Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God...

By Huyhuynh406

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King Kong (2005) Belong To Universal Studios. X Kyochuu Rettou from Crunchyroll. Two mercenaries who were got... More

OC's Introduction
Dinosaurs & Monsters Enemies
Prologue 01: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 1
Prologue 02: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 2
Chapter 1: The Survivors/Encounter Raptors
Chapter 2: The Mysterious Island/We aren't alone
Chapter 3: Sight Of Dinosaur/Natives Tombs
Chapter 4: Kamijo's Death/Styracosaurus Attack
Chapter 5: Oribe Is Taken By Kong/Bull T-Rex Attack
Chapter 6: Kong Save Oribe
Chapter 7: Kong V.S Mother Quetzalcoatlus
Chapter 8: Akira/The Stampede
Chapter 9: Therizinosaurus V.S Raptors/Giganotosaurus Attack
Chapter 10: The Other Survivors/There's Still More?!
Chapter 11: The Talking/Kong & Mutsume
Chapter 12: T-Rex V.S Triceratops
Chapter 13: The Insect Pit Attack
Chapter 14: Beware The Swamp
Chapter 15: King Kong's Hero/Battle T-Rexes
Chapter 16: Kyle's Plan To Capture Kong/Spinosaurus Attack
Chapter 17: Spinosaurus V.S Carcharodontosaurus/The Chase
Chapter 18: Spinosaurus V.S Therizinosaurus/A Lone Wolf
Chapter 19: King Kong's Mad
Chapter 20: Fallen Log
Chapter 21: T-Rex Again?!?/Bon Appetite By Megalodon
Chapter 22: The Two Survivors
Chapter 23: Megaraptor's Attack
Chapter 24: The Rexes Family
Chapter 25: Fasolasuchus Attack
Chapter 26: Kong V.S Fasolasuchus
Chapter 28: Capturing Kong
Chapter 29: King Kong & Bull T-Rex In Tokyo
Chapter 30: The Ending

Chapter 27: Rescue Mutsumi/Kong V.S Giganotosaurus

116 3 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was walking in the forest by himself and make him was walking to the forest that he take a chill when he was walking and then (Y/N) was carrying his M16 rifle and loading the weapon right away. Then (Y/N) just walking and keep walking and then he was begin to following the footprint of King Kong and the giant gorilla was moving out to somewhere else in this Skull Island.

(Y/N): "Come on, Mutsumi be alive..." He said to himself and make him was running and running fast as he could and when he was reaching to the other way where the giant gorilla was walking to somewhere else in this jungle. When (Y/N) is running up there and then he was keep running to there right away and he was made it to where the space of jungle and make him turn his head to look at the view of this place.

(Y/N): "Well, looks like I need to keep moving up there when I reach to the mountain of empire." He said to himself and make him was begin to walking 

(Y/N): "Son of bitch!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

(Y/N): "COME ON, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!! COME AND GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to those Velociraptors and then he was going to shoot them all.

(Y/N) was take these monsters out and he shoot at them and killing these 8 raptors and he shoot them in the heads, and bodies also the other dinosaurs for what (Y/N) was took them out like 13 of them. When (Y/N) was keep shooting and he was fine with his skill as (Y/N) and make him was keep shooting at these dinosaurs in full auto.

When (Y/N) was took them all out and make the two of them doing their best their can to fighting at these dinosaurs out and then (Y/N) was running out of his assault rifle and put the weapon back behind his back and (Y/N) took his pistol gun out revolver and he aiming his gun at the dinosaurs and begin to shooting at them in the heads.

When he was reload the rifle right away and then he was aiming his rifle at these monsters and begin to shooting at them with his rifle and killing them all like bad motherfuckers.

Then (Y/N) was take them all out by himself and then (Y/N) turn his head to look at the swamp and it must be reaching toward to the cave of Kong was there...and it has to be there right now and then (Y/N) was moving up there fast as he could and then (Y/N) create a boat for what he was got to hop on right now and then (Y/N) was jumped up and landing down on the boat and then (Y/N) was hop on the boat and make him turn his head to look up and he could seen the lake is still around here and the boat was begin to take him to the mountain.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Huh...this is getting better than anything for what I saw...." He said to himself and make him was use the boat to get there fast as he could and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look over there and he saw the swarm of birds are flying to somewhere else. When they both are heading to the other direction and (Y/N) had no idea what just happened and he turn his head to look over there and he saw there was something big and even bigger coming for this way right away.

(Y/N): "What in the hell?!" He said in surprise and out of nowhere a dinosaur...a huge dinosaur was flew out of the water and revealed out to be big with sea fish dinosaur and that thing had a long neck dinosaur and this creature is a fish eater and that thing is Plesiosaurus.


Plesiosaurus (Greek: πλησίος (plesios), near to + σαῦρος (sauros), lizard) is a genus of extinct, large marine sauropterygian reptile that lived during the Early Jurassic. It is known by nearly complete skeletons from the Lias of England. It is distinguishable by its small head, long and slender neck, broad turtle-like body, a short tail, and two pairs of large, elongated paddles. It lends its name to the order Plesiosauria, of which it is an early, but fairly typical member. It contains only one species, the type, Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus. Other species once assigned to this genus, including P. brachypterygius, P. guilielmiimperatoris, and P. tournemirensis have been reassigned to new genera, such as Hydrorion, Seeleyosaurus and Occitanosaurus.

The first complete skeleton of Plesiosaurus was discovered by early paleontologist and fossil hunter Mary Anning in Sinemurian (Early Jurassic)-age rocks of the lower Lias Group in December 1823. Additional fossils of Plesiosaurus were found in rocks of the Lias Group of Dorset for many years, "until the cessation of quarrying activities in the Lias Group, early in this [20th] century." although less complete remains were used by Henry De la Beche and William Conybeare to name the species two years earlier in 1821, and despite being discovered first, Conybeare's remains were not the holotype; Anning's were.

Plesiosaurus was one of the first of the "antediluvian reptiles" to be discovered and excited great interest in 19th-century England. It was so-named ("near lizard") by William Conybeare and Henry De la Beche, to indicate that it was more like a normal reptile than Ichthyosaurus, which had been found in the same rock strata just a few years earlier. Plesiosaurus is the archetypical genus of Plesiosauria and the first to be described, hence lending its name to the order. Conybeare and De la Beche coined the name for scattered finds from the Bristol region, Dorset, and Lyme Regis in 1821. The type species of Plesiosaurus, P. dolichodeirus, was named and described by Conybeare in 1824 on the basis of Anning's original finds.

(Y/N): "The Plesiosaurus!!!! Fucking dino snake eater!" He said to himself and he saw there was more of them came here right away and he was aiming his assault rifle at the Plesiosaurus and then he saw more of them were arrive here right away and then (Y/N) start to firing his rifle at these dinosaurs and he was blew their heads off with his assault rifle. When (Y/N) was keep shooting at the dinosaurs like bad motherfucker and he just keep killing these Plesiosaurus and make the snake eater-monsters were begin to killing them all.

(Y/N): "COME AND GET SOME, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to those

He shooting them in the heads and make them both begin to falling down right away and then (Y/N) was finally done with them and then he just turn his head to look around and he saw many dinosaurs all around him and they both are dead and killing by (Y/N) who just take them out with his assault rifle M16A5 and then (Y/N) didn't use the grenade launcher comes from under of his rifle and then (Y/N) was begin to heading out right away and he need to get there immediately.

After he was made it to the jungle and now he saw all the way of up there where the mountain is and then (Y/N) was walking to there right away with his feet and he begin to running and keep running fast as he could going.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Kong.

When Kong was sleeping on the ground and he was got his hand holding around Mutsumi and the two of them are sleeping...the beauty and the beast were sleeping on the ground and they both were tries to rest for themselves. Then (Y/N) who was finally made it here to the mountain by himself and he was goes sneaking quietly and slowly that he doesn't want to make any noises and then (Y/N) was walking slowly and when he turn his head to look all the way to where Kong who was on there and then (Y/N) was walking to there.

(Y/N): "Mutsumi, hang in there...." He said to himself and he was walking to there right away and make him was got there fast as he could and then he was walking to there slowly and after he got there and make it right there. When (Y/N) saw Mutsumi who was laying down on the ground and she is sleeping with Kong and the giant gorilla had his grasp on the woman and make (Y/N) was getting up slowly to walk over her and called her out.

(Y/N): "Mutsumi...." He said to her and make her was slowly open her eyes out and then she saw him who was stood right there and when he was stood right there and make her surprise with happy and she said.

Mutsumi: "(Y/N)?" She ask him and then (Y/N) was nod his head and make him was put his hand up and shush her and he tries to tell her to get out of Kong's hand slowly and not to make any noises. When she doing it right away and make her was slowly got out of the grasp from Kong but she tries to reach her hand to (Y/N) and he does the same thing to and then (Y/N) was about to reach her hand.

Then Kong who was awake up right away and make him opened his eyes out and he saw (Y/N) is here and make (Y/N) got his face like 'Oh shit' and then the Kong was getting up with a growling in anger.

Kong: "*GROWLING*"

Mutsumi: "(Y/N)!!!! RUN!!!!!!!" She shout out to (Y/N).

(A/N: Imagine Ann as Mutsumi and Jack as (Y/N).)

When (Y/N) was tries to save Mutsumi and get her away from the giant gorilla and then the two of them were running away from here and then they both were float out by the giant Pteranodon cause (Y/N) holding the wing from the dinosaur. Then (Y/N) with Mutsumi were held tightly as possible and they both were grasps at each others and then (Y/N) was got his M16 rifle with him behind his back and then the two of them are finally landing down on the water and they both were get up from the waters and begin to swimming away.

Kong: "*ROAR*"

When Kong was roar out in anger and he need to get her right away and then Kong was running fast as he could and he need to get the two of them immediately and then the two of them were run to the other side of the jungle. They both were run fast as they could and then they both were heading straight toward to the place where they are gonna going and that is...the gate where the tomb and temple and (Y/N) with Mutsumi was run fast a possible and then the two of them were heard the stomps of dinosaur coming up here right away.

(Y/N) with Mutsumi was turn their heads to look at the new arrival of dinosaur and that is Giganotosaurus....the humongous dinosaur is here right now and make the two of them saw it...and they both back away and then (Y/N) take his assault rifle out from his back.

(Y/N): "Shit, not this thing again...." He said to himself and he saw the giant dinosaur was stepped forward and make the dinosaur was staring at the two of them down there and then (Y/N) was got his gun aiming at the dinosaur was stood right there and prepare to eat the two of them right away.

Then (Y/N) loading the rifle up right away and he was aiming his assault rifle at the Giganotosaurus and then the dinosaur is approaching at the two of them badly.

(Y/N): "Shit, I can't let that thing tries to-" He tries to said and out of nowhere a thunderous roar comes from the giant gorilla and make the two of them turn their heads to look at the giant gorilla who was arrive right on the time and he saw the dinosaur and make it is growling and looking toward at the Giganotosaurus.

When the two of them stare at each others and they both let out their roars and charge toward to each others and this makes (Y/N) with Mutsumi begin to running away from here and they both were running out to somewhere else and heading back to the gate right away and where the Natives got there and (Y/N) need to be there fast as he could.

(A/N: Imagine T-Rex as Giganotosaurus.)

To Be Continued.

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