The Secret Job- JIKOOK


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Mafia/Stepbrother Jungkook runs a Mafia with this friends behind his family's back besides his Brother, Jeon... More

New day
Just lovely....
His special someone
Night out
A Walk In The Park
6 Years
Baby shower
The Boys Are Back Together
Dance Day One
Love can happen (Day two)
Have To Stay
They Are Brothers, They Are Fine
Can't Be Away From Each Other
Give Me A Good Ride
New House And New Tattoos
Baby Shopping
Wild One
About To Pop
Welcome To The Family
Don't fight
Hawsa's Wedding
Behind Backs

You just had to say it

678 34 14

May 7

"Jimin your dress!?" Jungkook called out as Jimin started walking down the stairs.

"Yeah and ready to go." Jimin says as Jungkook looked at him, smiling.

"Beautiful." Jungkook says, looking at Jimin up and down then gave Jimin a kiss as Jimin smiled at him.

"Thank you. Can we take the bike? I'm wearing jeans!" Jimin said and Jungkook chuckled a little.

"Sure." Jungkook says and Jimin got excited, clapping his hands. "Kosmos in my room?"

"Yeah." Jimin said.

The two got their helmets on then got on the bike and started heading to Jimin's school. It's been a good two days for the new couple with a lot of kisses and cuddles in between the two and Yugyeom fake throwing up and gagging at the cuteness of the two. No one besides Yugyeom still knows about the two being together but today Jimin is going to tell Taehyung and Hoseok. Jimin was honestly nervous to tell Taehyung because he knows how Taehyung is with Jungkook and he doesn't want a fight to break out in between the two. For Hoseok, Jimin knows him too well and Hoseok will react like Yugyeom did, super excited. They are also going to tell Yoongi today as well because they invited him over for dinner.

But once they got to Jimin's school, Jimin hopped off the back and took his helmet off as Jungkook pulled his helmet up so it was on top of his head. Jungkook took Jimin's helmet and put it on his lap then looked at Jimin.

"Remember Yoongi is picking you up today. I got work to do." Jungkook says and Jimin nodded his head as he fixed his backpack and hair.

"Okay. I will see you later today right?" Jimin ask, looking at Jungkook.

"Of course baby." Jungkook says and Jimin smiled.

"Just kiss me and leave." Jimin says and Jungkook chuckled then leaned in and kissed Jimin then put his helmet back on.

"I love you!" Jungkook says as he started moving.

"Love you!" Jimin says, waving at Jungkook as he started walking to the front doors of the school.

Not knowing someone was watching them.

"Good morning!" Jimin says, smiling at Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Good morning. You seem you're in a good mood." Hoseok says with a smile.

"Because I am! It's a nice day!" Jimin said.

"You on drugs? You are never this happy at 7 in the morning. Even on your good days." Taehyung says as Hoseok chuckled and Jimin laughed.

"I'm just in a good mood because something happened. I can't tell you guys yet!" Jimin says, quickly stoping the two from asking as they both went to go open their mouths to ask why.

"Oh come on! We want to know!" Hoseok says, whining as Taehyung agreed with him.

"You will! But just not right now! Later." Jimin says, patting both of their heads as Taehyung left out a sign.

"Do we know what it might be?" Taehyung ask and Jimin shook his head.

"Nope. It kinda happened out of nowhere." Jimin says as him and Jungkook talk over on how they are going to tell everyone the news about them being together.

"Damn. This is big!" Hoseok said and Jimin smiled.

"it is! Well.. for me." Jimin says, letting out a nervous laughter as he rub the back of his neck.

"Okay stop talking about it before I make you say it!" Taehyung whined, kicking his feet a little like a little kid as Jimin and Hoseok laughed at his childish behavior.

"Okay okay. I need to get to my locker anyways." Jimin says then started walking to his locker with the other two following him.

At lunch, Hoseok and Taehyung were pushing Jimin to tell them the news. Jimin was trying to talk about anything else but the announcement as Jimin was going to wait until after school but Jimin couldn't take it anymore. Jimin run his fingers through his hair, shaking his head as the other two could tell that they were slowly breaking him down to tell them the big news.

"OKAY! Okay!" Jimin says, making the two quickly stop talking and jump a little at him yelling at them. "I will tell you." Jimin says, letting out a sign.

"Please." Hoseok says with puppy dog eyes.

"I-I have a... b-boyfriend." Jimin says nervous as he bit his bottom lip as the two went into shock.

The two hasn't seen Jimin since the dance competition two days ago and now Jimin has a boyfriend after two days of not seeing him. Taehyung and Hoseok honestly couldn't believe what they just heard come out of Jimin's mouth.

"YOU WHAT?!" Hoseok yelled and Jimin hushed them as they were both started yelling at him, making everyone else look at him.

"We leave you alone for 2 days and you get a boyfriend!" Taehyung says as Jimin left out a sign. "What the hell?!"

"Who is it?!" Hoseok asked and Jimin started to get a little more nervous at that question.

"Ummm it's someone who is closed to me."

"It's Yoongi?!" The two ask at the same time, making Jimin jump at how fast they answer.

"WHAT?! NO! Yoongi is like my real brother!" Jimin says, shaking his head then smacked the two on their arms as they jumped from getting hit, letting out little ows.

"Then who is It?!" Taehyung asked with a rise eyebrow as he leaned over the table.

"Wait... did you say real brother?" Hoseok asked as he got a feeling in his stomach that he might be right at who he was thinking of as Taehyung looked at him confused.

"You can't get mad." Jimin says, only looking at Taehyung.

"Why you looking at me?" Taehyung asked, pointing to himself.

"Because it's you who I am worried about freaking out when I tell you!"

"Jimin. Is it who I think it is?" Hoseok ask as he moved closer to Jimin and Jimin looked at Hoseok.

"Ummm maybe..." Jimin says then look at Taehyung again as he rubs the back of his neck out of nerveness.

"Tell me." Taehyung says in his deep voice.

"It's uhh... hahah it's Jungkook." Jimin says, letting out a nervous chuckle and Hoseok got excited but Taehyung's smile slow drop, not expecting that it was Jungkook.

"Jimin that is awesome! I kinda got that feeling it was going to be Jungkook. I always saw you guys being a couple because you never acted liked stepbrothers." Hoseok says, hugging Jimin as Jimin left out a little giggle.

"Yugyeom said the same thing." Jimin says as Hoseok laughed.

"Jungkook? Really?" Taehyung ask only to get smacked by Hoseok over his head.

"Pushed it to the side Taehyung! Be happy for him!" Hoseok says, pointing to Jimin, getting pissed off at Taehyung for saying that

"I am! I am happy for you but... "

"I know! You don't like Jungkook for some odd reason but I do Taehyung. I love him. But please don't be mad." Jimin says with puppy dog eyes and Taehyung shook his head and got up to sit down next to Jimin.

"I'm not. I promise I'm not. Like I said I am happy that you found someone but I am just unsure about Jungkook. You know I have a bad feeling about him but I do know he does care about you. I only trust him taking care of you." Taehyung says as he hugged Jimin from the side as Jimin leaned against him, putting his head on Taehyung's shoulder as he couldn't help but to smile.

"Wow. Taehyung actually said something nice about Jungkook." Hoseok says, making Jimin giggle.

"Only this once." Taehyung says, putting up one finger, making the two laughed as Jimin looked at him.

"How long have you two been together?" Hoseok ask.

"After the last competition when we left on the bike we went to the overlook and he kissed me." Jimin says, blushing as he smiled.

"Awww! That's so cute!" Hoseok says as Jimin blushed even more.

"Who all knows?" Taehyung ask and Jimin looked at him.

"Only you two and Yugyeom. We are going to tell Yoongi today too at dinner at the house. Then Jin and Namjoon when we have that cookout on Saturday." Jimin says as Hoseok and Taehyung nod their heads.

"ohhh. Good luck telling Yoongi." Hoseok said.

"Well Yoongi kinda already knew that we had feelings for each other when me and Jungkook fell asleep on the couch at his house." Jimin says and Hoseok nodded his head as he was eating his food.

"Yugyeom told him?" Taehyung ask as Jimin nod his head.

"Yeah. Yugyeom said that Yoongi said that if Jungkook hurts me then Jungkook is going to get stabbed in the dick." Jimin says, making the two laughed.

"Definitely sounds like Yoongi." Hoseok says as Jimin giggled, agreeing with him.

"I agree with Yoongi."

"Oh shut up!" Jimin says, elbowing Taehyung in the side as Taehyung who just smiled at Jimin, giving his famous box smile to Jimin.

At the end of the day, Jimin was leaving the school, heading out the backdoor as it's easier for parents to pick up their kids and it's where he always gets picked up. Jimin closed the door then started walking up the path to the driveway, only to get pulled back.

"Hey!" Jimin says, looking at who pulled him to see Youngkim. "Ohh Youngkim nice to see you.. what do you want? I want to get home to my puppy." Jimin says with a smile but then went into a "really bitch?" Look, letting out a sign.

"That guy! Who was that guy?!" Youngkim asks as he let go of Jimin's arm.

"What? Youngkim, I know a lot of guys. Who are you talking about?"

"That guy at the fucking dance competition! The one holding you! who was that?!" Youngkim yelled as Jimin didn't even flinch at his yelling being to unborther at him anymore.

"Holding me?"

"Yes! The one with the long black hair and his ears stretched out!"

"Oh Jungkook. He is my boyfriend." Jimin says, crossing his arms over his chest. "What you going to say now? I am cheating on him with the whole school even though I have been only dating him for 3 days?!" Jimin asks with his sassy self as he held up three fingers in YoungKim face and YoungKim smack his hand away.

"Jungkook?! Jeon Jungkook?!"

"Umm yeah. Wait.. you know him?" Jimin asked as he started to get confused on how Youngkim knows Jungkook and why he was asking questions about him.

"I fucking knew it was him! And your dating him!" YoungKim says with a crazy smile on his face as he pointed at Jimin.

"I just said he is my boyfriend!" Jimin yelled back at Youngkim. "Your fucking weiring me out, YoungKim. I got to go." Jimin says, trying to walk away but Youngkim grabbed him by the arm again, making Jimin get even more irritated. "I'm going to kicked you in your fucking stomach!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! Do you really know who Jungkook is?! Do you know what his real job is?!" Youngkim asks, yelling at Jimin as Jimin fought against him trying to pull his arm back.

"Jungkook doesn't talk about his job! He says it's private job! Now get off of me Youngkim!' Jimin yells back and pushed Youngkim off of him, making him stumbled back a little.

"Exactly! He doesn't want to fucking tell you even though I know exactly what he does and who he really is! He is lying to you about his private job, Jimin." Youngkim yelled, pointing at Jimin as Jimin back up from him.

"Shut up! You know nothing about him!"

"Jimin!" Yoongi yelling at him.

Jimin quickly backed up, flipping YoungKim off and went over to him as Yoongi quickly stood in front of him.

"What the fuck is going on?! You messing with my boy?" Yoongi ask, walking closer to YoungKim as Youngkim realized who Yoongi was.

"I just wanted to ask Jimin some questions. Mr Deagu." Youngkim says with a smirk as he held his hands up and Yoongi eyes darkened at his Mafia name as Jimin was even more confused.


"Get in the car." Yoongi says, pushing Jimin.


"Go Jimin!" Yoongi told Jimin and Jimin left out a sign then stated walking but kept his eyes on Yoongi and YoungKim. "As for you, you stayed the fuck away from him. If he wasn't here, I would be beating the shit out of you until you are covered in blood, motherfucker." Yoongi says, looking at Youngkim dead in the eyes as YoungKim back down then Yoongi started walking away until he met up with Jimin.

"Yoongi. What did he mean? Yoongi!" Jimin says as him and Yoongi got to his car and Yoongi opened the passenger side door.

"I can't say! Get in the car."

"Okay! Damn!" Jimin says then got in the car with Yoongi closing the door as he put his seatbelt on.

Yoongi got in, closing the door and putting his seatbelt on then quickly leaving, making the car tries squeal. Jimin honestly was a little scared at the way Yoongi reacted but mostly confused on what just happened in between Yoongi and YoungKim.

"Yoongi what the fuck is going on?!' Jimin ask, sitting up in his seat, looking at Yoongi.

"I can't say! It's about me and Jungkook's job! I can't say, I'm sorry!' Yoongi says, not wanting to yell at Jimin but he was honestly panicking. "I just need to get you back at the house." Yoongi says and Jimin left out a sign, leaning back in his seat.

"Why did Youngkim ask those weird questions... Shit how does he know Jungkook?! And from the way Yoongi and Youngkim were looking at each other, I guess they knew each other as well. They never tell me anything about their job and just keeps saying that it's private and they can't say anything about it." Jimin thought to himself as he looked out the window, waiting to get back home and be with Kosmos, knowing Jungkook was at said "work"

As they were driving, Yoongi made sure Jimin was okay and Youngkim didn't hurt him with Jimin saying he didn't touch him and that they were just yelling at each other. Yoongi honestly felt bad for yelling at Jimin a little as he didn't want to raise his voice but again... he was in fight or flight mode and just being protective. But right when they got to the house, Yoongi said he had to go somewhere so Jimin went in the empty house by himself as Yoongi took off driving back to the base. Jimin left Kosmos outside and they hung out outside, having fun in the backyard as it was a nice and warm day out.

Meanwhile Jungkook was at base, helping with loading the cars and vans up for the kidnapped mission when he heard Yoongi calling for him.

"Yeah?!" Jungkook called back, looking at Yoongi.

"I need to talk to you in your office. Now." Yoongi said and Jungkook got a little worried as he quickly walked over to Yoongi and they headed to Jungkook's office with Yoongi closing the door.

"Hey! Let me in!" Yugyeom says, quickly getting in before getting the door slam in his face.

"Hey hey calm down. What is going on Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, noticing how Yoongi looked freaked out and Yugyeom noticed too and started to get worried by the way Yoongi was acting.

"I was picking Jimin up from School when I heard yelling so I followed it and I see this kid and Jimin yelling at each other. So I get in between them, getting in front of Jimin, asking what is going on and this fucking kid. This motherfucker knew my name." Yoongi says as he was walking back and forth then stop to point at himself as Yugyeom and Jungkook listened to him.

"Your name? As in Yoongi?" Yugyeom ask kinda confused.

"No! My Mafia name! Mr Deagu!" Yoongi says, freaking out even more.

"What?!" Jungkook ask, in shocked.

"No one outside the Mafia knows that fucking name! And this kid.. he looked familiar." Yoongi says and started to think where he has seen this kid.

"He looked familiar?" Yugyeom ask.

"Yeah! I heard Jimin say his name when I was walking close to them... young.. Young something." Yoongi says, looking in between the two brothers, looking for help.

"Younghee?" Yugyeom ask as Jungkook knew who he was talking about.

"No no it was a guy."

"oh.. Youngchul?"

"No! Young.. there was a k." Yoongi says, really trying to think.

"Youngkim." Jungkook said and Yoongi quy looked at him.

"Youngkim. That's his name!" Yoongi says, pointing at him.

"Shit... that name does sound familiar." Yugyeom says as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at Jungkook.

"Because his full name is Choi Youngkim." Jungkook says then left out a sign as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh shit!" Both Yoongi and Yugyeom said.

"His dad is the leader of the Wolf Mafia!" Yugyeom said.

"Who has Business with the Night Mafia!" Jungkook yelled and grabbing the closet thing to him what was a picture frame. "I fuckin' knew he looked familiar! Awhile ago when I was picking Jimin up, I ran into them talking and Jimin just told me they were just asking him about a school fucking project. GOD DAMNIT!"

Jungkook threw the picture frame against the wall, making Yugyeom and Yoongi jump a little at the outburst. A piece of glass came back and cut the top of Jungkook's hand open without him even realizing it.

"Just fucking great! Of course when I thought I had Jimin far away from this fucking part of me, it comes to bite me in the ass!" Jungkook yelled and Yugyeom quickly grabbed his car keys.

"I will go and stay with Jimin until you get home." Yugyeom says, looking at his brother.

"Keep your phone and gun on you! check the cameras!" Yoongi says as Yugyeom was already leaving the room with the door closing behind him.

Yoongi left out a sign then looked at Jungkook.

"What are we going to do?" Yoongi ask.

"I don't know! The fucking mission is coming up and Yugyeom can't stay with him because he is my replacement for Namjoon!" Jungkook says, looking like he was about to cry. "I can't lose him, Yoongi. I love him." Jungkook says, accidentally telling Yoongi that he was with Jimin.

"You what?" Yoongi said and Jungkook looked at him.

Jungkook quickly looked at Yoongi with a "oh shit." Look knowing Jimin is going to yell at him because Jimin wanted to tell Yoongi together. Jungkook left out a nervous chuckle as Yoongi was giving a scary look that said "Tell me now."

"Umm. We were go-going to tell you later. Me an...and Jimin are together."

Yoongi was shocked but also knew it was coming as he has seen how the two have been close to each other. Yoongi always remembers what Yugyeom told him about how the two always easily fall asleep together, cuddling so he was expecting this. He knows he can trust Jungkook with his Jimin because he has seen the way Jungkook treats Jimin and Jungkook always knows that Yoongi can easily kill him.

"As in dating?" Yoongi asked, walking closer to Jungkook.

"Yeah. 3 days we started."

"Damn. I fucking knew it was coming but not this early." Yoongi said and Jungkook couldn't help but to smile a little bit.

"Yugyeom already told you what I said?"

Jungkook nodded his head at Yoongi's question.

"And I mean it. I'm not fucking joking, Jungkook! You know he is like my little brother."

"Yes. I know. I will protect him no matter what." Jungkook says and Yoongi nod his head at Jungkook.

"Good. I trust you with him." Yoongi says as Jungkook felt a little better now he knows Yoongi is okay with them being together. "Now we have to come up with something for Jimin when we are on this mission." Yoongi says with Jungkook agreeing with him.

"Maybe he can stay with Jin and Namjoon for a little bit. We were going to tell them that we are together the day before the trip." Jungkook says as he leaned against his desk.

"Yeah that's a good idea. Namjoon has his whole house protected. He will be safe there." Yoongi says as Jungkook nod his head.

"And Jimin wouldn't mind it. He has been saying he wants to help Jin more before the baby comes."

"We just have to ask them if it's okay if Jimin sta- " Yoongi got cut off by Jin, bursting threw the door, kicking it open.

"Yes! I will adopt Jimin!" Jin says, walking in as Yoongi and Jungkook jump.

"I didn't say adopt!" Jungkook says with shocked at Jin and Namjoon here at the base. "What are you even doing here? You are not allowed to be here right now." Jungkook says, letting out a sign.

"He made me drive him here because he wanted to get you lunch." Namjoon says as he walked in, looking at Jungkook as he was holding two lunch boxes.

"Oh.. you will take Jimin in awhile we are gone?" Jungkook ask.

"Of course boy! I would love to have him stayed with us!" Jin says with a big smile.

"Okay now that is dealt with for now." Yoongi says, looking at Jungkook as Jungkook nod his head.

"Yeah. You didn't hear anything else right?" Jungkook ask.

"Uh? No. Just that you were going to ask us about Jimin staying with us." Namjoon says and Jungkook nod his head, letting out a sigh of relief. "Why? Is everything ok."

"Umm yeah. I just want to keep Kosmos and Jimin safe from Kosmos getting taken." Jungkook says and Namjoon and Jin both gave him a "oh okay." Look, nodding their heads. "So we will have the cookout at your place and Jimin will stay there for about 2 days." Jungkook says as Jin nod his head, getting excited about Jimin staying with them, clapping his hands.

"Wonderful! He knows that you guys are leaving?"

"Yeah. I told him yesterday that me and Yoongi have to go on a little trip for work. And that I am taking Yugyeom for help." Jungkook says as Jin and Namjoon both nod their heads.

"Okay everything is planned then." Namjoon says with a small smile.

"Yeah." Jungkook says, nodding his head with a almost of a sad looked on his face as he was trying to hide it from Jin and Namjoon by looking down.

But Yoongi noticed it as he agreed with Namjoon and Jungkook, nodding his head as well. Yoongi cleared his throat then started talking about something else. After about 4 hours, Jungkook got home and started looking for the two.

"Jimin! Yugyeom!" Jungkook says, looking around.

He kept looking around the house until he made it to the left side of the house. He got there and heard, laughing coming from the pool room so he walked inside to see Yugyeom sitting down on a chair as Jimin was in the water. Kosmos was looking like she wanted to come in with Jimin but she was scared to.

"You guys having fun?" Jungkook ask and the two looked at him.

"Hey! Go get changed. Maybe she will come in with you in here too." Yugyeom says, pointing to Kosmos.

"You guys trying to get her to swim?"

"Yeah but she is too nervous and she is making me nervous!" Jimin says, freaking out a little as Jungkook chuckled.

"Okay I will be right back." Jungkook says then quickly headed upstairs.

He took off all of his clothes then only put on swimming trunks. He grabbed a towel then headed back downstairs and Jimin couldn't help but to look at Jungkook's body.

"Here comes dada. You going to swim with dada?" Yugyeom ask as Kosmos was hiding in between his feet.

"It's not cold right?"

"No, it's like a hot tub." Jimin say and Jungkook nod his head then made his way into the water.

"Oh shit that feels good." Jungkook says as the water was nice and warm and Jimin giggled as Jungkook walked over to him. "Kosmos. You want to come in? Come on, I will hold you." Jungkook says, going over to the edge and Kosmos ran over to him.

"Come on Kosmos! Come on!" Jimin says as Kosmos wanted to get close but she was scared as she left out a little bark.

"I got you." Jungkook says and Kosmos walked closer so Jungkook quickly grabbed her.

"Yeah Kosmos! You got it!" Yugyeom says, clapping his hands.

"Hey baby." Jimin says as Jungkook walked over to him, holding Kosmos. "You're in the water." Jimin says, petting Kosmos, getting the top of her head wet because his hands were wet.

After awhile, Jungkook slowly started to let go of her, getting her used to the feel of the water. As he was holding her, her legs started to move like she was trying to swim.

"Try to let go of her." Yugyeom says as he was recording on Jimin's phone.

Jungkook listened and took one hand off of her, only holding her with one hand as Jimin got close.

"Come here Kosmos. Swim!" Jimin says, calling her as she started to move her legs more until Jungkook let go of her and she swam over to Jimin.

Right when she got him, Jimin quickly grabbed her as her small legs gave out so she started to go under a little.

"I got you!" Jimin says, holding Kosmos close to him.

"Yeah Kosmos!" Jungkook says as Yugyeom cheers as well then stops recording on the phone, putting it down. "You did it!" Jungkook says then gave Kosmos a kiss on the head as her tail started to wag under the water.

Kosmos stayed in there for about 10 more minutes until Jimin said that it was enough practice for her for one day. Yugyeom took her, wrapping her up in a towel then left the pool room just in case she gets brave and tries to jump in. Jungkook looked at Jimin and smiled at him as Jimin smiled back at him as Jungkook got closer to him.

"Hi." Jungkook says as it was now only him and Jimin.

"Hey." Jimin says as Jungkook wrapped his arms around his waist and Jimin wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"You okay? Yugyeom said that your left leg was shaking badly." Jungkook says, looking Jimin right in his eyes.

"It was nothing."

"Jimin we both know that was a clonic seizure."

"Maybe but I am fine. I took my medicine and I feel good now." Jimin says then leaned upwards and gave Jungkook a kiss.

"You promise?"

"Yes Kookie." Jimin says, giggling then gave Jungkook a little kiss again as Jungkook gave him a little kiss back.

"If you're going to kiss me, give me a real kiss!" Jungkook whined as Jimin laugh.

"I'm sorry. I'm still getting used to it." Jimin says as Jungkook chuckled.

"Then let me lead." Jungkook says and gave Jimin a kiss, holding it as Jimin kissed back, holding the back of Jungkook's hair.

They stayed like that for about 5 seconds until Jungkook started slowly moving his lips as Jimin followed. Jungkook slowly started to move around the pool as he dragged Jimin around with him.

"Wait wait wait!" Jimin yelled as Jungkook picked him up then threw him in the water as Jungkook laughed.

Jimin got up and splashed Jungkook back with water as Jungkook jumped a little then splash him back with water. Jimin quickly went under the water and started to swim over to Jungkook as Jungkook wiped the water from his face then moved his hair out of the way. Jungkook left out a little laugh as he looked at where Jimin was but didn't see him.

"Jimin?" Jungkook asked, looking around, getting a little worried until Jimin jumped out of the water and tackled Jungkook. "Oh shit!" Jungkook says as he fell into the water as Jimin held onto his back.

"Gotcha Bitch!" Jimin says as Jungkook laughed, standing back up.

"Okay Okay. That was a good one." Jungkook says as Jimin let go of him, falling back into the water and Jungkook turned around to look at him.

Jimin left out a little giggle then leaned in and gave Jungkook a kiss.

"I have made my mind up."

"About what?" Jungkook asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"When I want to get my tattoos done." Jimin said and Jungkook got a little smile on his face.


"Yes! I want to get two on the same day if she is not busy." Jimin says as Jungkook was kinda shocked.

"You sure you want to get two on the same day? That's going to hurt." Jungkook said and Jimin nod his head.

"Yes I am sure. I can take some pain medicine in between. I will be okay." Jimin says and Jungkook nod his head. "Can you call her?"

"Yeah I can call Elizabeth. When do You want to get them?" Jungkook ask as he wrapped both of his arms around Jimin's waist, pulling him closer.

"Before the 25th." Jimin said and Jungkook held himself back from freezing up at the mention of the 25th.

"Okay. I will tell her that." Jungkook says and Jimin smiled, nodding his head.

"Hey." Jungkook said.


"I love you." Jungkook says and Jimin couldn't hold back a smile.

"I love you too." Jimin says then wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck again. "Don't throw me again please." Jungkook chuckled at Jimin's words.

"I won't. Came here." Jungkook says then gave Jimin a kiss as they both smiled into the kiss.

Jungkook pulled away just a little bit just to look at him then kiss him again.

"I will always protect you. You know that?"

"Yes. Your my safe place so you have to." Jimin says as Jungkook smiled at him then gave him another kiss, holding it this time.

The two got out and got changed into their PJs in Jimin's room. Jimin was walking out of the bathroom, turning off the lights to see that Jungkook was only wearing his sweatpants. Jungkook was reaching over the bed to grab his shirt and that's when Jimin noticed the cut on Jungkook's hand.

"Jungkook." Jimin says, walking over to Jungkook and grabbing his hand.

"Oh that? It's nothing." Jungkook says, trying to pull away his hand away from Jimin but Jimin grab his wrist.

"Yes it is! Did you treat it?"

"Yeah I did. I'm okay, angel." Jungkook says with a smile as Jimin was looking at the cut still.

"Well it's still very much open. It has to be covered." Jimin says then started pulling Jungkook back into the bathroom as Jungkook chuckled. "How did you even do this? I left you alone for a couple of hours."

"I'm not exactly sure. Yoongi told me that my hand was bleeding and I looked down to see it actually bleeding." Jungkook explained as Jimin left out a sign, shaking his head as Jungkook just smiled at Jimin.

"Well you are lucky I don't see bone." Jimin says and Jungkook chuckled as Jimin started cleaning his hand up.

Once Jimin wrapped Jungkook's hand up, Jungkook put his shirt on then went back downstairs and started making dinner with Yugyeom and Kosmos joining them in the kitchen.

"Oh Jimin." Jungkook called and Jimin looked at him.


"Yoongi is not coming over today." Jungkook says, getting a little nervous on how Jimin will react.

"Why? I thought we were telling him that we are dating."

"See about that... hahah." Jungkook says, letting out a little nervous.

"Oh no. What did you do?" Yugyeom ask, letting out a sign as both him and Jimin were looking at him.

"I ummm accidentally... told Yoongi we are dating." Jungkook says and Jimin gave him a "really?" Look as Yugyeom laugh.

"How?" Both Yugyeom and Jimin ask.

"We were talking about you and I said I really love him and he ask what did I mean by that. Then I told him we were dating." Jungkook explained as he rubbed the back of his neck out of nerveness as Jimin left out a sign.

"Jungkook! I wanted to tell him together just if course he jumps you!" Jimin says, pointing at Jungkook as Yugyeom couldn't help but to chuckle as he imagined Yoongi jumping on Jungkook's back like a monkey.

"I know I'm sorry." Jungkook says and Jimin just shook his head then looked back at him. "Well at least he knows now. He didn't punch you?"

"Or stab ya in the dick?" Yugyeom ask with a big smile, being too excited.

"No and no! I still have my dick." Jungkook says, pointing downwards and Jimin giggled.

"Damn it! Really wanted you to get stabbed by Yoongi!"

"Fuck off!" Jungkook yelled at his brother as Jimin laughed, slapping Yugyeom's arm.

"Hey watch it." Jimin says, looking at Yugyeom, making Yugyeom laughed.

"Yeah I should be. Because my niece or nephew are in Jungkook's balls." Yugyeom said and Jungkook threw his fork at Yugyeom as he quickly moved out of the way.

"Ahhh!" Jimin screamed as Yugyeom was dying on the floor, laughing. "You have been hanging out too much with Bambam and Taehyung!" Jimin says as he kicked Yugyeom's legs.

"I'm sorry... I'm s-sorry. It was just too funny not to say it." Yugyeom says as he slowly gets up off the floor, getting back in his chair.

"You're so gross." Jungkook says, shaking his head at his brother as the two younger ones laughed.

"Did you tell Hoseok and Taehyung?" Yugyeom asked, looking at Jimin and Jimin nod his head.

"Yeah. Hoseok was cool and excited about it and Taehyung was ..okay." Jimin says then looked at the two.

"Oh no. What did he say?" Yugyeom ask, leaning back in his seat as Jimin grabbed Jungkook's fork that Jungkook threw at Yugyeom.

"He says he trusts you with protecting me. He said I am happy that you found someone but I am just unsure about Jungkook.' I don't know why he acts like this towards you.' Jimin says, letting out a sign but Jungkook shook his head.

"No no. It's okay as long as he doesn't mind about us then I am okay with it." Jungkook says then gave Jimin a kiss on his forehead with a little smile on his face.

A.n. hello again!

Soo ahahaha.... a lot has happened in just a couple days like ALWAYS IN THIS FANDOM!!!

Golden was announced what took me a couple of minutes to actually react because I was in shocked but then I left out a scream 🙃


This is going to be fun couple of weeks coming up plus we have Jimin's birthday coming up to so... yeah fun 🥴👍🏻

We got the first couple of photos for golden today and we have more coming...

Hahahah we got more photos coming....hahaha it's fun being a Jungkook biased....

I did catch his live, I was literally waiting on wevese for him to go live at 8am😂 him dancing around his house, during MORE is me when I am cleaning my house, I swear.

Also he really covered his ears during jacks part in 3d??

He was literally singing about fucking someone 7 days a week before he played 3d because he played the exclusive version and song the "I will be fucking you right!" Part!


Also Taehyung what the hell?!😂

In the middle of editing this chapter, I see my wevese go off so I click and see that Taehyung is live

I saw his other two lives but I thought we wouldn't see him for the rest of the day until I got that notification and so confused on what was happening but then started singing along to smoke because they were dancing to it😂😂

But anyways!!!
I j-hope you like this chapter like always and thank you guys for all of the support on the book already!

Also don't be a little ghost reader!
Comments on the book, leave whatever you want to leave, I like reading comments even on books that I personally read!🙃

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