Black & White

By opheliaablake

828 83 0

Lily White is just your average 18 year old. A bright, sensible, fun-loving girl, finally off to college with... More

Chapter One | Lily POV
Chapter Two | Lily POV
Chapter Three | Harper POV
Chapter Four | Lily POV
Chapter Five | Daniel POV
Chapter Six | Lily POV
Chapter Seven | Daniel POV
Chapter Eight | Lily POV
Chapter Nine | Daniel POV
Chapter Ten | Lily POV
Chapter Eleven | Daniel POV
Chapter Twelve | Harper POV
Chapter Fourteen | Daniel POV
Chapter Fifteen | Lily POV
Chapter Sixteen | Daniel POV
Chapter Seventeen | Lily POV
Chapter Eighteen | Harper POV
Chapter Nineteen | Blade POV
Chapter Twenty | Lily POV
Chapter Twenty One | Daniel POV
Chapter Twenty Two | Lily POV
Chapter Twenty Three | Daniel POV
Chapter Twenty Four | Lily POV
Chapter Twenty Five | Daniel POV
Chapter Twenty Six | Lily POV
Chapter Twenty Seven | Daniel POV
Chapter Twenty Eight | Lily POV
Chapter Twenty Nine | DANIEL POV
Chapter Thirty | LILY POV
Chapter Thirty One | HARPER POV
Chapter Thirty Two | DANIEL POV
Chapter Thirty Three | LILY POV
Chapter Thirty Four | DANIEL POV
Chapter Thirty Five | LILY POV
Chapter Thirty Six | DANIEL POV
Chapter Thirty Seven | LILY POV
Chapter Thirty Eight | LILY POV
Chapter Thirty Nine | DANIEL POV
Chapter Forty | LILY POV
Chapter Forty One | DANIEL POV
Chapter Forty Two | LILY POV
Chapter Forty Three | DANIEL POV
Chapter Forty Four | LILY POV
Chapter Forty Five | DANIEL POV
Chapter Forty Six | LILY POV
Chapter Forty Seven | DANIEL POV
Chapter Forty Eight | LILY POV
Chapter Forty Nine | LILY POV
Chapter Fifty | DANIEL POV
Chapter Fifty One | LILY POV
Chapter Fifty Two | DANIEL POV
Chapter Fifty Three | LILY POV
Chapter Fifty Four | LILY POV
Chapter Fifty Five | DANIEL POV
Chapter Fifty Six | LIL POV

Chapter Thirteen | Lily POV

20 2 0
By opheliaablake

I am back in the deep, dark forest. The trees sway violently as if they're possessed. It is cold and I feel someone watching me from the bushes.

"Who's there? I scream."

No one answers.

I hear a crack come from behind me, I quickly spin around on my heels and I find a big, black beast with wide black eyes staring deep into my soul, I am terrified yet I can't look away.

What does this beast want?

I want to scream and when I open my mouth to try the beast lunges toward me.

I wake up in a cold sweat as I look around my surroundings, I remember something. When I met that man the first day near the bathroom, his eyes were honey-like but last night, when he was staring into my soul they were black.

How could that be?

I wondered.

I reach over and grab my phone off the side table and see a text from Harper.

'Let's get coffee, meet you down stairs in 10.'

I look at the time she sent her text, exactly 10 minutes ago.

I roll my eyes throwing the blanket off before getting out of bed.

"Harper!" I growl as I make my way down the dorm stairs to Harper waiting for me at the bottom. "You traitor, don't think I don't remember you giving in to that mystery man last night. What is with that?" I ask wondering why she is so submissive toward him.

"I dunno," she shrugged linking my arm. "I guess I just don't want to make any enemies so soon." She explains as we begin to walk to the cafe down the street.

"He is so... mesmerising though." I admit.

Harper stayed silent.

"I don't know what it is but I am drawn to him. It's weird my skin literally tingles when he touches me." I explain.

"You've let him touch you?" Harper demands.

"Well no," I blush at her words, "not exactly, just in moments we've accidentally came in contact. Like I stumbled outside the pizzaria and his touch..." I said getting lost in the memory.

Harper hardly spoke the whole way to the coffee shop.

We finally arrive at the cafe and upon entering the atmosphere instantly changed. He was here, I could feel it.

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Love Ophelia Blake x

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