LOVER || r. bowen¹ ✔️

By mabbielqver

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"You're my lover." In which you get born with a black stain on your body where your soulmate is supposed to t... More

i was enchanted to meet you.
You're the one I want at the end of the day.
He was a skaterboy she said see you later boy
Hear our song on the radio
how am I supposed to think about anything else?
for your eyes only I'll show you my heart
so take your time while you're mine and smoke slow.
secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide then i thought.
I'm wasting my time when it was always you.
I like you so much it's kinda gross.
I was a kid but I wasn't clueless
kiss me once cause you know i had a long night.
I'll look after you.
It's the start of something new
two hearts in one home
I see forever in your eyes
I think I'm in love again.
Cause when we'd fight you give me space and not communicate.
All I want is love that lasts.
I get a little bit alone sometimes.
you left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong.
But right now I just feel like shit.
She's getting on my nerves.
I'm the one who burned us down.
We'll be alright.
Cause I've got you.
I thought you were my fairytale.
Some of us need to be heard.
falling for you fools gold.
You're the habit that I can't break.
everything you do is magic.
we were to close to the stars.
A moment in love.
Nothing can come between you and i.
There's not a star in heaven we can't reach.
we make each other strong.
2nd book

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you.

212 5 0
By mabbielqver

❝〔 c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - s i x  〕❞

When Eleanor woke up the next morning, the boy was still sound asleep on her chest.

She sighs softly as she looks down at her soulmate, she allows her fingers to go trough his curls, receiving a quiet hum from him as he nuzzles closer into her body.

"El, you up? You have school in an hour!" Her mom calls from outside the door.

"Yeah, I'll be downstairs in a bit." She says back.

"Can't we skip?" Ricky mutters into her shirt.

"Nope." She hums, shaking her head. .

He sighs as he lifts his head a bit to look at her. "Can we then atleast cuddle for a bit longer?"

"5 minutes." She agrees.

"Only 5?" He whines.

"5 or none." She raises an eyebrow.

"Fine." He mutters, resting his head back down on her chest.

"Are you gonna go home before school?" She asks, once again playing with his hair.

He closes his eyes, liking the feeling of her toying with his hair. "No, I have my stuff for school already so I'm not going."

"Are you sure, Rick?" She asks gently. "Don't you want to see tourtmom before she leaves?"

He shakes his head. "No, I'm fine with staying with you today."

She nods her head, she wants to say he should go home but it is his decision.

"Okay, anyways 5 minutes are over." She tells him, pushing against his shoulder, telling him to get off.

He groans but gets up anyways. "Hey, I had a question, by the way."

She also sits up, pushing her hair behind her ear. "What's up?"

"Do you wanna go to homecoming with me?"

She frowns. "Uh, we're already going with Red?"

He closes his eyes. "No- I mean like a date."

"Oh." She realizes. "Yeah, I'd like that."

An smile takes over his face. "Really?"

"Yeah," She giggles. "We can't ditch Red the whole time though." She points out.

He nods his head. "Yeah, ofcourse. I do get a dance with you though, right?"

She nods her head. "Yeah, ofcourse."

"Good." He smiles. "Now let's get ready before we're gonna be late."


Eleanor stares at her self in the middle, this is probably one of the rare times she actually feels pretty. She is completely ready for the dance.

She's wearing a blue, long dress with a slit in it and some lace on it. She has matching heels with it and a simple black purse.

She also has done her make up, she didn't want to do too mich but she likes it.

Next she had straightend her natural curls and recurled them with a curling iron. She had tied some hair back from the front, bit still had some pieces shaping her face.

She smiles as she looks in the mirror at her self. She likes what she looks like, the dress fits her amazing, and she absolutely loves her hair.

(her outfit)

"Eleanor! Ricky's here!" Her mom calls out.

If she is being honest, she kind of is nervous for Ricky to see her, it will be the first time he'll see her dressed up and with her hair straightened.

She takes a deep breath before walking down the stairs, as soon as she gets in sight Ricky his eyes widden, a look of awe taking over his features.

"Wow." Is the only thing he can say at that moment, she looks breathtaking.

She giggles slightly at his reaction as she walks up to him. "Hey."

"Hi." He breathes out. "You look... wow."

She smiles softly. "You look wow aswell."

Ricky takes in the sight of his soulmate, to him she always looks pretty, but right now is a different kind of pretty.

The dress looks amazing on her, so does her hair that doesn't have her natural curls.

And her make up. God does he wants to kiss her right now. Really badly.

His eyes lower to her lips before he can stop himself, causing the girl to blush.

"I want pictures!" Her mom exclaims.

The girl moves so she is standing next to him as he wraps an arm around her waist, oullong her closer into his side.

They both smile for the picture, after ten minutes of taking pictures the two finally left her house.

Ricky holds open the cardoor for her.

She steps in the car Ricky had borrowed from his dad. He closes the door behind her before rushing to his side of the car.

When they arrive at the school they walk up towards Mr. Mazarra.

"I have two tickets under the name Bowen." Ricky tells him.

"You two are with the other theatre kids. Take some pictures on your way in."

The two enter and Ellie groans as he pulls her towards the photobooth.

"We already took enough pictures for the next 10 years at my house, Rick." She complains.

"Come on, just a few more." He says as they stop infront of the camera.

He wraps his arms around her from behind her as she grabs his hands that ar now around her waist.

She smiles for the camere and they take another pose, the girl kisses his cheek and seeing she is wearing heals she can actually reach him.

The last pose they do a funny face and hold up peace signs.

After they both got a copy from the pictures they make their way to the table where the other theatre kids are sitting.

They sit down in some empty seats next to each other.

Eleanor frowns as she notices Carlos expression, he looks upset. "You okay, Carlos?"

He looks up at the girl. "Did Seb by any chance text you he'll be late?"

She shakes her head and gives him a sad smile. "No, I could try calling him?" She suggests.

"I already called him multiple time, no answer."

"Maybe something happened at the farm. Maybe Jimmy escaped again." She shrugs her shoulders.

Ricky frowns as he looks at his soulmate. "Jimmy?"

"He's a sheep." She nods her head. "Maybe Seb is chasing him currently. Happened before."

"Thanks, El. You look pretty by the way." Carlos sighs.

She smiles softly at him. "Thanks, 'los."

Ricky looks down at his phone as he gets a message before shoving his phone in her face.

"Get a load of this player. He's texting me for fashion advice." He puts pressure on the word 'me'.

"Well that's his first mistake." Eleanor mumbles, looking away as she hears Gina's voice.

"Hey!" He exclaims shoving her shoulder. "I have a good style!"

"Sure, Rick. Sure." She chuckles.

"If I don't then why is your closet filled with my clothes?" He points out with a smirk.

"Just because they're comfortable doesn't mean they are stylish." She tells him.

"Excuse us!" Gina says, She has her arms around Ej's. "These seats taken?"

There's an awkward silence before the two wit down.

"He'll show up, okay. Maybe he just hit traffic?" Ashlyn tries to comfort Carlos because Seb isn't there yet.

"We live in Salt Lake City. There hasn't been traffic since the 2002 Winter Olympics." He points out.

"Don't assume Seb stood you up, okay?" Ashlyn tells him.

"Maybe something happened at the farm." Eleanor mixes into the conversation.

Maybe there was a farming accident." Ashlyn nods her head towards Eleanor, saying she agrees.

"Not helping."

"Okay, look Carlos. Seb is my best friend, and he was very excited for the dance bevause of you, he wouldn't just ditch."

Eleanor looks away as Ricky scoots in the chair Ej was sitting in moments before. "Hey, not to intrude on date night, but you can do a lot better then Ej. That guy, that guy's bad news."

"You're not exactly one to give relationship advice. And when I want your opinion, I'll ask."

Ellie looks between Gina and Ricky, why can't Ricky mind his business?

"Well I'm giving it anyway 'cause I sorta thought you were classier than this." The whole table stares at Ricky, some either cinfused or dissapointed at his words. "But hey, maybe you really are what people say you are."

"And that is?"


"Dude." Red and Eleanor say at the same time, hoping Ricky would just shut up.

But he doesn't. "Just a little too ambitious for your own good, or anyone else's."

Ellie shakes her head, leaning back in her chair as Red takes his head in his hands.

"Richard, we are talking, now." She stands up and Ricky instantly follows, so does Red.

"Was this like an huge mistake?" Ricky, Red and Ellie walk away from the table.

"What? Calling Gina out like that?" Red asks. "Yeah that was mad harsh, dude. You owe her an apology."

"She showed up to the dance with Ej. What's that about?" Ricky exclaims.

"Maybe it's not actual about you at all. Maybe people are allowed to go out with whoever they wanna go out with and be whoever they wanna be."

Ricky gives Red an look. "Sorry, I've been falling asleep to Dr. Phill lately."

"I'm with Redhead and his Mr Phil words on this one, Rick. You have to apologize to Gina. That was not cool." Eleanor places her arm over Red his shoulder.

"Can we just get outta here?" Ricky sighs.

"Now? dude we're at homcoming. You should be finding eligible hunnies for me to dance with."

"I'm on red with this one, not with the bunnie-" She points at Red.

"Hunnies." Red cuts her off, glaring at her.

"Not with the Hunnies part, but I didn't get into this dress," She points at the dress on her body. "Just for us to leave not even an hour after arriving."

"Uh hold that thought." He points to his two best friends. "Drama, two o'clock."

Ellie looks towards where Ricky is looking at and sees Ej and Gina arguing.

"I don't know what's up with our friends," Eleankr starts.  "But I love how they're always fighting."

Red poorly starts speaking in things they would not be saying to the other.

"Dude." Rucky cuts him off. "You're an idiot." Ricky laughs.

The next thing they know Gina throws her punch over Ej before walking out of the gym.

"Ricky, go apologize to her, now." Eleanor turns back to Ricky after they watched her walk away.

"Now?" He repeats. "But we-"

"Ricky, It's not cool what you said to her, dude. Just go apologize."

Ricky looks towards the door before sighing. "Fine, but don't leave yet, I'll be back."

"Yeah you better," She huffs. "You're my ride home."

She and Red walk back to the table as Ricky went after gina. Birn to be brave, a skng everyone knows starta playing.

"Hey," Ricky rushes to the table, looking down at his soulmate. "Gina wants me to give her a ride. Is that okay with you?"

Eleanor nods her head. "Yeah. Ofcourse, that means you apologized?"

He nods. "I did. I will be back as quick as possible. Save me a dance?" He smiles.

She chuckles as she smiles. "Yeah, ofcourse."

"Okay," He leans down to press a kiss on her temple. "See you in a bit."

"I kinda feel bad for the guy." Ej Comments, watching Carlos dance alone. Whike she was talking to Ricky Carlos went and danced alone.

She gives Ashlyn a look before they stand up and join Carlos on the dance floor.

After the number ends Seb went to Carlos as he did show up late. and Ellie spotted Ricky at the opening.

"So, she forgave you?" Eleanor asks, stopping infront of Ricky.

Ricky nods his head. "Yeah, and brought her home. We're okay now I guess."

Ricky looks around the room, an slow song is playing right now. "Hey, wanna dance?" He nudges her shoulder softly.

Eleanor looks up to the taller boy and nods her head with an small smile. "Yeah."

And there, standing in Ricky's arms, her arms around his neck, his around her waist Eleanor notices how much she actually loves to stand in his arms.

She wishes this song will never end because she wants this moment to go on forever.

She lifts her head of his shoulder and looks up at him. Once again, like he had did multiple times this night he looks at her lips.

Guess she did her lip make up very good tonight.

He looks back up at her eyes before leaning forward.

Her eyes flutter close as she olaces her hands on his cheek, moving her lips to match his.

He leans back, eyes still closed as he rests his forehead against hers with a satisfied smile on his face. "I wanted to do that the whole night."

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