Not That Into You: a Carlos S...

By soup_for_azriel

13.2K 348 73

Carlos Sainz Jr has it all easy for him. The good looks, the secured driver's seat at Ferrari, a loyal teamma... More

Part Two
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One


670 11 5
By soup_for_azriel


He stared at his trophy which sat on top of the nightstand beside his bed. The first race of the season and he had managed to score a podium. The car was good this year, much better than it was last year and he'd been able to extract the most out of it. He'd made it to the podium, scored himself valuable points. It had been a good race.

The cheers that had come from the crowd were still ringing in his ears. Being the first podium celebrations for the 2024 season they had made sure that it got all the works put into it.

He hadn't seen Morgan though.

After he had gotten out of the car, Carlos had felt some sort of relief wash over him at the sight of her. Still he didn't know why, but Carlos chalked it to the fact that he was hoping to see her there waiting for him and she'd been there. The kiss he'd given her had been so spontaneous that it was only when he'd gone into the cool room did he realize that it probably did look good on camera too- further solidifying the fact that they were indeed together. But in that moment, when he had kissed her, he hadn't thought of any of that. He'd just wanted her, wanted to show her how much he appreciated her being there.

The door opened cutting his trail of thought and Carlos sat up as Morgan walked in. He glanced at the clock beside him, it was almost 7pm.

"What happened?" He asked, noting the grave expression on her face.

Morgan pursed her lips together and shrugged, "We found a body," she said.


"A janitor who works for McLaren, he was found on the side of their lounge," she said as she made her way to her suitcase where she pulled out a bottle of Absolut. She turned to Carlos, propping the bottle on her hip.

"The afterparty starts at nine. What d'you say you and I have a small drink before that?" She said.

"Are you sure about that?" Carlos asked raising his eyebrows in the process.

"I cant constantly be thinking about corpses and the possibility of getting shot at. I'm going to have a few drinks, you're free to join me if you want to," she said with a wink before screwing open the lid and tipping the contents of the bottle down her throat.


It was almost 11pm and they still hadn't left the room. Not that Carlos gave a damn about the party anyways. Here with Morgan and him draining the entire bottle and her speakers blasting RnB music, Carlos couldn't even think of going anywhere else.

"Come on slow poke, chug it already!" Morgan said as she tackled him from the back of the bed and pulled him down on her. They were both pretty drunk and for once in his life Carlos wasn't too bothered about making a fool of himself. He laughed as she pulled him down with her and he pushed his arms behind him to grab her by the waist and he turned pulling her up with him. Nelly and City Spud's 'Ride Wit Me' was playing in the background as she pulled him up with her. "Are you a lightweight?" She asked as he almost crashed back into bed with the whiplash she gave him.

"I could drink two more of these and still walk back home in a straight line," Carlos said wriggling his eyebrows in the process.

"Bullshit!" She laughed.

"You want to test that theory?"

"Oh look at you getting all confident! Fine," she said as she pulled open the mini fridge and took out two bottles of fireball, "Finish this and we'll see how well you hold your liquor,"

"Always pushing me to take a walk on the edge aren't you?" he asked as he unscrewed the cap and drank the liquor. The burn was less considering that he'd managed to drink vodka neat right off the bottle. He swallowed and looked up at her, shooting her a cocky grin in the process.

Her eyebrow was raised and her lips were pursed, one corner pulling up to the side. He immediately looked away already feeling the blood rush to his nether regions with all the dirty thoughts that swam in his subconscious. He turned to find her downing down her bottle and throwing her head back to let out a little whoop. "God that was nasty," she said with a grimace.

"Fireball tastes way better than vodka!" Carlos said as he stood up and made his way to the speaker to increase the volume.

"Hell no!" Morgan said as she slightly staggered to the vanity table and took a seat. She had changed into her night outfit during their little party and Carlos couldn't help but stare at the way her tight black dress accentuated her hips and hugged her ass. She wasn't the type he usually went for, the girls he had dated and fucked in the past were all models- petite bodies and long legs. Morgan was all ass and hips and breasts that sat full and perfectly. He could see the toned muscles on her calves and quads, the hint of toned biceps. She lived a life of training and combat, her body shaped in a way that was both strong and flexible but also curvy and delicate.

"This one time," she said effectively cutting his despairingly manly line of thought, "I downed seventeen shots of fireball in the span of thirty minutes and ended up with my head in the toilet at some random bar," She laughed at his stricken expression, "I don't even remember how I got home but I do remember my mother absolutely losing her shit the day after- I was grounded for a month," she said as she applied her makeup.

"If your mother could see you now," Carlos said with a chuckle.

Morgan grinned, "I bet she'd be more happier to see me throw up a gallon of alcohol instead of seeing me hold a gun."

"She doesn't know your line of work?"

Morgan shook her head, "Go to my bag and get me my hair straightener will you?" she said pointing at her bag.

Feeling slightly tipsy, Carlos made his way to her bag and rummaged around for her hair straightener, "Here you go," he said handing it over to her.

"Carlos that's my box of tampons,"

He looked down as his vision focused on the sleek box he was holding. His cheeks reddened as she burst out laughing, almost knocking herself off the chair.

"You kill me Sainz!" she cackled as she wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye, "How drunk are you?" she asked as she stood up and shoved pass him to her bag.

"How are you not as drunk as I am?"

She gave him a devious smile, "Alcohol and sex are my guilty pleasures," she said with a wink.

At the mention of sex, he tried to ignore the mental image of her pinned underneath him as he did all kinds of unholy things to her. Carlos cleared his throat and fished out two mini bottles of vodka from the mini fridge, "Here," he said handing her one bottle. She took it from him and shot him a wink, "At this point we won't be able to walk with all the drinking that we're doing," she said.

"Trust me cariño I'm thinking of other ways to make those legs of yours not work," he said as he downed his drink as he saw the redness creep up her cheeks. He looked at her and she immediately looked away, skulling her drink in the process.

She made a face as she swallowed the vodka, "I may have a high tolerance but damn I do hate the taste of alcohol," she said smacking her lips in distaste.

"We're just getting started," he said as he checked his watch, "it's almost twelve we better get going," he said as he blindly grabbed for his coat.

Morgan ran up to the mirror to touch on her makeup and Carlos watched as she glided her lipstick over her lips. Her hair was disheveled but in that sexy way, he wondered if that was what she looked like when she woke up.

"All done!" She said as she stood up and picked her purse. He grabbed his shoes and sat on the edge of the bed to put them on. "Carlos your collar," Morgan said as he saw her approaching him. Carlos froze as he felt her fingers softly brush against his skin. He swallowed as he looked up at her and caught her staring at him as she fixed his collar.

"You look beautiful," he whispered.

"I was going for sexy but that'd do," she said giving him a wink in the process.

"Beautiful and sexy," his voice had dropped down a few octaves and the more rational part of his mind warned him about what he was about to do.

He pushed that part right to the back of his mind.

She had stopped fixing his collar, but her hands remained on his shoulders- her fingers still making contact with his skin. She blinked a few times, "You're already drunk talking Carlos?" She asked nervously chuckling in the process.

"Far from drunk," he said as he brought his right hand up to her bare thigh. Her dress was short enough for his fingers to nudge at the hem of it as he grabbed her closer to him. She gasped but relented, inching in a bit closer to him as he placed his left hand on her other thigh. He sucked his breath in through his teeth as he felt her soft skin, his fingers dangerously making their ascent up her thighs.

"Carlos. W-what are you doing?" Her words came out breathy as he let one hand disappear under her dress. He wasn't looking at his hands tho, his eyes were on her as he waited for her to protest, to pull back, to slap him away even.

But she didn't do any of that. He could see from the heavy rise and fall of her chest that she wanted this as much as he did.

"I wasn't joking about making you lose the feeling in your legs," he said as his hand continued its ascend.

She gasped as his fingers made contact with her panties. He dragged one finger over her core, the fabric of her panties doing nothing to hide the sensation of the heat and soft skin underneath it. She threw her head back as he did so and that was all the permission he needed.

Carlos hooked a finger under the waistband of her panties and yanked them downwards.


A/N: Sorry about the terribly slow update you guys! I couldn't log in to my account for a while because I forgot my password and I wasn't sure with which email I made my Wattpad account. But hey I'm back and I hope you like this chapter!


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