Beauty The Beast

By Anonymous_QueenDom

1.8K 67 0

***Note: It's all fiction.*** A beast. A human. Both are destined to be soulmates. One thinks that it's unfai... More

1 | The Wait
2 | The Arrival
3 | The Threat
4 | The Mistake
5 | The Pet
6 | The Decision
7 | The Chase
8 | The White Continent
9 | The Seekers
10 | The Unusual
11 | The Beast
12 | The Promise
13 | The Riddle
14 | The Weapon
15 | The Night
16 | The Back Door
17 | The Prisoners
18 | The Plan...Gone Wrong?
20 | The Chinchilla Valley
21 | The Rescue
22 | The Revelation
23 | The Call
24 | The Nostalgia
25 | The Vision
26 | The City
27 | The Reunion
28 | The One
29 | The Truth
30 | The Search
31 | The Return
32 | The Conference
33 | The Alverales

19 | The Forest

40 1 0
By Anonymous_QueenDom

"Ms. Luna, Stephen needs immediate medical attention." Amaira informed.

Luna breathed and tried to act normal.

"Take him back to the agency and have his mate informed and over at the agency, it'll help him heal faster. I'll continue this with our other suspect." She looked over at Greg, who was still standing with his hands cuffed. "Also, take care of the reports regarding what just happened here."

Amaira and Philip, the other agent who'd accompanied them nodded and proceeded to walk back to the agency with an injured Stephen. Before they left, Stephen handed the camera to Luna so she can continue recording.

The second they were out of sensing range, Luna sank to her knees and let out a wailing scream. Greg rushed to her side and crouched down beside her.

"Luna, gather yourself." He whispered.

"What've I done, Greg? What will I do without him beside me? What've I done!?" She sobbed into her palms.

"What happened is not your fault, Luna." He said.

"I killed him, Greg! I'm responsible for this!" She sobbed more.

"We're out looking the possibilities here Luna, he might be alive!"

"I don't sense him, Greg. Nor do I feel what he's feeling at the moment, not even the pain! Shouldn't I if he's alive and hurt, which he should be if he'd managed to escape the explosion?" She reasoned.

"You're not thinking clearly. He might as well be unconscious!" Greg exclaimed. Luna just cried more.

"I killed him! I did. What will I answer to uncle Dorian..." She took her hands from over her face.

"What the..." Greg frowned. "Luna, your''s covered in blood..."

"What!?" Luna turned her hands and found that her right palm had a deep cut and of course bleeding. "How?"

"Alphard." Greg whispered. "I told you he's alive! We should go search for him before it's too late."

Luna got up and ran towards what was left of the jeep. She walked around it and found that there was a barranca to its left; deep and dry.

"We need something to get down there," Luna looked around. "First we're getting that thing off of your hands." She uncuffed him and had the thing in her back pocket.

"Into the woods. We'll find something there for sure." Greg said, rubbing his wrists as they were released from the constraints.

The both of them went into the part of the hill from where Luna had grabbed a broken branch. They gathered vines and made sure that those would be able to hold both of them.

They tied one end of the vines to a nearby tree while the other went around their waist. Luna also grabbed the torch she made earlier, from which the fire was out now and Greg had the camera hanging around his neck.

"I'll go first," Luna said and got down. Greg followed close. "Be careful, it's unstable. See to that your weight is only on the vine and not on the slope while you support your foot on it to get down, we don't want rocks falling over us now." Greg nodded and continued with care.

They reached the bottom after what felt like an hour and took a few minutes to catch their breaths. Luna took the broken branch that'd been sticking to her side all this time out on her right hand.

"Any other injuries?" Greg asked her as they began walking.

"I don't know, I don't feel pain to say that I've got one." She ran her left hand through her hair and froze. "D*mn!"

"What happened?"

"The back of my head," She took her hand out of her hair and they saw blood smeared over its inside. "He's hit his head hard on something and passed out."

"Tie something over to stop the bleeding," Greg said.

"You think that'd help?" Luna shook her head. "Only way is to find and provide him with the aid. We better do it before I pass out." Luna said, already feeling a bit dizzy.

They were walking on the only path there which was on their right. Greg kept glancing at Luna from now and then. Suddenly she stopped and looked around them.

"You saw that too?" Greg asked having thought that he'd seen something fly past, she nodded.

"Look up," They did and saw vultures circling in the sky. "What scares boars away, Greg?"

"Wildlife and the ways of its habitants are yours to handle, I'm like bad, actually, very bad at it." Greg said though he'd no idea why she was asking about boars after seeing vultures. Then he mocked himself. "And I call myself a half beast,"

She smiled a bit, remembering how Alphard was always the same as Greg when the topic was wildlife.

Luna then pulled a few stands of hair from her head - making sure they weren't covered in blood - leaving a confused Greg in front of her and took her lighter out, handing it to him. She then had those strands spun around the branch she was holding; one end around the wood while the other hung loose.

"Hold this lighter up while I___"

"What are you going to, burn those strands?"

"Yep, just a little."

"Are you sure this'd help?"

"Not sure, but we've got nothing else to scare those away. Though we're not sure we'd run into one, there's a high possibility that there're boars around our unconscious friend if there're vultures up and not down." She reasoned.

That's sensible enough. He thought, then voiced his doubts out.

"What if there's another animal and not boars?"

"Then just fire would help," She assured and added when Greg seemed to relax a bit. "With a bit of fighting."

Greg sighed, but did as she said. The smell of burning hair reached their noses. They continued to walk ahead and in time to see the one they assumed they'd run into.

The animal had just reached Alphard's side and had to sprint back to where it'd come from due to the smell.

"Well, that worked." Greg whispered.

"I wasn't sure about burning it, but guess it helped." Luna said and stepped ahead. She walked up to an unconscious Alphard and lifted his head up, placing it over her lap. "You got something?" She asked Greg.

He searched his pockets and found the pack of pocket tissues. Generally prisoners aren't allowed to have anything with them, but Greg wasn't one and since Luna knew his habit of carrying those with him all the time, she'd let him.

She took those and pressed over the back of Alphard's head and on his palm to stop the bleeding while Greg stood in watch for any wild animal.

Luna dug a small pit to her right and closed it after having all the blood soaked tissues in it.

"Now, do you sense him?" Greg asked.

"No, why's it?"

"Maybe because he himself doesn't. We'd have to bring him back to his conscious state." Greg looked around. "The question is, how."

"I know." Luna stared at her mate.

She bent down and placed a tender kiss over his forehead and continued to stare after pulling away from him.

"Luna, what're you planning?" Greg asked knowing that she's gonna do something reckless.

"Don't worry about anything, not even me. Just get him back safely to his place, he knows the way."

"You're talking like you won't be wit___" Greg didn't get to finish his sentence as Luna already had her right hand pressed over Alphard's mark and was radiating her energy to help him heal; which drained her drastically. "Luna!" Greg yelled understanding what she was doing.

Before he could get to her and have her hands taken from over Alphard's mark, she fell down on her back; eyes closed, breathing faintly.

Greg got beside her and tried waking her up thinking that she was catching her breath, only to find her having passed out due to weakness.

"L...una..." Alphard's voice got Greg's attention. "L...Luna..."

"Help me before we lose her, Alphard." Greg said making Alphard notice him.

His eyes shifted from Greg to the one lying down beside him. He panicked and sat up immediately.

"Luna! What happened!?" He yelled forgetting his own pain. Greg told him everything. "Why did you, Luna!? Why!?" He stood up lifting her up with him.

"You've a fracture Alphard," Greg reminded.

"Do I look like I care!?" He barked. "Way out of this pit?" He asked.

Greg showed him the way remembering where the boar had come in from and ran back to. They made their way out and soon found themselves embraced by the familiar air of the forest. From there Alphard took the lead and they reached the back door to his place.

Reaching there, he sensed the familiar energies of his father and that of Laura.

They've found their beasts within. He thought.

He had Greg knock on the door as his hands were full. Dorian opened it rather tentatively as Greg's energy was absent as it should be, because any werewolf to be held as a prisoner is injected with silver, even if it was present it was new to Dorian and sensing Alphard's when he's in his human form was out of the point. Only Luna was capable of it, that too because he was her mate.

Dorian struggled to find his voice on seeing the three in front of him, mostly Luna. She was so still that he was afraid they'd lost her, not to mention that her energy was absent.

" she..." Dorian trailed.

"She needs immediate care, dad. Before it gets too late." Dorian sighed with relief. Alphard rushed in with Luna in his arms. "Greg, with me." He called and together they rushed up to his room.

By now Laura was down in the living room too; worried sick. Both she and Dorian kept pacing around.

Up there, Alphard took care of her wounds with Greg helping him. Then Alphard sent him down so that their parents are filled in with what'd happened.

"What happened?" Laura asked the second Greg came into view.

"She's good, will soon be." Greg told them all that'd happened from that morning and how they'd gotten here.

"They get the other's wounds?" Dorian asked.

"Yes, though we haven't seen Alphard get any because Luna had, Luna's got his for, I think twice till now since yesterday." Greg explained. "While I knew that the ones with this wolfmark are capable of that, I didn't that they also bled when the other did and that they can heal the other like how Luna did."

"If only Camille was here we'd have had the answers." Dorian breathed.

"She's al___" Greg began.

"She's all around us, dad. With you, with me, with all of us." Alphard cut Greg off.

"Alphard," Dorian hugged his son.

He hugged his father back and gestured for Greg to not talk anything about Camille being alive for now. Greg understood. Alphard let go of Dorian and faced Laura, who was standing behind him.

"I promised you her safety, but here she's, struggling for life again because of me. I'm sorry, I wasn't able keep my promise." He pursed his lips, moistening them.

Laura looked at him for a moment then smiled.

"Who says you didn't? It's a part of who she is, to protect the ones she loves, can we expect any less from her when it comes to her mate? You kept your word and so she's here among us; breathing and alive." Laura placed her right hand over Alphard's cheek and stroked with her thumb, the act full of motherly love.

Alphard put his own hand over hers and smiled at her contently before turning to face Greg.

"Ever wondered where Luna got that self confident and optimistic personality from, Greg?" The latter nodded smiling at Laura.

"I now see from where,"

"Thank you, Greg. For all that you've done this far for us." Laura stepped away from Alphard and in front of Greg.

"It's my duty to, Mrs. Royalves. You're embarrassing me by thanking me." He answered.

"Can't you heal her the way she healed you?" Dorian asked Alphard.

"I still don't know how she does that, though I can try as it's all about focusing and concentrating,"

"We're not having you passed out when you're the only doctor we could approach now. You're not doing that," Greg interrupted.


"No buts, Mr. Wolverales. He still hasn't regained his strength fully which would only worsen if he tries to heal Luna with his energy." Greg explained. "I saw what happened with Luna when she did that."

"Why should we have him do that when just his presence is enough for her?" Laura said. "It's going to take a little longer than when he uses his energy, but isn't the important thing that the both of them are fine?"

"It's just, I'm worried about her." Dorian sighed.

"Don't, dad. If anyone, then it should be me. It's not your son who's responsible for this, but her mate. You don't blame yourself." Alphard sighed heavily and sank on the couch.

All the others along with Alphard, settled in the living room waiting for Luna to wake up. Greg helped Alphard clean his own wounds despite his protests. He kept pointing out that Luna wouldn't heal unless Alphard did, leaving no room for Alphard to argue any further.

It was only 2 pm, Alphard decided to go check on Luna. He excused himself up and found her sitting with a pillow supporting her back and head leaning against the bed's headboard.

She looked at Alphard when he closed the door behind him, wanting some time alone with her. He strode forward and took a seat on the edge of the bed to her right.

They stayed silent looking at each other for a few minutes before closing the gap between them; sharing a tender moment.

"I thought I lost you, that I killed you." Luna whispered, hugging him from around his shoulders as silent tears escaped her eyes, while his hands ran over her back in comfort.

"And who gave you the permission to die on me?" He pulled away just enough to look at her. "Why did you do it?" He wiped her tears.

"How can I die when you're still living? Especially with me healing you, wouldn't I live with my energy alive in you?"

"You know, you should've been a politician." He chuckled.

"The blood of one runs through my veins, though he didn't have to give long speeches to get the post, you know being a Royalves and all, but still." She chuckled too.

"I'm sorry Luna," He suddenly said and continued seeing her frown in confusion. "How much ever I try, I always bring upon you this." His eyes searched her face. "I always put you___" She placed her right index over his lips knowing what his next words were going to be.

"I do it willingly," She cupped his cheek. "I do it because I know nothing would happen to me by trying to save you, nothing would happen to me trying to keep you with me. I do it because I'm too selfish to let you leave me, Alphard. You're not allowed to leave me, understand?" He snorted at those words.

"Understood," They hugged each other, finding comfort in each other's arms. "Let's take you to your mother, she's worried." He pulled away, standing up from the bed.

Luna placed her right hand on his and stood up with him. He helped her down to the living room and had her sit on the couch.

"How are you now?" Laura asked, stroking Luna's hair.

"I'm good, mom. Don't worry," Luna assured.

"Why did you bring her down? Let her rest," Dorian said.

"Because I know her. She wouldn't want to rest dad," Alphard looked at Luna.

"The sooner we find dad, the better, I cannot continue with this act anymore. I almost lost Alphard today," Her eyes teared up.

"He's fine, sweetheart and right beside you. Collect yourself." Laura pulled her daughter to her chest while Alphard fought his own emotions looking at Luna.

"We'll continue our search after sunset today." Luna said, pulling away from her mother. "Alphard, tell me what went wrong at the forest earlier today."

"As planned, I managed to sneak myself into the jeep. I was supposed to drive it away and jump out of it the second I was out of your sights, then let the vehicle run down the hill so that it explodes and make it look like an accident in which I die for the world to believe, but only a few feet away from Amaira and the others, I realised that Stephen was in the jeep too. I couldn't just drive away with him and leave him to die in there. I tried to scare him by turning the steering hard so that he jumps out and I can be on my way, only to find that instead of fight, or flight he freezes. That idiot didn't budge an inch till the jeep skidded and turned over, soon after which we heard the explosion." He shook his head.

"How did you end up down in that pit?" Greg asked.

"It's obvious Greg, it was to the side where the steering was. He jumped out when the explosion happened; without noticing the barranca and landed there." Luna reasoned.

"Nearly half a meter down, I managed to grab on to a branch that was sticking out there, but the soil was loose and I went down while trying to hold myself up, only for it to leave a cut across my palm. And when I fell down thinking that the worse that'd happen was that I'd break my neck, or hip, the back of my head hit hard on a rock and I blacked out immediately after, at least that helped me to not feel the pain." Luna shivered at his narration.

He wrapped his left arm around her shoulders in comfort as she held his right hand in hers.

"Greg, the camera." She asked. He gave her the camera and she checked the recording.

It started with them reaching the forest and had everything recorded till Stephen jumped out of the jeep. She looked closely for any clue that'd confirm Alphard's death, only then will they be able to continue.

"So?" He asked.

"Nothing. Though the sound is heard, the explosion isn't caught on the camera." She said. "We can sell the news that you're dead."

"What after that? There will be a question as to why you didn't record after the others left with Stephen." Alphard asked.

"Stephen's fault, he's loaded the card that already has a thousand pictures from the Blue Hearts resort. It's full, no space and the reason nothing's been captured after the explosion, the recording wasn't manually stopped." Luna sighed. "What am I gonna do with that guy?" She shook her head.

"He's helping a lot without even himself knowing." Greg chuckled, Luna glared at him. "Sorry?" He raised an eyebrow and she laughed, just what he wanted to do; cheer her up.

"All right, I'll leave with Greg to the agency." She stood up, then suddenly remembered something. "Wait. Mom, uncle, when did you find your beasts within?"

"This morning, why?" Laura answered.

"Someone tried to contact you the way they did with dad?"

"No," Dorian said and continued knowing what Luna was referring to. "Do what you think is right, Luna."

"You sure about this?" Alphard asked her.

"We cannot risk it, Alphard." She looked at Greg. "There're only two ways, either we inject silver into their blood stream so nobody contacts them, or have them in a place like the cells you were in, that way we'd be able to trace if any mind contacts are made."

"She's right, they're the only ones who know our plan and are out for anyone to get them to talk about it," Greg said.

"What do you say, aunt Laura?" Alphard asked.

"Though you can trace if any mind contacts are made, you cannot tell who exactly the person was, no?" Laura asked, Luna nodded. "Then it's no use taking the risk, I'm ready to take a silver shot." Luna looked at Dorian, he too gave his consent with a nod.

Luna gave them the shots and prepared to leave with Greg.

"It'll hold the beasts away for 24 hours, if you two find them sooner than that, contact me as the first person, or Alphard." Luna said, they agreed. "I'll be at the agency till everyone there leaves, I'll intimate you later with the details about what's to be done." She said to Alphard.

She hugged their parents, Alphard and stole a quick peck from his lips then left the house through the back door. She cuffed Greg's hands and they made their way to the agency.

"Alphard's a nice guy," Greg suddenly said.

"Huh?" Luna breathed while looking ahead on their path.

"Alphard, he's a nice guy. You're lucky to have him as your mate." He genuinely said.

"I'm indeed, Greg. I don't know if I'd have been this happy if my mate was someone other than him."

"I thought you loved him enough to go through and endure all the pain just to protect him, but earlier today what I saw was something beyond that, you love him enough to die trying to save him." Greg smiled.

"I do, he's worth it." She smiled back.

"I've no doubt that he'd do the same if he needs to," Greg shrugged, Luna agreed.

They reached the agency and she had him locked in the cell. From there she went to check on Stephen. He was preparing to leave home with his mate. Luna helped them and soon they left along with all the others at the agency.

To the agency in your wolf skin, can you? Luna thought for Alphard to hear.

Will be there, don't worry. He immediately answered.

He checked on their parents one more time and left the house when he was sure the silver in their blood had started to work. Once out and far from his place, Alphard let the transformation begin.

Though this was his first time doing it knowingly, he refrained from screaming as the painful process took place. He could feel his canines elongate and claws grow and within 10 minutes he found him in his wolf skin. He made his way to the agency and found that the streets lacked the usual buzz, they were silent and not even a single being was seen.

Confused, he continued on his path and came to stand in front of the agency. Thinking about how he'd get in, he started looking around, but found his worries vanish when he felt the familiar energy of the mate bond.

"Come with me," She whispered and took him in through the parking area. She took him in towards the cell Greg was in and unlocked it for him to enter. "He doesn't know, let's play with him a little." Alphard understood and slowly entered in.

"Oh Luna," Greg began. "Wait, those eyes aren't___" Alphard didn't let him finish the sentence and jumped over the table.

He strode forward and got close to Greg's face. Poor Greg was struggling to back away, but in vain as his hands were cuffed to the table. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaws, waiting for the animal to scratch, or bite him. He felt the wolf inching close and then...

It licked him on his right cheek.

Luna, who was watching all this from out of the cell came in and burst out laughing.

"You must've...just look at you, Greg." She laughed while Alphard continued to lick Greg's face.

"Who is this ev___" He cut his own sentence off as the realisation dawned on him. "Wait! Alphard!?"

"Yeah, you should've seen your face!" She took deep breaths to stop her hysterics.

Alphard got beside her and she crouched down playing with his fur and kissing his forehead.

"You're mean," Greg pouted.

"Be careful about what you say in front of my mate, Greg. He's in his wolf skin." She winked at him. "I should help him with the transformation, we'll be back soon."

"No need to hurry," Greg grinned wickedly. Luna glared at him which only made him grin more.

She took Alphard out of the cell, locked it behind them and they went up to her cabin.

"Why is this so soft? I cannot get enough of it." She ran her hands over his fur and tickled him. He pushed her back and nuzzled against her neck, licked her lovingly and after a few minutes of playing, she sat up and held him at an arm's distance. "Now, focus. Human emotions and those that they make you feel."

Just like the first time, she never left his side. His screams were ceased this time too and he was back in his human skin in no time; quick compared to the first time. She was happy that he's learning fast, but what Alphard said after that wasn't what Luna expected to hear.

"Where did this come from?"


Author's Note:

⚠️WARNING⚠️: If you ever find yourself stuck in a forest, or in any situation similar to those described in this chapter, DO NOT use the tactics used by Luna (burning of hair to scare boars away, or using of vines to climb down a barranca, or any such thing whether if it has loosely packed soil, or not) Use methods which are more accurate as all those that are described here are of entirely MY IMAGINATION along with some KNOWLEDGE from the WEB SOURCES. Let's hope no one gets stuck in any such situations🤞🏻

This chapter took a long time before being updated, sorry! Anyways, what do you think has caught Alphard's attention soon after his transformation in Luna's cabin? Comment your predictions ;-)

Read my other stories on Wattpad #Crowded Silence (completed) #Holding On to Silence Until; You Came Along (ongoing)

Follow me here and on IG, link on my Wattpad profile, or simply type in anonymous_queendom

Read, comment, vote and share.

Thank you!

Hope you enjoy :-)

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