The Vengeful Ghost

Od TristanMayy

457K 18.7K 4.6K

When Visenya Velaryon was born paler than the winter snows barely six moons after the wedding of Rhaenyra and... Více

1. Bastard
2. No Dragons to Be Found
3. Find It
4. Delicate Skin
5. Defend and Deflect
6. Two Ghosts
7. Time
8. Homecoming
9. Comfort Among Enemies
10. Reunion
11. A Second Chance to Learn
12. Emotion Tapping
13. More Than Enough
14. Bloodshed
15. Covered Ire
16. Swear It
17. A Targaryen
18. Gilding the Young Lily
19. Confused Finality
20. Look What You Made Me Do
21. Price of Pain
22. Individual Schemes
23. An Understanding
24. Fools at Court
25. Indigo and Sapphire
26. Princess of the People
27. Second of Her Name
28. Poetic Pain
29. Healthy Healing
30. We Are One
31. Tenderness
32. Dragonstone
33. Time for Growth
34. Sick With Love
35. Avy jorrāelan
36. The Four Storms
37. Searing Tears
38. A Falcon Among Dragons
39. Red Rain
40. The Red Council
41. Twin Dragons
42. Interrupted Bliss
43. Adventures and Plotting
44. Clubfoot
45. The Painful Truth
46. Anything For Her
47. The New Normal
48. Sweet Girls
49. The Weight of Fate
50. Dragonrider
51. Be Still My Heart
52. Dread on the Horizon
53. The Disaster Before the Storm
54. Queen Visenya
55. Backstabbing
56. Interlude
57. Spoils of War
58. Fire and Blood
59. Ghosts
60. This Means War
61. War Plans
62. Fields of Fire
63. Claiming the Dragon
64. Only Together
66. The Gullet
67. Find Peace
68. One Thing After Another
69. The Red Kraken
70. Paranoia
71. The Kiss of Death
72. Harrenhal's Curses
73. Final Wishes
74. The Cells
75. Short and Sweet Embrace
76. Trial and Reign
77. Ñuha jorrāelagon
78. Epilogue

65. Lady of the Vale

2.9K 113 56
Od TristanMayy

If Aemond loved any part of the day the most, it was the end and beginning. It was when he got to lie down with Visenya and wake up by her side. He had to share her during the day, but in those moments, she was his. His to hold, to love, and to make writhe under him time and time again.

He loved her greatly. Yet, he seemed to have uncovered a new means for her to heal. She had become insatiable. He took her when he could, and where he could. When the small council meeting was over on one hot day, he had his way with her on the table. He had her sitting on the edge of it with her skirts pulled up and his cock slamming into her. They were each other's therapy.

She seemed to be improving. There were times she began to cry right after and he held her as she sobbed. He too had bad days. He'd fuck her roughly to process his own emotions, and then after they were finished he'd stand up and swing Blackfyre into the door. Where she cried, he raged. Still, they understood each other.

This carried on for a full moon. The news was slow to travel and the troops were marching, a not-so-fast feat.

"I think maybe we should send more envoys." Lord Tyland spoke.

"What if, unlike my mother, I am the envoy?" Visenya asked. "Let me and Aemond fly to whichever lord still has their pathetic knee bent to Rhaenyra."

"Dalton Greyjoy is still a problem," Lord Tyland said.

"No," Aemond immediately deadpanned.

"Aemond, that was years ago," Visenya rolled her eyes.

"It matters naught to me how long ago it was, I want you nowhere near that filth."

"Brother, didn't you break his arm at your wedding?" Daeron asked.

Aemond let out what sounded like a growl and he closed his eye. "Who else is there?"

"Lady Jeyne Arryn and Lady Sabitha Frey have also bent the knee in Rhaenyra's favor. Maybe you will have luck with your own relation to the Late Aemma Arryn, just as Rhaenyra did. You are both of Arryn descent. The support of the Vale could mean a lot to our war effort. We may have the Stormlands, Reach, and Westerlands, but Rhaenyra has the North, and the Vale. If she were to also gain the Iron Islands, it could be dooming. The North is large and powerful, we would need more than one army to meet them in a fair fight alone. We need to outnumber her just to have a chance." Rhaenys spoke.

"And Rhaenyra did not go to her to ask for her allegiance, she instead sent Baela. Having you appear with Aemond by your side could look more convincing," Maester Munkun said.

"What do you think?" Visenya asked Aemond.

"I think it is a safe option. The Vale has soldiers, and Lady Jeyne is known to hate Daemon after the death of Lady Rhea Royce. I would like to think she would at least agree to meet with us. She is about the age of Rhaenyra, surely she would have an open mind to talk."

Visenya nodded and looked at Rhaenys. "If I am gone for a night or two, would you rule in my stead?"

"Of course. If she offers you a night stay, you should take it. Be friendly, yet stern. Remind her of what happens when someone chooses Rhaenyra over you, but do not appear rash and desperate. I have met Lady Jeyne, she is a calculated woman and reads people quite well. She will watch your every move. She will not respond well if you rush in there with violence and a demanding demeanor."

"Thank you for telling me," Visenya said softly, flexing her fingers under the table. Her nerves were on edge with the whole ordeal, afraid to travel away from Vharra. She hadn't left the castle since her rash decision with the battle at Rook's Rest, and she was terrified by the idea of leaving her for a night.

"I think that is all for today," Rhaenys said, her eyes on her granddaughter.

Everyone was quick to exit the room except Visenya, her husband, and her grandmother.

"What is it?" Rhaenys asked.

"Will you keep Vharra with you, please? I want at least two guards on her at all times. And Daeron. And I also want Brella and Helaena to be -"

"Visenya," Rhaenys spoke with a tender tone, reaching for her hands. "Security is at an all-time high. She will be safe here. We shall all make sure of it. You need not worry. You will never lose another child as long as I live, understood?"

Visenya blinked back tears. "But all my daughters are doomed, Grandmother."

"No, not all. Vharra is a happy babe."

"So was Laeny," Aemond mumbled. "There will be no guarantee of safety until Daemon is dead, and gaining Lady Arryn's fealty is a step in the right direction."

"Well, then I'd say the decision is final," Visenya spoke with a hollow look in her eyes. Worrying about Vharra always brought her back to Laeny.

"Would you like to change before we leave, Visenya?" Aemond asked her, bringing her out of her train of thought.

"Would Lady Jeyne be offended if we were not in royal garb? I would prefer to wear my riding leathers."

"Then wear your riding leathers," Rhaenys stood and clasped her hands in front of her, giving Visenya a bow before leaving.


Visenya and Aemond made the small trek to Blackwater Bay where both their dragons were waiting. She stopped for a moment to adjust a buckle on her tunic, her leathers having grown tight after birthing Vharra.

Aemond stood behind her, placing his hands on her hips. "They need to be adjusted, I can not concentrate with you looking like this."

"They are hips, Aemond," She grinned.

Aemond let out a guttural moan and pressed his hips against her ass. "Feel that? Just your hips alone have that effect on me."

She could definitely feel it. But she just smirked and turned to face him, grabbing his chin between her fingers. "Behave and I might let you get me pregnant again."

His purple eye widened and she could feel his pulse quicken against her. "Visenya, do not -"

"I am serious, Aemond. We are at war, we need heirs. Laeny would want me to love as many babies as possible, right?" She asked, trying to convince herself.

Aemond placed his hands on her shoulders and gently rubbed them. "Laeny loved everyone and everything. She was the epitome of love. But that is still your decision."

"Loving Vharra makes me feel closer to her. And I love our children, I always wanted to give you as many as possible. You are an amazing father and it would be selfish to just stop because I lost Laenora. Alysanne lost children and continued to have more."

Visenya noticed his frown. "Visenya, she did not get much of a choice. I am leaving this decision in your hands."

"Thank you," She sighed. "I will give it some more thought, I suppose."

"What a tease," He smirked and kissed her cheek.

"You would have me full and round with your child all year round if you had your way."

"I don't see you complaining, Sweet Wife. You are the one with heightened desires when you are with child. 'Oh Aemond, fuck me, please! Aemond, I shall die if I do not have your cock buried -'"

Visenya hit him with a laugh and rolled her eyes. "You ass!"

His face went from amused to full of love. "I don't remember the last time I had heard that laugh. I have missed it dearly."

Her cheeks turned pink and she glanced between him and Grey Ghost. "We should go, my love."

He nodded and made his way over to Vhagar, climbing the ropes to her saddle. Visenya watched as he swung his leg over the saddle and bit her lip, watching his thighs with desire. She didn't know why she found his legs so attractive, but it always made desire pool in her belly. Maybe that's how he felt about her hips.

Visenya mounted Grey Ghost, a smile on her face as she rubbed her hands over her dragon's scales. They were now a dark storm cloud grey, a dark color for a now menacing dragon.

The two dragons took off into the sky, letting out puffs of fire into the air as they flew with smiles on their faces. It felt nice to fly freely with Aemond, even if it was for a political mission. She could tell that Grey Ghost was alert, but he was still allowing himself to enjoy the flight with Vhagar flying around her.

Aemond and Visenya stole glances at one another, smiles on both their faces. They hadn't flown together like this since before Laeny's death, and it was one of their favorite shared activities. It gave her a false sense of comfort, and she allowed herself, for just a moment, to feel like everything was okay.

But then they landed at their destination and she was reminded of their situation and why they were there. It was the first time she had seen the Eyrie, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't impressed by the old castle.

Just as Visenya and Aemond landed on the ground directly in front of the castle, past the gates, guards started to approach them. Visenya held her hands up. "I am not here to hurt anyone, I just wish to meet with Lady Jeyne Arryn. In peace, preferably."

The guards conversed amongst themselves. "If we wanted violence, we would have already done so," Aemond mumbled.

"Play nice," She glared at him.

A guard opened the door to the castle. "Lady Jeyne invites you in."

"Good," Visenya smiled.

"I do mean to ask, what of your dragons?"

"What of them?" Visenya asked.

"Are they staying there?" He asked, looking at the two beasts with fear.

"Do you think we can control our dragons? They are violent beasts, and they tend to be enticed by the smell of piss," Aemond smirked as the guard soiled himself.

"Aemond," Visenya giggled as they walked inside.

"Just having fun, my darling."

They were shown to the throne room of the castle where they were greeted by a woman with dark hair who looked to be in her third decade of life. She had a devious smile on her face and seemed to be relaxed.

"My, my, they told me you looked much like your mother but I disagree. You are much more beautiful."

Visenya's face flushed at the compliment and held her hands behind her back. "Thank you, My Lady, you flatter me. I think you may know why I am here. You have allied yourself with my mother and I have come to urge you to reconsider."

Jeyne's smile turned into a smirk as she looked Visenya up and down, her eyes lingering on the tight fabric hugging her curves. "Well, I say that you should be treated to dinner. I am willing to discuss such matters without hostilities, so you both are my welcome guests. I invite you both to dine and rest here tonight."

Visenya looked at Aemond and nodded. "We would both love that. Your generosity will not go unnoticed."

Lady Jeyne smiled and tucked a strand of Visenya's platinum hair behind her ear. "I know it won't. As delicious as you look in that leather ensemble, wouldn't you be more comfortable in a dress? I have some that would fit you."

Aemond watched Jeyne with suspicion, unsure of her intentions. He wouldn't lie, he found the interaction delightful, Jeyne clearly admired Visenya the way he did, with attraction and ... lust, was it? He couldn't tell. And if he tried to think about it, he'd get turned on. A trail he did not want to go down. But the actions did not go unnoticed.

"That would be more comfortable for dinner, yes," Visenya answered and reached for Aemond's hand.

"Perfect. I'll have Maryam show you to one of our guest rooms where you may change and rest for the night after dinner."

Maryam guided them down the hall to their temporary room and Visenya entered first, her eyes going to the closet. "Do you need help picking out a dress, My Lady?"

"That's Queen to you," Aemond sneered.

Visenya held her hand out. "It's fine. But no, I can dress myself. Thank you."

Maryam looked at Aemond in fear and scurried away, shutting the door behind her. Visenya walked over to the closet and her eyes landed on a purple dress with silver stitching. But next to it was a red dress. She chose that one.

"I told you to behave," Visenya said as she started to remove the buckles on her clothes.

"They live in Westeros and you sit the Iron Throne. You are their Queen."

"Not yet, Aemond. Patience, remember?"

"Says the most impulsive woman I know," He teased, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Help me get changed, no funny business."

"You are awful."


Visenya was pleased with the dinner that was prepared for them, a decent venison dish with a plethora of vegetables. She almost squealed when she saw what was for dessert.

"Visenya, Lady Jeyne is going to think you've never seen plum pudding," Aemond mumbled with a smile.

"I actually did it just for her," Jeyne smiled coyly. Jeyne's fascination with Visenya confused Aemond, but he could at least understand it in a way. He would be the first person to understand that fascination, he'd been enamored with her for years. She was his sun. His entire world revolved around her and the children she bore him. Everything about her left him wanting more. How could anyone not be enchanted by her? To be fair, his jealousy and possessiveness would not do well if every man was enchanted by her.

Yet something about Lady Jeyne's affection for Visenya didn't put him at unease.

"How did you know?" Visenya asked, pouring herself a cup of wine.

"It's no secret. Things like that are known. Just how it is known that the previous Realm's Delight liked lemon cakes."

Aemond snickered. It was interesting how different his wife and sister were. Visenya loathed lemon cakes.

"Previous Realm's Delight?" Visenya asked.

"Considering you are more beautiful, I'd call you the second. I was at your mother's wedding, she was stunning, but not like you. Pregnancy has filled you out quite well."

Visenya's cheeks blushed again and Aemond readjusted himself and cleared his throat. "Surely you must know why we are here," He finally said.

"I do," Jenye nodded and leaned back.

"I could use my claim of being the granddaughter of an Arryn but I'm sure that's the same reason my mother used," Visenya started, finishing her first cup of wine and starting her second. "But the truth of the matter is the future. My mother wants the throne because she feels entitled to it. I want the throne because I know the realm would not prosper under her hand. I care about the lords and ladies, I care about the homeless that no one else does. I don't go down into Flea Bottom for nothing. What kind of queen would I be if I'm not willing to get dirty for my people?"

"Do you feel entitled to the throne?" Jeyne asked.

Visenya was taken aback by the question. "No. I feel robbed. I was never given the chance to learn or prove myself. I don't want the throne because I'm the firstborn of the original heir. I have been underestimated and overlooked since the day of my birth. I took the time to be quiet and listen, I learned from the shadows. I feel like I have earned it by attending meetings, by spending time with the people I rule, and by picking out the weak roots."

"The Hightowers."

Visenya nodded. "Yes. Their focus was never on the betterment of the realm. I want a better realm for my children, the realm that Aegon united when he conquered Westeros. We became a strong nation. My grandfather weakened this nation. He was not strong, and he did not have the blood of the dragon."

"And you came all this way to ask me to abandon my oath to Rhaenyra?" Jeyne asked.

Visenya sucked in a breath between clenched teeth and Aemond could tell she was getting nervous. "Yes. I know my half-sister Baela came to you asking for your oath, I wanted to come directly."

Lady Jeyne set her cup down, letting out a sigh. "When Lady Baela arrived asking for my support, I gave her a challenge in return. She denied it and still demanded my support and I eventually agreed. Rhaenyra is the daughter of an Arryn, and I believe that women in power should support other women in power. A woman's woman, I suppose. But you still have Arryn blood and you are a woman so I suppose those reasons matter naught. But a woman's woman does not strike another woman's child. You attack each other personally and directly. That was some cowardice horse shit if I ever did see it."

"Thank you," Visenya mumbled and looked down at her hands. To have a supporter of Rhaenyra acknowledge her pain and the cruelty of what they had done was liberating.

"I was already considering switching, if I may be honest. The fact that you bravely came here directly yourselves has inspired me. Queen Visenya Targaryen, the Vale is yours. I hope this may be mutually beneficial, that a dragon may protect us if we were to ever come under attack?"

"Of course," Visenya nodded, a small smile forming on her face.

"It does help that I hate Daemon. After the death of Lady Rhea Royce, that cunt had the audacity to ask for Runestone. Lady Rhea was a dear friend, I was but a young woman when she died. I fully believed that he killed her."

"He did," Visenya nodded and looked back up at Lady Jeyne. "I overheard him tell my mother once, talking about lost time, how he rid himself of his first wife to marry her but he was too late."

Jeyne clenched her fist and let out a groan. "I knew it. Everyone knew it."

Visenya finished her second cup of wine and clenched her fists. "He needs to be stopped."

"I agree. And you seem like you could be the one to squash that annoying bug," Jeyne grinned.

"You mentioned you offered Baela a challenge," Aemond tapped his fingers against his cup. "What was it?"

Jeyne's grin turned into a smirk. "Told her if she could get me to climax with her tongue, I would side with Rhaenyra. Sadly, she was not up for that challenge."

Aemond watched as Visenya's throat hitched and she cleared her throat. He knew that two cups of wine made her loose but not drunk. And Visenya was clearly feeling the heat from the wine.

"Well, my half-sister has always been too serious for her own good." Visenya said as she set her napkin down on the table. "I thank you greatly for the dinner tonight, Lady Jeyne. Would you mind if my husband and I retired for the night?"

"By all means. I am sure you are sore from riding a dragon, no?"

"Right," Visenya said, completely flustered.

Aemond had to bite his lips from teasing his wife, finding her reaction a bit funny.

"Let me escort you back to your chambers," Jeyne stood, straightening her skirts and walked in front of them.

"You are so flustered," Aemond teased with a smirk, whispering in her ear.

"Am not," She mumbled.

"You want to fuck her, don't you?"

"Aemond!" She hissed. "No, I would never cheat on you!"

"Is it cheating if I watched?" He grinned.

Her eyes widened as she almost tripped on her dress. Jeyne was taller than her, so she struggled to walk at a fast pace in the long dress.

"Aemond, I could never -"

"Clearly, she has an effect on you. And she very obviously fancies you."

"When Aegon warned me every man's fantasy is two women, I thought he was joking," She smirked.

"Never crossed my mind until now. But I have seen the way she's looked at you all evening. And if you want to try, be my guest."

"Only with you," She looked up at him with a frown. He kissed the back of her hand as they entered their room.

"I wish I could lie and say I didn't just hear that whole exchange," Jeyne said.

Visenya, clearly letting the small amount of alcohol she consumed give her a new sense of boldness, crossed her arms. "And?"

"I don't particularly enjoy men, they are not exactly my forte."

Visenya looked at Aemond and placed her hand on his chest. "He is mine anyway. His cock touches no one but me. Still, he certainly thinks I should touch you, Lady Jeyne." Visenya pushed him down to sit in the chair by the wall. "You get to watch, but no touching until I say so, even of yourself."

Aemond's remaining violet eye almost popped out of his skull. "Anything for you, My Queen."

Visenya turned back to Lady Jeyne and grabbed the ties on the front of her dress, feeling the fabric loosen until the dress fell and pooled around her ankles.

Aemond's heart rate accelerated as Visenya raised her hands, grazing her finger over the lady's nipple, flicking her thumb across the taut bud. She leaned in and took the nipple between her lips, flicking her tongue against it.

Jeyne's smirk softened as she worked on removing Visenya's dress until both women were as nude as they were on their namedays.

"Lay, sweet girl," Jeyne ordered. Visenya nodded and lay back on the mattress, letting her legs hang off the edge. Jeyne kneeled and spread her pale legs wide open and Aemond caught a glimpse of Visenya's slick cunt.

His pants were becoming unbearably tight as he shifted his hips just to get some friction from his trousers. He was already aching and the women had barely touched each other.

Visenya closed her eyes as Jeyne licked up her seam, wrapping her lips around her clit and teasing her entrance with her index finger. Aemond wanted to tell her all about Visenya's weak spots, but this was Jeyne's time to learn. And if Jeyne was already in her thirties and knew she liked women, she probably had enough experience to discover Visenya's body. Aemond was confident in the fact that Visenya would never feel more pleasure than that of which he gave her because they had years worth of love and passion. This was just fun.

Jeyne entered a finger into Visenya's hole and brushed it against her soft walls, keeping her lips around her clit. She let out a hum of satisfaction as Visenya arched her back and let out a moan. "Oh fuck!" She squealed, throwing her head back as she gripped the sheets.

Jeyne pulled out her finger with a smirk. "Let me show you something else, dear girl."

Jeyne joined her on the bed and leaned down to kiss her, letting their bodies mold. Aemond watched as their breasts rubbed against each other and he clenched his jaw, writhing in the chair.

Jeyne pushed Visenya further back on the bed so that she had room to sit in front of her. She spread her legs so that they fit opposite Visenya and pulled her close so that their cunts were rubbing together, and Aemond was losing his mind. Visenya's whimpers filled the room as Jeyne guided her into their own form of fucking. Aemond watched with clenched fists as he felt himself get close to his own release just from watching their clits rub together.

He heard Visenya's change in pitch, signaling she was close to her climax and that was what did it for Aemond. The sounds of her screams mid-orgasm caused him to slam his head back against the chair as he felt himself release in his trousers.

"Fuck," He moaned, trying to catch his breath. He looked up and saw Visenya panting, her forehead glistening with sweat.

Aemond stood up, pushing his breeches down. "All four. Now."

Visenya's lazy grin turned into a smirk. "Since when do you give orders?"

"Since you made me your king," He grabbed her hips and flipped her over. "I think that while I fuck you, you show Lady Jeyne why you are better than your bitch sister and make her climax on your tongue."

Visenya shuddered at his demanding tone and nodded. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, My King."

Aemond smirked and pulled her hips up to meet his. His cock was already hard with want as he rubbed his fingers through her slick folds. "You beautiful, majestic woman. Show Lady Jeyne how sinful that tongue is."

Visenya lowered her head to meet Jeyne's cunt as Aemond entered her from behind, thrusting into her with a rough urgency. Her moans were muffled in the cunt in front of her and Aemond was trying so hard not to come from that sound alone.

Jeyne had not found her release yet, but Visenya could feel her legs shaking. Maybe older women took a bit more work, but Visenya was up for the challenge.

Aemond kept thrusting into her, trying to last long to make sure Visenya made Jeyne release, and judging by her moans, she was close.

Visenya wrapped her lips around Jeyne's clit, focusing all her attention on her most sensitive parts. She gave one more suck and Jeyne was a lost mess, releasing on Visenya's tongue and moaning as she rode through her climax. Visenya would have reveled in her victory if it weren't for Aemond repeatedly hitting her pleasure spot within.

"Aemond -"

"I know, Love. I am so close, Visenya, fuck."

"Do it, Aemond, please fill me with another babe. Fuck, I want to carry another child. Please."

"You want that, ñuha jorrāelagon? You want me to fill that perfect pussy until you swell with my babe?"

"Yes, FUCK!" She screamed, hanging her head as she clenched around his cock, her soft walls squeezing his release right out of him. She relished in the warm feeling of being filled, silently praying to the gods for his seed to take.

"Can't say I've ever fucked a queen before," Jeyne chuckled, catching her breath.

Aemond stayed silent, suddenly wanting Visenya all for himself.

"I'd say that if you had not already sworn the Vale to me, that would be cause, considering Baela denied you."

"Trust me, I shall forever be Team Red," She grinned and stood up, pulling her dress on. "I shall leave you two now. I did not expect so much passion between you both. I suspect you shall depart on the morrow?"

"We should. We need to bring this news to the Council," Aemond responded, laying on the mattress and pulling Visenya into his arms.

"I am curious, now that we have allied with you, we are directly next to Riverrun and one of the first countries the North could cross on their way to King's Landing. Now that we are no longer with them, I fear we could be victim to an attack."

Visenya looked at Aemond. "We should post a dragon here. She has a good point."

"Helaena is pregnant," Aemond blurted.

Visenya's violet eyes widened at his revelation. "WHAT?"

"We should send her and the children here with Dreamfyre and their dragons. Helaena is not a warrior but Dreamfyre is large and her presence would scare anyone off."

Jeyne looked between the two. "The Vale will protect the Princess and her children. I hear the princess is a lover of nature and insects. She could be content here until the war is over."

Visenya was still in shock over the news of her pregnancy. Aegon was right. He may have left, but he left behind something new, a new child for Helaena to love. The impact of that caused her to tear up. That babe needed to be safe, along with the rest of them. "We shall inform Helaena when we return home."

"I shall leave you both to what I assume shall be an awkward conversation," Jeyne bowed and left the room.

"How long have you known?" Visenya asked.

"A week."

"I think Brella might be with child," Visenya responded.

Aemond closed his eye and winced. "She is."

"Oh my fucking gods, you are joking, right? Why do you know before me?"

"Because she was worried about you and wanted to keep it off your list of worries. I also think she is terrified. Not that I blame her, it is a terrifying time to have children."

"You don't think we should, do you?" She asked.

"I didn't say I didn't want to. But we need to acknowledge the risks, and we have. But enough of that, Vis, we should get some rest. That was ... eventful."

"Would you ever do it again?" She asked.

"I suppose, but not often. Make it a special occasion. If you get pregnant, you will think of this every time you look at the babe, won't you?"

She let out a chuckle and snuggled closer to him. "Then I suppose we name her Aemma if I do become pregnant and she is in fact a girl. It would look like I am innocently naming her after my grandmother, but it would be because she was an Arryn, and I now seem to appreciate the Arryns a bit more."

Visenya and Aemond spoke softly until sleep took them both as their bodies lay intertwined.

An urgent knocking on the door woke them just as the sun was rising, yelling for both Aemond and Visenya to wake.

"My Queen, the Triarchary is attacking the Gullet."

So I have been super busy (so sorry it took me over a week!!!) because one of the reasons was I got two kittens!! 8 weeks old, a tabby and diluted calico. Ugh, they are the light of my life and I am obsessed. The Tabby, my sweet boy Bee (short for Bumblebee #transformers4life) decided he wanted to be a writer and he walked on my keyboard and here is a sneak peek at his compelling work:


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Sienna Targaryen was born in 81 AC five minutes before Daemon Targaryen. Everyone had expected her to be like Daemon but as she grew up it became inc...
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𝐕𝐞𝐢𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 Aemond Targaryen x TargaryenOc 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 Visenya Velaryon grapples with the shadows of her family's past as she e...
50.2K 1K 13
Jaenys was born of blood both hot and cold, her father was a Targaryen and her mother was a Stark. When the Stranger claimed her mother on the birthi...
22.4K 585 11
Visenya Velaryon has lived the stereotypical sheltered life of a Princess for too long. After the incident at Driftmark, she's finally been made awar...