See You Again

By blasianhippyy

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One summer changes sixteen-year-old Anayla's life. More



2.9K 125 41
By blasianhippyy

Anayla Smith

It was my first summer away from home. My mother decided she needed a break from her responsibilities, so she shipped me off to Virginia to stay with my Aunt for the next two and a half months.

My aunt Kahn was a nice woman.  She always lifted everyone's spirits whenever she came around. She was also pretty strict but I didn't mind. Plus, she had a daughter around my age named Paige.

Paige and I were always close. Since she's a few years older than me she taught me all I needed to know as I grew up. From periods, boyfriends to sex. Paige was basically my bestfriend, although we were complete opposites.

Paige was a little fast for our age. She always had a boyfriend. She was flirtatious and made sure she got a guys number everywhere we went. She was very popular and had friends all around VA . She was into short-shorts and crop tops and always wore make up which, I didnt understand. I always thought she was naturally pretty. She even had a nice slim body to match that gorgeous face.

I on the other hand was never fast. I knew if we got caught even breathing around a boy Aunt Kahn would flip out. I barely even talked to my family, let alone a boy. I would rather be alone painting or drawing.

I never wore makeup because I didn't have a reason to. I knew I was pretty nice looking in the face but I was always kinda insecure about my body.

I was a lot smaller than Paige. I would always have to deal with being called 'bony' or a 'toothpick'. It was a constant battle I had with myself. I would continuously eat more than enough food until it began to show.

I also wasn't as popular as Paige. Paige was basically my only friend and in school I kept to myself.

But, that summer my life took a toll.


Tappahannock, VA.
June 21st, 2009.


I sat up in bed, careful not to be smacked by the ceiling chandler. I tried using my favorite fluffy pillow to shield my ears from the two voices. There was an art auction early in the morning so I needed all the rest I could get.

Swinging my feet over the top of the bunk, I carefully hopped down from the bed and landed perfectly.

Paige was down stairs 'booed up', as my mother would say. The constant kiss smacking and moans were annoying and interrupting my sleep. Plus, she knew my aunt would be home any minute.

I jogged down the stairwell, stoping at the last step and peeking into the next room.

Paige sat perched on top of her new boyfriend Chris's lap. Just last week she was with Jerome... now Chris.

I couldn't complain though. Christopher, who preferred to be called Chris or breezy, was a nice guy. He was way better than the other rude ass guys she usually went for.

So far, Chris was good to her and he was actually nice to me aswell. When he and Paige went to out to eat on dates he would always make sure to bring me back something.

The boy was eye candy too. I can't lie, he's an attractive man. Chris was tall, lightskin and had that 'hood' type of look to him. Tattoos covered almost every part of his skin which I found artistic. Then, he had the cutest little freckles that sprinkled across his checks up to his nose piercing along with slight dimples that poked out when he smiled.

But, it was wrong for me to look at him in that type of way. One, he is my cousins boyfriend, who could possibly turn into a cousin-in-law.

That probably won't happen.

But, I'm only fifteen. One five. While he's nineteen, an adult. That's wrong.

I stepped inside the living room causing the two to stop exploring eachothers mouths and glance at me.

Paige sighed, obviously irritated that I interrupted their make out session."What do you want Nay?"

"Well." I rolled my eyes followed by folding my arms across my b-cups."I would appreciate it if you two kept it down. I'm upstairs trying to catch some Z's and all I hear is nasty spit swapping and moans. And, isn't your mom about to get off work?"

Chris chuckled at me being all worked up but stood to his feet."Yeah, I should probably be on my way home."

"You don't have to lea-"

"You want ya' moms to bust through the door and catch us getting freaky on her couch?"

Aunt Kahn would definitely have a damn heart attack. She knew Paige was seeing someone but to actually SEE her with someone would kill her.

Paige bit down on her bottom lip before answering, "No".

"Aight then." Christopher placed his lips over hers, his large hand placed on her butt. I just stood there awkwardly with a disgusted facial expression.

While Paige straightened up the couch cushions, I escorted Chris to the front door.

"Sorry about all that lil' bit. I hope you can get some sleep now." He scratched the back of his neck while towering over me.

"With Paige here I probably won't get much sleep anyway."

He chuckled, pulling his dark hood over his head. I watched him walk down the porch steps to the Black Charger he'd recently purchased.

"Night lil' bit." He shouted before sliding inside the drivers seat.

"Goodnight Chris." I shouted back with a small wave.

I shut and locked the front door behind me. Turning around, Paige sat at the bottom of the steps watching me. She rolled her eyes and stomped up the stairs.

This girl.


New story everybody! I've had this in my drafts for so long and I finally decided to work on it.

Blended and Surreptitious will be updated soon. I'm sorry I haven't been working on Surreptitious as much. I just haven't really had time.

Anyway.... I hope you all enjoy this new book. Character pictures will be posted in the next chapter.

Te$harie ❤️

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