Valorant - Story Mode Imagine...

By KntckyCriedFrkcn

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Embark on an immersive adventure where you become an agent of the Valorant Protocol. Step into a parallel rea... More

Chapter 1: The Radiant Hunter
Chapter 2: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 3: The Headquarters
Author's note #1
Author's Note #2
Chapter 4: The Team
Chapter 5: Retake
Chapter 6: Identity
Chapter 7: Memories
Chapter 8: Memories, Part II
Chapter 9: From a Place Beyond Time
Chapter 10: Sad Stories
Chapter 11: A Gift From The Future
Chapter 12: Memories, Part III
Chapter 13: Just Another Day
Chapter 14: Fracture
Extra: Concept Art
Chapter 15: The Banquet
Chapter 16: Desires
Chapter 17: Upgrade
Chapter 18: Warm Up
Chapter 19: The Blackmailer
Chapter 20: The Blackmailer, Part II
Chapter 21: The Blackmailer, Part III
Bonus Chapter 21.5: Jett and Phoenix
Chapter 22: How About an Eye?
Chapter 23: The Teleporter to Omega
Chapter 24: Unveiling the Other Side
Chapter 25: Glitch vs Glitch
Chapter 26: Purpose
Chapter 27: Illusions
Authors Note #3
Chapter 28: Radivores
Chapter 29: Radivores, Part II
Chapter 30: The Peaceful Way..?
Chapter 31: The Legacy of Radiance
Chapter 32: The Legacy of Radiance, Part II
Chapter 33: Soulless Threat
Chapter 34: Seeking Answers
Chapter 35: A Stranger in Need
Chapter 36: Discoveries
Chapter 38: Mind's Labyrinth
Chapter 39: Visions
Chapter 40: Reunion
Chapter 41: Radinthon and The First Light
Bonus Chapter 41.5: The Nightmare
Chapter 42: Pieces of the Puzzle, Part I
Author's Request (Short Survey)
Speech Contest (Non-canon)
Chapter 43: Pieces of the Puzzle, Part II
Chapter 44: The Invasion
Chapter 45: The New War
Chapter 46: The End of Omega
Chapter 47: Fall of The King
Chapter 48: Risky Move
Chapter 49: A Hero
Chapter 50: The Final Mission, Part I
Chapter 51: The Final Mission, Part II
Chapter 52: The Final Mission, Part III
Chapter 53: The Final Mission, Part IV
The Final Mission, Part V: Valorant
Special #1: Break Them!
Special #2: Special Mission
Special #3: Special Mission, Part II
Special #4: What Happened?

Chapter 37: Silver Hunter

208 9 4
By KntckyCriedFrkcn

(Note: Any visual references I provide in the chapters are simply my personal interpretations of the scenes. Feel free to ignore them and let your own imagination take the lead!)

Frankfurt, Germany, Sigma Earth

Omega Neon couldn't shake the unsettling sensation of being watched. The feeling intensified, raising the hair on her neck. Then, a deafening gunshot pierced the silence, and pain flared in her leg. Her powers flickered, then dimmed, leaving her vulnerable.

Through her comms device, Skye's voice buzzed with concern, "Neon, what's happening? Report!"

Gasping, Neon replied, "I'm under attack, Skye. Need backup, now!"

With gritted teeth, she attempted to regain her footing, her leg throbbing with pain. She couldn't see her assailant, only shadows in the distance. And then, the hunter, clad in an ominous dark silver suit, emerged from the obscurity.

Before her eyes, a shimmering arrow hurtled through the air, exploding with devastating force. The explosion sent Neon tumbling through the air. She collided with the broken asphalt, her senses scrambled, and her body stunned. 

Neon tried to muster her powers, to retaliate, but it was futile. The hunter's explosive arrows had disrupted her Radiant abilities. Her powers lay dormant, sapped by the hunter's weapon.

As despair threatened to overtake her, Omega Skye arrived on the scene, having responded swiftly to Neon's call for help. "Neon!" she yelled out as her gaze landed on Neon. Skye knew that something was terribly wrong. Her instincts urged her to summon a seeker. 

"Seek them out!" With a swift gesture, she called forth the spectral creature in the form of a jellyfish to aid her in locating the mysterious hunter.

The seeker soared into the air, its luminescent form leaving a faint trail of radiant energy. It weaved through the ruined structures and crumbling skyscrapers, homing in on the hunter's presence. Skye's heart pounded with anticipation as she watched the seeker close in on its target.

But then, with astonishing precision, the hunter raised his bow and unleashed a single, deadly arrow. The arrow, imbued with power, streaked through the air and struck the seeker with uncanny accuracy. An explosion of radiant energy engulfed the creature, scattering it into dissipating motes of light.

The hunter, revealed by the seeker's last moments, stood tall and resolute. His voice, cold and unyielding, cut through the eerie silence.

"Beastmaster," he sneered, addressing Skye with a chilling familiarity. "Looks like you survived the war. I'll make sure to kill you properly this time."

Skye understood that this adversary was no ordinary foe. In the tense standoff between Skye and the relentless hunter, the two clashed in a flurry of skill and abilities. Skye's control over nature's forces met the hunter's calculated precision. However, the tide of battle shifted when the hunter unleashed yet another of his explosive arrows towards her.

The detonation was blinding, and the shockwave rippled through the air. Skye felt a sudden and excruciating disconnection from her Radiant powers as she fell to the ground. 

Cursing her misfortune, the hunter raised his weapon, intent on delivering a finishing blow. But fate had other plans. Just as the hunter took aim, a swirling vortex of glitching energy materialized before Skye and Neon. It formed into a protective barrier that shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence.

Omega Glitch had arrived.

The hunter's curse turned to surprise as his shot ricocheted off the glitching barrier, harmlessly scattering sparks of energy. Glitch stood resolute, his hands extended as he maintained the protective shield. His eyes, hidden behind his visor, bore into the hunter with unwavering determination.

Skye, her Radiant powers temporarily disabled, couldn't resist a quip. "Took you long enough," she remarked. Glitch, seemingly unruffled, replied, "You're welcome," before turning his full attention back to the hunter.

As the relentless foe fired yet another explosive arrow, this time aimed at Glitch, the hero reacted with uncanny speed. With precision bordering on the supernatural, his barrier caught the explosive arrow mid-flight. 

The ensuing detonation created a dazzling burst of light and force, momentarily pushing Glitch back. However, he remained unharmed, and his powers remained active.

Swiftly recovering, Glitch exploited his glitching abilities to dart sideways, evading the next shot from the hunter. A surge of radiant energy coursed through his body to his suit, and he drew out his Vandal. He aimed carefully and fired, striking the hunter's shoulder with accuracy.

The hunter winced in pain but didn't falter. "How?" the hunter growled, his voice laced with frustration. "Why can't my arrows take your powers?"

Glitch, regaining his composure, responded, "Because I'm not a Radiant. And we're not your enemies. We just want to talk."

The silver hunter's tone twisted into one of anger and betrayal. "Traitor! You side with those who enslaved our kind!" 

Although not fully comprehending the motives of his adversary, Glitch didn't have the luxury of time to inquire or contemplate. They engaged in combat. The two combatants clashed in a dance of violence and skill. The ruins bore witness to their struggle, as bullets and arrows filled the air, each move calculated, each attack met with swift defense.

Skye darted toward Neon, her heart pounding with urgency. She swiftly retrieved her healing trinket, a faint green glow emanating from it as she placed her hand near Neon's wound. Slowly, the wound began to mend, and Neon's pained expression started to ease.

Neon, still catching her breath, couldn't help but voice her concern. "Why... why won't my powers work?"

Skye continued to focus on her healing. "It's the hunter's technology. Glitch isn't affected because..."

Before Skye could finish her sentence, a looming threat interrupted their conversation. The hunter, bow drawn and charged with power, aimed at Glitch. The air crackled with energy as a ball of energy formed on the hunter's bow.

Glitch, pushed afloat by the surge of energy, summoned a protective barrier, a translucent, flickering wall of energy, to intercept the deadly projectile.

Skye watched in awe and trepidation as the enormous power of the blast collided with Glitch's barrier, the two forces locked in a fierce struggle. 

Skye helped Neon to her feet, concern etched on her face. "We have to get out of here. Can you walk?" she asked.

Neon nodded in response. "Yeah."

They took a few steps, but Neon's resolve wavered. She turned to Skye, a change of heart evident. "We have to help Glitch."

Skye looked back at the intense battle behind them, then back to Neon. After a moment's contemplation, she made a decision. "Alright, on my signal."

As the silver hunter relentlessly fired blasts, Glitch's barrier finally shattered, sending him hurtling toward a crumbling building. But just as the hunter prepared to strike, a green spectral hawk swooped in, exploding in a blinding burst of light that stunned him.

With her powers fully restored, Neon wasted no time. "Hoy! I'm pissed!" She sprinted forward with electrifying speed, releasing a barrage of lightning rays at the disoriented hunter.

The barrage of lightning rays struck the hunter, propelling him backward into a heap of debris. With remarkable speed, he regained his footing and drew his Bulldog in readiness.

Just as the hunter was about to take aim, Glitch executed a glitch, appearing right in front of the hunter. In a swift, precise motion, he struck the hunter's helmet with the stock of his Vandal, shattering it. Through the broken mask, the trio glimpsed a face that was all too familiar.

Their initial disbelief turned into stark realization. This was not their home world. The tense standoff continued as their pursuer, revealed to be Sigma Sova, leveled his weapon. The trio exchanged wary glances, unwilling to fight him.

Sova's finger tightened on the trigger, his weapon aimed squarely at the trio. Tension hung heavy in the air, but the trio's raised hands were a clear signal that they had no intention of fighting.

"We don't want trouble," Neon began, her voice steady and soothing. "We just want to talk."

Glitch nodded, adding, "I don't know what the hell you've been through here, but I promise we mean no harm."

But Sova's resolve remained unshaken. "I'll never listen to Radiants," he growled, his finger itching to pull the trigger.

Just as the standoff seemed destined for violence, a new figure appeared in a silver suit, her presence commanding attention. "Stand down, sergeant," she demanded. 

Sova recognized the figure. "Doctor Bohringer," he called out. The trio glanced at one another, recognizing the name that belongs to Killjoy.

"They're not from this world. Let's hear them out," Killjoy said, her voice firm but not unkind.

Sova hesitated, torn between his ingrained hostility and Killjoy's reassurance. Finally, he reluctantly holstered his weapon and rose to his feet, revealing his damaged prosthetic legs, part of his silver suit. It was evident that this world had dealt him a harsh hand.

Killjoy turned to the trio and asked, "Why did you come to our world?"




The Headquarters, Alpha Earth

Gekko, formerly known as Mateo, had transitioned into his new life as a member of the Valorant Protocol with remarkable ease. Harbor had taken him under his wing as his shooting coach, aiming to fine-tune his already impressive skills. Glitch, despite not having a significant age gap, had become Gekko's Pseudo-Radiant teacher, sharing his knowledge and experience.

The other agents of the protocol welcomed Gekko warmly, drawn to his friendly personality. As of now, Brimstone and Reyna were in a meeting with Sage and Astra, discussing matters from their recent absence.

In the living room, Gekko was surrounded by the younger agents of the protocol. They were curious about their new recruit and the four unusual creatures that accompanied him. Jett, with her usual enthusiasm, couldn't help but comment, "I've seen them before, but they're so cute, Gekko!"

Gekko smiled and began introducing his unique companions. "I know, right? This little yellow dude is Wingman, the green guy is Mosh, blue critter goes by Dizzy, and this red troublemaker is Thrash."

Phoenix expressed his fondness for Thrash, "I like Thrash, he's cool."

Gekko corrected him, "Actually, it's a she. And she's one feisty lady."

The young agents exchanged fascinated glances, eager to get to know both Gekko and his adorable companions better (except Yoru for obvious reasons).

Jett enthusiastically picked up Wingman and hugged him tightly, nearly suffocating the little creature.

Glitch chuckled, telling Jett to calm down, "You'll get to see him every day."

Raze, jokingly chimed in, "Hey, can I borrow Mosh if I run out of grenades?"

Killjoy playfully responded, "You had like seventy-eight grenades on your last mission. I doubt you'll run out of nades."

Gekko was astonished by the number, remarking, "That's a lot of grenades." He then smiled at Mosh, "But there's only one Mosh."

Even Yoru, who had initially seemed unimpressed, started to smile as he saw Dizzy floating next to him.

As Jett gently set Wingman down on the floor, her eyes spotted someone approaching, and a mischievous smile spread across her face. She subtly signaled for Yoru to take a look behind him, and, curious, he followed her lead. To his surprise, he saw Skye slowly closing in on their group.

Yoru wasn't exactly prepared for an interaction, but before he could react, Skye initiated the conversation. "Your hair's combed in the opposite direction today." 

Yoru, somewhat self-conscious, asked, "Does it look that bad?"

Skye assured him, "No, not bad at all. Just not used to it." She playfully brushed his hair to the other side. Yoru adjusted his hair back to its usual style, and Skye offered a warm smile before making her way over to Gekko.

"Hey there, Gekko," she greeted with a friendly tone. "I heard you can talk with animals too."

Gekko, putting a halt to his conversation with Phoenix and Glitch, turned to face her and replied, "Yeah... Didn't even know what my powers were til like two weeks ago. Oh, and you are...?" 

Skye smiled as she introduced herself, "Skye, good to meet you. Mind introducing me to your Radivores? I'm really curious to see them."

Gekko nodded with a smile, and he gestured toward his four unique companions. "Sure thing, Skye. This is Wingman," he said, pointing to the yellow Radivore. "And this feisty lady is Thrash." Skye waved at them, her curiosity piqued. Wingman waved back with his tiny hands.

Glitch quickly picked up on what was on Skye's mind. "Skye has been quite eager to meet your little friends for a while now," he mentioned. "Kingdom might be up to something with these Radivores," he continued.

Gekko furrowed his brows, curious. "What do you mean?" he asked.

As Skye crouched down to pat Thrash, Killjoy explained further, "We've received intel that there are otherworldly beings potentially posing a threat to our world. We had Sova look into it, and apparently Kingdom was transporting them from Norway to America."

Gekko shook his head confidently, a protective tone in his voice, "I can vouch for my crew. They might look strange, but they're not troublemakers."

Skye chimed in, her tone more serious now, "We believe you, Gekko, and your friends do seem friendly. However, we still need to understand why Kingdom is involved with these creatures."

Glitch inquired further, curiosity in his eyes. "Gekko, do your Radivore friends have any memories from before they were kept in the facility?"

Gekko turned to his Radivore companions and posed the question to them. They made various noises, but Gekko shook his head and turned back to Glitch. "Sorry, they don't have any memories of their past lives. They've spent their entire lives in that facility."

Yoru crossed his arms, a look of uncertainty on his face. "Well, I guess we have to rely on Fade," he remarked.

"I don't think I've met her yet," Gekko said, wondering about this mysterious member of the Valorant Protocol.

Glitch couldn't shake off his anxiety about the prospect of Fade delving into Iselin's memories. He turned to Skye, his concern evident. "Has she finished?" he asked.

Skye's response was reassuring, "She's just started."




Omen and Fade stood on either side of the glass pod, their presence imposing in the dimly lit room. They exchanged a brief nod, a silent understanding passing between them. 

It was time to begin. With a steadying breath, Fade extended her hand, her fingers touching the cold, transparent surface of the pod. She closed her eyes, blocking out the world around her.

As she focused her power, shadows began to materialize, creeping out from her hand and extending toward the woman encased within the pod. The room seemed to darken further, as if it were absorbing the shadows that emanated from Fade's touch. Her brow furrowed in concentration as the visions began to flood her mind.




To be continued

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