Welcome to Mediapolis

By RosyRose2112

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Rose and Cory Williams have just moved into a new house where they find a remote that transports them to an e... More

Strange House/The Fictional World!?
New Lives in the Big City
Meet Robyn
Class is Starting!
Margot and Kurumi
Lunch Feuds...
The Power of Friendship!!/Darla's Too Cool
Queen Bee/Darla's Struggles
Even More Friends!
The Assault
Lunch Meeting/Stop Making Fun of Dib!!
Who Are You!? Who Who Who Who?
Toon Gods
Settling Down

Finally Explaining Why We Met Up/Our Fight Begins

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By RosyRose2112

"Alright, alright, guys. Cory and I have to talk to you all. This is serious." Rose spoke up. Cory's grin faded and she nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, what she said. We really need your help." She added.

"What's up?" Darlene asked.

Rose opened her mouth to speak, but Cory interrupted her. "This girl tried to kill us and she almost did!" Cory exclaimed. The others gasped.

"Who!?" Tanya shrieked.

"We don't know!" Rose told them.

"She had ugly green hair and a brown raggedy gown." Cory said, "She looks like a middle schooler, but I think she's older than me."

"I don't really know any girls with green hair around here..." Darla said, poking her chin to think.

"It definitely couldn't have been Komachi. She's WAY too nice!" Kurumi chimed in.

"She had a high ponytail and bangs. And she had red eyes too!" Cory described.

No one said anything. It seemed nobody knew who this girl was.

"We don't know them, but how can we help?" Robyn spoke up.

"This girl seemed extremely powerful. She has super strength and speed, and she can stretch her limbs like Elastigirl." Rose explained, "Anyone with powers can help protect us since we don't have any."

"Who here has powers?" Cory asked.

Darlene, Bubbles and Buttercup eagerly raised their hands. Darla glanced at Tanya.

"Um...I'll just explain it to you guys at recess. I don't like sharing information with lots of people around." Tanya said shyly. Kurumi nodded.

"Let's all meet at recess! By the big tree." Cory suggested. The others nodded in agreement.

"I myself don't have powers, but the Grim Reaper is my slave." Mandy said.

"Yep, and I'm sure my brother has some weird invention that could help you. And there's always..." Gaz paused and shuddered before continuing her sentence, "...Zim."

So, later on once the 7th graders were dismissed for recess, the 12 of them met up down the hill under the big Oak tree.

"Now let's talk!" Cory exclaimed.

"You wanted to say something, right, Tanya?" Bubbles smiled at her. The others turned to look at her.

"U-uh..." Tanya stuttered, when Kurumi interrupted her.

"I'll start," She said loudly and confidently. "I'm a bunny that can transform into a human and magical girl. My real name is Milk and my magical girl name is Milky Rose." 

Everyone else, besides Rose, Mandy, Gaz and Margot, gasped. Darlene, Robyn, Bubbles and Tanya squealed. Mandy and Gaz rolled their eyes at the girls' reactions.

"Really? I knew something about you was super cool!" Darlene grinned and hovered above her.

"Yeah! You can fly with us and stuff! And fight with us!" Buttercup added.

"You probably have a really pretty costume!" Robyn chimed in.

"Bunny bunny bunny!" Bubbles hopped around Kurumi.

Kurumi smirked and let out a chuckle. "My costume is pretty cool, if I do say so myself!" She boasted, then her expression hardened, she furrowed her brows and raised her eyes. "But I only transform when I need to. And ALL of you, don't tell ANYONE else. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone this." She pointed at the others.

"Got it!" Bubbles, Robyn, Cory and Darlene said in unison. The others nodded.

"Hey, we should call ya Milk." Rose spoke up. Kurumi's eyes widened and she started to blush. 

"H-huh!? As a human!?" She glared at her and placed her hands on her hips. 

"Yeah! You can have a nickname!" Rose replied. Kurumi started to chase after her while whining. Rose laughed and ran around the others, and Bubbles continued to follow them while hopping like a bunny. Buttercup and Robyn followed her.

"Only if Margot gets a nickname too!" Kurumi yelled. 

Margot's eyes widened and she jumped. "Don't bring me into this." She muttered, folding her arms over her chest in defensive position.

"You can call me Milk if we can call her Mars!"

While the three of them were bickering, Darla nudged Tanya. "It's time, girlie!" Tanya looked up at her and smiled shyly.

"Alright." She nodded.

"Hey girls! Listen up!" Darla yelled. Rose froze in place, causing Kurumi to bump into her, Bubbles to bump into her, and so on.

"What's up?" Buttercup asked.

"Let me guess," Mandy spoke up. "Tanya has powers, too."

Tanya's cheeks turned a bright pink. "Yeah, I do. I'm...I'm a mummy."

"A mummy!?" Darlene and Bubbles shrieked.

"Hey, don't judge!" Darla said sternly to them. 

"Yes, I'm a mummy, I just don't like being in my true form at school." Tanya said quietly, resting her arms behind her back and glancing down at the ground.

"Why's that?" Cory asked.

"Hey! She doesn't have to explain if she doesn't want to!" Darla snapped. "So, Rose, tell us more about this girl that tried to kill you."

"Well, after school I want you guys to help us in case she comes after us. We're going to set up a plan. After school today, Cory and I are going to walk to the park, and you will secretly follow us. Then that girl will attack us, and you will help us defeat her!"

"Great plan!" Cory cheered.

"So, who's going to help? I don't want anyone to get involved that doesn't want to."

"I think I'll stay out. I don't think I'll be much help." Tanya said. Darla patted her on the shoulder.

"I'll help!" Darlene, Bubbles and Buttercup said in unison.

"Me too." Kurumi said.

"I'm glad!" Rose smiled. "So after school you guys are going to secretly follow us to the park."

"I hope you guys will be okay." Robyn said.

"Oh we'll be alright. After all, you guys have me!" Buttercup said.

"And me!" Darlene, Bubbles and Kurumi said.

"I could get Grim if you guys needed any extra help." Mandy added.

So, when the dismissal bell rang at the end of the day, Rose and Cory started to walk to the park, with the other 4 secretly following behind them. Once they got to the park, the sisters walked over to the gazebo to sit down. Suddenly the girl appeared.

"I'm back! You won't get away from me!" She yelled and pounced at them.

"NOW!" Cory yelled.

Bubbles and Buttercup burst out from behind some bushes and launched a beam of blue and green light at her. The girl was knocked to the ground on all 4s and growled in pain. Rose and Cory stood up, backing away from the others. Rose clutched her purse tightly, which had the remote inside. The two of them watched the fight.

The girl suddenly disappeared from view. 

"Huh?" Buttercup wondered, when the girl teleported behind her and kicked her to the ground.

"Buttercup!" Bubbles gasped. She sent a death glare at the girl. "Nobody hurts my sister!" She zoomed at the girl, but she grabbed her by her pigtail, spinning Bubbles around and throwing her across the park.

"Oh no!" Cory exclaimed. The girl turned to look at the sisters. She grinned and started to fly towards them.

"Run!" Rose yelled. She tried to keep up with her younger sister.

"I got this-" Buttercup had gotten back up, when someone interrupted her...

"HEY!" Another girl burst out from the shadows. Rose and Cory turned around to look at this new girl. She had long purple hair and an intricate costume covered in pink laces and flowers upon her head. It was Kurumi. Well, now she was Milky Rose.

Milky Rose launched herself towards the girl in a kicking position. She managed to hit her and knock her to the ground. 

"Rose, Cory, get out of here!" She yelled at them. The sisters started to run away once more.

"Come with me!" Bubbles had also gotten back up. She flew towards the sisters and picked both of them up with her arms. "I'll take you somewhere safe!" She started to fly into the air with them.

"Woah!" Rose said, holding the purse tightly against her. "I can't let this remote go!"

"This is so cool, Bubs!" Cory exclaimed.

"Oh no you don't!" The evil green haired girl jumped up into the sky. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!"

Buttercup and Milky Rose both flew after her. Buttercup grabbed the collar of her gown and pulled her back, throwing her onto the ground. As she fell, she growled as she saw Milky coming towards her. She lifted her legs and tried to kick her away, but Milky was faster and knocked her hard into the dirt. The three of them continued to fight, in the air and on ground. Bubbles was carrying the sisters back to the entrance of the school.

"I hope you'll all be okay!" Rose told her.

"Do ya think you can stop them before it's time for us to go?" Cory asked.

"I know so, Cory! There's 4 of us and 1 of her!" Bubbles smiled.

"4...where's Darlene? I thought she was coming!" Rose realized.

Meanwhile, back at the park, Darlene was watching the fight go down from a few yards away. She was examining this strange girl.

"Who is that?" She wondered aloud, "I've never seen her around here before. I'm supposed to know everyone here in Mediapolis!" She observed how the girl seemed to appear and disappear and randomly bring out large weapons from behind her back. Some of these weapons included an extremely large hammer, colorful guns magically appearing in her hands, and even a pie. Darlene gasped. 

"She's using cartoon logic! And she's amazing at it! Maybe even better than Bugs Bunny himself! But...but how? And why?"

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