Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God...

By Huyhuynh406

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King Kong (2005) Belong To Universal Studios. X Kyochuu Rettou from Crunchyroll. Two mercenaries who were got... More

OC's Introduction
Dinosaurs & Monsters Enemies
Prologue 01: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 1
Prologue 02: The Beginning Of Skull Island Part 2
Chapter 1: The Survivors/Encounter Raptors
Chapter 2: The Mysterious Island/We aren't alone
Chapter 3: Sight Of Dinosaur/Natives Tombs
Chapter 4: Kamijo's Death/Styracosaurus Attack
Chapter 5: Oribe Is Taken By Kong/Bull T-Rex Attack
Chapter 6: Kong Save Oribe
Chapter 7: Kong V.S Mother Quetzalcoatlus
Chapter 8: Akira/The Stampede
Chapter 9: Therizinosaurus V.S Raptors/Giganotosaurus Attack
Chapter 10: The Other Survivors/There's Still More?!
Chapter 11: The Talking/Kong & Mutsume
Chapter 12: T-Rex V.S Triceratops
Chapter 13: The Insect Pit Attack
Chapter 14: Beware The Swamp
Chapter 15: King Kong's Hero/Battle T-Rexes
Chapter 16: Kyle's Plan To Capture Kong/Spinosaurus Attack
Chapter 17: Spinosaurus V.S Carcharodontosaurus/The Chase
Chapter 18: Spinosaurus V.S Therizinosaurus/A Lone Wolf
Chapter 19: King Kong's Mad
Chapter 20: Fallen Log
Chapter 22: The Two Survivors
Chapter 23: Megaraptor's Attack
Chapter 24: The Rexes Family
Chapter 25: Fasolasuchus Attack
Chapter 26: Kong V.S Fasolasuchus
Chapter 27: Rescue Mutsumi/Kong V.S Giganotosaurus
Chapter 28: Capturing Kong
Chapter 29: King Kong & Bull T-Rex In Tokyo
Chapter 30: The Ending

Chapter 21: T-Rex Again?!?/Bon Appetite By Megalodon

98 4 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to Kong.

When Kong and Mutsumi was walking toward to the temple or tomb right there and they both made it inside and then they both saw there was a trouble coming right up to and they both saw there were Natives with their spears out. Then Kong seen this and he doesn't like it and he let out a roar toward at them and make them both were prepare to throw their spears at Kong right away and then Kong was snapped out of it in anger and he tries to protect his lover away from the Natives who throw the spears at her but he blocking it with his big arm.

Kong: "*ROAR*"

The giant gorilla let out a roar toward at the natives and the he raise his arm up and smash them with his elbow and arm that he was killing them both and then other Natives arrive by themselves and they got their spears out and then they both were prepare to kill Kong. When Kong seen this and he need to get her out of here and he cannot let her stay here with the Natives who tries to murdered her.

When Kong was carrying her with him and he begin to running out to somewhere else in this island and then he was run fast as he could and he doesn't want to going back there because he saw his own people who tries to kill his lover. But Kong who change by himself and he felt his heart is beating toward to Mutsumi and he is in loving with her badly and then Mutsumi was love with (Y/N) and Kong...and she doesn't know how to choose.

Mutsumi: "Kong..." She was whispered to herself little bit and she saw how Kong really care about her.

When Kong was with Mutsumi are heading out to somewhere else in this deep jungle and the two of them are the only one who cares to each others and make Kong was set Mutsumi to the ground and he was tries to grab the big rock and opened it out with his bare hands holding the big rock and he was throw the big rock to the other side. Then out of nowhere another Tyrannosaurus Rex was ram his head through and push Kong out of the stairs and make Kong was roar out in pain and he was begin to falling and always falling down to where he is.

Mutsumi: "NOOO!!!!!!!!!" She shout out.

The Tyrannosaurus appearance for himself that he had a red skin with black and then the T-Rex was looking down where Kong has falling and make him was roar out.

T-Rex: "*ROAR*"

When Mutsumi was seen this and make her was begin to running away form here and she was begin to moving out to somewhere else in this island and she just heading out to somewhere else to get away from the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The dinosaur was right behind at her and make her begin to running fast as she could right now and the dinosaur is big as hell and then Mutsumi was run fast as she could with her bare feet and then she was heading toward to where the other cave that she need to stay there.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was on the boat by Alex who take him to the other side of the jungle and make (Y/N) was turn his head to look around and he need to make sure that everything is gonna be fine and when (Y/N) was begin to sit there and he load the shotgun right away and after he was done with it and then he heard Alex called out.

Alex: "(Y/N), we made it to there right now! Go find Mutsumi and report to me!" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Alright, Alex." He said to his partner and make the boat was heading straight toward to where parking and make (Y/N) was stepped out of the boat right away and he was landing down on the ground with his feet and then (Y/N) turn his head to look at Alex with Danny and gave the two of them with a salute.

They both were salute back too and then they both were heading out right away and make them both were begin to moving out to somewhere by themselves and except for (Y/N) who was begin to moving out to this jungle of this Skull Island. When (Y/N) was walking with his feet and carrying a shotgun and then he was moving out to the other jungle and before he was walking and he heard an T-Rex roar come from the jungle.

T-Rex: "*ROAR*"

(Y/N): "What the...." He said to himself.

Mutsumi: "HELP!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!" She shout out to whoever it is and then (Y/N) was running fast as he could and he heard her voice and the screaming comes from her right now and then (Y/N) run to there fast as he could. When he was running and keep running fast as he could and he need to save Mutsumi's life right away and he doesn't want her to get killed by the dinosaur and then (Y/N) was keep running fast as possible and the he was notice Mutsumi was running and then he shout out.

(Y/N): "Oh my god, Mutsumi!!!!!!!!"

Mutsumi: "(Y/N)!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!" She shout out and (Y/N) was notice the Tyrannosaurus Rex was right behind at her and she was begin to run fast as she could and when she was heading toward to the bridge and make her was gonna take a cross it.

When the dinosaur use his head smash through the bridge and make the bridge get shattered it into pieces and make Mutsumi was stop and then she was jumped off from the bridge and make her falling down to the ocean and she was screaming out and make the humongous dinosaur roar out. 

T-Rex: "*ROAR*"

(Y/N): "HANG ON, MUTSUMI!!!!!!!! I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and make him was going downstairs with the other way of tomb and make him was got down there fast as he could right now and then (Y/N) was running fast as he could possible. When (Y/N) running down there right away and then he was keep moving fast as he could and he was got down there and then he saw something was here...and the T-Rex was down there already and make him was seen this and (Y/N) shout out.

(Y/N): "No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to her and make him was saw Mutsumi was trapped inside the other tomb and the dinosaur was use his head tries to break the tomb about to fall.

Mutsumi: "(Y/N)!!! HELP ME!!!!! I'M TRAPPED!!!! HE TRIES TO BREAK IN!!!!!!!!!" She shout out to (Y/N) and then he need to think fast as he could.

(Y/N): "I need a plan." He said to himself and make him thinking and he had no plan of it and he was sigh to himself and he take his shotgun out and aiming his shotgun at the Tyrannosaurus Rex and shot it in the body of dinosaur.

(Y/N): "HEY!!!!!!! OVER HERE!!!! OVER HERE!!!!! I'M A TASTY MEAT FOR YOU, BITCH!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to the Tyrannosaurus Rex and make the dinosaur turn his head to look at (Y/N) and he let out a roar toward at (Y/N).

(Y/N): "COME AND GET ME, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! I'M YOUR TASTY FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to the dinosaur and begin to running away and then dinosaur was begin to chasing at him.

When (Y/N) was running in the deep jungle with tomb and make him goes parkour and then (Y/N) was running fast as he could and he never strop and (Y/N) was keep running and then he could heard the stomps foot of T-Rex was chasing at him and make (Y/N) was running and not gonna stop until he need to get away from it.

(Y/N): "*Shit, I need a plan...I need a plan to get this creature away from me and I cannot been chasing by the goddamn dinosaur!!!!!!*" He thought himself.

Then (Y/N) was running and keep running and he was still turn his head to see the carnivore was right behind on his tail and then the dinosaur was run fast as he could and then (Y/N) just keep running and goes parkour not to fall and hit and he want to survive on this island. But he want to save Oribe alive and he cannot let her die by the giant gorilla and he want to save her and get her out of here...and that fucking maniac Kyle is insane and he is insane that he want to capture the giant gorilla and send him to the Tokyo city and doing the show.

(Y/N): "I JUST WANT TO SURVIVE ON THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to himself and make him was run to the other way and when he was got there and then he stop and he turn his head to look over there is an ocean and make him was run to there and then he was notice there was a huge shark jumped up and bite down at the Pteranodon by himself and then he was begin to eating it.


Megalodon, (Carcharocles megalodon), member of an extinct species of megatooth shark (Otodontidae) that is considered to be the largest shark, as well as the largest fish, that ever lived. Fossils attributed to megalodon have been found dating from the early Miocene Epoch (which began 23.03 million years ago) to the end of the Pliocene Epoch (2.58 million years ago). The word megalodon, a compound of Greek root words, means "giant tooth."

Fossil remains of megalodon have been found in shallow tropical and temperate seas along the coastlines and continental shelf regions of all continents except Antarctica. During the early and middle parts of the Miocene Epoch (which lasted from 23 million to 5.3 million years ago), large seaways separated North America from South America and Europe and Asia from Africa and the Middle East, which likely facilitated movement from one ocean basin to another. Throughout the Miocene, megalodon distribution expanded from pockets located in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas, in the Bay of Bengal, and along the coasts of California and southern Australia to encompass waters off the coasts of northern Europe, South America, southern Africa, New Zealand, and east Asia. During the Pliocene Epoch, however, megalodon's geographic range contracted significantly, and it was extinct by the end of the epoch.

(Y/N): "*That shark....Okay! That's it! If I bring the T-Rex here and let the Megalodon will eat him!*" He thought himself and then (Y/N) heard the stomps of T-Rex is coming to this way and then (Y/N) turn around to look and the dinosaur was coming for closer to him and closer....more closer at him.

(Y/N): "*Closer....closer, and closer....*" He thought himself and then the Megalodon was arrive right on the time.

(Y/N): "*NOW*" He thought himself and make him was dodge out of the way T-Rex bite and then out of nowhere Megalodon who was jumped up with his mouth opened out and bite down at the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body.

(A/N: R.I.P, T-rex. We shall misses you.)

The giant shark was drag T-Rex to the ocean right away and make the dinosaur was roar out in pain and he tries to get away from here.

(Y/N): "Phew, that was close..." He said to himself.

Mutsumi: "(Y/N)!!!!! YOU ALRIGHT?!?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was slowly turn his head to look over there and he saw Mutsumi was came here to checking out and she saw him is fine and make him smile at her and then the two of them were run toward to each others and gave them a hug. When the two of them were let go and they both pulled into kissing right away and (Y/N) was holding her with his arms around her and make her was safe by him and the two of them didn't notice there was a dinosaur stalking at them.

Megaraptor: "*GROWLING*"

To Be Continued.

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