to the book.

After a few minutes, Kira sighed frustratingly. She dog-eared her page in her book before relaxing onto the couch with her eyes closed.

"You're not giving up, are you?" Scott asked.

"I'm just resting my eyes." Kira answered.

She opened her eyes momentarily to shut the lamp off before getting comfortable again.

Hours later, everyone was asleep. Lydia was slumped in the armchair, Asher using her thighs as a pillow as she sat with her side against the armchair.

Next to her was Stiles on the ground with his head rested against pillows that sat against Malia's curled up legs. She currently lie on the couch next to Scott, who sits low against the cushions.

In between the two on the couch, sat Reya still on the floor. Her legs were pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around them as she slept with her head against Scott's knee.

Kira was sent up to Scott's room to sleep, being the one to do so earlier than the rest.

The only person that was awake was Theo, as he stared out at the teenagers. He listened in to make sure they were all sound asleep before turning on his heel and making his way to the stairs. He was going upstairs to Kira.


"What if we need some kind of trigger?" Scott voiced his ideas as he pushed open the doors to the school, Kira, Asher, and Stiles with him. "Wasn't Malia driving when she remembered the crash?"

"Yeah, but how are we supposed to trigger a memory that we don't remember?" Stiles argued.

Asher groaned dramatically. "You always have to make things so complicated."

Stiles sneered at her.

"Maybe it's a delayed thing." Scott said, used to their little arguments. "Maybe you have to wait a couple of hours to see what happens."

The lights above them buzzed, flickering in and out. Each of them slowed to a stop, their eyes going to Kira when it stops.

She looks between them all. "That wasn't me. I swear."

Scott nodded. "We keep an eye out for each other today, okay?"

"Yes, and keep an eye out for eight other potentially homicidal chimeras." Stiles added.

"I'm going to kill you in your sleep, I swear to God." Asher huffed.

Stiles looked at her with an offended confusion. "I didn't do anything!"

"And keep an eye out for the Dread Doctors." Kira said.

When Asher didn't say anything, Stiles threw his arms out. "Oh, but that's not making it complicated?"

"No, she's not being dramatic about it, Stiles!" Asher scoffed.

"I feel like killing me in my sleep is dramatic, okay?" Stiles countered.

Scott and Kira walked off together because even if they were used to it, doesn't mean it was appealing to be around.

"Starting to see the appeal of the third eye." Stiles said, loud enough for them to hear.

Asher pursed her lips and shook her head. "I don't know how I deal with you everyday." She patted him on the arm before walking off.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well... Same here!"


"So, while introducing the African cane toad sounded like a good way with Australia's infestation of the gray-back beetle, unfortunately, the toads also decided to eat everything else in sight." Mrs. Finch explained.

Reya copied a few things down in her notes from where she sat next to Theo in AP Biology. She saw him look up at Lydia and they both then looked at a girl in front of her, making Reya curious.

Theo noticed this, letting her see a message Lydia sent him. Mrs. Finch's voice blocked out by now.


She met his eyes and shrugged, so he typed out a message back, making sure Reya read it.

Look at her hair.

Reya furrowed her brows, giving him a confused expression. He looked at her, exasperated before looking at Sydney pointedly. Reya sighed and did so, also seeing Lydia looking at her.

Sydney pulled a hand away from her hair, staring down at a clump of hair. Her breathing got heavier and she was seeming to panic.

Lydia glanced back at them, each of them matching alert expressions.

Then Sydney darted out of her seat and walked as calmly as she could to Mrs. Finch's desk to place her drop form.

"Wise decision, Sydney." Mrs. Finch said.

Reya rolled her eyes. She hated teachers that made students feel stupid or like they didn't belong.

Sydney then walked out of the classroom and Lydia followed after her.

"Lydia, you know it's for the best." Mrs. Finch tried to stop her.

The Martin girl just paused for a second before continuing after Sydney.


"Ash. Asher!" Reya's voice whisper-shouted from outside the English classroom Asher sat in.

Hearing her name, Asher looked up to see Reya standing outside with a worried expression. She subtly tapped her ear to let Reya know she was listening.

"It's Lydia." Was all Reya needed to say to have Asher gathering her stuff and rushing out.

"Ms. Lewis-" The teacher attempted to get her back, but she was already letting the door shut behind her.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Asher hissed instantly.

Reya started walking, Asher on her tail. "She's in the office. We don't know what happened, but it looks like she just passed out."

"Lydia." Asher crouched in front of her girlfriend on the floor, Scott beside her, and Reya and Theo standing up behind them. "Lyds."

The redheads eyes seemed to finally focus, blinking a few times.

"Are you okay?" Asher asked.

Her hands were shaking and she looked like she was going to faint again. Asher reached over and grabbed her hand to try and calm her down.

"I'm okay." Lydia said. "I'm fine."

Theo leaned over behind Scott. "You remembered something."

She nodded. "Not about the Dread Doctors. Nothing about them or the surgery."

"What was it?" Scott spoke up, nudging Asher for her to help him.

She let go of Lydia's hand, her and Scott helping the girl to her feet. Asher then helped Lydia into a chair, hand resting on her shoulder.

"My grandmother. At Eichen House." Lydia explained.

Before she could dive into a deeper explanation, her mother, who Sydney and went and got, came running in.

"Lydia. Lydia!" She gasped, crouching in front of her daughter. "Oh, my God. What happened? Are you alright?"

"Mom, I'm fine. It was nothing." Lydia tells her.

Natalie didn't seem convinced. "Was it a blackout? Did you faint?"

Lydia faltered. "Yeah. Yeah, I fainted." Natalie just stared at her in worry. "Mom, I'm fine. I promise."

Asher looked over at her friends and Theo, jaw clenched and brows furrowed. Scott met her gaze, understanding everything she wasn't saying.

She turned back to Lydia. "I'm gonna go get you some water, okay?" Asher rubbed her shoulder gently.

Lydia looked up at her and nodded. "Okay, thank you."


Walking to her car after school, Asher had to walk through the part of the campus she watched Aiden die. It got easier, but it never felt good to do it. When she was alone, it was the hardest to walk through it. But she had to.

She remembered every second of it. Each emotion everyone around her was feeling, her abilities were amplified in that moment and Asher now knew it was because of the transformation she soon had after.

Asher's walk slowed as she stared at the spot on the ground she last saw her brother. She felt her throat start to tighten and her chest start to heave, but she had to keep going. She couldn't lose it here, not now.

But she couldn't move. It was like she was bolted to the concrete under her and her vision started to blur in and out.

It felt like a dream, a dream in which she couldn't wake up from. And Asher wanted to wake up, she wanted so bad to wake up.

What was she doing here? It was dark, and she was watching herself. Asher blinked a few times as she tried to make sure she was really here, like this was really happening.

It was. It was happening.

Asher watched as she walked alone down the steps and towards the parking lot. She was leaving the school.

Why was she even here this late? When was this?

Hearing something, Asher turned around to see the Dread Doctors appearing out of... nowhere. But there was only two of them. Past-Asher heard it too, also turning to see them. Now-Asher stared in confusion, she still couldn't move from the one spot she was in.

Past-Asher slowly dropped her bag on the ground and rose her fists, eyes shining purple. She was going to try to fight them.

Before she could make a move, the third Dread Doctor somehow came up behind her and threw her into the wall. One of the other ones shot their arrow on a string, possibly to try and keep her on the wall.

Now-Asher didn't know what was happening. She didn't even remember what day this could've been. She understood that she wouldn't have remembered this exact moment, but when was she here?

"Get the hell off of me!" Past-Asher tried to fight, but two of them were now shoving her against the wall, making sure she couldn't get up. And Asher, never shutting up in any moment, kept fighting. "Why do I need to be stabbed with this thing then?"

She groaned, the arrow being pushed deeper into her stomach, where she got hit.

"What are you doing to me?" Past-Asher questioned, watching the one Dread Doctor that wasn't holding her pull out a long syringe and some other tool.

"Amplifying." It answered in it's robotic-y voice.

Now-Asher didn't understand. Not like that was anything new.

She watched the Dread Doctor stick Past-Asher's chest with the syringe, making her scream out in pain. Then she realized.

The syringe went into her heart.

Past-Asher flailed in pain, eyes squeezing shut. What they hell were they doing to her?

The Dread Doctor plunged whatever liquid was in it into her heart before slowly pulling it out. Past-Asher gasped for breath, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Stop." She begged.

Now-Asher didn't know how to feel. Her hand moved up to her heart. How the hell was she still alive?

The Dread Doctor didn't stop. It just used it's next tool, which Asher could now see was a scalpel, to cut a small square piece of her skin off of her lower stomach. Now-Asher watched her own skin fall to the ground like a leaf, eyes wide with horror.

The Dread Doctor then used small pliers to insert something in that small piece of missing skin. It had the chance to stop at the surface, but it just kept going to where it was embedded inside of her.

Past-Asher was still holding back tears, determined not to let them fall. She didn't know what they were doing to her, but she wanted it to stop.

The one practically torturing her then burned her discarded square of skin back on before using another syringe on that spot. Once it stepped back, the other two let Past-Asher go and she dropped to the ground.

She didn't fight, she didn't try to get up, she just lied there. It hurt so bad. How could it hurt this bad? They barely did anything to her.

Finally opening her eyes, Past-Asher regretted it as one of the Dread Doctors stabbed her in the eye with something. She yelled out.

Now-Asher felt faint again, vision going in and out. She swallowed hard as she fell backwards. It felt slow, timeless, but she knew it wasn't.

"Asher?" It was Liam.

Eye's shooting open quickly, Asher threw her hands out to get anyone away from her. No one was close enough to get smacked.

"Asher, are you okay?" This voice wasn't Liam. It was Kira.

She was on the ground now, sitting up with her hands behind her holding her. Asher pushed herself back until she hit the wall, but then she remembered what it felt like being attacked by the Dread Doctors and stood up fast.

"Asher!" Liam called.

Asher looked at him, eyes glowing bright.

"Your eyes, Asher, stop it." Kira spoke next, softly.

Asher took a deep breath, eyes shutting for a moment before she opened them again. Normal.

"Was it your memory?" Kira asked.

She nodded, still not speaking. Her breathing was heavy and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Liam stepped closer. "Are you okay? What happened?"

The lioness looked over to the wall, staring at it. She felt it rushing back again. Now that Asher remembered it, it was never going to go away.

"They- They did something to me... I don't know what it was. I could've died." Asher tried to explain. "It hurt so bad. It didn't make sense, it shouldn't of hurt that bad. How-"

Seeing the tears pooling into her eyes, Kira stopped her. "Hey, calm down. You don't have to explain right now."

"There's something in me. They- They put it in my skin and I want it out. I don't like it and I don't know what it was. Kira, I can't-" Asher shook her head, hand going over her heart.

"Her heartbeat is going crazy." Liam told Kira.

Kira knew what was happening. "Ash, you're gonna be okay. I need you to take a deep breath, okay?"

Asher couldn't respond, she could barely breath.

"Ash, please. I know you're barreling towards a panic attack, and I need you know you're going to be okay." Kira went to grab her shoulders, but Asher shoved her back.

Harder than she intented.

Liam caught the girl before she could get hurt, staring at Asher in worry.

"Here. They attacked me here. Where he died." Asher said, her voice barely above a whisper. "What did they do to me?"

She took a step away from her friends, head shaking. "I need to go home. I need to call Doc. I need Lydia, or- Or Scott. I can't-"

"Scott's in the locker room." Liam said. "Lydia and Stiles went to the hospital, I think."

Kira nodded, trying to figure out what to do. She vaguely remembered Lydia telling her about how Asher got Stiles out of a panic attack. Before she could say anything-

Asher slowly collapsed to the ground, head in her hands. She was going to get herself out of this panic attack, she didn't need anyone.

After a few minutes of complete and utter silence, Asher looked up at her friends with a blank expression.


She just gave Liam a look.

"I'm fine." She said.

"Do you want me to call Lydia?" Kira asked. Everyone knew she was Asher's anchor.

Asher said a soft "no" as she clambered to her feet. "I just need to go home."

Kira and Liam watched as she grabbed her bag, turned on her heel and just left.

"I wonder what she remembered." Liam said.

"I just hope she's okay." Kira frowned.


Reya was back at Eichen House on another unscheduled visit. She just felt like she needed to talk to her dad about what happened when she was there the other day. She felt bad and wanted to apologize.

"Surprised you're back." Dr. Fenris said, being the one to lead her to the lower levels.

Reya shrugged, hands shoved in her pockets as she followed him down the stairs. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, the visit with Valack seemed to shake you all to your cores, especially since the Dread Doctors interrupted you." Dr. Fenris explained his thinking.

"My dad's here, I'm not going to just never come back." Reya said, confused on why she had to elaborate.

Dr. Fenris led her to the gate, pulling out his card to swipe her in. "Right, well, you know the rules."

She nodded. Fenris pulled the gate open and allowed her to walk inside.

Reya didn't waste anytime in getting to her father's cell, not taking the time to chat with any of the others (some were surprisingly nice), or walk leisurely. She walked up to the glass, knocking softly to wake the sleeping man inside.

Jay slowly opened his eyes at the rapping against the glass, turning his head to see Reya. The man got to his feet and walked closer.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, brows pinched together slightly.

Reya licked her lips, trying to find the words. "Dad, I-"

"If you're going to apologize, it's not needed. I understand. No one knows." Jay shrugged like it was casual.

"It wasn't fair to you, okay? I shouldn't have just disregarded you like some monster in here, it wasn't right." Reya shook her head.

"Like I'm some monster? Rey, I am one." Jay raised his eyebrows. "We don't have to keep pretending I'm not, you know enough now."

Reya didn't want to hear it. "You're not a monster, Dad. You can just do things, things regular people can't."

Jay sighed, smiling softly. "Reya, it's okay. I'm fine with being labelled a monster. It doesn't change how I see myself, my... powers. I know what I am."

"But you don't do bad things." Reya argued, still not wanting to call her father a monster.

"You do remember I almost killed you and your mother, don't you? As much as I'd like to forget it..." Jay massaged his forehead tiredly.

Reya looked down at her feet with a loud huff. "I remember. It's not really something I can forget. I don't care, though, to me you'll never be a monster." She looked back up.

Jay could only smile down at her. He was so proud of her, of what she'd done with her life so far, of who she was. He just wished he got to see her grow into this person he was so proud of.

"Again, I'm sorry." Reya repeated. "And... Someone knows. Wouldn't be surprised if everyone knew, actually." She furrowed her brows, knowing Stiles liked to spill every secret he had.

"You told someone about me?" Jay seemed genuinely surprised.

"Well, more like Valack taunted me relentlessly about you and he figured it out." Reya shrugged. "It's fine though, he didn't care much."

Jay faltered. "He?"

Reya groaned, eyes rolling. "If you even-"

"A boy? The boy you came here with? Are you two-" Jay started.

"No!" Reya said, louder than she intended. "No." She repeated, more soft. "Me and Stiles are not... involved. He has a girlfriend."

Jay studied her. "Do you wish he didn't?"

"What? No. Malia's great, she's one of my closest friends. I would never wish that on her." Reya seemed offended. "And Stiles? I don't... I can't even.... Stiles?"

"Seems like you're trying to convince yourself more than you're trying to convince me, Rey." Jay said.

Reya sent him a glare, though it held no heat behind it. "Enough about Stiles. I just wanted to explain and that's all." She nodded curtly.

"Okay, I understand. Do you need to head out?" Jay guessed.

"Yeah. I have homework to do and Mom worries if I'm gone too long after school." Reya says with a saddened tone. "If I'm not home in, like, thirty minutes, she'll probably send a search party out for me."

Jay chuckled with a nod. "How is she doing?"

Reya shrugged. "As good as a women can be with her husband in a pysch ward."

He gave her an unimpressed look.


Jay shook his head, running a hand down his face. "See you soon, sweetheart."

Nodding, Reya gave him a small smile. "See you, Dad."


Meeting up with Scott, Malia, Theo, and Reya, Asher walked up the steps to the hospital. None of them knew about her memory, unless Liam and Kira blabbed, and she'd like to keep it that way. Until she figured out what the hell these creepy doctors did to her, no one finds out.

Scott turned to look at them as he pushed the door to the hospital open. "You guys try to find Stiles and Lydia. I'm gonna find my mom."

"Here, I'll come with you." Asher offered, getting a grateful nod back.

The five parted ways, Theo, Malia, and Reya heading down one hall, Scott and Asher down the other.

If she was being completely honest, Asher just didn't want to find Lydia. The redhead could read her too well, and she would spill everything.

The elevator opened, Scott walking out first with Asher following.

He turned at the sound of something, eyes going wide at a Dread Doctor. Before Scott could do anything, it had him by the neck as it pinned him to the wall. It's electrified hand reached up, pressed against Scott's chest, and shocked him.

Scott attempted to pull his inhaler out of his pocket as his breathing started to get constricted. It didn't work, as the medicine clattered to the floor.

Asher froze for a second, the Dread Doctor catching her off guard. Was she also a bit scared after finding out what these things did to her? Possibly. But that is her business.

The Dread Doctor dropped Scott to the floor, snapping Asher back to reality. She quickly flicked her claws out and let her eyes start to shine.

Asher ran for the Dread Doctor and kicked it away from her friend, watching it stumble. It turned to face her, head tilting just a little. Asher didn't let that affect her, she just went to attack again.

The Dread Doctor anticipated this, grabbing the fist that was thrown its way. Asher kicked at his again, which successfully got her out of its grasp. She then approached it, grabbing the Dread Doctor's arm before turning around and flipping the robot thing over her body.

The Dread Doctor landed on the ground with a loud... clang? Asher couldn't really describe. What she could describe was how heavy it was, even with her strength.

While she stretched her arm out from the sudden weight it pulled, the Dread Doctor was somehow back on it's feet. It was huge and creaky, how Asher didn't notice it... No idea.

(the answer is because i wanted suspense - bre)

Asher suddenly hit in the chest, falling backwards. Hitting the ground hard had knocked the wind out of her, which made her have to lay there for a few minutes.

She could barely make out the Dread Doctor grabbing walking back towards Scott, the position she was in on the ground made it hard to see. Asher heard a loud crack, knowing it was Scott's inhaler.

After a moment, the elevator dinged open and a growl rang out. It was Malia.

Then Scott got thrown next to her, his breathing heavy weak.

Malia then let out a roar and her footsteps could be heard running at the creature, the Dread Doctor's heading towards her. She jumped in the air, drop kicking it back.

Melissa ran out of the elevator towards her son. She vaguely saw Asher give her a small thumbs up, the lioness slowly pushing herself up.

Asher made sure Scott and Melissa were out of the way before fully getting to her feet. She turned towards the fight, seeing Malia send a kick to the Dread Doctor's face.

Letting out a growl, Asher slashed her claws against its torso. She then kicked its knee which made it stumble again.

Asher slowly walked back to stand next to Malia, both girls baring their teeth at the Dread Doctor.

"Malia, Asher, come on!" Melissa screamed from the elevator. "Run!"

Malia didn't listen, going to slash at it again. The Dread Doctor caught her wrist, however, and then punched her in the head. Malia groaned out in pain before the Doctor grabbed her throat. It then went to hit her again, but she pulled away just in time.

Asher pushed her back slightly, trying to give her more time to get to the elevator. She knew she should run, too, but she never really did what the smart thing.

She grabbed the Doctor's face/mask/helmet with her hands and smashed it against her knee. Asher felt like it hurt her more than it hurt it, but she kept going.

"Run!" Melissa repeated.

Asher turned and elbowed the Dread Doctor, hard, before her arm wrapped around its neck. She brought her other hand up to the back of it's head and pulled, making the Dread Doctor get yanked over her body and slammed onto the floor.

"Asher!" Melissa yelled.

The lioness looked up to see the elevator doors closing, panic suddenly spiking through her. Asher stepped on the Dread Doctor, it was more efficient, and started to run.

But the doors were closing to fast. She couldn't be stuck out here for another fight, she wouldn't be able to beat the doctor.

Asher let out a low grunt as she shifted into a lion, sprinting faster. Her paws slid across the floor when she attempted to slow herself down. Asher finally slipped through the doors, shifting back just in time so her lion tail didn't get caught.

She let out a deep breath, leaning forward on her knees.

"We never should've read that book." Scott said.

Asher turned to him with a crazy look. "No fucking kidding!" She shut her eyes for a moment, rubbing her forehead. "Sorry. Are you okay?" Her eyes opened, moving to Scott.

He nodded slightly, still slumped on the floor. "You guys?"

Malia half-nodded half-shrugged.

Asher just waved him off, head shaking in disbelief. "I hate the Dread Doctors."

"Yeah, me too." Malia agreed.

»»———-  ———-««


asher's memory???? crazy... wonder what they did to her... and how tf she survived someone stabbing a hole in her heart... maybe her healing.... maybe something else.... okay i'm done with the dot dot dots that's annoying. BUT i'm very excited for her story this seasonnnn

reya still hasn't had her memory, but don't worry she will! i just like to make things complicated for my characters so she's feeling some confusion on why she hasn't had it. i love her, i swear!!

teeny bit of ashydia in this chapter! we're back to some fluff after the angst of the last chapter, but that won't last long. i'm sorry (kinda)

don't forget to vote and comment!
thanks for reading! i hope you enjoyed!!


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