AGENT 003 |taegyu|

By omgyubee

987 65 17

Beomgyu,who work at an agency as an agent was sent on a mission to join a gang and find out what their planni... More

The coat and coffee
The arranged marriage
The day of marriage
Princes and gangs
Bedtime story
Mission plan
Unexpected Meeting
The sucessful robbery
Criminal party
Familiar faces
Underboss selection
New leader
Task completed
Parties and birthday
Long lost sibling?
Coerced acting

The 'foes'

46 6 0
By omgyubee

Beomgyu's heart started to beat fast, Taehyun was holding onto his waist. Normally if someone did this he wouldn't feel a thing.

"T-taehyun, what are you doing"

"I'm not letting you go"

"are you out of your mind"

Taehyun let out a little laugh as he let Beomgyu go, he walked to the table which had a bottle of wine and a few glasses.

"it's not like I'm gonna eat you"

"Of course I know! You are not like that"

"I mean I, at least for now, I won't"

"Mr. Taehyun also has unknown sides I see"

"I'm a guy after all"

"yeah right, I'll get going"

"but I said I'm not letting you go"

Beomgyu turned around, Taehyun poured wine in two glasses, walked to where he was standing, and offered one to him. Beomgyu took it

"don't, we have to talk"

'what does he want to talk about". He took his glass and pressed a button on the wall and the large glass window opens revealing the beautiful night sky and along with the night sky, they could also see the city lights. It reminded him of the rooftop scene. Taehyun walked to the terrace which was actually a part of the room.

"so amazing"

Beomgyu walked to where Taehyun was.

The breeze was slowly blowing, it was really refreshing. But right now Beomgyu had a question in his mind. He looked at Taehyun.

"Just like you," Taehyun said. Beomgyu smiled- laughed.

Inside Beomgyu was surprised. He had read Taehyun's history with girls. It didn't look like he ever been in love. Although he had slept with a lot of women. He is that type of person. But right now he's not doing anything to Beomgyu rather he just wants to talk with him.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Tell me about yourself"

"You can just ask Heeseung"

For a second Beomgyu stayed quiet. He thought about it, what should he tell him. Actually, a lot had really happened.

"I'm pretty sure, there are still things about you that he doesn't know." Taehyun said

"Maybe..." he half-admitted

"When I look into your eyes, I see a lot of sadness..."

15 years ago

Beomgyu was laying on the hospital bed

"Daddy?" Beomgyu called out

"Yes Beomgyu?" He asked

"Am I going to die?" The little boy asked his dad

He was going to get heart surgery. His dad was standing next to him. He looked at him,

"No your not.,,"He held his hand and kissed it.

"Beomgyu you won't die. This surgery will be successful"

Beomgyu had a weak heart since he was born.

The doctors said he would die within 6-8 years.Right now he was 5 years old

As he grew older and older, his heart became weaker and weaker.

"Beomgyu listen, once you wake up. Things will get really hard for you...Promise me, you have to remain very strong."

"I will"

The doctors stepped in and Beomgyu's dad hugged him one last time. He looked really sad as if he was about to cry. He told Beomgyu he loves him and said goodbye just as he replied goodbye, his vision became blurry and he lost him consciousness because the mask he had around his mouth and nose.

1 week later (still 15 years ago)

It had actually been more than a week. Beomgyu kept waiting the whole time but father didn't come. No one came since he was his only family

"Beomgyu,someone came to take you," The nurse said to him, and Beomgyu's eyes became big, and stood up smiling and ran to the door hoping would see his dad. But he wasn't there. there were some other men. All wearing black clothes, sunglasses, and hats. He didn't know them.

One of them tapped Beomgyu's shoulder and he just told them,

"Ahjussi I don't know you"

"It's okay, we are your father's friends"

Beomgyu being an innocent little boy followed along, not knowing what was going on. He happily so as he wanted to see his dad.

Little did he know

Beomgyu was left in an empty room. No one was there. He was scared. Then suddenly he heard footsteps and people talking outside who entered. Beomgyu saw a woman who looked like she was in her mid-20s and a man who actually looked pretty old. He had a scary aura around him

"So this is him? Their son?"

"Um, do you know where my father is?"The little boy asked the man.

"So he doesn't know?" The old man spoke again

"Mr. Kim he's just a kid. Don't be harsh in him" The woman said

"Agent 101, this should not concern you"

Beomgyu was very confused, he just wanted to meet his father, he didn't care who these people were or what was going on. The man sat on the chair next to him.

"You know, your father died. Actually, he was murdered. Do you know who killed him?"


"You killed him. You took his heart"

Beomgyu messed a heart implant or else he would have died. The heart should have the same genes as him and his dad was the only person who had them .

In other words, he gave his life for him, that didn't mean he killed him. But this person was going to brainwash him. By now Beomgyu started to cry.

"Your heart was useless so you sleepwalked and pulled his heart right out of his chest. That's how you're alive, and that's how he's dead. "

"I-I didn't kill him. I-I w-wouldn't"

"People take other lives for survival. That's how the world works. That's how your world is gonna work. Oh! forgot, my little never had a mom right? Actually, you did. The moment you stepped into this world, she died."

"Y-your wrong."

"No, I'm telling you the truth. Don't you ever wonder why your dad always cries on your birthday? Why he looked so sad? It's because you killed your mom on the day she gave birth to you"

"A boy like you should never have lived. Your parents were good people. They're two of our best agents. They helped others, But now they're gone. It's because of you, oh there is one thing you could do. That will make everyone happy, including them. Listen to whatever we say, train, and become an agent. "

"I think that's enough for him" Agent 101 said

"Agent 101, do as I told you to. Or what was your son's name? Oh right, Jungwon. Hell meets a familiar face to this one. "

The man got up and kicked the chair. He left the room like that. The whole time Beomgyu was sobbing. His cries increased after he left.

"Beomgyu listen. I'll take you to my house. You have to stay quiet in front of my husband, after that, some people will take you to another city, where you'll enter a training center. It'll get really hard for you, but you have to stay strong. I'm sure that's what your dad wants..." Leehi said

"w-when this will end?"

"I'm sorry but this will never end"

7 years later

Beomgyu got out of his blanket and stepped down from his bed. He had an angry look on his face. He was about 12 now.

"I can't sleep because of all of you noisy fuckers." Beomgyu said angrily.

"Project E-32 go away, you have training." A girl said. Beomgyu was living in the TXT training Academy. Before kids became agents, they were called Projects. Beomgyu looked at the group of kids. All of them were standing around one of his roommates, Project M-15 or Soobin.

Soobin wasn't allowed to fight for 24 hours which is why they were picking on him

"Each one of you get out" Beomgyu threatened

"Beomgyu you don't have to. Only a few hours are left" Soobin said

"Beomgyu?? Ridiculous. He actually uses your name?" The boy scoffed mocked

"Are you thinking normal? You won't ever become an agent." Another girl said

"I already told all of you to get out"

"What are you going to do? Oh right. I heard you are a monster." The second boy mocked

"Me too. I heard you killed your own father."

"Funny right? We all came here because our parents were agents. While he's here after killing an agent."

Beomgyu let out an annoyed sigh. With his hands in his pocket. He walked closer to this older guy, most of them were seniors. He grinned.

"Wanna know how I killed my father?" Beomgyu held his collar

"I pulled his heart right out of his chest. If I can do that to should be a piece of cake"

"H-hey! E-32, you might be strong. But you can't beat all of us"

"It's about time you pay for ruining my sleep"

The trainers rushed inside after hearing noises. All the kids were on the ground, passed out. There were about 15 of them In the middle, they saw a boy without even a single scratch on his face, he stood confident, only his fist was a little bloody.

"Project E-32, you'll be given a punishment for helping another project" The trainer said

"I was annoyed, and a little bored" he moved past them as he had training. One of the trainers looked at the other one

"We really are making a monster."

Back to present

"Sadness? What type of sadness?" Beomgyu asks Taehyun.

"You don't need to hide anything from me"

"My heart is not my heart, my dad gave me his so that I would live on. But it was really hard to live on. I couldn't stop blaming myself. And how should I say his? My foster parents sent me to a boarding school, they didn't really care about me. It's been kind of sad, and a bit lonely but it's okay, I'm used to everything now."

Taehyun put his arm around his shoulder

"Beomgyu your life won't be that lonely anymore."

"I know, your with me now."

"But its also because I'm with you, your life will get dangerous," He said

" I'll take the danger as a fun experience and remain beside you"

"Are you sure about that?"

"I'm sure"

He asked" Then what about this danger?"

His hand slowly going under Beomgyu's shirt. He smiled at him. His hand went to his chest, slightly opening his shirt which was already half- open

"I'll take this as a fun experience as well "

"We can stop if you want"

"But I don't..." Taehyun pulled Beomgyu closer and in no time his lips touched his. Beomgyu closed his eyes. Right now he was the only thing on his mind.

Beomgyu woke up in the morning. He looked next to him and Taehyun was not there.

Of course, he knew that he left early in the morning And he is on guard 24/7. Even while sleeping. He got up and took Taehyun's robe from last night.

He let out a deep sigh,

' Agent 003, are you in your right mind? Your task is to join his gang not to sleep with him.'

And yet again, this top agent started to talk to himself. He knew no one was around. He quickly narrowed his eyes

"He's really good tho, even the size--"

Beomgyu snapped out of his thoughts, just when his phone started to ring. It was on the side table. It was probably Taehyun. Why? Because he had gotten a new SIM card since he destroyed the old one. Only Taehyun knew his new phone number

"Hello? Taehyun?"

"No, Heeseung here"

"How did you get my number?"

"I'm a hacker, what do you take me for?"

"What is it, Mr. Hacker?"

Well, this was a good price if information. Judging from his skills, he probably has a track of Beomgyu's phone. This means he can't contact anyone

"You are in danger"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's say one of our foes will be at the mansion soon"

"Here? Why?"

"Word spread that Taehyun had found someone, Like special. And that happens to be you"

"Wait he knows about Taehyun ? I thought that was a secret"

"Most of the Dons in the underworld know about him. I don't have time to explain. He wants to take revenge for his dead brother"

" Taehyun killed someone, hard to believe"

"He has done far worst stuff that is hard to believe. He only shows you his good side"

"Okay, so what the hell am I suppose to do now?"

" Taehyun is on his way, but that person will be there earlier. His men are way more than our men guarding the house at the moment. What you need to do is hide until Taehyun gets there"

"Where? in the closet?"

"The closet is way too obvious you idiot"

"Kay then I'll find a less obvious place"

"Don't die. I'm hanging up"

Beomgyu put the phone down he walked near the large window.

"Don't I hear that a lot? I'm not the one to die easily"

He looked and a lot of black cars broke into the house destroying the large gate as they did. Muscular men stepped in.

They took their guns out and a war started between them and Taehyun's men. Out of all of them, one stood out the most, he must have been the 'Foe'.

His men were not letting anyone beat him.Beomgyu knew him. He was also one of the most wanted criminals in Asia. His mafia was based in Japan. Beomgyu had wanted to hunt him down but sadly never got the mission.

He was known as the 'gentle killer. He told his men to take care of things down there. He could tell as he had learned 'lip language'. He was the only one who entered the mansion.

'Finally, some action'

Taehyun came back with more men, so they were able to overtake the rest of them. He entered his home the Anger showed all over his face. His men spread through the house

"Find him"

Just as he was stepping forward he looked down. He had apparently stepped on blood. A lot of it. It looked like a person was stabbed there and was dragged to another room. Taehyun followed the blood stains and eventually stood outside.

"It's locked," the man said

Taehyun has a serious expression on his face. He stretched his neck and kicked the door. Just one kick and it flew open. He had men on both sides. One of them tried to open the door As it did.

Taehyun could feel a gun just an inch away from his forehead. The person who was holding the gun was none other than Beomgyu himself.

Taehyun's men were pointing guns at him. He raised a brow and he stepped back. He let out a breath and dropped the gun.

"It's you" Beomgyu sighed

"Beomgyu are you okay?"

"Do I look hurt?"

Taehyun stepped forward, got closer to him. He pulled him into a hug, a very tight one, Once again Beomgyu's heart started to beat fast. Pretty sure Taehyun could feel it.

"I was worried"

This guy looked like he really cared for him. Beomgyu was getting a very weird feeling.

It was confusing.

Yet so good

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